Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thought exit...

Thought entrance. Appears simple. Feel ordinary. It is everywhere. In the beginning, thoughts make poor. A poor feel and everything. It is normal. The ordinary of the day and the night. The ordinary faces and the ordinary class and the ordinary walk, talk, lectures, and the smiles. And the ordinary money and the purchases (marketing). Aaah..Everybody seems able to get what you have got. Do they? Then don't think of the thought that make an entrance and the difference. It is not. The winner and the loser. Winner in the first instance of thought entrance? It is the normalcy of a beginning and the first look. It is the thought exit that makes the difference. It holds the answers and secrets as of what and where you are. Look over the day and things are not ordinary after all. What more in terms of years and decades. The good, the bad, and the evil. The sick and the healthy, the rich and the poor, the true winner and the real losers, all are in the thought exits. And death is an exit event that thrust a person from supposedly to be an ordinary life. Is it? Sometimes we just refuse to learn. Why? It is the entrance syndrome that makes every body a victim of an ordinary life and a (poor attendance). Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menjadikan sesuatu itu dengan begitu sahaja. Allahuakbar.

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