Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Satu satu gambar yang mana menggembirakan...
Hidup biarlah kita mengenal antara satu dgn yang lain. Mereka juga merupakan pengukur kepada kejayaan dan kegagalan kita. Juga merupakan barometer kepada kesihatan yang di kecapi pada masa ini. Nak tahu saya di mana dalam gambar ini? Kiri sekali. Syukur Alhamdullilah sihat lagi dan boleh menulis dan berfikir seperti apa yang saya buat sekarang.
Friday, December 15, 2017
berkorban apa saja...
Hendak ke hidup tanpa tangan dan kaki? Hendak ke hidup tak berduit? Ia, berkorban apa sahaja selepas membuat pertimbangan setepat mungkin, tidak merugikan agama, bangsa, dan negara. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
space between individuals are knowledge based or what?
Be near someone. Feel the gaps and the distance you are with him or her. Mentally how far? Physically how far. Psychologically how far. Does all those question pointed out to the fact we are not equal regarding relationship of one and another. How come it has been that way? Could it being based one possessed? Or what? Or what? Is it not interesting to find out? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
what drives you..
Some are physical-driven. There are others who are mental-driven. Despite that when you are on the road, you are car-driven. Could be slow could be fast. Scary? Don't be. One day you would realize who really and truly drives this world. None other than Allah the Al-Mighty. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
in the name of expressions..
In the name of expressions, life in hours, days, weeks, months, years, all have been managed wonderfully..Allahuakbar.
Monday, September 25, 2017
apakah rahsianya?
Dihening pagi yang sepi dan di mana matahari masih cuba menjengok hendak mencuri keluar, aku berani menulis semua ini demi mencapai kehidupan yang indah. Setelah ditatap tabah, berani aku mengatakan rahsia sebenarnya pada kehidupan seseorang adalah pada umur, kesihatan, dan kematian. Allah menjadikan segalanya. Adakah Allah berahsia terhadap sesuatu supaya tidak apa sahaja yang lalu membuat kita keliru? Lantas terciptalah pandangan, istilah, nama, gelaran yang berbagai dan bagai dan sangat mengelirukan kerana ianya cuba menjauhkan diri kita dari rahsia yang satu itu dan juga menjauhkan diri kita dari resepi hidup yang sebenarnya dan dijadikan pendirian yang tidak mudah direbahkan. Lantas amaran ini patut diketengahkan. Jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan gambar dan gambaran yang cuba memecah belahkan. Selidik dan teliti apa jua yang boleh mendatangkan angkara dan akhirnya melemahkan diri dari satu situasi yang benar boleh memberi kekuatan. Jangan mudah memperkecilkan dan memperlekehkan kehadiran peristiwa yang mana menggambarkan kekuatan Allah yang sebenarnya. Tidakkah terfikir bahawa perjalanan hidup adalah perjalanan yang tidak terjumpa manusia lain yang benar benar ikhlas dalam menatap wajah mu? Kemiskinan dalam berbagai bentuk berada dan terdapat di mana mana. Lagi banyk kekayaan maka lagi banyak kemiskinan, ketandusan hati dan jiwa. Ruparupa ramai yang lupa umur dan mati tidak mengecualikan sesiapa. Itulah rahsia pokok kepada masalah jika dirasai hidup terpinggir dan diketepikan. Tidakkah terfikir bahawa umur dan kesihatan yang dirasai memberi saya kedudukan yang berbeza dari orang lain? Adakah mereka dapat menandingnya? Disitulah letaknya kekuatan yang sepatutnya disedari, di jaga dan pohonlah kepada Allah akan Kesejahteraan yang di hajatkan Allahuakbar.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
the only one step..
just like it happens yesterday...but to them it seems so far away. not me. despite the long many many years, it was just like yesterday..
Friday, September 22, 2017
yesterday's gone...
many things..
1. tidak fikir berbalas..
2. just do it within my capacity
3. be a free man
4. the shift in the sense of guilt..
5. would it stunt growth?
6. at my age?
1. tidak fikir berbalas..
2. just do it within my capacity
3. be a free man
4. the shift in the sense of guilt..
5. would it stunt growth?
