When life struck half past 11, certain things, certain places, certain individuals, do not matter anymore. They are way behind now. And some experiencing absolute erasing of heart and mind. Thus leads to a peaceful soul. Why? I am heading towards 12 noon where the actual happiness in individuals, places, and in events await to be embraced for a lasting happiness, eternity and immortality. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
the incredible self...
The incredible self. That is what I am. Everyday I see what eyes can't see but mind that sees everything, farther and further. Eyes have lost its physical function. That is why it lasts longer. Mind has taken over all what eyes initially has been their work. But Allah is Great. Even a body last longer just because mind in large part has been doing the walking. In fact mind can walk faster than the legs does. What an incredible self! So what is there to worry? Sesungguhnya tiada `se incredible' selain Allah. Segala Kekuasaan Adalah PadaNYA.Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
the invisible and destructive image...
Dalam sifat keleraian yang sudah hilang kecelaruanya, seorang kawan lama, pernah menceritakan temuduga dan akhirnya menjadi Pengarah Urusan kepada syarikat GLC tersebut, pernah menjadi ADUN, pernah mengajar anak sulongnya, pernah bermain bola sepak dengannya di zaman persekolahan, tapi masa berlalu hanya dalam keleraian yang amat tenang kerana tidak bertegur sapa apabila terserempak di tanah perkuburan. Allahuakbar.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri 1435H..
Diumur begini, penuh kesyukuran saya kepada Allah Subhanawataalla kerana dapat merayakan Aidilfitri 1435H bersama ahli-ahli keluarga. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Total submission...
Our mind when not in use it can be stopped. It can put to rest. During that period, we are free form having any bad feelings towards anybody and towards anything. Is that not one of the natural habit in a bear. Bear hibernates. Why can't we? Oh no, we are too busy in checking our ill feelings towards anything and everybody. Is that what we are? Instead why not we submit in total to Allah? Allahuakbar.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
bakat dan berkat..
Adakah memilikki bakat lebih diberkati? Maksudnya seseorang itu dengan sendirinya diberkati jika ianya berbakat? Tetapi ada bakat dalam diam dan tidak berkata-kata dan ianya membina. Ada bakat yang penuh dengan kata-kata tapi memperok perandakan. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Berkuasa Lagi Memahami dalam Segala Kefahaman. Mohon Keampunan semoga diri ini diberi Keberkatan. Allahuakbar.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Unimaginable massacre....
When Israel and Hammas are at war, indirectly the whole world is at war. Ya Allah Ya TuhanKu, berilah kesedaran kepada mereka yang sedang berperang ini supaya memberhentikan pembunuhan yang tidak berhati perut ini. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
perception lies...
What associate best with the word perception are lies. A picture worth a thousand words. But all the words could not be trusted. The substance in the perception can be a source to an inspiration, negative and positive. Unfortunately, the nature of all elements are not well scrutinized in terms of a true understanding and comprehension. All appear to come in groups undermining the actual strength of its true meaning. Understanding in terms of group without scrutinizing each that make up the grouping is a false knowledge. It is a perception. Seungguhnya Segala-galaNYA dalam Perhitungan dan Perkiraan Allah. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
kekuatan tidak melewati 33,000 kaki...
Kekuatan Pemikiran yang salah digunakan menyebabkan MAS MH17 jatuh berkecai di Ukrainedan membunuh 298 orang dari beberapa negara. |
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Gathering strength...
Something seems to be gaining momentum. It seems the momentum are moving towards goodness and eliminating evils along its path. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar
Monday, July 21, 2014
going global...
I am very much bothered by events in Gaza and the crash of MAS MH17 in Ukraine. As a Muslim, I am bothered by the incursion of Israeli army into Gaza. The world is witnessing deaths everywhere and from both sides. How long shall we wait till the world would see a lasting peace in that region? Till we have leaders who can't see blood oozes out from human's body? And so are the conflict in Ukraine where war is going on and when it is going to stop? Malaysia has never been a country in the imagination of global community before. It is now but for the wrong reason. And believe it or not, Flight of MAS on two unfortunate accidents in MH370 and MH17, has seen the world talking about us non-stop. All these have make us very global instantaneously. Accidents are not man made so to speak. Allah is Great. If Allah wants it to happen it happens. But for what reasons? In Allah we see the answers. Allahuakbar.
Armed pro-Russian separatists stand guard at a crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, near the village of Hrabove, Donetsk region. The UN Security Council is considering a draft resolution to condemn the 'shooting down' of MH17, demand armed groups allow access to the crash site, and call on states in the region to cooperate with an international investigation. – Reuters, July 20, 2014. - See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/world/article/un-security-council-mulls-resolution-on-ukraine-crash-site-access#sthash.K7VJgrPp.dpuf
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Topics become fewer..
