Tuesday, December 31, 2013

tomorrow is 1 January 2014...

....and tomorrow is first of January 2014. Looking back all those years, life has been kind to me despite the uncertainties of path to be taken in the beginning. Syukur saya kepada Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengetahui akan segala Rahsia kejadianNya.


Monday, December 30, 2013


The first thought that strikes me the instance I woke up signifying the Greatness of Allah. It defines and it is definite in the sense that the consciousness is strictly mine. It defines what I can and what I can't. It defines the truly whole me, who I am, and what I am capable of. Whatever forms it takes of the consciousness are strictly mine. All the senses have been actively activated and thus make this writing possible. Something have been thrown out into the universe be-spelling the act of `sharing' to another consciousness of different forms and shapes. Is it an act of sharing? Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Tidak ada keajaiban pada muka manusia. Sama sahaja. Kesemua mereka mempunyai hanya satu lapisan peluang dalam segala-galanya. Tidak dua dan tidak tiga. Apa dia lapisan yang satu itu? Mudah. Kalau tidak hidup, mati. Tidak mengira pangkat dan darjat. Tidak mengira muda dan tua. Tidak mengira lelaki dan perempuan. Tidak mengira bodoh dan cerdik. Sama sahaja. Tidak mengira tempat dan masa.

Tetapi malang sekali, ramai telah dirosakkan dengan palitan pengaruh duniawi yang tidak henti henti asakan nya. Yang satu lapisan itu telah menjadi ribuan kepuraan dan kepalsuan. Firaun bermegah dengan binaan piramid melambangkan pangkat dan darjat. Apakah ia berpanjangan? Hidup tetap dengan noktahnya, mati.

Tidak terkecuali dengan kisah kisah di zaman ini. Ada saat dan ketika, saya juga tidak terkecuali dari menjadi mangsa pengaruh itu. Ada kala saya meragui sesuatu di atas dasar palitan pengaruh duniawi yang bukan bukan. Sedangkan dengan jelas segala gala yang tercipta adalah anugerah dari Allah.

Apa tidakkah disedari saya masih hidup, bernafas dan masih lagi bernyawa dan dapat lagi menulis sesuatu di pagi Ahad ini? Adakah ianya satu anugerah? Janganlah berhenti mengucapkan banyak kesyukuran kepada Allah. Mengapa perlu kita berdusta? Semoga kita sentiasa dalam PerlindunganNYA.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

thinking straight..?

It has been nobody's business to think straight. I don't. Do you? The fear is real. But it has been nobody's business to know what is real and what is not. I don't.
I am no part to what is actually real. Am I real? Ask anybody. They talk about fairness, but they don't really see others as part of that fairness. They talk about success. But most of the time the word success has been selfishly defined. So is the barber. Despite the money we give them, the barber forgets whose hair they have been cutting. So are all the leaders. So are all the followers. The leaders forget who and why they lead. The followers forget whom they have been following. Nobody seems real. That is what reality is all about. I am just me, doing fine with what I have been doing all this while. That is real. What about you?


Friday, December 27, 2013


Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.

Yesterday night I was watching `The Impossible', a story on Tsunami that happened in December 2004. The story was based on a true story of a tourist family in Thailand caught in the destruction and chaotic aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Life and its uncertainties. It could be anywhere, anytime. And it could happened to anybody. A well linked family members can be instantly snapped away from each other after tsunami has thrown each and everyone of them into a world of desolation, sorrow and pain. But with persistence and belief, the family members were united.

Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Berkuasa Lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Sebarang ujian yang menimpa, dengan ketabahan dan kesabaran, Allah akan mempertemukan cahaya selepas bergelut dengan perasaan kehampaan buat seketika.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Satu akal...

Hari ini saya telah disedarkan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan satu akal. Boleh dimengertikan sebagai satu cara dan gaya hidup yang sama. Tidak menyedari bahawa kebebasan hidup tidak hanya berpaksikan kepada satu akal, tetapi berlandaskan kepelbagaian sudut, perspektif, strategi yang boleh mencorak hidup yang lebih progresif dan lebih bertamaddun. Semoga dengan kesedaran ini terjana sejuta cara yang menghilangkan seberapa banyak duka. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It is quite different now...

The basis for anything is not that many now. It is a straightforward case. Not so much thinking goes into it. This is because what has been submerged before has emerged into something more meaningful. I am very much a free man now. Not in the narrowest of the words but in the widest sense that touches `all corners' of the universe. In Allah I seek refuge from evils that try to destroy the straight path laid for me. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

what the smiles are all about...

When you are sick do you smile? Well, it is very logical if you don't. But even in sickness one can smile more often than when he is not. Could there be a reason as to why we don't smile? Ask him or her why the smile? The response could be just another smile...Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

independence or dependence...

Are we so dependent on what our weaknesses are? That is what it seems to be. All those postures are very much cultured-based. It appears they are just doing their best at acting - acting their way out. Out to where? Just can't say it. I might be wrong. Hanya Allah sahaja Yang Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Some thoughts can be categorized as `antics'. The intention is good, but soon the aura of what was before and old begins to emerge. I was often perceptually misplaced in most situation of contacts, relationships, opinions, and  activities, especially as to what has happened in the past, long long time ago. Of course, there are few who can be very intuitive and emphatic. But back then in those days, I was that kind of person who can so easily injected and infected. But not now. But I am conscious of the fact I have to face it everyday now, antics or no antics. Despite I am free to choose, the recurrences of antics could still be found here and there, or either when I am with him or her or `her' or with `anybody' for that matter. In other words, what they perceive of me is, `I was what I am', or `I am what I was'. What happened to `I am what I am?' Hopefully what I write is not a reflection of those `antics'. I am what I am. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, December 20, 2013

remembered best...

Just love to know how I am being remembered. Am I? Yes you are remembered, but could only by an element in you or in a situation of extreme cases that you might or might not be conscious of. Haha..if that is the case, what about those who have not seen or talk to me for that matter? Well, psychologist have made a research, if they notice an element in you just like them (either represented by what you write or how you look) then you shall be remembered. It could be something to share especially in extreme cases of happiness and sadness. If it is something in the middle, then you are just nowhere in their memory because you have never been part of their dream. Does that matter to you if you are not remembered?  What matters most how Allah remembers me. But how? Allah Knows All. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

perception..the sixthe sense

You could be right and you could be wrong. If a man lies dead, sense of smell of the corpse would just prove that. Supposedly the real one would be the real truth. 

Not necessarily with society at large on almost on everything.To prove an opinion, would need a sixth sense, that is a sense of different kind that is perception. Perception does not emits smell, or for that matter it does emit anything. But with right strategy and right tactics, an opinion can smell bad, it stinks. It could create a false sense of security in the name of belief. And in some instances it could be perceived as truth. 

Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa  dan Ketentuan SebenarNya adalah Hak Allah Pencipta Alam Semesta. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

di sebalik kata-kata...life indeed is a game...

Suka dan marah mungkin melewati pengertian yang diungkapkan. Sayang boleh diertikan sebagai hanya sayang. Kita marah kerana tidak ada cara menyampaikan sesuatu maksud. Mungkin jalan yang paling mudah adalah dengan memarahi sahaja orang tersebut.

Situasi yang spesifik khusus untuk diri jarang dimengerti. It takes one-to-one situation to understand it all. Kita mungkin menyampah dengan perlakuan yang tidak bersungguh-sungguh. Tetapi mungkin perasaan malu yang sangat menebal menyebabkan wajah tidak tersenyum apa lagi ketawa. Mungkin kita marah tetapi pada hakikatnya kita menyukainya.

Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Kehidupan tidak mengizinkan kita angkuh. Dalam sedar atau tidak, ianya mungkin cetusan dari kata-kata, keputusan, dan perbuatan. Apa jua `kemenangan' yang dikecapi, ianya hanya bersifat semantara. Air sungai boleh mengubah segala-galanya. Laut boleh meranapkan segala-galanya. Berlakunya bencana samaada yang dekat dengan kita, mahupun yang jauh, dulu dan sekarang, boleh dijadikan contoh dan tauladan. Ianya telah memutuskan, merobohkan dan memberhentikan segala keseronokkan duniawi dalam sekelip mata sahaja. Umur seseorang dan kematian sudah pasti merupakan faktor di mana ianya di luar jangkauan manusia untuk memikir dan mengawalnya. Ianya pasti berlaku kepada setiap yang bernyawa. Allah sahaja yang Kekal. Kepada Allah kita berserah, memohon pertolongan, perlindungan, taufik dan hidayah dalam menghadapi kehidupan ini. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 16, 2013

ini dan itu, dia dan saya...semalam dan hari ini..