6. at my age?
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Yesterdays meet yesterdays..but I come to realized that I am no longer a yesterday. I am today. And be careful with those who are from yesterdays and failed to become today. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Debaran tidak lagi sama. Debaran dia lebih condong ke dunia. I am not. Siang tadi banyak kesedaran yang menyedarkan. Ada debaran yang masih lagi dalam ruang lingkup khayalan. Ada debaran yang cuba mendebarkan aku agar aku tunduk kepada kemahuan dia yang sangat condong ke arah paksi dinegara dan hati yang sangat jauh berbeza. Ada yang tidak merasai debaran orang tua ini yang sedang mengarah ke dunia kematian dan alam akhirat. Lantas debaran mana yang benar benar aku? Wallahualam. Kepada Allah dipohon taufik, hidayah. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
where from?
From nobody...
From one place to another. From one thing to another. From one mood to another. From one person to another. From young to being old. From nothing to something. From yesterday to today. From Monday to Friday. From what to how. From how to when From when to who. From who to why. Can life be that simple? It is just a matter from somewhere to somewhere. But it can also from somewhere to nowhere. Wallahualam. Penuh kesyukuran. DariNYA kita datang. KepadaNYA kita akan kembali.Hanya kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
From one place to another. From one thing to another. From one mood to another. From one person to another. From young to being old. From nothing to something. From yesterday to today. From Monday to Friday. From what to how. From how to when From when to who. From who to why. Can life be that simple? It is just a matter from somewhere to somewhere. But it can also from somewhere to nowhere. Wallahualam. Penuh kesyukuran. DariNYA kita datang. KepadaNYA kita akan kembali.Hanya kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
the difference..
Some might think it small and manageable. But many feel it big, much, many, and uncontrollable. It is all in the mind that can be very relative in terms of everything. Realatively speaking, so to speak. And that could be the difference in Allah's creations. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Monday, June 26, 2017
a new day could be a new world..
A day could be with a different feel, a different taste, a different
liking, a different perspective, a new consciousness, a new knowledge, a
new found confidence and thus could be a new world altogether
Wallahualam. Allah yang Maha Pengasih. Allah yang Maha Penyayang. Allah
yang Maha Pemurah. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
I’m Just Kidding..selamat hari raya adiilfitri
A wife asked her husband to describe her …..
He said, ‘You’re A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K’.
She said, ‘What does that mean?’
He said Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot’.
She said, ‘Oh that’s so lovely. What about I, J, K ?’
He said– I’m Just Kidding—!!! : )
He said: it is not IJK but INK..
Wife: what does that mean?
with all this INK - I'm not kidding. Have I?
He said, ‘You’re A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K’.
She said, ‘What does that mean?’
He said Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot’.
She said, ‘Oh that’s so lovely. What about I, J, K ?’
He said– I’m Just Kidding—!!! : )
He said: it is not IJK but INK..
Wife: what does that mean?
with all this INK - I'm not kidding. Have I?
Berpeganglah kepada tali Allah. Kita pasti tidak akan hilang punca dalam menghadapi sebarang masalah. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Iniatially, it appears heavy because physical and mental thoughts often collude. And in most situation physical overpowered the mental aspect in someone. Thus often times than not growth stunts. Bila sesuatu itu menjadi mainan fizikal dan menunjuk, segala nilai ilmu yang berharga yang bernilai untuk kehidupan akan terlepas pergi. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Monday, June 12, 2017
I saw things that I have not seen before. Being touched by an unseen hands that put all that I am unhappy about back to a good unpolluted feeling. Seemingly it has never happen. For a while I am just not the person I used to be. Has it all been naturally set for a small test? Allahuakbar.
it is a matter of time..
Time heals, that is what they say. Time could also be a blunt, forthright, and outright. It teaches everybody a lesson ranging from the unseemingly trivial relationship to a more decisive battle of wars and conflict in humanity and mankind. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
the pain when someone comes knocking...
