Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Apa tidaknya. Bukan hanya sekeping gambar yang dirakamkan, tetapi ianya menyeramkan kerana semangat yang ada pada mula gambar itu dirakam telah tiada lagi. Dalam jangka masa yang tertentu,
semangat gambar itu telah berubah wajah lari dari tujuan asal ianya dirakamkan. Hidup ini tidak ada mereka yang rapat, dekat, dan akrab seperti dipaparkan dalam gambar tersebut. Kini gambar itu hanya kenangan kesudahan kisah perjalanan seseorang yang tidak terjangkau dan terjangka oleh akal manusia meramalkannya. Semoga kita sentiasa dalam PerlindunganNYA. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
A visit might change your life...
Adakah kita mudah`dipermainkan' oleh sesuatu yang sememangnya `jelas
maksudnya' ? Allah cipta sesuatu baik dilangit mahupun di bumi dalam
ruang masa, tempat, fizikal, mental, yang sangat luas sifat dan cirinya supaya
perbincangan, keikhlasan, kemaafan, dan silaturrahim itu sentiasa
terbuka untuk diusahakan dan diwujudkan. Adakah kita menyedarinya?
Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
those sticky moments...
It should be over. Those sticky moments on almost anything from A to Z should not be sticky anymore. Should be free from all those sticky moments and sticky worries. Not anymore for you. Just wake up and breathe the fresh air of the morning. The day are always and still sticky but could just be without it at your own free will and choice. Seek Protection from Allah. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
life is a game..
As with games, nobody wants to lose. In the similar breadth, life is a game. Everybody wants to win. But fortunately the difference in life is that nobody is a loser. Everybody should be declared a winner because it is their game and the opponent is himself or herself. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 27, 2014
the lights, shadows, and the dramas...
and the dark..all if well directed would produced a home box office dramas. What about my life? Looking down the alley, all those elements are there. My life, your life, and everybody's life is a drama in the class by itself. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
So many things I am am undecided about. But I should not be undecided on something that has to do with something that is so physically and mentally clear and It is tainted with nothing that renders a suspicion.But some despite its clarity, I am still indecisive. For reasons I am now sure, I should just dismissed it as following the foot path of today's so-called modern interaction and transaction to nothing. For that I should be decisive. Wallaualam. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
nick of time...
I am just back from years of yesterday. See words in its worse form and the worse in the meaning. Sees values and norms wrongly chosen and placed for a closely knit of family members. Slips in everything is the order of what has happened in the past. The worse scenario is picking the uncrackable and placing someone funny on the throne. In the words of peace, we have come a long way. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Friday, January 24, 2014
no cliché leader...
Clichés. A word I have been using in describing a stereotyped situation of anything. And it is regrettable if a leader of a nation has been described as such. If a nation is to progress, we need no clichés leader. A small ville would transform into a productive and buzzing metropolitan city because the citizens have been distasteful on what is supposedly to be a clichés social behavior. And yesterday is truly a day to remember because after investing so much, I see that I do gain something. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
a day is almost over..
Would tomorrow still be with me? It is no burden now of me to think of all the days, here, now, the future, and the hereafter. What I have is only today. And I don't have tomorrow until the actual tomorrow really comes. What makes the difference between individuals is in how they feel about today. Some just don't give a glance at others while passing each other. Do they think tomorrow is theirs? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
If ever there is a theory that I know and remembered well, it is none other than the theory of resistance. It is widely observed by all people and individuals throughout the bits and pieces of known particles that make up the finite and the infinite entity of everything. Is that the reason why in the first place the theory of resistance takes place? Dalam SEGALA KetentuanNYA, seseorang itu tidak akan boleh melawan fitrahnya. Kalau pun ada usaha ke arah `control and rule' the resistance in being on its own would be doing the check and balance. It stands firm. For that reason, I now realized that there is no spirit of tomorrow. It is here and now that matters. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Tercuit rasa takut. Mengapa? Itulah satu perasaan yang membuat manusia sentiasa bergerak kearah kebaikan. Tetapi ada yang juga bergerak ke arah jalan yang tidak lurus. Mengapa? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 20, 2014
being myself...
It is not easy to be myself. This is because I am part of everything. What should I do? Just be myself at this time of the hour. Next hour would be another hour, another person. Being myself? Just don't think about it. It can tear you apart. Semoga Allah memberi Perlindungan, Kekuatan, Kekuasaan dalam KetentuanNYA. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Ledakan dalam segala-gala membuat kita berfikir. Soal fikir adalah soal yang memberi 1000 pengertian kepada seseorang. Hanya empunya diri yang memahami panahan yang mengena dan memerangkapnya dalam proses pemgeledakan yang sebegitu rupa. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
comfort zone...
