Friday, January 20, 2012

the onus is on who fear most...

In marketing and in making a sale, the producer fears most lest he would go bankrupt if he makes the wrong move. So he would go all out to be informative in order to convince the customer that his product is the product that can fulfill the needs and the wants in the customer's quest for thrill and satisfaction. In similar breadth, in learning, the students fear most and not the teacher or the lecturer. The lecturer only arms with the basics, and it is up to the student to fill in the gaps the basic has created. UiTM only provides classes for the lecturer to deal with the basic. In contrast, the students are being provided with everything and all the hours in order to get the basics filled. Hours in classes are insufficient. The lecturer cannot give the most. The student is the seeker. So in a teaching scenario who fear most? The teacher or the students? Who gets the benefit most? Sesungguhnya dalam percaturan kehidupan banyak yang rugi dan menanggung ketakutan adalah manusia. Tetapi ramai yang lupa. Allah Yang Maha Besar dan memliki Segala-galanya. Memohonlah dan bersyukurlah.  Sujudlah kepadaNya kerana kebaikan akan dibalas dengan kebaikan.

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