Do I have that symptom of being a lapse in sound reasoning when someone comes knocking and asking me for a favor? It is deep seat `problem' of mine concerning the `gate' that closes the entry does not function properly. It continues to be open till a favour is met. At this age, it was realized the good, the bad, and the evil I have undergone in meeting those favors. Despite that in the final situation I am ok. Allah is Great. kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan, Kekuatan. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Seakan akan ianya membayangkan, setiap peristiwa akan berakhir dengan sebuah pusara yang diselubungi suasana sepi dan pilu, bersendiri. Jelas menjadi contoh duniawi apabila pesalah diheret ke penjara bagi menjalani hukuman dan ditempatkan di sel bersendirian. Dan tidak terkecuali dunia yang menggambarkan kehebatan dalam beberapa perkara juga menjadi satu pusara kemanusiaan dengan cerita dan peristiwa yang semuanya yang akan dan sudah tercatat. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Kekal. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
expertise and technology...
The plundering of world's resources and they took more and charge more for what the claim are theirs in the name of technology and expertise. Is it fair? All categories of what human has been thriving for in the name of fairness but are mistakenly or intently mold in the name of democracy and they think they deserve more in the name of modern life style and living comfort.The display of arrogance and cruelties are rampant with gun shots and bombs both from ground and skies and it is unfortunate the innocence are the victims. Is it fair? In the name of fortunate and unfortunate, many are unfortunate to serve the masters who might see life both day and night as absolute theirs depriving those who toil their sweat during the day and shed tears at night. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Monday, June 5, 2017
'menutup aurat'..
Istilah 'menutup aurat' merangkum banyak perkara malah semua perkara. Benarkah? Peluang bersama dengan sekitaran, baik manusia atau bukan, tidak selalunya berlaku. Bila berlaku pertemuan dan pertembungan, aurat kenalah ditutup. Tapi ianya janganlah merupakan `penutupan' yang melampau. Tapi jika kita berdepan kejahilan, apa yang patut dibuat? Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
i remember....
If I were to stay away from others for quite some time, I would then be another person. Remember when I am doing my degree in USA, the separation are somewhat like I have been doing a planetary travel, untraceable in relation to who, where, why, and when. Every journey has its purpose. No reason to worry. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan, Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.
Friday, June 2, 2017
the future..
Can we really determine our self in relation to what we want to buy, in relation to what we want to hear, in relation to happy life for that matter? Kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan, Kekuatan. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
intrusions are somewhat blatant, bastard, and bloody, so to describe in
silence, my silence, my kind of silence. A sheer rude behavior invading a
privacy of another that one should be guarded from and being a
protector. Today's world of varied means and devices seem to disregard
one's cherished privacy of honor and integrity. The rude `intrusions'
seems to spell discrimination and unjustified equality. A sheer
knowledge of a crooked kind one seems to be the order of the day. Just
like a crocodile ripping a victim in pieces given a cruel circumstances
in being near the river bank. Kepada Allah di pohon Taufik, Hidayah,
Kekuatan. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
strictly me...
There is a `lake' in me where i can easily immersed into the depth and then I am just back and breathing again and this time much stronger. Figuratively speaking, I have been let down many times. And I just forgot that I am much greater than they are. In most aspects i can say with confidence i am just myself in terms of ability and skills. But the measurement has always been them and their treatment as though I am just nothing. Should I fight back? Well, you are safe from drowning, right? Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
dosa dan pahala...
Dosa dan pahala hanya kepada yang hidup dan berakhir apabila kematian menjemput kita. Tapi yang selalu menjadi persoalan, apakah dosa itu berlebihan dari pahala apabila manusia berjumpa antara satu dengan yang lain? Atas nama ekonomi, politik, sosial, tidak sangat diteliti kesan dosa dan pahala terhadap keputusan yang dibuat. Apa sebenarnya itu dosa dan pahala? Hanya kepada Allah di pohon Taufik, Hidayah agar kita yang hidup ini dibawa ke jalan yang benar. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Semua orang, tidak ada yang berkecuali, merasakan dirinya kurang dan sedikit dalam segala aspek hidup, pemikiran, dan kebendaan. Dengan datangnya bulan puasa dan berpuasa, ianya mengukuhkan lagi 'sedikit dan kurang' itu. Sebagai manusia ciptaan Allah, bersendirian tidaklah merupakan keutamaan dalam mengecapi kebahagiaan, kekuatan, dan kesejahteraan. Ramadhan mengajar kita betapa pentingnya kekuatan diri dalam konteks ummah dan jumaah. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
the direction is towards me..it is not being shared...