Zon selesa? Adakah itu yang saya maksudkan? Ia dan tidak. My territory has been defined. And not all understood life in the same way I do. I have been trying to comfort myself in the kind of thinking I should be thinking. I have found it. I have found my comfort zone, so to speak. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Friday, January 17, 2014
sudah sedemikian...
Jangan menyusahkan diri. Semuanya agak senang bagi saya. Menulis tidaklah seberat mana. Apa penyebabnya? Adakah disebabkan oleh jejari yang terlatih atau disebabkan oleh sudut hati yang sentiasa memerhati dan merasa? Walauapapun, ianya merupakan satu anugerah Allah dan menyerupai bila perlunya makan dan perlunya minum. Apabila tangan dan jejari diletakkan di atas benda ini, maka seperti arus air ianya pun bergerak dengan sendirinya. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
another world...
It has become another world, another planet. The inhabitants are those with eyes of an eagle and energy of a lion. Always positioning themselves in order to kill or else being killed. No more goodness around the neighborhood. But some still fighting for the good world. Is it achievable? Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
perfection in the opposites...
Of situations and events, of me and others, the opposites can determine the truth in someone and in something. Looking back at what has happened, can it be controlled? Just write my way through, of days and nights, has it been revealing in what I have done as opposed to what I don't. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Salam Maulidur Rasul....
Adakah mereka sengaja menggilakan seseorang atau kelompok lain? Sebenarnya secara individu mungkin tidak. Tetapi mereka berubah kerana mereka telah dikuasai oleh suara suara sumbang yang mengatakan dihadapan adalah mereka tidak secantik dan setaraf dengan mereka. Sedangkan di sebalik seseorang adalah Alllah Maha Besar lagi Maha Mengetahui. Lantas cocok mencocok berlaku. Dalam proses itu mereka dikurangkan dengan sesuatu. Tetapi mereka masih membuta dengan keangkohan yang melanggar prinsip kejadian dan ciptaan. Lantas Kebesaran Allah telah berada jauh dari dirasai dan difahami. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Salam Maulidur Rasul.
Monday, January 13, 2014
The obvious but it seems not...
I saw them doing things that the wrong can be debated. It is the kind of sentence that can set everything right and also and also everything apart. But the past that is of rock solid can take away the jewels in one's present moment in life and existence. Let Islam be my past, present, and the future. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
terletaknya rahsia...
Kepada yang mengetahui, hikmah atau hikmatnya kepada sesuatu memang ada. Adakala dan mengapa kita hanya memohon tetapi mengenepikan hikmah dan hikmat apabila berada di satu satu tempat? Hikmah dan hikmat merentasi alam sebelum sedang dan sekarang. Dimanakah kita berada pada hari hari tertentu? Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi berkuasa terhadap segala Ketentuan. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
extremism..the silent killer..
Extremism is built on ignorance and emptiness of divine direction. Can that be the true enemy to anybody for that matter? To those who cares, can that be the true challenge? Humanity in its true form is far from being understood. Why not ask for it? Ya Allah, Kekuasaan Mutlak hanya Pada Mu Ya Allah. Semoga aku sendiri tidak extemism dalam memohon taufik dan hidayah, perlindungan, kekuatan dan kekuasaan. Juga dipohon banyak kesyukuran dan keampunan. Allahuakbar.
Friday, January 10, 2014
It is not my nature to use this word - upset. But today that feeling of upset has been all over me. Now I know it. I thought things have been in place and in its perfect mind set. But after knowing the truth the set has become upside down. That is what `upset' is all about. But as you move along, the upset situation would be in its perfect set again. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
anything and everything...
When I say anything, it means that every problems face by you as a person must be dealt with on a one-to-one basis. When I say everything, the problems do not stop at your problems alone, it runs deep, down, wide and well spread to all and everything, here, now, and also days, months, years, and century to come. It is our a duty to connect it. Hope I make myself understood. Having said that, Only Allah Knows All. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Just about anything...
Nothing is ever complete in its comprehension and understanding. Trying to scroll to the last down, but the bottom is just not there. Feeling great but how does great looks like? Odorless, shapeless, and it does not present it self as sharp as everybody wants it to be. But it pressed upon the mind, heart, and soul and this writing comes into being. Allah is Great. Take all in its form and shape despite the `inaccuracies' of thoughts and the `bottomless' of thinking. Just keep on rocketing and rocking. That causes the stirs and everybody has to live with it till to the day they die. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Mengapa mengumpat, mengapa speculate, mengapa tidak yakin...