Dilihat begitu bagi memudahkan penegertian yang menguatkan. Lantas terasa KekusaanNYA ke atas Segala-Gala nya.Tidak diumumkan kerana segala pergerakkan adalah di atas sifatnya yang tersendiri dan boleh behenti bila mana dan masa yang dikehendakkiNYA. Sana adalah sana. Tidak tersini dan tersana sesuatu mengikut kata diri ini melainkan dengan Kekuasaan Allah yang Menguasai Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

my energy or yours?

In everything, it is either mine or yours. Can it be both? In a selling situation, the child's energy overpower the mother and the father. What about a  boss? The employee under hin could turn the management upside down. Then where is the rationale of all good things? Does it comes from below or from top? Surely it is the manager's energy more than the subordinates. Despite that, it is always a fighting game, my energy or yours? Kepada Allah kita berserah. Kepada Allah kita memohon taufik dan hidayah. Allahuakbar.

merasai kebenaran...

Pada mulanya ianya meragukan kerana taburan kekeliruan di sana sini. Merasai kebenaran adalah sesuatu yang di kira aneh buat seseorang. Tetapi ianya sangat diperlukan. Lantas ianya diusahakan selalu. Pada mulanya ianya mengkhuatirkan. Dengan perkembangan, apa yang dulu dirasai, lain pula yang dirasai sekarang. Apa yang terkini itu benar atau sekadar merupakan satu khayalan juga? Apakah jati diri sebelum ini hanya pura puraan? Apa ianya masih dibayangi oleh laluan fikir dan rasa yang sudah-sudah dan lampau-lampau? Yang ternampak dulunya,  sekarang masih lagi ternampak. Terfikir dulu juga terfikir sekarang? Keseronokkan dulu keseronokkan juga sekarang. Justeru itu, di manakah perubahannya? Kepada Allah saya berserah dan bermohon taufik dan hidayah. Allahuakabar.

Friday, December 13, 2013

secerok rasa, sepuntal hati...

Lama aku cuba memahami diri aku ini. Bukan apa..kehidupan keseluruhanya telah sampai ke tahap ini. Apakah ianya telah dijangka? Mana nak di sangka bahwa hidup ini sangat begini. Terasa tersesat dalam diri sendiri. Jika negeri aku ada highway atau lebuhraya yang menghubungkan, tidak terkecuali dengan apa yang terdapat dalam diri aku. Aku boleh kemana dengan sedikit keketaraan dalam hati. Semua berjalan lancar dengan sendiri. Orang Indonesia kata `tidak bisa' tetapi aku mengatakan semua nya boleh belaka. Walaupun sekatan itu ada, tetapi bagi aku sekatan itu tidaklah merupakan penghalang yang menghalang. Kebebasan ada had dan batasan. Hanya menghalang jika ianya boleh memudaratkan semua. Kepada Allah saya berserah memohon pertolongan, perlindungan, kekuatan, kekayaan, kekuasaan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Maaf kawan...

Maaf kawan..you will be seeing less of me in the FB. Don't think I deserve the attention anymore. I have led a different path now. It is so much of inner road of my inner self that shall be the focus and path to follow. I have been picking up a new landscape of thoughts and thinking. A big thank you for all the likes and the dislikes. Kepada Allah saya berserah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

making sense of what my life is all about..

It also means trying to make sense of what has happened to me. The moment it happens it is so difficult to have a grasp what and why it takes place. But I have come this far. Yes, you might not like it. Or you might feel you are flying to another planet, it does not matter, just say it. And saying it all, and having it all linked together, you would slowly come to your sense - a consciousness of a kind. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

maka diperjelaskan lagi...

Nampak kah saya kepada bintik hitam itu di permukaan muka kamu? Soalan itu nampak remeh kepada yang meremehkan. Tetapi soalan yang sama boleh meningkatkan mertabat seseorang dalam konteks kejadian dan ciptaan Allah. Kecil, walaupun bintik kecil, kepada empunya diri yang memiliki muka itu, ianya merupakan satu gangguan yang sangat besar. Justeru itu, bagi mata yang memandang dan memilikki hati pencipta yang amat tinggi, maka terciptalah penawar yang dapat menghapuskan bintik hitam yang kecil itu. Lantas termakna bahawa kebahagiaan itu merupakan dua hala. Ianya tidak bersifat sebelah. Tengok kaki, tengok tangan, terangkatnya kepada sesuatu tahap mertabat memerlukan dua belah tangan dan dua belah kaki yang bergerak dan dua hati yang berpadu kasih dalam usaha mengegerakkan kebaikan dan kebahagiaan itu. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 9, 2013

setiap detik yang memberi pelajaran dan pengajaran...

It is all in the lesson of discover and discovery. The lapses of time unfold stories of untold lessons of mankind being the person they are both nice, good , and bad. What about evil? It is all in the lesson of putting words in the right place or just delete it for the sake of justice and justification for life here and hereafter.  Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Terpaksa mengungkapkan perkataan `sendiri'. Dirasai bahawa hidup ini, walaupun nampak megah dan gah, manusia cepat lupa akan penderitaan yang pernah dilaluinya. Jangan terperangkap dengan sikap angkuh manusia walaupun senyuman diberi dan tangan menghulur salam tetapi hati bersalut duri dan onar. Kepada Allah saya berserah memohon Kekayaan, Pertolongan dan Perlindungan. Sesungguhnya Pemilikan Yang Sebenar pada Segala-GalaNya hanya Milik Mu, Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

perhubungan ghaib yang membesarkan Allah...

Setiap orang yang di cipta NYA dibiarkan mencari DIA sehingga kita merasai sesuatu berlaku yang sangat tersendiri dalam diri seseorang. Unsur kawalan dalam berbagai bentuk deria rasa, perasaaan, dan pengetahuan telah membuat diri ini terpegun sejenak menanyakan sesuatu yang belum pernah di tanya. Tetapi semuanya seakan akan  mencetuskan jawapan kepada pertanyaan terhadapnya sebelum ini. Allah telah menjadikan kerangka jentera fikir yang sangat unik menghubungkan segala fitrah fizikal mental dekat dan jauh dan semuanya boleh di bicara dan berbicara, singgah menyinggah tidak tentu bila tetapi dirasakan semua terbina dan sememangnya ada. Lantas terciptalah segala segala dalam bentuk tulisan ini dan Allah terus membiarkan kita mencari dan di cari dalam kesedaran yang sangat tersendiri tetapi berkongsi bagi mereka yang tercipta di zaman ini. ALLAHUAKBAR.

Friday, December 6, 2013

wisdom and dynamism in disasters..

Not that many behaves truly to the spirit of a disaster. In the wake of big flood that strike the three East Coast States of Peninsular Malaysia, only on the third day help begins to come in. The true spirit of a disaster has not well catch up with the Malaysian. This is because experiences of this nature have not well catch up with us like those countries that are well tuned to earthquakes, volcanoes eruption and floods bigger in magnitude than found in those three East Coast States of Pahang, Terengganu, and Kelantan. Semoga kita sentiasa dalam perlindungan NYA. Allahuakbar. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

in one's face..

Are found all the indulgences and the cruelties of one kind or another. Selfishness is the theme of opportunities and strength. But when life is taking a drastic turn for the worse, indulgences and cruelties were found to be only his and not others. Semoga kita sentiasa dalam perlindungan NYA. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

dalam semua masa ada satu rasa..

Despite the many looks, despite all the hearings, all the seeings, all the writings and all the expressions, all the experiences in all those times and in all those years, there is only one feel at and in one time. Thus life makes easier and manageable. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Death has always been my curiousity....

Since small, death has a special place in thought and in me. It has been with me all the time. There is a picture of mine, way back year 1966, I wrote something at the back of the picture. What did I write? `This man dies young. Pity him'. Looking it over, thinking it over, my experiences brushing with death have been a curiousity more than anything. Just dare not to venture any further on this topic. But the thought stays. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 2, 2013

monday morning...

I should start somewhere. Some says start with a simple activity. Then comes up with a simple thought. Keep on thinking. Thought would undergo a massive `earthquakes' of all sizes and shapes before it stabilizes. Be patient and keep on moving. Seek help and give help. InsyaAllah, after all those turbulence and turmoil, it ends with a simple and a satisfying smile. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

in place...

Life is like a web of a spider. Despite the perceived entanglements in the beginning, with the passing of a day from another day to another day, all seems to be converging from and to a place. Allahuakbar. 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

time is getting shorter and thinner...

