Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Apa itu sebenarnya kekejaman? Saya takut mengatakan bahawa seseorang itu kejam. Ini kerana kita pun tidak tahu apa kita ini kejam atau tidak. Perbuatan dan keputusan boleh dikategorikan sebagai kejam sekira ianya diletakkan dalam konteks yang betul. Harimau menerkam manusia dan dengan kejamnya menyiat dan memakan daging mansgsanya. Apa tindakan harimau itu dianggap sebagai kejam? Tentu tidak? Tetapi kalau manusia sendiri membunuh dan memakan daging manusia apa itu dinamakan kejam? Tidak juga sekiranya ianya berlaku 1000 tahun dulu. Tetapi kalau ianya berlaku di zaman serba moden ini, bagaimana pula? Hanya Allah Sahaja Yang Maha Berkuasa dan Maha mengetahui..

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Marketing concept is known to be a powerful thoughts and ideas that can kill a competitor. Is it true? The concept is based on the all-understanding of consumers as the target for the attack. Be it in the daylight or in the night, or in whatever situations, when the customer is fully understood and with the right ammunition, the customer can be easily targetted and shot to death..So cruel, forgive me for being so cruel in the expression but knowing the target, such words can be easily understood and remembered. Marketing is not that all powerful. In Allah I seek help and protection. Allah the All Powerful and the Al-Mighty.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

sancturate the feeling...

Fardhu Kifayah should be understood in terms of the word `kelompok'. Kita semua merupakan kelompok yang sangat memerlukan sesuatu dalam pelbagai situasi dan keadaan. Jadi mesti ada kelompok menanam dan pembuat, kelompok pengedar, dan lain-lain dan kesemua kelompok mesti berkerjasama dan komited terhadap aktiviti yang sedang dilakukan. Jangan biarkan elemen atau anasir yang boleh menghancurkan kesyahduan kejadian yang tercipta. Siapa boleh menolak deria rasa, perasaan kita yang banyak itu dan sensasi yang mengatasi perkara asasi. Perlu dipenuhi setiap hari pagi, pada sebelah petang, malam, dan situasi situasi tertentu pada masa masa tertentu. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segala-galanya.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kisah cinta...

Topik begini mengundang pembaca ke blog saya kerana ingin tahu apa sebenarnya dimaksudkan oleh kisah cinta itu. Pada mereka yang bergelar remaja sudah tentu kisah cinta merupakan satu krangka frame gambar yang memaparkan kisah yang indah indah. Kisah cinta saya? Sebenarnya sehingga ke hari ini saya masih lagi mencari apa perasaan itu yang sebenarnya. Mungkin hanya ada satu kisah cinta buat saya. Apa dia? Cinta kepada apa yang dipanggil cinta abadi. Memohon dan berdoa agar saya terasa juga perasaan itu satu hari nanti. Mungkinkah saya sudah dan sedang merasainya? Hanya kepada Allah saya memohon perlindungan.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the meaning...

yesterday you were laughing heartily. i have to wait for today to see the meaning. yesterday is meaninglesss. today is meaningful. hari ini kita berdoa. bila pulak kita akan bersyukur di atas apa yang di doakan?  A picture is meaningless until you see the next or another picture of his. being in class you are meaningless. but wait when you see her in the facebook. Beauty now. but what next?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

the world is yours...

my world is my understanding. my understanding are the words i used to describe it. so be your own words and the world is yours. Understand Allah beginning with `bacalah dengan nama Allah.'

Friday, June 17, 2011

the parting of ways...

If it is going to be so, then so be it. It has been a common sight, but it has not been a common thought. They see it differently. And so I am. I give a different meaning. They too have been very different. I have my meaning. They have theirs. What about the truth? Hanya Allah sahaja yang maha mengetahui. Kita mesti berusaha dan sentiasa berdoa mencari makna kepada apa yang dilalui. Menemui yang hak dan berhak dan menjauhkan diri dari yang batil. The parting of ways. ALLAH yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segala-galanya.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Roaming on the other side...

Ingatlah satu perkara sebelum satu perkara yang lain datang. The roaring side of life but know little on the roaring side of death. Ini kerana ada empat perkara lain yang perlu dilalui sebelum datangnya empat perkara yang lain. But the regrettable part is that we tend to do an overkill onto what we are supposed to do before we are moved to the other side of life, that is death. Extremism of all sorts denies the rightful place of the so-called precious life and other living and non-living things on this planet. Allah is Great protects Al-Quran from any wrongdoing hand of those whose roaming in life is for life and not death...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

in their old ways...

What I can say about others are that they are very definite about others in their old ways. What about in their new ways? Old relationship thrives because of old ways. Close relationship among family members are the result of knowing one another in their old ways. But others might want them to be perceived as a new person with a brand new car or with a respected social position. But old feeling and perception still thrived. Jika saudara menghadiri majlis perkahwinan kawan lama atau ahli keluarga sendiri, sudah pasti anda akan berdepan dengan kisah baru dan kisah lama ini. Satu konflik bukan? Hanya Allah sahaja yang kekal, tidak ada baru dan tidak ada lama. Allah kekal buat selama-lamanya.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

sure of tomorrow..