Kesemuanya merupakan sesuatu yang tidak boleh menyembunyikan saya dari berkata-kata. Sesunyi mana sesuatu, sejelas mana sesuatu, ianya tetap akan menyentak dan menuntut pandangan dan perasaan yang automatis kepada saya. Ia merupakan `pengaruh' yang cukup halus kerana ianya telah menjadi binaan yang sukar diruntuhkan dan perlu diperhalusi semula bagi mengelak dari tertawan oleh iblis dan syaitan.Wallahualam. Kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
how could that be a shame?
There are situations that are in-built with life itself. Conscious and unconscious aspect of life are well laid out for a reason and later on become reasons. It looks like weaknesses. Is it? It looks like being cheated. Have they do it on purpose? Or they too are unconscious of the fact that life is with specific and individual directions? Berapa jauh dan berapa lama seseorang itu dengan seseorang yang lain? Ada kah sesiapa dapat mengagak dengan tepat? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segalanya.
Monday, May 22, 2017
bersendiri dan beramai...
Bersendirian at best apabila fardhu ain diamalkan. Beramai at best apabila fardhu kipayah di utamakan.both complement each other.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
A man who has been writing this has been very humble with his ability. Why? His world has never been a flat one. It runs steep and narrow. Nothing holds just swept down. On the top it is just me. So should there be worries after knowing where you are? Allahuakbar.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
seeking the path and knowing the level...
That is how ties are developed. Know the path. Know the level. Everybody interacts differently when comes to individual path and individual level. Yes a world is seen as one. But looking at the paths and levels everybody has to trot on, the differences could be steep and could be narrow. Anybody of the same path and same level as me? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
picking free...
Those are parts that belong to you. It sounds easy. It looks easy. If ever they don't touch you, they don't mention you, the part and that is yours has never make known to them. Hamdan, and that is me, has never make easy to them. You are just not one of their chosen part. Have I? Never have been. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
a straightfoward thinking...
When there are a lot of thought directions, the path seems to be crooked and hazy. I can put it right and straightforward by not talking and acting so much on it. Why not just wait? Can you? For sure the end is in anything, everybody and everything. Allahuakbar.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Bila aku lupa atau terlupa aku dapati diriku tenang. Bila teringat sesuatu aku kembali tenang kerana aku sekarang lebih berhati terhadap apa yang membuat aku tenang dan tidak tenang. Alhamdullilah. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
tunnels of weaknesses...?
Before reaching lights of real strengths, one has to experience the scorching heat in the tunnels of ignorances, weaknesses and seemingly stupid. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
good intention...
The first day versus the 100 days then moved on to 100 months. 100 years? The first day with all the good intention and declaration, can it be sustained till the 100 days, 100 months, 100 years for that matter? With exception of few companies, para nabi dan Rasul, the rest would just changed direction in the name of a changed world. As a Muslim, on the first day, the son or daughter would be hearing all the good words and pray from parents and friends hoping for better days ahead. What about me? Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. KepadaNYA di pohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Friday, May 12, 2017
a sign of dependence and weakness...
Mere expressions of strength can never make a person a complete whole. A person can be really and relatively independent with resources of cash and kind. Do I have both? Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
a savior?
Do they bother on who you are? Am I sick or they? They have only themselves to think about to the last dollar and the cents, so to speak. And today a facet of you has been dug and has been brought out from the depth of `seas, oceans, forests, and volcanoes'. And it is a weakness that have haunt you for so long. It is a stage that can be so frightening. `You know it but you can't do anything'. To a point you seem to be dictated. Even the manner you weigh seems intelligent and experienced. But still at the end you are being made the victim like being robbed in the daylight. Has that being me all this while? Wallahualam. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan, Kekuatan. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Ya. Itulah saya. Saya meringankan apa jua. Ia memang dah semula jadi bagi saya melihat serba benda ringan. Itulah sebab mengapa saya amat permudah dan pemurah orangnya. Tapi bagi yang tidak memahami diri saya, saya diterjemah sebagai mudah dan senang dipermainkan. Hari ini saya menyedari bahawa tidak seringan itu bagi orang lain. Satu perkataan yang diutarakan adalah seperti seketul batu yang hendak dilemparkan. Tidak bagi saya. Serba serbi seperti layang layang yang sedang terbang, Justeru saya perlu berjaga jaga terhadap niat orang lain yang songsang dan memudharatkan. Kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Monday, May 8, 2017
little little things..
