Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Jurang pemisah...
Kebesaran Allah..Pelindung kepada sesiapa yang mengingati Nya tidak kira masa dan tempat. Berdoalah kepada Allah agar diselamatkan dari berada dalam keadaan tidak ada pemisah dan menghampiri kejahatan. Dengan tiba tiba laut yang tidak terpisah itu terbelah dua. Dalam analogi yang sama saya telah disedarkan akan keadaan yang mana jurang pemisah berlaku, jelas ternampak dan terlihat. Pelajar sebenarnya sangat terpisah dengan saya. Mengapa saya tidak memisahkan apa yang hak dan dengan perkara yang batil? Jelas mereka telah mengambil kesempatan kerana kepentingan mereka sendiri. Dan kerana itu Allah telah melakukan pemisahan yang mana saya telah melihat dengan jelas akan apa yang di katakan batil dan akan apa yang di katakan hak kekuasaan yang Allah berikan kepada saya...laksanakanlah perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Besar...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Unsought and the unconscious..
Convenience and the unconsciousness..when it becomes so easy and familiar we can be unconscious of the fact that our mind has been make less important as compared to a situation of `nobody'. Little that they realised that she or he is an unsought piece of weapon. Weaponry in the arsenal only being sought when war broke out...Allah tidak menunggu sesaat pun di atas yang pergi dan yang tidak...Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
we don't own them..
We don't own the time. We don't own the place. We don't own the people and the individuals. For a short while everybody seems happy and hope the time would last forever. But soon everything is a memory. A very sweet memory indeed. And so were my visits and other family members to Kapit and Sibu Sarawak from 16 July to 20 July..beginning with the first breadth before embarking on a journey visiting relatives who have long been a Sarawakian citizens after migrating to kapit before the second world war due to a little misunderstanding then. It was such a memorable journey. Dengan Kuasa Allah, maka bertandang juga kami ke Kapit Sarawak yang hanya dapat ditembusi melalui sungai Batang Rajang..Syukur.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Ask for no reasons..
Don't ask for any reason. Don't run from any problem. It is a face to face situation. Would I say no? Once my mind is made up, I have no other choice but mind has to be set or mind reset. Still in the old mind-set? Of course not. Any memory of the past is a door away. Just open it and the past of all sorts are here, now. No tomorrow but what you and me will face is only today. Tomorrow? Manusia mungkin `pintar' merancang. Hanya kekuasaan Allah yang menentukan segala-galanya.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
wait for no one...
Seek no love, hide no hate. Wait for no one. Hear nothing. See nothing. Feel nothing. Being a person I am and you are, it is such a puzzling thought. Back to back with memory of any yesterday, life owes everything to everyone. So why the seeker? And why the hatred? Just being the person I am, moves not, it is here in you, for you, and with you..Pintalah ke Maha Esa, hampiri diri dengan Allah yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
default setting....
Beware of default setting in everybody. No upgrading and no updating. Everyday is the same old self with old default setting. Changes come by very slow and very small. What?
Monday, July 11, 2011
Do things you like...
then life is all mental movement. If you do things you don't like, then it is all physical. But life is a balance between physical and mental. Eventually it is all mental..Allah creates All.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Life without space...
Anchoring life the way i see it. All days are today. Literally it might be thirty years ago. But all seem to be back to back with today. I saw him literally 30 years ago. Happen to see him today. Despite the physical change, the thoughts can never be old. I have to continue the conversation we have started 30 years ago. Despite the years, life is without space. No movement, but just thoughts. Ya Allah sesungguhnya setiap hari berlalu adalah milik Mu. Allah Yang Maha Besar. Setiap pertemuan adalah milik Mu. Sehari berlalu maka semakin rapat dengan Kebesaran Mu. Saya memohon keampunan.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Setiap orang tidak sunyi dari dilanda debaran. Mengapa? Ini kerana lorong masa, tempat, dan maklumat yang ada sangat sedikit, sempit, dan terhad. Itulah penguasaan sebenar kita sebagai insan yang di cipta oleh Allah. Lantas kita sentiasa berdebar dan sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan di mana jua kita didapati berada.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Putting things in place...
Yes, putting things in place, for them or for you? I have been performing hajj last year. Is it for Allah or for the very reason of everybody's existence? Hajj is for us to understand our very place in terms of others in this world and the hereafter. In the same breath, I lectured marketing to the students so as to make them understand places that should be understood. Mine or theirs? Kepada Allah saya sentiasa memohon pengertian akan segala dimensi kelahiran, kehiduapan dan kematian.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Saya mengajar ilmu pemasaran. Mengapa saya perlu terikat dengan istilah istilah pemasaran yang telah mula hilang sasaran pengertiannya. Sekarang dunia telah menjadi dekat, rapat, dan tepat. Tetapi pada sesetengah keadaan kita masih lagi rasa jauh dan terikat dengan cara lama. Apa kita telah dikongkong oleh tradisi yang sangat mengelirukan? Jangan lagi terikat dengan cara lama menceritakan sesuatu. Mengapa takut kepada istilah dan perkataan yang lebih tepat tetapi hebat dalam membawa kefahaman? Misalnya jika kita menerangkan `market segment' mengapa tidak kita lebih menjurus dan terus kepada kelompok yang sebenarnya menyukai barang atau perkihidmatan tersebut? Dalam kuliah saya pagi tadi saya telah dengan jayanya menggunakan pendekatan yang sedang dibicarakan ini. Al-Quran adalah sumber kehidupan yang sangat senang dibaca dan difahami. Tetapi mengapa ramai lagi yang berdegil? Allah Yang Maha Besar dan Berkuasa ke Atas Segala-galanya yang nampak dan yang tidak.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Siapa saya? Itulah yang selalu bermain di kepala aapabila ada masa terluang. Aspek sekitaran tidak kurang juga diperhatikan dan difikirkan baik dalam konteks kebiasaan dan juga tidak kebiasaan. Cara yang paling biasa untuk mengenali diri saya adalah dengan apa yang saya buat sekarang iaitu menulis. Menulis telah banyak mendekati diri saya dengan saya. Juga saya berpeluang mengenali kehebatan Allah Subhanawtaala... Out of nowhere, I was born to this world, but for what reasons? Hanya Allah Sahaja Yang Maha Mengetahui.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
something that you listened to..can be for a while or just in a second..a summing up occurs be it logical or nothing to do with logic, but still the conclusion occurs. How could we say life is rational? In short terms, nothing is rational. But looking over what has happened the meaning emerges. That is what brain is all about, long-term. And that is what mind is all about, short-term. Adakah pandangan yang bersifat short-term akan membawa padah? Dan adakah pengertian yang sebenarnya milik masa yang menjangkau ke satu waktu yang tertentu? Dari Allah kita datang dan KepadaNya kita akan kembali...
Saturday, July 2, 2011
expresses my heart out..
Without fear and hesitation, i say things i want to say. We live hideously or secretly within our own compartmentalized environment, socially, politically, economically, technologically..and in greater part as an individual..conscious and unconscious. And as for myself, i express out my heart. Just to make things as clear as crystal...you can see me..yes only a third of me or much much less, and that is the reason i have to appendix on what i say..to make up the parts you don't and fail to see..Allah Sees All..and Beyond..
Friday, July 1, 2011
it is clear..
The day with thoughts that can be said as very clear. Just as clear today from tomorrow and tomorrow as clear as yesterday. What more do I want.. ? I want a clear day and a clear understanding of what is next to today. Allah Knows All.
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