But the influence of what has happened before are still there. Yes it is there but that does not mean it would stick forever. In some instances it is indeed sticky. Well, most of my memories are being washed away by my preoccupation of HHO Store. I am a businessman now and thus experiencing a new set of gravitational contacts and interacts. All in all, it creates a new life basis. Semoga Allah memberi Kekuatan dan Perlindungan dalam menghadapi ini semua. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Time stops...
At school we are being taught the wonders of the world that include the pyramid and the hanging garden of Babylon. But today's life is far from those wonders. We have wonders in a lot of things and events. I-Pad, I-Phone and creates wonders after wonders. But on the other side of the wonder are wonders of in the MH17 crash and the incursion of Gaza by the Israeli army. Wonder why the double standard adopted by United Nation in respect to Israeli Incursion and the Malaysian airliner MH17 crash? Both are of the same gravity when comes to death. For sure we are not living in another world. We have only one world. But why the world condemnation in the MH17 crash and treating lightly the incursion of Israelis army into the Gaza? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
little do we know...
Out of eagerness and wanting to have it quickly done, certain things are forgotten. But the `hikmah' is always there. Never ever rushed into something thinking that there is no tomorrow. Just imagine what mind can do to us. Minds could easily be tricked into thinking that the other side are of the same gravity in their eagerness and wanting it to be done quickly. TV shows have that kind of aura that is one-sided but seems it belongs to everybody and you too are being trapped. In actual fact everybody is in the trap of everybody. If we are not careful we can easily becomes the victim of ignorances. Maha Suci Allah dari di Syirikkan. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
tembok pemisah...
Tembok berada dimana mana. Tetapi ada dua tembok yang sampai bila bila akan memisahkan manusia dengan manusia lain. Umur seseorang dan jantina merupakan dua tembok yang sukar difahami kerahsiaan yang ada pada kedua-dua nya. Lantas dua prinsip besar bila berbicara dengan orang lain adalah umur seseorang dan jantina seseorang. Ianya boleh dijadikan asas strategi dan taktik bila berkomunikasi. Tembok tembok lain dan lebih kecil itu hanya merupakan mainan dan hiasan hidup yang banyak menyesatkan perjalanan manusia. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
have to free myself from tension-oriented situation...
So many stories out there are bone wrecking and nerves twisting. They have been repeating mistakes after mistakes, highlighting the stupidities of those who called them leaders protecting their land. What rubbish! The means are somewhat bizarre and frightening. And in most situations, it creates nightmare to the innocence. They started it it. But do they care whether or not we reach our destination? Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar.
Monday, July 14, 2014
a journey...
After 24 years! |
Sunday, July 13, 2014
What I don't have...
Can't really think of one. Well I don't have much money to travel around the world. Hope I would be able to realize the dream of travelling to far remote places in this world. And with Allah's blessing, I wish that my wish is fulfilled. Sentiasa bermohon.Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
with potentials but realized much later....
All along since small a man with a lot of potentials might be bypassed and overlooked by the system. That person if properly nurtured and developed would one day literally speaking can surprised the world. Why not, they are the one who can turn the world around to a much better state and conditions well suited to the potentials Allah created us. But what kind of conditions human beings are exposed to? Allah is Great would uplift to human to greater height if the Islamic System are well being observed. Are we? Semoga kita sentiasa dalam PimpinanNYA ke Jalan Yang lurus. Allahuakbar.
Friday, July 11, 2014
coverage beyond humanity...
That is what the media is trying to do. They are covering events around the world that goes beyond the logic of history and humanity. What they are trying to is is twisting the history and twisting the rightfully flow of humanity. And I am presented with the other side of the mirror very much a distorted view of events. Segala Kebenaran hanya pada Allah. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
feel very much alone...
I have to admit it. I just want to be alone. But I could feel an unseen forces that try to dictate my actions and decisions. With the help of Allah, it has to be blown in to pieces. I have to think big beyond all small guesses and small expectations of `illiterate' people and individuals. I am just what I am. But I am not what they think they are. But sometimes I got the feel that they don't want me to be different. In actual fact I am. Semoga Allah sentiasa bersama saya. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Mencelah malam...
Mencelah malam lebih susah dari berjalan siang. Sangat beruntung bagi mereka yang berniaga disiang hari kerana dapat mengharungi kehdupan dengan tabahnya. Yang beri itu lebih baik dari yang menerima. Yang memberi adalah mereka yang penuh kekuatan dan daya tahan `mencelah' siang. Tetapi apa yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya. Tidak tahu di mana silapnya. Ada bangsa yang sememangnya berbudaya siang lebih dari berbudaya malam. Sesungguhnya Ketentuan SegalaGalaNYA adalah dari Allah. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
merenung budaya diri..