Not that big grand things, but those little things could change one's life. I for one does not really think big when I was small. But I move on till I can write both big and small things. Not to mention my experiences it can be seen in a similar breadth. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
relatively moving..
Water moves to find its own level. A person moves towards its own dynamism, real and fantasy. Until a true dynamism has not been found, felt, and seen, he keeps on moving. Till when? Anyway, it would stop somewhere. When? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke Atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
being serious...
Have I been serious before? I need to. It is no longer yesterdays. It is now. Even it is not today. It is now, And I am trying to put a real effort in realizing the moment. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
the wrong association...
A word expressed. The intention is good. But the interpretation may go haywire. Why? All this time the word has a wrong friend. He defines the word negatively. After some time it has grown to a height where we no longer can see the truth. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
glide through time...
Life is time based. We are just gliding through. And surprisingly we can glide back to where we were before. But not for long. It is just touch and go, quick and fast. Swipe through once and cannot swipe back till a new episode is about to begin. Swipe through at a price. But it could be a sweet journey and a happy destination for now till we have to glide through another event in another time. Allahuakbar.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Bila diri di panjat usia tua, banyak halangan terdahulu tidak lagi merupakan halangan. Hubungan dengan insan lain, sekitaran menjadi lebih direct dan telus. Tidak perlu berpura pura bila hendak menyatakan sesuatu. Kalau pun ada ia hanya menjaga hati yang rapuh. Bila dah tua, mata lebih tajam. Kerana apa? Ianya berupaya memerhati sesuatu yang berlaku di sebalik sesuatu. Dirasakan gerak hati lebih pantas dan selaju kelajuan bunyi. Tersentuh sebelum disentuh. Betul ke? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Luar dari kebiasaan diistilah sebagai ganjil. Di jenguk hidup aku, ianya penuh dengan keganjilan. Sehingga kini masih merasai keganjilan keganjilan tersebut. Semoga tidak sangat terbawa kepada perkara yang mengsyirikkan Allah. Di Sisi Allah tidak ada satu benda pun yang ganjil. Walaupun A dan Z sangat jauh antara satu dengan yang lain, apabila hendak dijadikan makna, A dan Z boleh berkawan rapat seperti isi dan kuku. Lantas apa yang sebenarnya ganjil? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Menguasai segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
I have undergone such an experience. It is the same kind of antics I used to hear before. Those with bad intention uses antics that are somewhat similar. Perlukah aku mempercayainya lagi? Kepada Allah dipohon Perlindungan, Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
thoughts that lean..
Watch out for the leaning thoughts. Much of it would spell disaster. Watch out for for the fallen thoughts. Worth looking at it again. It might be of help when you might be in despair and desperate for some thing of true use. Whatever, Allahuakbar.
It is a clear case of misrepresentation. Is it unconsciously calculated? And I was made the innocent victim. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan, Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
with due respect..
With the big chance and opportunity given, many fail to respect the opportunities and chances being bestowed and created for them from time to time.Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Friday, April 21, 2017
of different height, width, and depth..
Yes everybody is just different. Of height, width, and depth of everything and in everything they are just different. And so am I. Am I not of my own doing then? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
endless worldly thought...
It seems right, but could you be in the wrong place for the right reason? It seems wrong, but could you be in the right place for a wrong reason? It seems neither right nor wrong, but despite a wrong or right place, everybody is there for the right reason reason. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
kemas kini...
Bila diri dipanjat usia, seluruh anggota badan, fizikal dan mental, nampak dan tidak, cuba memberi isyarat tentang tahap kesihatan, kebolehan, keupayaan yang masih lagi bergantung harap. Adakah kita mengetahuinya dengan jelas? Wallahualam. Allhuakbar.