As one grows older, time tends to get shorter. Measurement is no longer by the day but by the month. Even a month is not that long to wait. Soon a year would be just like yesterday. Time does fly. A day in a day out. Soon you would lose track of month and year. A politician would soon face another general election. Sad to say if they find themselves `not ready yet'. A student would soon see himself or herself as a wife or husband. Some just couldn't belief it -  their younger and youthful days are over. They themselves have babies to carry. A career man and woman would soon find himself not in the job market anymore. Some would walk with a cane and without a pain. But others might be all-pain and no walk. When would be the most awaited moment for me? When and what would I be in 10 years time? Would there still be `why' and `how'? Would I still be breathing? I am holding my breath to answer that. Allahuakbar.

Friday, November 29, 2013

a small world indeed...

A small space and a small consciousness and a small use just good enough for a small time smaller than anything you can think of. But in there lies the minutes of science and sciences that transform the smallness of the small step of mankind moving towards an evolution only Allah can spell and determine the greatness in all the creations, existence, and the eventual destruction. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I am my own permission...

So what prevents me from doing what I am going to do? Nobody. Allah is Great, the Knows-All. That is what happened when an Hindustani film is trying to suppressed my own strength of my own permission. And so are the authoritative trying to suppress the logic and the obvious. I have and I am my own permission. And I am going to see that I am supreme and sovereign in all those matters. Allah is great. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

tersentuh kunci Allah...?

Aku tersentuh sesuatu hari ini. Aku ternampak kunci. Didekati. Di pegang. Ya Allah, terasa nikmat dengan ungkapan ungkapan apabila kunci itu digunakan. Meresap masuk ketenangan dan kesyukuran. Adakah itu permulaan kepada satu kekayaan dan perjalanan hidup yang diberkati ? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Never occur to me before, in discussing marketing environment, only two types of environment  are often being mentioned and discussed. - internal and external. That is because I am very much a man after something. But not anymore. There is one type of environment I have never said succinctly, clearly, and directly, that is eternal environment. Allahuakbar.

Monday, November 25, 2013

a territory in itself...

The difference is in the communication direction that can explain a dimension of contact. If that is the farthest it can go, it explains a unique situation of mind and mental of that particular person. Inclusive the obsession and the fear that can upheld a wrong understanding and belief. As such, a divine knowledge, stems from the consciousness of Allah is needed. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

shall there be a repetition...?

I am a man of `only after' and not so much of `while'.  Wonder why I fail miserably in fighting with myself when I am in the territory of `while'? As such many think I am an easy prey for what they wished of me. Time and again, I fall prey to something that can be  an obvious con situation. Hope with me being more internal now, I shall be sober enough not to be obsessed with something I don't belong, the messy externals.Ya Allah kepada Mu Ya Allah saya memohon kekuatan dalam menghadapi ini semua. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

internals vs externals...

It is easy if I am talking about marketing. I know fully well the theory of SWOTS representing strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat. Based on it, a marketing plan is being drafted. But it is different when handling myself. I know what are externals and what are internals. Looking at the manner I am brought up, I am inclined to have externals dictating my decisions. In other words I have been fully externalized, so to speak. To an extent what is mine is not mine. Very committed to the well-being of others. Not anymore. I can't afford to have that stance anymore. I realized it now. The world and the people out there are well based on their selfish internals and then comes the lopsided  decisions of whether one is powerful and the other is not. Why should they bother if what is outside does not benefit them? I am humbled by the thought. Ya Allah hamba memohon keampunan dalam melakar apa yang dilakarkan. Berilah hamba Mu ini kekuatan dan pertolongan dalam menghadapi ini semua. Allahuakbar.

Friday, November 22, 2013


They are only interested in pushing and fighting for their cause - and could be a product of just one need. Beware of characters that don't have an outlet to sell their products and they are trying their cunning best to make your outlet as theirs. As far as I am concerned, their empathy is nil. Don't get caught in a situation where I might forget my own mission. And it has to be accomplished too within a prescribed time.  My belief is a firm one and they are trying to make it seen as just nothing. I have life to live. And I have a lot of products and needs to manage. Kepada Allah saya memohon pertolongan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

kena berani..

Jangan mudah dipermainkan. Dia asyik memaparkan pandangan, dan kamu asyik berlembut walaupun dalam semangat keras. Jika kamu rasa kecil oleh kerana itu, kena ubah keadaan dan kedudukan. Dan beri tentangan. Segala-galanya kerana Allah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Still sensing...

The all integrative and the all inclusive - a stage set for all things and everybody. Moving towards ONE. Am I still adding? Am I still doing the subtraction? Still doing the sensing and the monitoring? Still doing the manipulations of worldly one? Am I still being followed? Or very much in the sense of following?  Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

it is my voice now...

Sea of voices...and i must listen to my own voice. It is going to be hard, giving what I have been hearing all these years. But with concentration and focus, I shall be able to hear and visualize my own voice, and in the process, freeing myself from unnecessary entanglements of falsehoods and realities. Allahuakbar.

Monday, November 18, 2013

terbaca, terkata...

Yang pasti, hanya dengan ilmu Allah yang hakiki, maka segala yang terbaca dan terkata memilki roh kebenaran tiupan dari semangat Islam dan tidak ada penghujungnya. Saya bersendirian. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

the less the clamouring...

Need not be too hard on myself. Don't have to be the first being noticed or being sought after. The less in the clamoring of things, the more are the chances for being what you wish to become. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

am I losing something...?

Despite the `promise' of nearness, but with the change in time and situations, I have been losing almost everyone of whom I have been so near before. In actual fact life promises nothing. This is because remembering and associating has been the function of age, problems and situations. To that, I am now very much independent of all associations associated before.Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, November 15, 2013

space life cycle...

Yes. I have found my new space in life. Apart the everything, the holidays, the expenses and the income, the worries, and the happiness, my business has been part to it. Feel convenient. Feel well-fitted and well-matched. It is a cycle alright. It is called as `myspace' of lifecycle - space life cycle. If ever I feel I am nobody to them, I am just human who has never been near them despite within their vicinity. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Certain things in us are prehistoric in nature and in quest and in searchings. It just can't go away that easy. Inner thoughts and inner thinking are such lovely words and phrases. But in actuality it is not functioning as we want it to be. In those words and phrases, in actual fact we are in disguise of what our instincts really are - much of an animal instinct in some actions and thinking, so to speak. For those retail organization selling food and drinks, and other daily  conveniences, in actual fact they are accommodating the prehistoric instincts found in each and everyone of us. Wallahualam. Sebagai seorang Islam, kita sentiasa berdoa di beri taufik dan hidayah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Managing urge and passion..is it prehistoric..?

Everyday we are faced with the basics in urges. It can be a sexual urge, a strong desire and passions for drinking, eating, hating, and liking somebody and something for no clear reasons. Islam gives us a big space, in terms of rewards and punishment as set by Sunnahs of prophet's Muhammad and Quranic verses in dealing with all those passions and urges. Semoga diberi Kekuatan, Pertolongan, dan Perlindungan dari Allah dalam menghadapi itu semua. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

still in a million year old darkness...

Despite a million year old existence and living, but in several dimensions, we still live in a million year old world of darknesses. It seems the world is being created this very minute. Some medium, despite the million year old setting, still with a million year old of darknesses. Are we still among the million year old audiences with a million year old fear? Are we not being given the taste of enlightenment and consciousness? Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Monday, November 11, 2013


It is not finished yet. However, whatever, would it still be me and would it be the same path to follow? Not a slightest hint of what is going to come. Really? Or all along it has been the realization of what I wished for? One after another dreams come true, and I am so grateful to Allah the Al-Mighty. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

makluk bumi...

Sebagai makluk bumi ciptaan Allah, sudah pasti  bumi itu sendiri menyimpan segala rahsia untuk kita berilmu, berbumi, berbudi dan berbakti. Maha Besar Allah telah mencipta manusia dengan segala bentuk gandingan Ciptaan yang unik, telah menjadi teras ilmu yang tidak ada penghujungnya. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui, dengan berpandukan Al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasul, makluk bumi telah diberi ruang dan peluang bagi tercapainya segala bentuk kejayaan, lantas membawa kepada kebahagiaan kehidupan keseluruhanya. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

the very first instance...

Trying to get the first feel of thought line and thought flow of everything and anything. If pictures to go by, then what could be the secret of this picture taken at Jeju Island? Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Menghurmati perbezaan...

