Monday, December 6, 2010

It has been a while..

I have left home for Mecca o the 16 October 2010. And on the 1st December I am back. I am back physically but not in total piece physically and mentally. It was not that long, right? But `the sleeper effect' is beginning to take effect on almost everything. In terms of health, I am still not that well. In terms of mind and memory, I have yet to catch up on almost everything. My username, my password, my astro and the channels that I used to tune to, my newspaper and the news, my locker and the keys, my `warong' and the `teh tarik', all seem to be not in place in my mind. It seems I have to start all over again. I have to recreate my daily routine in order to be what I was before. But performing Haji has taught me a lot of things. It strikes at the core of my consciousness. The `haram' are in so many things in Malaysia. Given some time, would the `haram' would once again change to `halal'? Hanya kepada Allah saya memohon perlindungan.

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