Monday, April 17, 2017
tidak menyimpan..
Malah dirasakan aku menduduki di atas muka bumi yang tidak mendatar tetapi menglereng kebawah. Lantas segala yang berlaku tidak tersimpan tetapi tergelungsor ke satu tempat dibawah yang mana ianya terpisah dengan aku buat sementara sehingga perkara itu di bangkitkan semula. Ada yang terus ke infiniti..Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
terletaknya kekuatan...
Kekuatan bertambah dengan adanya pertanyaan yang memungkinkan peningkatan kepada ilmu dan teknologi. Tetapi mengapa masih ramai yang menanya perkara yang remeh? Atau tidak bertanya langsung? Justeru itu peningkatan kepada ilmu dan teknologi hanya mendatar. Benarkah? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
forgive me..
The melting away of some vigor, excitement, and thrill has given me a new stand in relation to what is going on. Is it part and parcel of a process of progressive age? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
understood...loud and clear..
I played down the actual message sent. That is because I am not that kind of person who could easily be run over. How could I play to the tune played? It has never be my tune. Frankly speaking, I for one are not so easily taken by what I think the principles displayed are an obvious display of one domination against others. And I don't like it. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
the dark mind...
It stands alone. And he sees the dark in others too. He sees no good association but only the evil in a person. Even the sound of rains emits an evil message of a devil kind. No sympathy in all association of his or her mind. Just himself. Just the dark mind. It could be the darkest. Wallahualam. Hanya kepadaNYA di pohon Taufik, Hidayah. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
lebih terbilang..
Kita dengan cara yang berbilang akan terus maju denga kehidupan yang tidak sunyi dari dibilang. Apa jua yang dlakukan mestilah dalam parameter yang terbilang, dibilang, dan membilang. Cari segala avenue untuk merealisasikannya. Tidak ada soal tak dapat. Wallahualam. Hanya kepadaNYA di pohon Segala Kekuatan dalam menghadapinya. Allahuakbar.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Siang tidak dapat menguasai malam. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Ujian kepada manusia sangat getir dan hebat. Mereka selalunya terjebak dengan hal penguasaan yang tidak sepatutnya. Dalam hal bersendirian, sudah banyak peristiwa yang menunjukkan bersendiri itu adalah dijadikan bagi setiap manusia. Tetapi mereka mengingkarinya dengan mengubah erti silaturrahim. Mereka menyukai bersama dalam konteks yang keterlaluan. Belebihan tidak berkurangan. Tidak seketika mereka boleh bertolak ansur. Allah yang Menguasai ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
first thing first?
Many are confused with what should be done first and what should be the priority. Priority or first thing first? With that note I have to do an overhaul on certain things in my life. Should I? Wallahualam. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Taufik, Hidayah. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
have problems with inequality...
Yes, I have problems with that thought before. I have problem with placing someone with the positions they are holding. I have problem with inequalities so to speak. All shall left behind. Segala-gala telah dan akan ditelan masa.All shall be for the writing and talking. But none for the takng. Adakah ianya akan diluah semula? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
we just executes..
The rest would be given back to Allah. That is why never a moment we feel what is ours is ours. We just come to this world to execute what should be executed. And that is the thrill we get from it. So little, so fast, and soon it would be just a memory. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Monday, April 3, 2017
the unjust words, the unjust deeds..
Seeing and no more sensing the unjust words, the unjust deeds. Thus are we all faking? That is what is life. Could it be an unjust life? Not trees not animals. But what about human? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Friday, March 31, 2017
absolute, resolute..astute
Feel like being on top of a mountain. Far from the maddening crowd. Down there too many concerns and many unnecessary ones, trivialities, and all seems to be relatives. And most of the time you have become a victim of conveniences and personal passions of others. Just because you happen to be there and it becomes the starting point, the beginning. That is what happened when passions and conveniences meet.You have never being helped. You helped them. Some took advantage of the good behavior that you display and possessed. Now it is time to be absolute, resolute, astute. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas segalaNya. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
relatively speaking...