Memahami dan menghurmati perbezaan merupakan tonggak kepada segala pengertian. Tidak di jadikan sesuatu dengan begitu sahaja. Di sebalik Segala-Gala nya tersimpan rahsia kehidupan yang tidak mudah diselongkar dan di kupas. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Lagi Menguasai terhadap Segala Apa Yang Terjadi. Dan kita masih mencari walaupun dalam keadaan hati yang terguris dan memendam rasa. Hati yang tidak mengenal cuti dan berakhir dengan mati. Apa dengan kematian berhentinya segala apa yang dicari dan hendak dimengerti? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

it has been refreshing...

Just back from South Korea visiting Jeju Island and Busan. What a trail and it is truly a refreshing trip. I have been thrown to the other side of the planet, so to speak. Being punished to the bones, I am a new man with regard to anger and passion. And I am in love. Words said and it is justified by actions and behavior. Jeju Island's theme of existence has been `only in jeju'. The people really proud of three things that symbolized their autonomous success. The three's are woman, rocks, and winds. It has become their pillar of concerned and existence and contributes to the people's economy, courtesy, and diplomacy. And for 3 days I were there, I was part of it. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Sebarang dan Segala Perbezaan CiptaanNya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Visiting jeju island South Korea..

It has been a while I wrote something in my blog. This is because from 31 October 2013 to 4 November 2013, I am not in my usual self in being at the same place. For now I just want to share my pictures at Jeju Island. More stories and pictures are going to be posted.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

To each from each...

To each place, time, and minute, is the contribution from each of the element set well backed by the  things done and don't. It is a kind of visible to the eyes, but in terms of heart, mind, and soul, it unfolds the mystery of the creations by Allah the Al-Mighty. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thoughts in trillion pieces. Is it enough..?

Thoughts in trillion bits and pieces. However organized we are, nothing is ours. We talk, we ask, we walk, we smile. Nothing is farther from the truth. So near yet so far. Despite the organization in everything, we still have to do the talking, do the asking, do the walking, do the smiling. We do it everyday without the bored feeling of doing it. Why? That is what life is meant to be. In terms of distance we are just powerless. And the obvious power limit itself in the talking, in the asking, in the walking, in the smiling. What next belongs to the Al-Mighty Allah. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 28, 2013

fear not...

An endless sign of stupidities and ignorance..
A very definite sign in time, space and words..of wants and needs..
An eye for something?
A brain for and of nothing?
An energy of just breathe and breathing..
A world of no planets and of no countries,
Just a world of my and mine,
Soon zap by time, remain helpless..

Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Kebesaran dan Jelmaan..

Tidakkah kita menyedari dan menginsafi bahawa selama ini apa yang dicari telah dipertemukan?
Tidakkah disedari bahawa penemuan itu merupakan jelmaan Kebesaran Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa?
Tidakkah hari ini lebih baik kerana telah meredai apa yang telah dipertemukan?

Saturday, October 26, 2013


A strange twist of events and stories. It can happen at any time, at any place, and at any person. So strange a feeling that it blurs everything that comes in contact with. Being old and at the same time being young. Being a happy person, but why the sadness. Being creepy but truthful to the blood and the bones. Being funny but what listens, who listens, and who cares. Could it be just another awakening? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 25, 2013


This word `justification' has been an alien to me for so long. Have I not realized that it is a word that can explained the existence I have had and makes me what I am? Somebody tries to usurp that power and tries to make me guilty of what I am and what supposedly to be mine. Has not death, when it comes be strictly mine? Can anybody takes that from me? Nobody has been alienated to that.This world and events, past and present, are a display of what justifies what. And wonder why the alienation to the understanding of that word for so long? Any justification? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

siang membawa ke malam...

Orang yang tidak berdisiplin dan suka bertangguh, kerja kepadanya terbawa ke malam. Orang yang selalu bersedih, sedihnya dari malam terbawa ke siang. Orang yang hidup kerana Allah, malam adalah malam, siang adalah siang. Kerjanya teratur seperti putaran dunia yang sentiasa betul pada masa, saat dan ketikanya. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

a strategy..

A word for word, mark for marks, but not this time around. A high score for a small effort. An anger for a smile. How could it can be a cure to ailments of pain and suffering, in heart and mind? A cure could be in a long journey but of no good to the mind and brain. A millionaire in the making but with no definite strategy? A stretch is not a stretching. A long time is not in the whole day. A secret is of no secret. A wait is not just in waiting. A walking is not just in a walk. A success is not just in the dollar and the ringgit. It could just be a dream. It could be just an empty space with no liking and no smiling. An endless seeking and discovery of anything. In the process, the discovery of whole life, whole self, the strategy. Wallaualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A word said, an action is justified...

An action taken, the justification is holistic. In trillion bits and pieces, and the principle is nobody is a friend, a justification is brilliantly presented in the form of just doing nothing. And it is going to be sad witnessing events unfolded very much away from what should be extracted. It tells a different story altogether making fools of all the fools. Are they? Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Orang bekejar dan melakukan sesuatu kerana kemuncak rasa sesuatu perkara itu mengikut pandangan hatinya pada ketika itu. Tetapi kemuncaknya sesuatu itu tidak akan bertahan lama. Apabila ia tidak ada lagi di situ, maka kita pun hilang marah dan hilang usaha ke arah itu. Kini, sebarang kemungkinan akan terjadi. Perasaan marah yang menguasai diri mungkin telah bertukar menjadi satu kebencian. Mungkin telah bertukar mejadi satu perasaan sayang yang tidak terhingga. Di sisi Allah, yang baiknya, ianya menjadi satu keredaan. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

element of true friends...

Where are the smiles?

Generally and to a large extent, in whatever groups formed and if void of Islamic spirit, they are of no true friendship. Too many worldly possessions of individuals contribute to the divisiveness in the society. The seemingly cohesiveness only last for that moment and not to the next second, so to speak. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

neutralize the edgy..

Despite the small hands that write, small feet that moves, and small brain that thinks, hope it neutralizes the edgy, transforms it into the all powerful energy that can thrust the nation into an era of wealth and power. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 18, 2013

di celah mata dan hati..

Syaitan sentiasa berada di celah perasaan manusia dan bersembunyi dari di tatapi dan diperhati kerana tidak mahu dianggap berperanan dalam menyesatkan manusia. Dengan hanya melihat dengan mata sekali,  segala-gala kononnya telah boleh diwartakan. Tetapi ianya berlaku kerana syaitan telah membisikkan sesuatu bernafsu yang mana manusia selalu kecundang dalam menghadapinya. Justeru itu, hendaklah berwaspada terhdap segala tindak tanduk kerana di celah mata kita yang memerhati juga merupakan tempat bersembunyi syaitan yang dilaknati kerana telah bersumpah hendak menyesatkan manusia. Kepada Allah kita memohon kekuatan dalam menghadapi syaitan dan iblis yang dilaknati. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

tidak sempurna kah aku..?

Adakah kerana tidak mengenal sesuatu sepenuhnya maka menganggap kita tidak sempurna? Adakah kerana tidak sepenuhnya mengenali AllahYang Maha Mengetahui, Yang Maha Berkuasa, maka membuat kita culas dan malas dalam mencari kebenaran? Hidup adalah satu perjalanan. Adakah dengan tema dan semangat itu akhirnya kita akan berjumpa dengan kebenaran? Kepada Allah kita berserah. Semoga apa yang dicari tidak seperti mimpi. Semoga segala-galanya adalah realiti. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Tidak ada pertindihan
Sifat malam adalah malam. Sifat siang adalah siang. Kesemuanya kembali kepada rasa asal terhadapnya. Juga terhadap rasa diri dan kejadian dan ciptaan diri sendiri.Terdengar kisah Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Ismail, dan Siti Hajar dan di lontarkan kisah kisah yang menepati segala daripada segala-galanya dan tidak ada yang dapat menentang dan menafikan. Sifat kisah yang jitu, jelas dan menginsafkan. Itulah Haji, rukun Islam yang Ke-5 di mana sekarang seramai 2 juta umat Islam sedang mengerjakannya. Dari Mekah ke Ukuf di Arafah, kemudian ke Mabit di Mudzalifah, dari Mudzalifah ke Meena di mana berlaku lontaran di Jamrah. Selepas itu ke Mekah dengan Tawaf dan Saair nya, maka kesempurnaan haji telah berlaku. Sesungguhnya, Kepada Allah kita berserah. Tatkala membuat hajilah sifat-sifat segala-gala dalam diri dan ummah telah dilalui dan dirasai. Wallahualam. Ibadah Haji telah mencantumkan perjalanan siang ke malam. Perjalanan fizikal ke alam batiniah. Perjalanan dari dunia ke alam akhirat. Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

when it is in flashes...

