Saturday, October 31, 2015

Greatness in Allah...

Allah creates two places for each and every one of us to think about. One, this world, and another is the another world that is the world after life. Despite the life given, both worlds remain in large part still a mystery as to the purpose of life and death. Keep wondering the manner by which we are being touched by the Greatness in Allah. Should there a definite understanding of the actual touch in all those life situations? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 30, 2015

what would be my day like?

Started out with the thought of oneself and slowly going out in the thought of many. Inevitably, knowledge is at best to cultivate oneself for the sake of many. Would there be choices? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

how is my money..?

Talking about money? Not so much of my favourite topic to write. But calculating how my money has been very much my activity daily. Syukur Alhamdullilah I am on the safe side  when comes to adding of my money and to the spending of my money. Leaving aside initiatives in multiplying the money, Allah has been instrumental in the determinant of how much money I should have for a moment. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

still wondering...

There shall be today. And there shall be tomorrow. In  the short term, today is not far away from tomorrow. But look at yesterday. Also comprised of today and tomorrow. What can you make up from those `todays' and `tomorrows'? What a life! Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Has the flow always been two-way? If it is not then it is neither from point A to B nor from point B to A.What has been upgraded has been downgraded. Downgraded might not be long before it too can be upgraded. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 26, 2015


Sedikit masa diberi untuk meneliti  mengapa satu satu perkara atau usaha itu boleh berjaya atau sebaliknya. Dalam banyak keadaan tidak dinafikan kita mengharapkan Pertolongan, Perlindungan Allah tetapi adakah kita akur dengan apa yang terjadi dan terdapat? Tidak kah kita pernah meneliti sesuatu dengan mencari kekuatan dalam semangat `walaupun'? Sebagai contoh, `walaupun sudah tidak memiliki apa apa, dia tetap tersenyum dalam menghadapi hari esok'. Lantas Allah telah memperkenan hajatnya untuk menjadi dia seorang yang berjaya selepas itu. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

a creativity?

Have I have long been like this? My brain, my mind, my thought, my thinking, my creativity, way back when I was still in the cradle? I have never been tough in talking and behaving till I have been grabbed by an unknown entity that sees me as a true friend. Haha. Just exercising my creativity. Is it? Wallahualam. Maha suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-galanya. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Generally and to a large extent, in whatever groups formed and if void of Islamic spirit, they are of no true friendship. Too many worldly possessions of individuals contribute to the divisiveness in the society. The seemingly cohesiveness only last for that moment and not to the next second, so to speak. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

In the things we think, we say, we write, we do...Allahuakbar...

What about in the things I think, I do, I say, I write...?
Likewise, what about sights and sounds? By virtue of our endless knowledge of interpretation, nothing can ever be static. But are we in control? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-galanya. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Say nothing, hear nothing, write nothing...

Don't really know what I am saying. But I know what I am writing about? What about what you are thinking about?  Are you thinking about yourself or about others? Don't really know what.  I am just the role of somebody I don't not know whom. But the 'whom' seems to be a very happy person. Why? I am playing roles of dead person who wants so much to be alive. And the opportunities are in me. Don't really feel  I am for that actions and decisions. But I did. And I am back to what I was before. I am just playing roles of others. Am I? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Family Mat Said

just a natural process of change?

Could be a strategy. Could be tactical. Could just be a trick. But in the name of a natural process, a change could be just from about anything. Socially, culturally, politically could all be the agent of change. And can I ask something? Why do you have to change? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 19, 2015

a different man...

I did not prevent anything from saying what this man has to say. Despite it is me, but when comes to just saying things I am no longer the same person. Life seems what I should not do what I have done. It is me alright. Or I am just another person in another person's body. Wallahualam. Sesungguh Segala Rahsia Ciptaan adalah rahsia Allah. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lebih global...

Perlindungan dan Pertolongan yang lebih bersifat global yang mencakup soal pahala dan dosa, neraka dan syorga, dan dalam erti kata umum, baik dan jahat. Ianya bersifat global kerana ianya mencakup yang diketahui dan yang tidak, yang lepas, silam dengan yang sekarang terkini. Kemanfaatan bukan untuk diri sendiri, tapi membawa soal negara dan keluarga. Lantas kesannya tidak  kepada yang logik juga mecakup juga soal Kun Fayakun...kesemuanya adalah Milik Allah, Kekuasaan Allah. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

An empty space of silence?

Life begins as a universal self. But distorted by cultural norms and values creating another world of our own resulting in a perceptual self  that satisfies all sorts of odd situations and circumstances. Do we have other choices? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 16, 2015

the new script...

A man, despite the knowledge, still groping in the dark in certain areas of life dimensions. Can't be really be a person I need be. Seems a smile is not a real smile that comes from the heart. Just love to open a window and witnessing life has just begun promising nothing and we keep on hoping. Out there is all emptiness physically. Wonder, where life has been, despite news on humans fight humans. Outside is just an empty space. Despite that, the conflicts are continuing. Where has the empty space gone to? Nowhere. It has always been in you. And the 'you' is the script of your life. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

bila mana taqwa...

