Saturday, December 31, 2011

Kota Hati...

Itulah merupakan ibu kepada jasad yang dicipta. Itulah Kota Hati. Berkerja di siang hari dan berehat dan bermimpi apabila malam menjengah. Penguni kota hati merupakan penghuni yang begitu ikhlas terhdap apa perkara yang mesti dilalui. Pintu kepada kota hati adalah assalamualaikum. Dan penghuninya sentiasa bersyukur dengan rezeki yang diberi dan diperolehi di samping mencari ilmu bagi memakmurkan lagi kota hati ini. Allahuakabar. Itulah sepatutnya meniti di bibir. Bagi penghuni kota hati, hanya Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi menguasai segala-galanya. Segala ketentuan adalah HakNya. Allahuakbar.

Friday, December 30, 2011

unsur-unsur jahat...

Unsur-unsur itu jelas dan sangat jahat. Dan apa yang pada mulanya disangka datangnya dari orang siuman yang tahu bergurau, rupa-rupanya cetusan rasa dan hati yang mati, yang terikat dan diikat kemas oleh unsur halus dari kalangan yang dinamakan syaitan dan iblis. Tidak tahu kerja lain, tidak juga memberi ruang, hanya mendendangkan lagu benci, persengkitaan, dan perpecahan. Lantas dengan sendirinya telah dijadikan pelakon utama kepada syaitan dan iblis. Mengapa begitu sekali? Sehingga sanggup meminta dan meminta seolah-olah tidak ada kawalan lagi. Aneh. Tetapi itulah kenyataan yang dihadapi dengan mata yang terbuka, tetapi mungkin hati telah ditutup oleh anasir dan unsur luar yang halus. Unsur apa ye? Sudah tentu itu adalah unsur syaitan dan iblis yang cuba memesongkan melalui yang telah terpesong.  Adakah begitu mainan orang yang telah terpesong? Sesungguhnya hanya kepada Mu ya Allah hamba memohon perlindungan dari syaitan yang direjam dan apa jua angkara yang cuba memesongkan. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I am still the man I was...

Still the man I was. Love being alone and watching TV all by myself. Friends? Friends come and friends go. That feel of loving someone? I am still the man I was. And tonight or rather at 1.30 in the morning I am about to retire to my bedroom when the thoughts of being the man I was creates this piece of writing. Allah is Great.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Life made simple..

So is my topic I am about to write. It is a very simple topic. The topic is You and Me. If I were to say `I hate you'  then the reaction I get is that you would probably hate me for saying that. If I were to say I love you, you would just stare at me with an unbelievable look. Well let us made life as simple as hate and love. Two dimensional feeling of either love or hate.Could we? Sesungguhnya menyayangi lebih ringan, senang dan mudah dari membenci, yang berat dan merosakkan. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Penyayang. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Cuti dari apa? Kehidupan sepatutnya tidak mengenal erti cuti. Tetapi ramai diberi cuti kerana semalam sepatutnya cuti tetapi oleh kerana semalam hari Ahad maka digantikan dengan hari ini Isnin 26 Desember 2011.Oleh kerana bercuti, maka saya hanya sekadar melayan sahaja apa yang sedang berlalu di kepala saya. Oh cuti. Mengapalah banyak sangat hari yang patut diberi cuti? Syukur kehadrat Allah Subhanawataalla kerana saya tidak berhenti dari menulis. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Tidak banyak benda yang boleh diajar melalui kebiasaan. Kita belajar apa itu panasa jika cuaca terlalu panas. Kita belajar apa erti itu kesejukan jika cuaca terlalu sejuk.. Tetapi itulah yang diharap dan dikehendaki oleh ramai orang, tidak panas tidak sejuk. Sedang elok. Tetapi Allah Maha Kaya telah melihatkan kehebatanNya dalam konteks ketidakbiasaan. Ini semua membuatkan kita belajar dan berfikir. Lantas saya mengajar. Jangan takut pada matahari, takutlah pada bulan. Jangan takut pada cuaca yang panas, takutlah pada cuaca yang tidak panas dan tidak sejuk. Banyak ciptaaan sains tercipta kerana cuaca terlalu panas dan terlalu sejuk. Ini semua membuat kita berfikir dan tidak jemu berfikir. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Kaya harta...

Hari ini aku terlihat miskin dari sudut dimensi yang sangat berbeza dan menginsafkan. Si A akan terus bercakap dan bercakap kerana kalau dia tidak berbuat demikan dia akan dilanda kemiskinan dan kekurangan diri yang amat teruk. Kemiskinan bukan khusus kepada orang sedia miskin kerana kurang harta, malah yang banyak harta pun akan merasa kemiskinan kerana tidak punya ilmu, contohnya. Tanyalah. Kalau bukan pada harta jadi aku miskin kerana apa? Ya Allah bawalah hamba mu ini ke jalan yang lurus. Ya Allah, hambamu ini memohon ilmu dan peningkatan keimanan dalam pengurusan kehidupan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, December 23, 2011

the routine made ordinary until death...