Eluded by the fallacies of the small thought, seems insignificant but spells big and override all the so-called `supposed to' and `have to' that seems too sure about you and tomorrow. Check how energy and when energy flows best. Only in Allah saya memohon kekuatan dan kepastian terhadap hari esok.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

When energy tries to move upwards...

the world then shall experience a destructive explosion. There would be flash of light for sometime, darkness then shall hover the world and man shall experience the regrets they have never felt before. The genuine `fitrah' principle of engergy is that it flows downwards helping the empty space to be filled. It helps in giving strength to the needy and the have-nots. Allah is Great. Roh Islam berlaku adil kepada semua. Tidak ada terpinggir, tidak ada yang terbuang, dan tidak ada yang  terpisah. If it still so happen, manusia telah mengalihkan pengaliran energy kepada yang tidak berhak. Lantas when the energy tries to move upward, unimaginable destruction shall occur....Hanya kepada Allah kita memohon keampunan dan perlindungan.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fear for the unknown..It has been there...

Kepada Allah saya memohon keampunan dan perlindungan...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

light and handy...

The opposite is big and bulky...I have opted to be a person of light and handy in all ways I can and try to avoid a situation where I might be big and bulky. Question, is it possible I can always be light and handy? Is it a matter of fate despite the consciousness of all factors that can contribute to being either light or bulky? Kepada Allah saya memohon keampunan.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fissures and leakages...

It takes long years to the widening of fissures and leakages of modernization. The fissures and the leakages are not well-tapped and channeled so as to benefit the public at large. I have my own fiissures and leakages to no where but myself. World is yet to see in the whole and proper system of human networking that can benefit the generations to come. Can they? With the help of Allah the Al-Mighty, systems widened and system closed would make us see the light at the end of the tunnel..InsyaAllah.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

soaring in the sky, roaring in the seas..

Only the ONE HIGHER SOURCE is the determinant. Allah is Great. No matter whether you are soaring in the sky, or roaring in the seas, or struggling on the ground, the one source, the only ONE HIGHER SOURCE of strength is from Allah the Al-Mighty, the Gracious, and Most Merciful...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tercipta dan kreativiti...

Ia merupakan sumbangan bidang-bidang yang berfungsi menjayakan process kehidupan. Maka terciptalah sesuatu yang memberi kepuasan yang maksima sesuai dengan masa dan ketika ini. Kejayaan kehidupan juga merupakan terongkainya fungsi segala bidang ilmu yang mana akhirnya akan membawa kemaknaan, kemakmuran, dan keimanan kepada manusia sesebuah negara. Lantas setiap individu akan dapat mengecap kemanisannya.  Sesungguhnya janganlah ada tangan yang merosakkan perjalanan proses yang memperlengkapan dan memerlukan antara bidang dengan bidang yang lain. Sujud, sembah, berdoa dan mohonlah kepada Allah agar segala-galanya berjalan dengan baik dan terhindarnya kita dari sebarang bentuk perkara yang boleh merosakkan.

Friday, June 3, 2011

simple and anti-confusion...

We shunned something that appears complex. Is it a natural thing to the mind which hates confusion especially how, what, when to begin and being perceived as complex at the end? A simple thought but it took years to have a true comprehension of what it actually is. Just have a look at someone and a product's success, simple on the surface and yet when looking at the process it has to undergo, it might be just a mind boggling...how do they do it? Allah is great..dipermudahkan segala-galanya. Mintalah. Pasti akhirnya dirasai satu kepuasan dan kemanisan yang sukar diungkapkan dengan kata-kata...

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Everybody has a brain and it is a source as to what we are now. The inner content contributes to the processing of the mind-set and and thus activities that has been picked up after that. I am what I am. Yes I am what I am until my mind has been reset and I am alerted to different set of things. Thus a new source takes over from the previous one. I am stunned by the differences in different individuals and  people. The society and the strata in social inclination can contribute to the fake source of understanding and consciousness. Hanya sumber dari Allah Yang Maha Besar menyebabkan perlakuan saya ini dan juga selepas ini...Kerana itu kepada Allah saya memohon..

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

beyond today...a step further..

The power is just not there. So are skills and ability, it is just not there. Can we they go a step further? He has stopped going beyond till...Till what? Everything about a person, is it being reflected by capabilities or incapabilities? In short term we can say his capabilities and skills shall carry the day despite his big and clumsy physical self. But when comes to longer and bigger things, the power is just not there. He can be neither as helpless as a snail or can he be as fast as rabbit. He got to get help in order to be as fast as he can in order to reach the finishing line. Hanya kepada Allah kita memohon perlindungan dalam mengharungi kehidupan ini.