The shape, size, and spirit of sight seen, hear, seems fading and I am losing it to something that does not stand and stick. The `weight' is relative. No more the attached meanings that has been glued to me for so long. It is now in flash and flashes. Comes and goes. And the flashes speak the ingenuity of truth of something and somebody. Am I going to stick to that thought flow of ingenuity and interpretation? Mohon Taufik dan Hidayah dari Allah. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 14, 2013

kuasa menggila....

Bagai dirasuk. Seperti makan. Sedapnya sekejap dan sementara. Tetapi usaha ke arah itu sangat menggila seolah-olah hari esok tidak ada kematian. Apa itukah satu ujian? Ujian datangnya dalam berbagai rupa dan berbagai bentuk. Lantas terjemahan dan pengertian bermacam-macam. Mohon taufik dan hidayah dari Allah. Semoga segala-galanya terlerai dan terongkai dalam erti CiptaanNya, KetentuanNya dan KebenaranNya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

blocked and deleted....

Don't try to be on the same lane with them. They are just starting out and so many things awaits them. Don't make a fool of yourself. You can never be a part to the flow of the current event as much as you want it. Some just don't converge. As of tomorrow, I shall do a trimming to news and posts that tend to mislead. The stories are too much for my well protected sensitivities and mind peace and happiness. Don't want to get caught in a situation where I don't belong. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Mohon Keampunan. Mohon Kekuatan. Mohon Taufik dan Hidayah. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

still engrossed in physical matters..?

Look up, see things, feel things and everything just float. All this time, the physical that runs and rules. Actually it is a gradual process of rising up till it touches the all thought that actually runs and rules. The physical shall be drowned just like what happened to Nabi Noah and the Ark that saw nothing but all thoughts were the savior. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 11, 2013

menyapa diri sendiri..

Apa dah kena dengan awak? Pagi ini nampak malas dan tidak ghairah dalam apa hendak disampaikan. Tidak ada hari di mana semangatnya sama. Itulah jawapan saya. Ringkas, padat, tetapi tidak berhati perut. Nampak hendak menyepi. Hari ini sememangnya dirasakan aku akan menyepi dan bersendiri. Aku merasakan bahawa hidup ini adakala kita buat sapaan tak tentu arah. Tengok apa dah jadi dengan face book. Sapaan yang tidak tentu menggembirakan. Saya takut dengan sapaan yang memakan hati diri sendiri. Jadi hari ini aku nak bersendirian. Lagi pulak hari ini hari Jumaat. Musim haji pulak. Biar aku tebar pandangan hingga ke Mekah di mana para jemaah haji sedang membuat persiapan ke Arafah dan mengalami sendiri rukun haji yang ke-2 iaitu ukuf di Arafah. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

reaching out..

Semasa saya melanjutkan pelajaran di USA, syarikat Telefon dengan hebatnya mempromosikan penggunaan telephone berwire dengan  slogan `reaching out..reach out and touch someone.' Ramai pelajar ambil pengertian `literal' dan setiap hari adaje pelajar nak sentuh orang lain. Dan ini termasuklah pelajar perempuan dengan tidak malunya trying to reach out kepada pelajar lelaki. Saya tidak terkecuali kena juga dikacau oleh perempuan nie. Maklumlah masa tu muda lagi dan handsome jugak. Tetapi ada yang tidak memikir secara literal tadi. Dia memikirkan bagaimana supaya touch dan reaching out boleh dilakukan bila bila masa je. Nak tahu apa jadi? Tereka lah alat merentasi alam maya dgn lebih cepat pantas iaitu terciptanya `handphone. Dan hendak menutup cerita tercipta juga FB. Dengan hP dan FB, am I reaching out? Have I touched somebody here now at this moment?
Sure ada kan? Hidup telah merentasi benua. Hidup akan merentasi planet dan galaxy dengan mudah dan senangnya. Bila? Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jeritan batin...adakah didengari..?.

Dato Saifuddin Abdullah (kiri). Bakal terpilih semula menduduki kerusi Majlis Tertinggi UMNO
Dalam segala-galanya, harapan, hajat, keinginan, suka ini, suka itu, atau mencari kesuakaan dalam sesuatu gerak perasaan, gerak hati, gerak tubuh, dirasakan persempadanan semula sedang aktif berlaku. Ada yang sudah mengambil tempat, dan ada yang sudah di tempatkan. Tetapi masih banyak perkara yang perlu penelitian semula supaya tidak berlaku pertindihan. Lantas membawa kepada peningkatan iman dan mententeramkan jeritan. Kesemuanya di doakan dalam penempatan yang di redai oleh Mu, Ya Allah. Memohon pertolongan dan perlindungan MU, Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

odd jobs and odd wish...

Am I am being at odd with what I have been doing and where should I be going? Being at odd with face book too. Time to have another face. Why face book and not my own face look? But why I am still hearing and listening to others? Ironically, these people or rather individuals, have made a successful cut of life themselves but still throwing out a tantrum and sensational stories of a kind. Have I been missing yet another opportunity? Where should I go to from here then? What should I do? Life been seen as a dream by some. Has it? Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Hanya Allah Sahaja Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 7, 2013

racun dan penawar...

Tidak semua apa yang kita baca itu penawar. Ianya boleh jadi racun yang berbisa, membantutkan hati, membantutkan perasaan. Lantas berlakulah keluh kesah, resah gelisah yang tidak berkesudahan. Dalam nada yang sama, tidak semua yang kita tulis dan hasilkan merupakan sekadar tulisan. Ianya boleh jadi penawar kepada yang berbisa tadi. Tidak salah kalau kita terus membaca dan terus menulis dan jangan mengenepi apa dan siapa jua. Kata orang, tidak semua yang sedap itu mahal, dan tidak semuanya yang tidak sedap itu murah. Dalam proses itu, kita akhirnya di tolong oleh satu pembacaan dan tulisan yang merupakan ibu segala penawar yang dapat menyembuh hati yang lara, resah dan gelisah, duka dan nestapa, kemiskinan membawa kepada kekayaan dalam segala hal. Lantas membawa kepada kesihatan zahir dan batin. Kepada Allah kita memohon pertolongan. Maha suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Among the republicans and the democrats...

Why among them? Have the chance of taking off my clothes and swim with them in the open sea. Seems funny. Despite it is only a dream, the feel is fantastic. I have been thrown and swam into a world of issues, problems, and crisis.If given the chance, just can't refuse to be one.This morning, still searching for what I should write, in the wake of all the chosen topics, still wondering why this topic? Tentu ada hikmah di sebalik satu satu kejadian. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

mengapa begitu..?

Tidak dikejar kalau tidak mengejar. Tidak dicari kalau tidak mencari. Tidakkan dapat kalau tidak hendak mendapatkanya. Tidak di sahut kalau tidak di sapa. Tidakkan membeli kalau tidak dipromosikan...lantas berlakulah transformasi ekonomi..adakah kita hanya gah dengan slogan? Lantas terjadilah dan terbina nya masyarakat yang hanya pandai mengikut dan menurut - masyarakat turut-turutan. Adakah ini satu kebenaran dan telah menjadi kenyataan? Wallahualam. Sesunggguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari Di Syirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 4, 2013

clan and clandestine...

Two words but with not so much difference in meaning or understanding. Are we all created with a clan in spirit whereby closed members being supportive of what we do or didn't do? If that is so, then life is such a robust to break through into the so-called strongholds of other clans, regardless whether they are rich or poor. As for the mighty and the powerful, they just use their power, position and money in order to satisfy their lust of what other clan won't allow them to do. They don't ask permission. Even if they do, their permission has never been granted. So what is the best route for them? Go clandestine. If that is what life is all about and Allah permits, one day all would be united as one, no clan in spirit and no clandestine-like behavior. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

adakah mereka mengetahuinya...?

Allahuakbar. Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Mengasihani. Sentiasa mendoakan kebaikan orang lain. Sentiasa membuat sesuatu untuk kebaikan orang lain.Tetapi adakah mereka mendoakan kebaikan untuk diri ini? Selalu mengatakan bahawa betapa seksanya menyesuaikan diri dengan saya. Saya hanya menyerah kepada Allah akan penyesesuaian saya terhadap mereka. Di segi pengetahuan dan rezeki, di rasakan saya melebihi dalam hal itu. Malah dalam hal hal lain, saya sentiasa mengucapkan kesyukuran dan segala usaha di nampakkkan supaya saya tidak riak dan takkabur. Adakah pernah saya menyombong diri dengan pemberian Mu Ya Allah? Memohon supaya sentiasa dalam Perlindungan Mu. Maha Suci Allah dari di syirikkan. Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allah Yang Maha Pemurah. Allah Yang Maha Mengasihani. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

peradaban dan mendekatkan...