Puncak ilmu, tetapi tidak diusahakan ke arah itu. Puncak kitaran ilmu, jika berlaku kegagalan mencarinya, maka berlakulah umpatan dan spekulasi yang bukan-bukan. Lantas kita akan berdepan dengan isu yang tidak berkesudahan. Lantas ungkapan sebegini -`1000 tahun' tak tentu lagi. Mohon Perlindungan dari Allah. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 6, 2014
alam baru dan citra baru...
Bertemu dan berjumpa semula dengan sesiapa dan apa yang dialami di masa lepas dan lampau adalah tipis tetapi tidak mustahil. Kalau terjumpa pun, fitrah semangat dan kerinduan seperti dahulu sudah tidak dirasakan lagi. Ia telah menggamit pergi. Mungkin pilu mungkin menggembirakan. Now, it is just a memory. Sesiapa pun apabila sudah melangkah pergi, dia nya akan terus pergi dan tidak menoleh ke belakang lagi. Walaupun seribu ingatan bermain di alam mental dan maya, ianya sudah tidak wujud lagi. Kepastiannya ialah kita telah berada di alam baru. Ungkaplah banyak kesyukuran dan penuh keredaan. Kehidupan telah berada di sekitaran, harapan dan citra baru. Semoga diberi Taufik, Hidayah, Kekuatan, Perlindungan. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala KetentuanNya. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
terbuka dan terluka...
Terluka kerana salah mengtakrifkan istilah keterbukaan. Terbuka tetapi tidak. Nampak tetapi tidak. Lantas berlakulah dimensi keterbukaan yang membawa kepada peristiwa `terbuka dan terluka'. Kepada Allah kita berserah. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
suara dari saya....
Saya sentiasa bersuara. Tetapi adakala saya merasakan suara saya tidak didengar. Itu salah. Apa jua tulisan yang ditulis akan tetap mendapat perhatian. Saya telah menulis dan mengharap kebolehan saya akan di iktiraf. Saya merasakan saya boleh menyampaikan sesuatu topik dengan penuh kelancaran dan kesebatian hasrat. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Tidak ada rasa ketakutan kepada orang yang meletakkan dirinya di bawah Penguasaan Allah Yang Menentu Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.
Friday, January 3, 2014
mantra dan jampi...?
Bila di ulang-ulang sesuatu, maka jadilah apa yang disebut selalu itu. Sebenarnya, jampi dan mantra tidak banyak bezanya dengan sifat pengulangan cakap dan perbuatan dan akhirnya terjadi apa yang dihajatkan. Lantas, kita sendiri boleh menjadi penawar kepada sakit yang kita hadapi. 90% daripada penyakit adalah sakit fikir dan memikir. Hanya 10% yang benar benar fizikal. Tetapi mesti diingat, jika kita tidak memahami 90% itu, sakit akan berubah tempat - 90% fizikal dan 10% mental yakni fikir dan memikir. Kalaulah ia berlaku sedemikian, mantra dan jampi tidak berguna lagi. Hanya menunggu mati. Wallahualam.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
adakah saya berperanan..?
Berperanan di sini bererti adakah saya mengerti dan memahami arah tuju di usia saya begini? Pernahkah saya terpesong arah tuju? Melupai diri di tahap umur berapa sangat mudah berlaku kepada manusia. Godaan syaitan sentiasa membisikan sesuatu ke telinga mengajak ke alam yang lagi satu. Sungguh mudah tertarik, sungguh mudah terajak. Itulah saya di peringkat usia begini. Adakah kerana tenaga masih ada maka saya terlupa secara fizikal saya tidak muda lagi? Ada yang terpapah. Ada yang melatah. Ada yang sudah berjalan menggeletar tidak tentu arah pada tangan dan kaki, pada fikir dan mikir. Bertaburan dan terhad. Ada yang sudah memiliki liang lahad. Syukur Alhamdullilah, saya masih lagi dalam keadaan sihat walafiat. Masih lagi tajam memikir dan menulis. Di sini saya sangat bersyukur dengan anugerah yang sebegitu. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
No wonder, all this while it is a well kept secret. I have no more zones to jump, to hop, and to look forward to. If ever I were to look for signs, it is everywhere. But why and what kind of zone I am in? A very comfortable one, mentally and physically, so to speak. Despite it is day one of year 2014, I am still comfortable with I am in terms of others who are somewhat uptight with their zones of age and worries. Are they? Or should I? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
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