Nobody can be that resolute absolute because we all have interests and relatives to weigh when a decision is going to made. Thus the phrase `relatively speaking..' an indication we can never be alone in making a step forward. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
sangat berat, tak sampai hati..
Probably it can never be me making others feel of no value and of no use. Thus it is a form of alienation act of life by life despite the good words they say and hiding the sinister and despicable intention. Generally it is being regarded as a display of deficiency in them that leads to their arrogance. Wallahualam. Allah the Al-Mighty Manages All. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
memberi dan menerima...
Adakala kita memberi, kena memberi, terpaksa memberi, kalau tidak kita membuat dunia seperti tiada berpenghuni. Dan di masa yang sama kita menerima, terpaksa menerima, kena terima, in similar breadth dunia akan menjadi huru hara jika penolakan berlaku. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
group dynamics...
Group dynamics like a political party and even whatsapp for that matter would lead to the emergence of a dictator that dictates or an angel that showers the group with love and care. But in most instances, a group would want all members in the group to obey certain unspoken norms and values and it can be good, bad, or destructive. Wallahualam. Hanya kepadaNYA di pohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Everybody has their own equation of understanding of what is going on around them. Thus we can be a complete difference to each other given the age, gender, status and the experiences. But despite the differences we can still be together. Why? We almost have the same basic needs in eating, drinking, and relaxing. Do we? Wallahualam. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Tidak ada sebelum dan hanya ada selepas..
Watak seseorang, ada yang sangat sebelum sifatnya, ada yang sangat selepas, ada yang yang hanya bergerak, ada yang menyimpul pergerakan. Dalam kamus seseorang tidak ada yang bersalah. Ada yang berkata kata penuh dengan ungkapan `hurmat menghurmati', ada yang taksub dengan diri dan fikir sendiri sehingga lupa kesalahan diri dan adik beradik sendiri. Ada yang asyik memberi tanpa berdiri, ada yang asyik menerima tanpa memberi dan tanpa duduk. Tertanya, aku dari golongan mana? Adakah aku bersendiri? Adakah dan Illahi. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
the danger..
Now I realize that if we are trying so hard to over reach at something, it would lash back at you and it could hurt badly. Some just don't heal and would lead to more complications. Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari di syirikkan. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
sensitivity of an angel?
Mengapa begitu lemah bila berbicara pasal dia? Put a mountain in front of all things that holds no definite future. Is it not just a fantasy? A fantasy hides itself in all sorts of names called patriotism of an evil kind. Berjumpa jalan lama. Selama ini aku telah tersesat jauh. Berbuat baik adakala ianya hanya merupakan topeng yg melindungi kemungkaran. Tidak salah kita berpaling walaupun ianya pada mulanya nampak betul tetapi rupanya penuh dengan kecelaruan dan keliruan membuat pemikiran memikir perkara yang tidak ada kesudahan. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.
begitulah ceritanya..
Walaupun ada tanda tanda kebaikan yang akan dibawa oleh si anak itu, tapi ramai telah dihanyutkan oleh pandangan yang mana akhirnya mendendangkan lagu terkilan dan ralat kerana perjalanan hidup seseorang tidak siapa yang tahu. Hanya masa akan menampakkan segalanya. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
lagi tidak masuk akal...
Apa yang dipinta tidak masuk akal. Lagi tidak masuk akal apabila saya mempersetujuinya. Sedangkan sangat jelas ianya akan membuat awak sangat luar biasa kerana mengugat prinsip dan tiang kejadian akal itu sendiri. Lantas saya bertanya dimana sebenarnya pegi akal kamu? Ya Allah kepada Mu dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Berilah hamba Mu ini Kekuatan bagi menghadapi situasi di mana ianya melanggar lunas lunas yang telah di tentukan. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
not all...
But one and two. And the rest have been trying to display a behavior in dumb and silly but befitting their age and level of knowledge. It is rather satisfying in knowing Allah has been so Great, Gracious in showering me with abilities of a unique kind. Not a billionaire in terms of assets, kind, and money but in thoughts, thinking, and sensitivities. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Friday, March 17, 2017
running cold..