Peringkat taqwa akan membawa kepada pencucian diri yang lebih cuci dari cucian yang terdahulu. Lantas tidak ada persamaan dulu dan sekarang. Hari ini dan hari esok. Mengapa kerap mengulang bisikan yang meminta dari orang lain yang bukan bukan. Adakah kehadiran mereka menyucikan? Begitu juga bila melihat, mendengar, membau, memikir, melakukan sesuatu, adakah ianya sama dengan hari semalam? Hari ini merupakan puncak kepada tangga yang kita pijak pada hari semalam. Dan hari ini merupakan tangga kepada puncak hari esok. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

if it comes naturally, and short individually...

then what actually do we try to manage? Looking far at times when everything seems so remote, one wonder how do we reach this time of our existence? By chance? By accident? Coincidental? Questions asked but what about the answers? Allah is Great. Allah the Al-Mighty Allah Knows-All. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

take it short...

Then  it could be a very much a sharing life. Life is short. How could you want to take so many in one time? You know the turmoil and turbulence in this world is very much caused by an outlook that drags vey much into the future. And what makes it worse the roots of the problems runs way back into the past. Despite we know that a longer view is good, but it must make short by the action of sharing in the solution. Just see 'A and B' and forget about 'C and D" for it might belong to other people and individuals. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Kekal dengan prinsip asas dan prinsip asal...

Allah sentiasa menolong walaupun ada situasi dan keadaan agak nampak tidak logik dilihat secara umum.Wallahualam. Bermula dengan kerja yang mana gaji yang rendah dan mendiami sebuah bilik yang tidak ada apa-apa. Hanya berlantaikan tikar usang dibentang diatas simen, dan dinding dipenuhi dengqan tulisan positif yang menceritakan sesuatu yang hanya berlaku berpuluh puluh tahun kemudian. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Permohonan saya bagi memilikki apartment 3 bilik yang mana dua di sewa dan satu untuk saya sendiri telah mendapat kelulusan LKNP. Tapi saya tetap saya sehinggalah hari ini. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-GalaNYA. Saya berpeluang menlanjutkan pelajaran ke seberang laut yang mana selepas itu segala-gala terbuka dan masih lagi dalam proses keterbukaan. Allahuakbar. Penuh Kesyukuran. Dalam pada itu prinsip asal dan asas  masih kuat tertanam dalam diri. Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar

Sunday, October 11, 2015

pride and prejudice..

The pride is in the change that collaborated well with the wish that I have had for that before. Just a matter of heart  and pride, it seems to be what I wish for. It does not sound at all prejudice. Great things come with the great heart and great wish. Why still the fear? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

indahnya hidup..

Adakah hidup itu indah apabila bersendirian? Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segal-Galanya. Di selitkan bayangan kepada sesuatu itu bila bersendirian. Apakah fungsi bayangan yang ternampak itu? Masih tidak terungkai Segala rahsia. An initial sense of setback. But it was not. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Don't tell them..

Never give an opinion on somebody's decision that they are wrong. Just hope he or she is making a right decision. Semoga Allah bersama nya dalam keputusan tersebut. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


it seems a day is everyday now. It can be Sunday. It can be Tuesday. Can be any day. Not as before when yesterday, today carries a different meaning in terms of objectives. But life is full of subjectivities. Wallahulam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


That feeling of yesteryears and having the ability to expess in the tone of multiple dimensions and emotions makes me feel life is immortal. There seems to be not definte end of what I have been undergoing. Hanya kepada Allah saya menyembah dan berserah. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

share and ownership...

Allah's has absolute ownership on everything that happens. Wallahualam.That is why we need to `berzikir' on what, when, it needs be. Allah is Great. Allah the Al-Mighty.  Allah is the Creator of ALL. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Kagum dan mengkagumkan...
Would there be an exact repetition of what smells good, tastes good, and feels good? Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Kententuan Allah adalah sangat mengkagumkan. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

sudah lama bertanya..

Apa yang ditanya? Kelembutan hati dan reaksi yang seakan akan semula jadi yang ada pada diri, dari mana ye? Brain, mind, heart, or soul? After overcoming the fight in the physical realm and domain, and the winner would move on to battle grounds of brain, mind, heart,and lastly the soul. And today I was whispered the answer to what and why my actions and decisions. It is the soul that makes me react to life dimensions as natural as it has and can be. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

enteng, remeh, gah, sombong....

Enteng dan remeh, gah dan sombong, adalah di luar kekuasaan kita dalam menentukan apa yang akan berlaku. Hanya Allah yang Maha mengetahui. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 2, 2015

so vast yet so tiny..

A universe so vast in terms of physical and time and so the puzzle when asking where, when, why, who are we? Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Kekuasaan Allah melewati Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Are we just a tiny species called human living in a tiny time on this tiny planet? But why our anger has not been equitable with that tininess? Wallahualam.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

orang muda menghadap permulaan..

Orang tua belajar buat hari penghabisan...pengakhiran..orang muda belajar bagaimana nak mula melakukan sesuatu. Orang tua belajar bagaimana nak menghakhirinya..youthfulness good in beginning of things..old people  are good in the ending of things...Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.