Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
My days at Whitewater, USA, has been meteoric. Never have that kind of meteoric feeling being felt before. So are the events, the episodes, the people and the experiences. So meteoric and without any attachment whatsoever. Just me, them, and the system. So why the anger? The process of `meteorization' is just like a lightning striking onto a tree. It is so focused that stops at and for nothing. So much of that feeling. As for the lightning, it is just the tree. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.
Friday, August 30, 2013
life can be simple...
When all the elements of one's work is being taken care of, life then is a simple process. Never let it be so open and draws all kind of uncontrollable variables that spell all kind of strangers and sinners. Make it a move that can be construed as one stop and one step at a time. When it seems to be smoother, then the process can be widened to an acceptable framework of a parameter, acceptable and controllable. Mohon dari Allah Taufik dan Hidayah. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
It is going to be another mess in finite mathematics...
It is finished mathematically. What about culturally and socially? Mathematically, it spells another mode in transporting something. The old modes can no longer carries it to the end. It has become dark and blur. When someone familiar passed by, but he is of different mode in its content and structure, mathematically, it is a gone case. A revisit to ABS (my former high school) is a good example of infinitum in so many things. No longer can be definite. Mathematically it is a mess. But I try to stand up, but the power without is unstoppable and uncontrollable. The event is a clear case of miscarriage in life justice. So many gaps and and so many holes. Dari Allah kita memohon supaya di beri Kekuatan dan Perlindungan. Hanya kepada Allah kita bersyukur. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
varied and many..
A process won't work with so many odd elements in it. Too many and varied and it creates chaos. That applies to anything and to anybody. What more when something looks clumsy and sounds stupid. It makes the world stands still. Every time I am into it, it creates one kind of an uneasy feeling infinitum. Better go for something definite. It satisfies and it works every time. And it is truthful. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Any day can be day 1...
Any day can be day 1. It is a day by itself, in itself, for itself. As a matter of speaking, it can be a day nothing for myself. It spells nothingness. It can be a day toughened by those whose world view is cheating and bullying. They are always on the taking. And because it is day 1, I give. When would I be doing the talking and and the taking? Allah Yang Maha Kaya. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Keikhlasan adalah satu perkataan yang sering menjadi sebutan oleh ramai orang. Tidak dengan satu perbuatan, juga tidak dengan satu perkataan, satu hari, satu minggu, satu bulan, satu tahun, satu pilihanraya, seseorang itu telah di kategorikan sebagai seseorang yang ikhlas. Sebenarnya keikhlasan seseorang bergerak dalam aras tidak sedar, sangat tidak sedar. Tidak diingatkan pemberian seseorang sehinggalah dia dikelilingi oleh musuh yang cuba mengkhianati perjalanan hidupnya. Lantas, baru diingati bahawa selama ini dia telah banyak memberi dari menerima. Allah Yang Maha Adil. Hanya dengan kematian seseorang, keikhlasan seseorang dapat diukur dengan betul dan tepat. Itulah ukuran yang patut digunakan bagi menceritakan keikhlasan seseorang. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Tatap dan terus menatap...
Di sinilah terletaknya rahsia satu satu milikan itu. Setelah sekian lama ditatap, barulah ternampak kesempurnaan yang tidak boleh disangkal. Hati dan perasaan berperanan dalam tatapan permulaan tersebut. Setelah dimiliki sekian lama, fikiran logika dan fizikal dapat menguasai keadaan. Bersyukur ke hadrat Allah Subhanawataala. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Not much space..
Despite the small space of place, time, and feel, I still can write. And despite the constraint, I can still pray to Allah for the best in everything and in the path taken. Perluasan kepada sesuatu adalah dalam Kekuasaan Allah. Membolehkan kepada berlakunya sesuatu adalah dalam Kekuasaan Allah. Allahuakbar.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Romanticism hati dan perasaan..
Oleh kerana ianya di rasakan berada jauh di lubok hati, ramai yang takut dan tak tahu mendekatinya dengan betul kerana pantang larang atuk dan moyang yang telah di amal sejak dari dahulu kala lagi. Hanya segelintir telah mengenali nya sebagai penawar dan boleh menyembuh luka hati dari merebak ke luka badan dan boleh memudaratkan kesejahteraan kehidupan dan kepintaran fikiran. Sesungguhnya diwajibkan perkahwinan antara lelaki dan perempuan. Jika tidak dibajai dengan kata kata dan perbuatan romantika yang mana datangnya dari keikhlasan hati dan perasaan, persahabatan ke arah itu tidak membawa pasangan itu ke mana. Seperti tanah yang gersang dan ketandusan, tidak ada tanaman yang boleh di tanam. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Keajaiban kehidupan...