Dua asas yang menjadi tunjang kepada kehidupan samaada berperadaban tinggi, mendekatkan, merapatkan, atau sebaliknya.Teknologi mendekatkan dan dicipta dalam keadaan penuh keberadaban masa dan keadaan mempamerkan nilai nilai yang tinggi, suci. Tetapi sepak terajang kehidupan membuat manusia semakin jauh, menjauhkan, berkemungkinan dalam keadaan secara tiba-tiba telah tidak mengenal satu sama lain lantaran perang, `kekayaan dan kemiskinan'. Lantas peradaban yang dikehendaki telah diingkari tidak sejajar dengan ciptaan teknologi yang diberi. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

rezeki dari segenap penjuru...

Tidak dijadikan sesuatu melainkan dengan pecahan rezeki berliku-liku, beribu-ribu, dari segenap penjuru, juga ke segenap penjuru. Tetapi di manakah akhirnya penjuru itu? Dimanakah akhirnya kepada pecahan penjuru tersebut? Pecahan hari berpecah dari segenap penjuru dan lapisan. Begitu juga pecahan malam, kesemuanya tidak memiliki status hujung dan permulaan hingga ke alam raya kearah infiniti. Begitu juga dengan pecahan hasil bumi menjangkau ke langit. Kesemuanya memperlihatkan Kekuasaan Allah. Ucaplah kesyukuran. Pohonlah keampunan. Mintalah taufik dan hidayah. Allah Maha Berkuasa ke atas rezeki rezeki itu. Allah Maha Pengasih. Allah Maha Penyayang. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Allah Yang Memberi dengan tahap cara kepada siapa yang hendak diberi menuju ke arah mereka yang menerima. Dalam memberi dan menerima rezeki ini,  adakah mereka sedar perlunya ukuhwah dan silaturrahim sesama manusia dan kejadian ciptaan Allah? Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sentiasa di perantauan...

Tidak ada seketika kita hak kita. Dalam apa jua keadaan kita sentiasa dalam perantauan, menumpang kasih, dan mengharap perkara baik akan menjelma dalam khidupan yang diberi. Ya Allah, penuh kesyukuran di atas apa yang dicipta, sesungguhnya tiada tuhan yang disembah selain Allah. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dengan Segala Penyesuaiannya...

Kekuasaan Allah dengan Segala Penyesuaiannya. Maha suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allah Pencipta sekian alam dengan penyesesuaianya di langit dan di bumi. Jengoklah manusia dengan segala penyesuaian yang terlihat dengan yang tidak. Dengan membandingkan burung yang terbang, sudah cukup memperlihatkan Keesaan Alllah dalam segala bentuk Kejadian. Wallhualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Keindahan itu indah. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa, kalau awak tidak bergerak, awak akan berada di tempat yang sama. If you don't step forward, you will be in the same place. Itulah lebih kurang katanya. Oleh kerana ianya di luahkan dalam konteks seribu andaian, saya hanya menganggap iany adalah ungkapan yang bersifat umum. Teka teki yang menyelubungi peristiwa ini sangat indah. Kenapa? Kerana ianya menggabungkan tiga perkara yang selalu menjadi asas kepada sebarang kupasan ia itu, fakta, hati, dan perasaan. It is indeed a defining moment. It stirs my emotions. Kepada Allah saya memohon pengertian, taufik, dan hidayah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mereka tidak memilikinya...

Piramid melambangkan kemiskinan jiwa firaun lantas rasa kekosongan yang sangat ketara di kalangan mereka kerana tidak diisi dengan ILMU ALLAH. Firaun adalah kelompok pemerintah di zaman dahulu yang mana  Keyakinan Tinggi dari Nabi Musa telah membuat Firaun merasakan keyakinan dan kekayaan mereka terancam. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa telah menurunkan bencana kepada Firaun dan mereka tidak dapat melawannya kerana mereka tidak memiliki ILMU ALLAH yang mana juga merupakan KEKUATAN dan boleh terselamat dari serangan rasa kekosongan yang mana firaun tidak memilikinya. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bermula satu perjalanan yang indah...

Di reka cipta halangan dan rintangan..kita sendiri menjadi penyebab utamanya..lantas dekat jadi jauh, ada jadi tidak ada, boleh jadi tidak boleh. Takutkan bayangan sendiri. Jangan cepat berjustifikasi jika suka membenci. Jalan di hadapan terbentang luas. Semuanya bermula dengan selangakah dan setapak. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Kekuasaan Allah...

Mata telah terbuka. Hati belum lagi. Maka dilemparkan dengan kata kata dan peristiwa peristiwa yang dapat menambahkan lagi keterbukaan hati dan membuka mata semua orang yang memandang. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

insulated and capsulated....

A kind of feel that insulates and capsulate me into a person where I have all the protection. Ever wonder of when it all starts? Do I need to know? Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 23, 2013

dark side..not forever..

And it is frightening. It is real and it has to do with nothing and something. When I have nothing, nobody cares about the dripping of my blood oozing out from my body. No nursing what more concern of the pain that I felt. Allah is Great. Allah the Al-Mighty. Penuh kesyukuran dan menginsafi dengan apa yang telah menjadi satu Ketentuan Mu Ya Allah. Allahuakbar,.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tidak kah kamu bersyukur atas pemberianNYA...?

Tidak apa yang dapat diucapkan, walaupun apa jua yang berlaku, Allah telah memberi PERTOLONGAN dengan peraturan peristiwa yang mana kita sendiri tidak menjangkanya bila dan mana ianya akan berlaku. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui Segala Rahsia Kejadian Alam, Yang Nampak dan Yang Ghaib. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

memagikan, memetangkan, dan memalamkan...

Tiga tempat berhenti yang kena faham sifat dan fitrahnya. Kena disesuaikan dengan fitrah diri sendiri. Sesungguhnya rezeki Allah berlempah-lempah. Fahamilah tempat yang menjadi tempat kita berhenti. Wallaualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Somebody is trying to be in command. I have been side-lined in many things, in many ways. Enough is enough. As of today, bestowed upon me the total responsibility of managing what my late father entrusted upon me. It appears that I have been told to take everything within the realm and gambits of that true and legal responsibility. In terms of several dimensions, I have to manage my brothers and my sisters. They have rights. But I must also try to understand them in the context of their partial rights. I have to see that the real command is in me. As of now never be side-lined of what supposedly are my responsibilities. Kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Kepada Allah di pohon Kekuatan. Kepada Allah di pohon Taufik dan Hidayah. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

the next stop..

I must be clear with what I am going to do next. I must be clear with where I am going to go next. Not that many `nexts' after next. So it seems. I am afraid to say it. Some are yours to do and some are yours to go. Beware of the phenomenal what can be described as `out of touch', or `you just cannot touch', or `it is not for you to touch.' You just don't belong. Just go along with this question: do I have enough time? Allah is Great. Allah Knows All. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

berhenti dari berlebihan...

Adakah mereka kisah? Saya merasakan saya sangat berlebihan. Tidak pada tempatnya. Masa sudah berlalu. Dengan teknologi yang sangat membuka dan menterbukakan, semangat itu tidak lagi sesuai untuk masa ini. Segala-gala dan masa telah berubah. Selama ini saya banyak termasuk campur. Zaman ini tidak memerlukan lagi watak Hang Tuah. Tidak juga memerlukan JF Kennedy. Zaman Najib adalah merupakan zaman tidak boleh di masukkan apa-apa untuk camporan yang dihajatkan. They are now very much on their own. In actual fact, the true situation is that we are very much on our own. Tidak perlu lagi. All this time have they been backing and give their support? Back to the fold of my own family problems. That is where the real touch is. All this time I have been doing the wrong touch. What can aggravate the situation is this question:  have they in the first place try to make a true and real touch on problems that has besieged you? Dengan Pertolongan dan PerlindunganNya saya dapat melihat dan merasakan kebenaran. Walllahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

ada ketika dan bila masa......

Saya merasakan dia telah menggunakan masa dan ketika yang mencetuskan perasaan syak. Tindakannya itu  membelakangkan. Disangkakan ketika orang lain sedang tidur lena disebabkan sesuatu yang melalaikan (?)(mungkin tidak), masa itulah dia bertindak bagi memastikan segala-galanya berjalan lancar mengikut rencana hati yang tidak tenteram. Ya Allah, adakah ini merupakan firasat hati yang betul dan sudah ketikanya ditakrifkan sebagai  masa yang tepat dan sesuai bagi kelangsungan peristiwa seterusnya? Adakah tiba ketikanya untuk bertindak? Tidak ada ketika yang bukan ketika bagi mereka yang ada perancangan, ikhlas atau tidak. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Al-Quran tidak pernah menyembunyikan apa yang tidak dan apa yang benar. Mohon Taufik dan Hidayah. Allahuakbar. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

without inhibitants..?