Exercising the routine and make yourself an ordinary person.Be a benchmark of not ordinary stories. But not what I see and felt. The most powerful if they just stop by and have a chit chat on just an ordinary topics. They don't. Life and thoughts made ordinary. Everywhere. Almost all the time. And the result is a pain in the neck, in the legs, and in the stomach. Am I a victim of mistakes? Or it is very much a part of a plan? Being conceptual, being mistaken for a life with almost everybody in it. But life out there is being made ordinary. Even to a person who is nearing death or dead. The living and the ordinary treating the dead as just as ordinary as them. Sesungguhnya Allah menyimpan segala rahsia yang banyak lagi belum ditemui dalam bentuk pengetahuan dan diapplikasikan kepada kehidupan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


The eventual scenario is sharing. You have been asking me what I meant by an exit thought. This is my explanation. Any relationship can be a part of two components, entrance and exit. A relationship process comprised of stages towards an eventual sweet sharing. But in the first instance of anything it can be all selfishness and could be a pre-requisite. That is what I meant by an entrance. An entrance to anything can be self-centered, self-interest, self-build, self-felt, and could be a self-destruction. But Allah is Great. The true pleasure of life is none other than that of sharing and caring feeling. As an individual, we don't have the capacity to hold all the strength of a success what more a failure before we achieve a success. It has to be shared. And the moment the utterance of `syukur' and `redha', the strength can be a vacuum and just an infinite feel because it has a divine link with Allah and tilted more to the All Powerful and Mighty. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bunyi apakah itu? Sayu dan menakutkan...

Di pagi hari tidak kedengaran suara manusia. Apa yang kedengaran adalah laungan azan subuh dari mesjid, bunyi kucing, burung, dan anjing. Bayangkan jika kita sekarang berada di dalam hutan belantara maka akan kedengaran bunyi dari suara haiwan liar dari berbagai jenis binatang dan unggas. Menakutkan dan menyeramkan. Kerana apa? Bunyi itu adalah yang asli dan kesemua nya dalam konteks exit dan bukan entrance. Ianya boleh diam secara serta merta dan tiba tiba. Disebabkan oleh apa? Kerana membunuh dan terbunuh, atau terbang mencari makan dan mangsa. Manusia dijadikan penuh kemuliaan di sisi Allah kerana kita tidak seperti haiwan dan binatang. Suara tidak kedengaran tetapi di mana mana dan pada bila masa sahaja rezeki tetap ada walaupun dengan sedikit usaha. Kita sahaja tidak mahu bangun dari tidor apabila sampai pada waktunya. Bukankah itu satu usaha  mengagongkan pencipta kita dan mensyukuri apa yang diberi? Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thought exit...

Thought entrance. Appears simple. Feel ordinary. It is everywhere. In the beginning, thoughts make poor. A poor feel and everything. It is normal. The ordinary of the day and the night. The ordinary faces and the ordinary class and the ordinary walk, talk, lectures, and the smiles. And the ordinary money and the purchases (marketing). Aaah..Everybody seems able to get what you have got. Do they? Then don't think of the thought that make an entrance and the difference. It is not. The winner and the loser. Winner in the first instance of thought entrance? It is the normalcy of a beginning and the first look. It is the thought exit that makes the difference. It holds the answers and secrets as of what and where you are. Look over the day and things are not ordinary after all. What more in terms of years and decades. The good, the bad, and the evil. The sick and the healthy, the rich and the poor, the true winner and the real losers, all are in the thought exits. And death is an exit event that thrust a person from supposedly to be an ordinary life. Is it? Sometimes we just refuse to learn. Why? It is the entrance syndrome that makes every body a victim of an ordinary life and a (poor attendance). Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menjadikan sesuatu itu dengan begitu sahaja. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ramuan hidup..masa telah bertaut?

Ramuan hidup hari ini jauh berbeza. Kita telah dihidangkan dengan berbagai benda dan pemikiran yang beraneka rupa. Kita mendengar. Kita melihat. Kita merasa. Kesemuanya menampakkan perbezaan yang sangat ketara. Tetapi pada saya it was just like yesterday. No change. Then what has changed? Hidup hanya perhentian diantara satu titik ke satu titik yang lain. What it seems the intricacies in everything is not something that intricates at all. It is all in the thoughts. Good thoughts would survive the slaughter of time.Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Lagi Menguasai Segala-galaNya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


How come I have lost my sense of what I have done? All seems to be flat and in one place. Never seen and felt yesterday or before. What about after this? How come I don't have an impressive sense of where I have been before? I might be seen as a man of strength and patience. Am I? Hanya kepada Mu Ya Allah hamba memohon petunjuk dalam menuju ke jalan yang lurus.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

it is a silent world...