Keajaiban kehidupan adalah kematian. Ramai cuba mencari rahsia kehidupan tetapi tidak berjumpa sehinggalah mereka menempuh alam tua dan membawa kepada kematian. Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita digalakkan memikirkan soal mati dan implikasinya terhadap kehidupan. Ianya saling bertaut. Contoh yang terdekat mungkin memperkatakan soal kawan dan sahabat. Ada yang suka dengan perkataan sahabat tetapi pengertian sahabat tidaklah kemana. Apabila kita mempersahabatkan sesuatu dan seseorang, ianya bererti hidup mati sahabat itu sentiasa diikuti dan disusuli, dalam susah dan dalam senang. Sudah lumrah, kita mungkin berkata kata, tetapi hanya di peringkat semangat permukaan dan jauh sekali dari mendalaminya. Sebagai contoh, yang datang di sambut dan di sapa, tetapi yang pergi tidak pernah diambil peduli. Yang kaya dan ternama di puja dan di puji, yang tiada apa apa di pinggir dan jauh sekali hendak dikenali. Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allah Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Mathematical formula of me compared to the pharaohs....
Everybody of every age and life level, dead and alive, has a formula of decisions and decision-making. And so am I. I am quite surprise at the formula that a student carries. And so are small boys and small kids. So are the pharaohs and the kings. So are the common man and the industrialist. They too display a life formula of a different kind but unique in terms of the unified whole of our existence. In other words, despite experiencing a different turbulent of age level, a common denominator is that it is open and far reaching linking to others automatically and mathematically. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
aku berjalan di atas muka bumi MU...
First instance of any thought should be given careful scrutinizing in determining its relevancies. Is it relevant in the sense `aku berjalan di muka bumi Mu Ya Allah.'? The consciousness of anything and in anything, in its true form leading to the question, are we much stronger and better than any other known creations? As for this, the Al-Quran has all the answer to questions asked. Manusia adalah merupakan semulia-mulia kejadian. Dalam apa jua situasi dan keadaan, pembabitan peranan seseorang dan apa jua tidak sangat terasa dalam setiap pernafasan. Maha Agong Allah dalam penentuan peranan yang di Cipta Nya. Allahuakbar.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Mathematically, I shouldn't be there. In terms of numbers, the space is so near and if I force myself, it would create tension on all sides. Meaning, the equation just breaks. It adds up to pain and chaos. It is not applicable. Mathematic stands firm when it carries the right number and the right space in action and reaction..Mathematically, there is nothing that can prevent me from doing what I want to do. But numbers and spaces can spoil the good chances. Mohon kepada Allah Akan Jalan Yang Tepat, Benar dan Bersesuaian. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Surroundings and surrounded...
It is not so much of the geniune environmental factors, it is the immediate surroundings that make someone a hero or a just an outright gangster. Events in Egypt brings out the truth in everybody. Many unashamedly do not give back the luxuries they get and be happy with. Instead, they do more killings and they do more plunderings. Obama, the President of the most powerful country with power to prevent, also fall victim to his surroundings. All of a sudden Obama turns coward thinking he would live forever. Obama, please be true to yourself and be a true president. Please give deploy help to the Egyptian people and stop the massacre. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke Atas Segala -GalaNya. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Fear for Allah..?
Dalam banyak keadaan dan situasi, manusia mempamerkan takutkan kepada diri sendiri lebih dari takutkan Allah. Sebagai contoh, sayang yang keterlampauan kepada harta dan kuasa di dunia telah menterbalikkan dan mempertunggang langgangkan kehidupan seseorang dan sesebuah negara. Kembalilah kepada jalan yang lurus agar selamat di dunia dan selamat di akhirat. Hanya Kuasa Allah Sahaja Yang Kekal. Allahuakbar.
Friday, August 16, 2013
trying to get the true feel of being myself...
The different facets of myself and this time it is almost certain I am about to feel something I have never seen and felt before. All for, to and from myself. It starts with some kind of a fear in that guts feeling. But the big bang struck onto my life that spells the separation of what I have been going through for the last 30 years or so. And today I have been set free to breath a new breeze of fresh air in the wake of new freedom. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
with wings of different speed...
