Sunday, April 27, 2014

1966 -1984 - 2014..and 1967

Don't get me wrong. The year 1966 reminds me of Lyndon Baine Johnson, 36th President of USA then make an historic first visit of USA's President to Malaysia on his way to Vietnam then in the midst of Vietnam war. I was then at Rubber Research Institute Sg Buloh undergoing a 3 months training for the position of Assistant Rubber Instructor. It has been said the President would be visiting RRI Sg Buloh and how excited I am for it would be my chance to see in person President of USA. Unfortunately, for security reason, it was canceled at the last minute.

Again, in the year 1984 (?), I was presented with another opportunity to see another President of USA, and he is Ronald Reagan. He is going to be at Waterbury, Connecticut, USA, campaigning for his second-term being President of USA. I was then a student at New Haven, a town just a few miles from Waterbury. Again, I missed the opportunity because, for security reasons, all roads leading to Waterbury were closed.

2014 could be year of just having a glance at Barack Obama on TV. He is the 44th President of USA making an historic two-day visit to Malaysia, after 48 years of Lyndon Johnson's visit. But by now the thrill is not like yesterday. Those days we have issues like `cold war', `vietnam war', `apatheid', and a growing communist MaoTseTung's influence and threat in South East Asia. 

Still want to see Obama? I could just make a trip to KL, a 2-hour journey from Temerloh. But that 2 hours can be a precious moment just to be with myself at home. Haha..I am now a `President' in my own ways.Why should I see another President if I am not given the chance to have a chit chat with him on issues like Russia and Ukraine, human rights, climatic change, vanishing of Aircraft MH370, Trade Agreement in TPPA, and other global issues.

Well, despite I stood no chance in seeing living world leaders in action, it is not a gone case altogether. I did have my opportunity. That was in the year 1967. My father and me, only two of us, and for a reason, we have made a trip to see Tun Razak Hussein, 2nd Prime Minister of Malaysia, at his official residence, Sri Taman, Kuala Lumpur. We were invited in and after 20 minutes, we bid Tun Razak and his wife Toh Puan Raha good bye. And that meeting with Tun Razak has changed my life for the better and for what I am now. Wallahualam.


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