They, she or he, can be very brave writing in private but not in the presence of others or in public. Being alone and writing SMS has a face of that nature that seems to be all personal, hideous, and in secrets. Again I am talking about the sound of silence and can be a very selfish, small, or can be very big but a dubious world. But transferring that world to the realm of specific skills and making it public is hell broke loose. Silence is good and laudable, but when silence knows not its humble origin, life can be a hell and an overture impious of  so many problems and issues we have never heard and seen before. Culture and social displayed an ego, big and bombast in human relationship. Allah is Great. Despite the big voice and the display of big, grand, and bombast events, down deep in side of everyone is such a small world that yearns for forgiveness and help. It is indeed a silent world that lends no true support in terms of health, personal motivation and psychology. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui akan segala rahsia ciptaanNya. Allahuakbar.

Friday, December 16, 2011

In silence....

When the device is meant for silence, it is the heart that matters. Hand phone is an example of a device that seems to help but it does not. Why? It is essentially silence in its function and use. When silence is the domain of a device, it can brought out the worst, bad and evil in a person. All this while I have never thought of that. Kepada Allah kita memohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wide World of thinking and thoughts...

Night time and dreams has become the reason behind all the movements and the energy of the day. It is dimensionally higher than the actual thing that we do in the day. It takes some of the responsibilities of the day. Day is all working and discovering. And night is all relaxation, sleep, and dreaming. We talk, we work, and we make decisions during the day and it is all in the name of goodness of the society. It is all about what the society wants. But the quietness of the night makes us deep in thoughts of needs. Night has become the benchmark of our success.We don't talk so much during the night.We cannot do that during day time. Is it one of the secrets of life and death? A wide world of thoughts yet to be discovered. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Needs and wants are in conflict with each other. So are dreams and reality and so are in everything with something. What about proucts, place, price, and promotion? Are all the elements in conflict with each other? What about lecturers and students? All of them are trying to find their way out reconciling the impossible. Thus they grow and in the process they reach maturity as in the product life cycle. But life shall continue to be in conflicting with everything. And this morning I am trying to resolve what has been in conflict for ages. It is time to reduce tension on the conflict. Don't be that responsible. They too are growing and moving towards maturity. Time to move away from the norms unconsciously being tightly guarded. Sayonara. Back to where you should belong. Allah menjadikan manusia seperti kain putih. Dalam proses kehidupan kita dicorakkan. Ada yang tidak mampu bertahan dan tercungap di tengah jalan. Kepada Allah melalui Al-Quran dan Sunnah Nabi kita merujuk bagi panduan balik ke pangkal jalan. Adakah kita menyedarinya? Ya Allah hamba Mu ini memohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ketenangan hati dan perasaan..

Welcome to what? Have you ever being welcome to something before.? Then welcome to the real world. Or welcome to the world of fantasies? Yesterday I did say that magic word. After so long, only now they are being thrust to the world of  either crust and trust. What? World of trust? Tell me. Have you ever trust in yourself? Or in anything for that matter? If that is the case, then welcome to world of the rich and the famous. Kekayaan yang dikecapi tetapi tidak kedamaian hati dan perasaan. Why? They never have a full trust in anything despite being rich and the famous. Hanya kepada Allah kita mengucapkan syukur di atas apa yang diberi. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 12, 2011

that great feeling..

That feeling seems to be with others. Yes. But why not me have that kind of feeling? Greatness and  in all its fakeness? Or there is no such thing as great feeling? Not with anybody, not with anyone, ever. It is just an expression but never meant to be real in all circumstances and scenarios. Hanya Nabi Muhammmad memiliki sifat maksum. ALL TIME AND BEYOND,  ALLAH IS GREAT and IN ALL PERFECTIONS. ALLAHUAKBAR.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Life is in me. Life is for me. But then why life is so complicated and confusing to many? They are running a business and what they eventually see is losses. Does that mean that life is not for them? No. Life is in them and life is for them, but with a difference. Business is not in them and business is not for them. So what is in and for them? What is in them are needs. And what is for them are wants. Do they have a discipline and a contemporary technology to produce all those wants?  Can they disciplined needs with their wants and at the same time making money? Or in the first place, do they understand the difference between needs and wants? 