They don't matters for now. Unnecessarily and too many words to write. Why not think of this world as a place without the inhabitants. Inventions and innovations, that is what they are here for. In all kind of situations, it should be all innovations in the inventions. As for the sea, it is not the surface that holds the secrets, but what is underneath. And only inventions would allow human to hold their breadth and go down deep in it. The world is with inhabitants, but what matters are the inventions and innovations that can make the world a lively place to see and listen to. So much of a new experience.Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

disembunyi, tersembunyi, atau bersembunyi..

Walaupun ajenda memperkasakan Melayu yang dilaungkan oleh PM Dato Seri Najib semalam nampaknya terbuka, dan bersemangat, janganlah hasrat hanya tinggal hasrat. Hingga ke hari ini, jika berselisih dengan orang BN dan institusi BN seperti UiTM dan lain-lain, dirasakan mereka masih lagi menyembunyikan sesuatu., tidak ikhlas dan sangat berkepentingan. Saya telah berkhidmat dengan UiTM selama 35 tahun. Sedih juga dengan apa yang terjadi kerana UiTM Pahang tidak mengambil pusing pemergian saya, seolah-olah saya pergi dalam keadaan yang tersembunyi walhal saya tidak pun bersembunyi. Mungkin sudah lumrah hidup di negeri sendiri,  yang kaya dan berkuasa akan terus bergema, dan yang tidak akan terus menjadi maalap dan terus diketepikan. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

bertembung dengan peristiwa dan kisah semalam...

Mengapa akhir akhir ini saya dipertemukan dengan peristiwa yang ada kaitan dengan peristiwa lepas? Adakah itu merupakan satu petunjuk bahawa hidup ini sangat terbuka dan tidak ada tempat kita menyembunyikan sesuatu? Lambat laun ianya diulang tayang tetapi dengan kelainan maksud dan pengertian. Kalau dulu ianya hanya merupakan rentetan kepada kehidupan harian, tetapi sekarang ianya merupakan himpunan kepada pengertian kehidupan keseluruhannya. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Masih tidak belajar dan mengenal sesuatu..jauh dan dekat..

Mudah lupa. Jauh dari sedar. Tetap mengulangi perbuatan yang mengingkari suruhan Allah. Hidup akan berpindah kepada mati. Yang terdekat, yang jauh, sedar sedar sudah tidak berdiri, berjalan dan bernafas lagi. Kamu mungkin mengatakan, `baru semalam saya bercakap dengan dia'. Tidak kah itu satu peringatan bahawa tidak ada pertindihan dalam apa jua ciptaan Allah? Ada yang dulu dan yang terdahulu. Yang terdekat dan yang jauh. Kenalkah mereka terhadap Kekuasaan Allah? Adakah kita mengenal mereka dalam ertikata sebenar-benarnya? Allahuakbar.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

years after that matters....

 11 September 2013.
 Bersama pelajar degree UiTM Pahang, Faculty Plantation and Agrotechnology..

The root problem of a pyramid, has it been the one stone that starts it all? The root of all the problems, has it been the actual root or the results of an image that has taken shape after years of presenting it? The pharaoh who builds the pyramid looks upon pyramid as just a part of a ritual in a death process, to them so mysterious and sacred. But when the pyramid is being seen in different light, particularly in the modern sense, it has become one of the wonders of the world. Should it? Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui akan segala rahsia yang masih tidak diketahui. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One day after 10 September (my birthdate)..

 Pada pagi 10 September, saya telah di kunjungi oleh Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abd Rahman (Presiden bekas wakil-wakil rakyat Malaysia, MUBARAK) (berdiri di tengah). Juga Pensyarah Matematik UiTM Pahang, Encik Azizan dan Isteri yang akan terbang dengan KT24, 16 September ini bagi menunaikan fardhu Haji.
what I wrote in my facebook today...
Change is inevitable to everybody. So why not make it happen today and now. Any reason to delay it? That applies to me. At first I myself hesitate to write this. But I am my own motivator. So are you. You can make it happen. And it does happen! Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

marah kerana nafsu terhalang...

Sehinggalah Allah menarik segala-galanya yang ada kaitan dengan nafsu dan diistilahkan sebagai nyawa. Lantas nafsu itu nyawa. Dan Nyawa itu nafsu. Rupa-rupanya setiap anggota badan kita bernafsu sifatnya. Yang membezakannya adalah degree kuatnya nafsu pada setiap anggota itu. Dan ianya juga ada kaitan dengan musim, ketika, dan mengikut masa, bila, dan dengan siapa dan apa. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 9, 2013

heart's beat...

Just listen to one's heart beat, what do you hear? You hear yourself trying to overpower weaknesses in the strength of doing and looking at things. What about mind and brain? Does the working of that both needs  heart's beating and thrashing. Yes and no. When the mind is set to explore the brain, the sound of one's heart beating has gone. But when the functioning of brain slows down, then everything  starts physical, the beating of the heart is getting faster and it seems to be nearer. Nearer to what? Allahuakbar.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

wait for no one, write to nobody...

Then everything is being considered done. No regrets, no looking back. Just being oneself and keep all the hours to myself. Buy for no one, sell to nobody. It just move, without asking and without ordering. And so what has been written. When it is gone, it is gone. When it is very much in need, just ask, buy, and go. Is that what I am? Wait for no one. Write to nobody. It comes and it goes, as free as the water flows and as free as the wind blows. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Structurally valid and relevant....

Way back to that day, it justifies the move and the decision. But considering the present situations, some decision has already being rendered null and void. Why? The event and the relevancy has shaken the main pillar of today's present and current structural scenario of my life. I have to make way for another scene and episode if it is to be seen as valid and relevant. It is just a continuation of the past structure whereby its existence has no merit of today's story because it is on its way to the path of history. Ya Allah, kepada Mu saya memohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, September 6, 2013

ikut hati...

Kalau ikut mata kasar, memang banyak benda telah kita dapat. Kalau ikut mata kecik pun banyak benda dah dapat kita perhati dan teliti. Itu mata, kalau ikut hati pulak? Mana ada hati kasar kan? Hati besar adalah. Tapi apa boleh kita dapat dengan hati besar? Duit kita pun tak sebesar mana kan. Kena marah adalah. Bak hati ini, semua main kecik kecik belaka. Ada orang semua ada dan lengkap hidupnya tapi masih memiliki hati kecik. Jadi hari ini aku nak buang hati aku dan biarkan mata sahaja melakukan tugas harian ku. Mari sama sama kita tengok apa akan terjadi.....

p.s kepada siapa siapa yang tak faham dengan tulisan saya ni, kenalah
ikut mata buat buat faham..jangan ikut hati, nanti kena perli..siapa yang perli? Hari ini hari Jumaat kan? Tanya tanyalah diri sendiri.Mari lah sama sama memohon keampunan dari Allah semoga di beri petunjuk dan hidayah dan dimurahkan rezeki. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

waving good bye...

Waving good bye is hurting. But there must be a separation line of what has become of my life before and what has become of me now. Physically, structurally, all dictate my present contacts and my new relationships. I am somewhat a different person structurally and virtually. Naturally my response shifted accordingly. And in some areas, I must be strong in trying to quit and make a drastic shift from places and persons I no longer belong. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Kepada Allah saya memohon Kekuatan, Perlindungan, Taufik dan Hidayah dalam menghadapi perjalanan hidup yang berbeza dan semoga diberkati. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

the click is for what and for whom..?

So is the call made. So is everything. Or have I had enough of everything? I have come ashore. It is a land of no more turning back. I am just what I am, playing all sorts of roles that appease the uncertainty of events that come along. And now everybody has their share of what they are entitled to. I am just what I am. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to business..and so is Najib..

Najib's business....menaikkan harga minyak.
 Mengambil atau memberi?
Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. 
Allah Yang Maha Memberi. Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Come September, dengan dentuman dan denyutan hati dan nadi yang berbeza....

Batu kecil yang jatuh juga memberi bunyi kepada yang bernyawa. Keleraian terhadap sesuatu, jika ianya masih belum berlaku, juga 
memberi denyutan kepada seseorang.Bezanya adalah degree denyutan itu dirasakan - berdentum atau berdetub atau tidak kedengaran bunyi pun kerana tidak berlakunya apa apa
gegaran. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


My days at Whitewater, USA, has been meteoric. Never have that kind of meteoric feeling being felt before. So are the events, the episodes, the people and the experiences. So meteoric and without any attachment whatsoever. Just me, them, and the system. So why the anger? The process of `meteorization' is just like a lightning striking onto a tree. It is so focused that stops at and for nothing. So much of that feeling.  As for the lightning, it is just the tree. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.