Ada dua golongan yang boleh diambil kira penampilan, perlakuan, dan watak mereka. Pertama , mereka yang sangat berbudayakan masyarakat sekeliling dan mempengaruhi tindak tanduk dan keputusan mereka. Ada yang berbudaya hasil dari mengenal diri sendiri secara mendalam. Banyak penyebab kepada golongan yang pertama. Saya adalah terdiri dari golongan yang kedua. Kata mudah saya tidak senang dipengaruhi oleh sesuatu melainkan sesuatu itu adalah sealiran dengan falsafah dan kesedaran mendalam terhadap diri saya sendiri.
1. Ada yang malu melakukan sesuatu kerana tidak mengikut gaya dan stail semasa
2. Saya yang tidak memmentingkan penampilan dengan barang berjenama dan akan menjadi bualan oleh mereka dari golongan pertama,
3. Ada kawan rapat yang malu mengajak saya ke majlis perkahwinan nya kerana dianggap saya tidak taaraf . Tetapi selepas saya bergelar Prof Madya, dia telah menghurmati saya.
Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
1. Ada yang malu melakukan sesuatu kerana tidak mengikut gaya dan stail semasa
2. Saya yang tidak memmentingkan penampilan dengan barang berjenama dan akan menjadi bualan oleh mereka dari golongan pertama,
3. Ada kawan rapat yang malu mengajak saya ke majlis perkahwinan nya kerana dianggap saya tidak taaraf . Tetapi selepas saya bergelar Prof Madya, dia telah menghurmati saya.
Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Roles reduced.?
I have not done anything to deserve this. Do you? Then if you have not done it then who does? Life can be so sympathetic. Before you can face it, it is all gone. It is finished. So why the wait? I don't wait, but they do. Life then is sympathetic in the sense all the waits everybody is experiencing. Leaders don't wait. Followers do. Leaders creates, followers only being an ignorant taker. Leaders are not that many. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Esa, Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNYA. Mohon Perlindungan, Keberkatan dalam Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
touching one's sensitivity...
Just can't say it. Could be too much for him to handle the sensitivities. I have said it but stop short of topics that I dare not to venture into lest the sensitivities could lead to the questioning of Allah's power and determination. Allah the Knows All, the Al-Mighty. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
menebal dengan perasaan angkuh...
Sangat sukar cahaya kebenaran menembusi seseorang yang sangat menebal perasaan angkuhnya. Jika dibandingkan dua negara yang mengalami kesukaran membangun dan asyik berperang sesama sendiri, dimensi `keangkuhan' kedua-dua negara itu adalah berbeza sekali. Mula mula saya menjejak kaki ke Amerika Syarikat, di Whitewater, walaupun kecil komunitinya, perasaan bersatu sangat menebal. Boleh dirasakan perbezaan dengan komuniti di Malaysia yang mana keangkuhan lebih bersifat sombong yang berkaitan dengan harta benda dan wang ringgit. Ya Allah sesungguhnya kepada mU di pinta Pertolongan dan Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Penculikan dan pengaruh..
Dengan pujian hati kita senang diculik. Ramai pun sudah diculik. Dengan lain perkataan ianya diistilahkan sebagai pengaruh. Pujian akan menggelapkan panduan ke arah jalan menghala kepada kebenaran. Islam tidak sangat menggalak memuji dan dipuji. Ianya merupakan sebab yang utama mengapa banyak bangsa dan negara tumbang jatuh berkecai. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
wish more..?
would be an okay life if you give some take some. But out there, many
take and wish more than their capable, and rightful sum. Semoga puasa kita membawa kepada segala
keberkatan. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Dengan tidak disedari...
Amat malang jika kerosakkan dilakukan di peringkat pemerintah setelah bertahun tahun masyarakat membina dan menjaga dengan baik dalam konteks budaya yang mengutamakan keharmonian dan silaturrahim sesama manusia. Sesungguhnya Allah menjaga Al-Quran dalam konteks Kebenaran yang Sebenarnya. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
tidak diminta tidak dipanggil...
Tidak diminta, tidak dipanggil, jauh sekali dari di undang, Allah sentiasa memerhati dan terbina hati budi seseorang itu. Banyak teori yang telah dikemukakan yang mengaitkan latarbelakang dengan kejayaan yang tercetus. Benarkah? Saya merupakan seorang yang tidak diundang, tidak dipanggil, tidak diminta, tetapi `I have been making good my life'. Whatever, Allah is Great Determines ALL. Allahuakbar.
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