Needs are long term. Wants are short-term. You get what you see or can hold in the hands. But you might not get what you feel. Dreams are the extremes of feeling. Love it or hate it, but it comes to life with a night sleep. Needs are in me. Wants are for me. It is not a one-off thing. It changes. Environment has the ability of dimensional changes. That simple. Sesungguhnya Allah memberi kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Ikhlas ke saya? Saya tidak suka malah jarang sekali menuturkan perkataan ikhlas. Tidak terfikir pulak. Mengapa ye? Tersembunyi satu satu hasrat di sebalik satu perbuatan. Adakala dirasai hasrat tersebut? Adakah saya seorang yang ikhlas? Di sinilah saya banyak mengingati Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui akan segala tindak tanduk ciptaan Nya. Tidak terkecuali saya. I took things as it is. Not an inch more. Making me just like another. If not I would feel as an intruder. Are we all intruders? Allah Yang Maha Besar. Tercipta sesuatu kerana ketentuannya adalah Allah. Kun Faya Kun.

Friday, December 9, 2011

of word, action, and a smile..

And it ends in death. And all death is a secret in itself. Just being out from this world to another. And I am writing about it. A word, an action, and a happiness. A word of many words, an action of many actions, and a smile of many smiles, it reflects a big room, a big thought. But there are others, a word of just a few words, an action of just few actions, and a true smile after no smiles before this. It reflects a small room, and a small mind despite a big brain full of potentials. Ya Allah, jadikanlah hamba mu ini dari kalangan yang melihat kebiasaan dan juga kelainan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

As near as yesterday...

That is what today is to me. I don't have a long feel for yesteryears. It is just nearby. I don't have to crack my head in seeing yesterday. Yesterday does not leave a big gap. Others generally do. Ya Allah sesungguhmya Maha Agong dan Maha Berkuasa. Hamba mu ini hanya menyerah.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

communicative marketing, interactive marketing..

Yes, anything can be a companion to marketing. Can walk side by side and indeed be as a friend. And both is being treated fairly. And both shall feel the joy of life. Today I am going to someone's wedding. It is thus being described as a wedded marketing. Is it not a myopia? Why not? Till another new technology override its impact and contemporary significance. Haha. Such an occasion can create an impact a positive impact to selling and marketing. So have an attitude that could spells profit socially and culturally, here and now. So here I am telling something about marketing. If that can create a segment then it  creates a territory called marketing. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Mengasihani dan di mana jua kita berada ternampak pintu rezeki sedang terbuka. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Allah Yang Maha Besar dan Menguasai Segala-galanya. Sekejap saya berada di sini. Sekejap lagi berada di tempat lain pula. Semalam saya berada di bandar Bangi. Dan pagi ini telah berada di rumah depan komputer menulis sesuatu. Kalau di tengok dari sudut ilmu pemasaran, ianya di tafsirkan sebagai `place marketing'. Apa yang terdekat maka itulah `wants and need'. Kalau siapa yang belum tahu `wants and needs' ianya adalah ungkapan keramat bagi memahami ilmu pemasaran. Kalau apa yang dekat secara fizikal dan juga dekat di hati, dan boleh diperolehi,  maka ianya merupakan peluang bagi memasarkan sesuatu. Penulisan adalah aktiviti yang sangat dekat dengan saya. Maka itulah dinamakan sebagai `expressive marketing'. Expression for sale. Haha. Sesungguhnya saya berbanyak syukur ke hadrat Illahi kerana  memberi saya ilmu dalam bidang ini. Lantas saya merasakan kekuasaan Allah dalam memberi hidayah dan petunjuk. Saya memohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

walk by my side..

It has been a long time since anybody walk by my side. I am not used to somebody walking with me and by my side. The presence of anybody especially if he or she is alone is not to be seen lightly. It means a lot of things. When somebody is walking by the side of anybody, nobody has to defend nobody. Both are well defended. Both are equal in strength. Both has a fair share of success. Both shall reach the same destination.  Ya Allah adakah hamba Mu ini sentiasa bersama MU dalam semua senerio kehidupan? Allahuakbar.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Choose to live...

It is not my choice, so is not your choice, but one thing for sure you are chose to live. We are chose to see the day and the night. And we can't escape death. Has death been our choice? And I am what I have been chosen for. I must do what I have been chosen for. Have I? Still the hesitancy. Ya Allah Hamba Mu Di cipta untuk Menyembah Mu Ya Allah dan melakukan apa yang di suruh ole Mu Ya Allah. Berilah hamba Mu ini Kekuatan untuk melakukannya. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011...6 Muharram 1433H

The connection is all around me. It is now December, 2011. Here, now, still alive and kicking, and..... thinking. Haha what about writing? I could still remember December in Wisconsin, Connecticut, New York and other cities and places in USA. I could still remember my days at Kuantan and at other places 10, 20, 30, 40, 50+ years ago and it is December. December can be very romantic. December can be a lost world and a lost mind. December can be very cold, breezy, and windy as in USA. December can be very rainy as in those days when I was a young boy. And only last year, 2010 December gave me a kind of a new life. I  was just back from performing my hajj. Is is such a wonderful feeling. A very different December indeed. Allahuakbar.