Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Block consciousness....

A picture, memory, my memory...

Umrah and Haji..walk the one shared memory
 Everybody is in block stance. It might be a very big one or a very small one, or nothing at all. There are a shared block and all are in general terms. I know it and you know it. Or rather I feel it and you also feel it. And as in most individual situation it is a personal unconscious, unaccountable, or an irresponsible block thought piece. Thus I am different from all of you. And no block of words can make me the same as them and you.Therefore my writing catches only a few, what more to have a deep understanding on what I say. And a glimpse on everybody, they are very much a loner until we stumble on to  a shared general block of the same block need and block wants.

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