Friday, August 30, 2013

life can be simple...

When all the elements of one's work is being taken care of, life then is a simple process. Never let it be so open and draws all kind of uncontrollable variables that spell all kind of strangers and sinners. Make it a move that can be construed as one stop and one step at a time. When it seems to be smoother, then the process can be widened to an acceptable framework of a parameter, acceptable and controllable. Mohon dari Allah Taufik dan Hidayah. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

It is going to be another mess in finite mathematics...

It is finished mathematically. What about culturally and socially? Mathematically, it spells another mode in transporting something. The old modes can no longer carries it to the end. It has become dark and blur. When someone familiar passed by, but he is of different mode in its content and structure, mathematically, it is a gone case. A revisit to ABS (my former high school) is a good example of infinitum in so many things. No longer can be definite. Mathematically it is a mess. But I try to stand up, but the power without is unstoppable and uncontrollable. The event is a clear case of miscarriage in life justice. So many gaps and and so many holes. Dari Allah kita memohon supaya di beri Kekuatan dan Perlindungan. Hanya kepada Allah kita bersyukur. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

varied and many..

A process won't work with so many odd elements in it. Too many and varied and it creates chaos. That applies to anything and to anybody. What more when something looks clumsy and sounds stupid. It makes the world stands still. Every time I am into it, it creates one kind of an uneasy feeling infinitum. Better go for something definite. It satisfies and it works every time. And it is truthful. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Any day can be day 1...

Any day can be day 1. It is a day by itself, in itself, for itself. As a matter of speaking, it can be a day nothing for myself. It spells nothingness. It can be a day toughened by those whose world view is cheating and bullying. They are always on the taking. And because it is day 1, I give. When would I be doing the talking and and the taking? Allah Yang Maha Kaya. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Keikhlasan adalah satu perkataan yang sering menjadi sebutan oleh ramai orang. Tidak dengan satu perbuatan, juga tidak dengan satu perkataan, satu hari, satu minggu, satu bulan, satu tahun, satu pilihanraya, seseorang itu telah di kategorikan sebagai seseorang yang ikhlas. Sebenarnya keikhlasan seseorang bergerak dalam aras tidak sedar, sangat tidak sedar. Tidak diingatkan pemberian seseorang sehinggalah dia dikelilingi oleh musuh yang cuba mengkhianati perjalanan hidupnya. Lantas, baru diingati bahawa selama ini dia telah banyak memberi dari menerima. Allah Yang Maha Adil. Hanya dengan kematian seseorang, keikhlasan seseorang dapat diukur dengan betul dan tepat. Itulah ukuran yang patut digunakan bagi menceritakan keikhlasan seseorang. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tatap dan terus menatap...

Di sinilah terletaknya rahsia satu satu milikan itu. Setelah sekian lama ditatap, barulah ternampak kesempurnaan yang tidak boleh disangkal. Hati dan perasaan berperanan dalam tatapan permulaan tersebut. Setelah dimiliki sekian lama, fikiran logika dan fizikal dapat menguasai keadaan. Bersyukur ke hadrat Allah Subhanawataala. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Not much space..

Despite the small space of place, time, and feel, I still can write. And despite the constraint, I can still pray to Allah for the best in everything and in the path taken. Perluasan kepada sesuatu adalah dalam Kekuasaan Allah. Membolehkan kepada berlakunya sesuatu adalah dalam Kekuasaan Allah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Romanticism hati dan perasaan..

Oleh kerana ianya di rasakan berada jauh di lubok hati, ramai yang takut dan tak tahu mendekatinya dengan betul kerana pantang larang atuk dan moyang yang telah di amal sejak dari dahulu kala lagi. Hanya segelintir telah mengenali nya sebagai penawar dan boleh menyembuh luka hati dari merebak ke luka badan dan boleh memudaratkan kesejahteraan kehidupan dan kepintaran fikiran. Sesungguhnya diwajibkan perkahwinan antara lelaki dan perempuan. Jika tidak dibajai dengan kata kata dan perbuatan romantika yang mana datangnya dari keikhlasan hati dan perasaan, persahabatan ke arah itu tidak membawa pasangan itu ke mana.  Seperti tanah yang gersang dan ketandusan, tidak ada tanaman yang boleh di tanam. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Keajaiban kehidupan...

Keajaiban kehidupan adalah kematian. Ramai cuba mencari rahsia kehidupan tetapi tidak berjumpa sehinggalah mereka menempuh alam tua dan membawa kepada kematian. Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita digalakkan memikirkan soal mati dan implikasinya terhadap kehidupan. Ianya saling bertaut. Contoh yang terdekat mungkin memperkatakan soal kawan dan sahabat. Ada yang suka dengan perkataan sahabat tetapi pengertian sahabat tidaklah kemana. Apabila kita mempersahabatkan sesuatu dan seseorang, ianya bererti hidup mati sahabat itu sentiasa diikuti dan disusuli, dalam susah dan dalam senang. Sudah lumrah, kita mungkin berkata kata, tetapi hanya di peringkat semangat permukaan dan jauh sekali dari mendalaminya. Sebagai contoh, yang datang di sambut dan di sapa, tetapi yang pergi tidak pernah diambil peduli. Yang kaya dan ternama di puja dan di puji, yang tiada apa apa di pinggir dan jauh sekali hendak dikenali. Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allah Menguasai  Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mathematical formula of me compared to the pharaohs....

Everybody of every age and life level, dead and alive, has a formula of decisions and decision-making. And so am I. I am quite surprise at the formula that a student carries. And so are small boys and small kids. So are the pharaohs and the kings. So are the common man and the industrialist. They too display a life formula of a different kind but unique in terms of the unified whole of our existence. In other words, despite experiencing a different turbulent of age level, a common denominator is that it is open and far reaching linking to others automatically and mathematically. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

aku berjalan di atas muka bumi MU...

First instance of any thought should be given careful scrutinizing in determining its relevancies. Is it relevant in the sense `aku berjalan di muka bumi Mu Ya Allah.'? The consciousness of anything and in anything, in its true form leading to the question, are we much stronger and better than any other known creations? As for this, the Al-Quran has all the answer to questions asked. Manusia adalah merupakan semulia-mulia kejadian. Dalam apa jua situasi dan keadaan, pembabitan peranan seseorang dan apa jua tidak sangat terasa dalam setiap pernafasan. Maha Agong Allah dalam penentuan peranan yang di Cipta Nya. Allahuakbar.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Mathematically, I shouldn't be there. In terms of numbers, the space is so near and if I force myself, it would create tension on all sides. Meaning, the equation just breaks. It adds up to pain and chaos. It is not applicable. Mathematic stands firm when it carries the right number and the right space in action and reaction..Mathematically, there is nothing that can prevent me from doing what I want to do. But numbers and spaces can spoil the good chances. Mohon kepada Allah Akan Jalan Yang Tepat, Benar dan Bersesuaian. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Surroundings and surrounded...

It is not so much of the geniune environmental factors, it is the immediate surroundings that make someone a hero or a just an outright gangster. Events in Egypt brings out the truth in everybody. Many unashamedly do not give back the luxuries they get and be happy with. Instead, they do more killings and they do more plunderings. Obama, the President of the most powerful country with power to prevent, also fall victim to his surroundings. All of a sudden Obama turns coward thinking he would live forever. Obama, please be true to yourself and be a true president. Please give deploy help to the Egyptian people and stop the massacre. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke Atas Segala -GalaNya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fear for Allah..?

Egypt on edge after at least 278 killed in bloodiest day since revolution

 Members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy flee shooting near Ramses Square in Cairo on Friday, August 16. Thousands defied an emergency order by taking to the streets to mark a "Friday of anger," in support of Morsy. Ferocious clashes on Wednesday, August 14, reportedly left more 500 people dead across Egypt, and authorities have declared a month-long state of emergency. The recent violence began when Egyptian security forces stormed two makeshift camps to clear out Morsy supporters. 
Dalam banyak keadaan dan situasi, manusia mempamerkan takutkan kepada diri sendiri lebih dari takutkan Allah. Sebagai contoh, sayang yang keterlampauan kepada harta dan kuasa di dunia telah menterbalikkan dan mempertunggang langgangkan kehidupan seseorang dan sesebuah negara. Kembalilah kepada jalan yang lurus agar selamat di dunia dan selamat di akhirat. Hanya Kuasa Allah Sahaja Yang Kekal.  Allahuakbar.