Age could say it all. Contrary to what has been desired, heard, and seen, things could easily been running cold that renders thoughts and thinking helpless except for some closed encounters that inescapably being seen as the work of wonders and miracles. Thus it has nothing to do with the worldly view of reward and punishment.Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
pasti positif...
Gambarnya serius. Banyak kata kata yang boleh dilabelkan. Tapi hanya satu label yang dirasakan tepat dan benar di Sisi Allah. Serius memang benar serius. Serius dengan wang. Atau serius dengan kehidupan? Atau serius kerana menghendaki sesuatu? Lantas yang mana satu? Wallahualam. Dengan mendengar suara halus dari jiwa yang halus adakah itu jawapannya? Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Walaupun berlapis lapis yang didengar hanya kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
suara membiskkan...
Ada suara membisikkan, I am not going to bother anybody anymore. For a start I shall start with somebody. Who shall be that somebody? Well you know who. But this time let it be more definitive. From there it shall move to another, and another.
menunggu dan perbezaan..
Tidak ada banyak pilihan dalam soal menunggu. Sama ada di sini atau di situ. Tak kiralah awak siapa. Sampai masa semua orang akan berhenti menunggu. Dan yang sangat tidak ketara dalam soal menunggu ini perbezaan di antara seorang perempuan dan seorang lelaki. Seorang perempuan akan menganggap satu penantian itu adalah pasti. Tidak pada seorang lelaki yang mengharap lebih dan terbaik daripada apa yang ditunggu dan tidak menolak sebarang ketidakpastian yang akan berlaku walaupun sentiasa positif dan sentiasa berserah. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
intent listening...
It has been a long time I stop listening to myself. And today, for unknown reasons, I did listen to myself. And what do I hear? Do I feel good on what I hear? Well, sometimes we have to listen to our self in order to feel good. Do you? Allahuakbar.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
We have been calculating almost all years in our life. Sometimes it adds up. Sometimes it does not. One day would we be losing all our sense of calculation? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Tatkala orang lain sedang tidur lena, saya dikejutkan untuk menulis sesuatu. Dirasai ketika itu, pemikiran berupaya menjenguk masa lampau seolah olah itu lah masa depan kerana itu satu kebolehan pemberian Allah Subhanawataalla yang disedari aku milikki. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
only yesterday...
Yes only yesterday I am unwell. And today I feel the opposite to those helpless moment. Yes that is what life and body is all about. If we don't have the passion and permission to live we could be just be nobody in person and in life. But Allah is Great. Anything, anybody if in dismal if properly handled would make us more alive and ready for any tomorrows. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
a strange world indeed..
Yes, it is a strange world indeed. It is a world with no faces but only words. But the survival statistic rate for this type of world is not long. Despite the emotion and no motions, it is a faked world to the extreme. And I have to leave for a much real world of faces, motions, emotions, and `real' words. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segalanya. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Penghuni dunia.
Satu persatu akan meninggalkan dunia ini. Yang menyedihkan lagi mereka yg pergi itu kenalan dan saudara mara kita. Mereka tidak lagi menghuni di dunia ini. Tetapi ada yang tidak menyedari peranan mereka dan menyebabkan berlaku nya kesengsaraan kepada penghuni lain. Allahuakbar. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 23, 2017
losing and losing interest...
Could be the reason why I dozed off so easily. It has to do with interest. One by one the list is getting longer. And it seems what was once a larger area in taste and in haste now it is getting smaller and soon would be wiped out from the face of the earth. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Monday, January 9, 2017
Irresistibly romantics when comes to words and many have fall trap to such a trick. Have they? Have I? Are we? Are they? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas SegalaNya. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
2017 and choice of words...
Choice of words are important in displaying your intention and what you get. Perkataan berguna jangan selalu disebut apa lagi jika ianya dikaitkan dengan manusia. Di sebalik perkataan berguna adalah tidak berguna. Mana ada ciptaan Allah yang tidak berguna? Wallahualam. Instead banyakkan guna perkataan berjasa dan ianya lebih merupakan istilah kemanusiaan. Dan jasa manusia adalah berbeza mengikut masa, tempat, keadaan dan sekitaran. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 2, 2017
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