No more those old days of life with no wings to fly. Not only I am blessed with `wings', but I can hop to anywhere, to any place, and with different speed faster than before. Don't get me wrong. But just trying to draw an analogy of my present pattern of life with different goals to realize. Allah is Great. Mohon Keampunan dan di bawa ke jalan yang benar dan diberkati. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
walk with the pharoahs...
They are all dead. But the stories were being told a million times. Why? Just to drive home the message and the point that everybody can be a Pharaoh and everybody can be a king. How? Behind that soft skin in everybody, can be a person of good heart, bad, or evil. Can be the heart that belongs to a pharaoh. Can be a heart that belongs to a good king. Can be a heart of anybody. Can be good. Can be anything. But each of the those hearts are trying to overthrow one another. And nobody is an exception. Nobody is an exception? Hanya kepada Allah kita memohon taufik dan hidayah. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
being a new man...
As of now I have to be a new man and of different person that roams the world. I am in the process of loosening all that has been holding me back for reasons being too close a proximity making me a person who bows to the blind, the powerlessness, and the self greed. So little of kindness and so little of gratefulness, everywhere here and there. I am going to play a different game. Not to be part and play to the agenda of hate and selfishness. But only a game of truth and nothing but the truth. InsyaAllah. Just want to be myself that spells freedom and independence. Berdoa kepada Allah supaya diberi kekuatan, di bawa ke jalan yang benar, sentiasa dalam PerlindunganNya. Allahuakbar.
Monday, August 12, 2013
the first is not only in yesterday...
Some of the firsts occur this morning. Its relevancies are more accurate and precise than what has happened long time ago. It spells the very excellence of what has actually expired and what has actually transpired. The very act of mine, seems embarrassing in the beginning, this morning reveals what has actually belongs to me that has become the secrets of my success in dealing with what seems to be be at fault at that time. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
that little kingdom...
That so called little thing of anything is in actual fact explains the little kingdom everybody is entitled to reside. Each and small of any bit of feeling of just anything could usurped the rule to the kingdom one is entitled to. Let it be no small matter. What more a laughing stock. Can see the mockery in the face. Can see the smile that comes from heaven. Can see the pain results from one's fault of wrong doing and wrong thinking. Be fair and be just to the thought that reign the mind to the last breadth of a life. And that too is no small thought and no small thinking. Kepada Allah saya sujud memohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Hari Raya Celebration here and there...
Celebration of Hari Raya Adilfitri every year can never be the same. Since small there must be something that excites the mind, thoughts, feeling and emotions when facing 1 Syawal. And 1434H is of big difference in terms of where I am today. 1434H seems all the excitements converge that words are not easy to express and explain. Allahuakbar.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Yesterday...tears shed..
There are two versions of yesterday. One, yesterday is what has happened yesterday. The other is the nostalgic song `yesterday' sung by the beatle member in Paul McCartney. Throwing open what is very immediate and carries no immediate meaning is what has happened in the day called yesterday. But looking at faces in each and everyone, despite it is only yesterday, there are nostalgic yesterdays in all the faces I met yesterday. Easy come easy go. The day was so swift and fast, today has become another day and before you know it it would be another yesterday leaving behind stories and legacies. InsyaAllah. But the differences are that yesterdays were yesterdays, and today is yet to unfold the Greatness in Allah. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
The element of emotions and satisfaction has become a number one enemy to the occupying of all spaces of interest and endeavor. It curtails and push back what is supposed to be a successful venture. If only it has been realized earlier, I don't really know what would become of me now. Tetapi hak menentu dan Ketentuan yang sebenarnya adalah milik Allah. Allahuakbar.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
hidup ini bertingkat-tingkat..
Tidak sama dua orang dalam apa jua keadaan. Nampak duduk dan berdiri di dataran yang sama, tetapi bila diselami dengan ilmu dan pengetahuan, mereka jauh berada di tingkat kehidupan yang berbeza. Tidak sama tahap pendengaran seseorang dengan yang lain. Tidak sama penglihatan seseorang dengan yang lain. Tidak sama getaran hati seorang pembaca dengan yang lain. Tidak sama perjalanan ibadah puasa seseorang dengan yang lain. Tidak sama keupayaan kehidupan sesama manusia. Hanya kepada Allah Yang Satu kita memohon Keampunan, Taufik dan Hidayah. Semoga kita berada di Sisi Allah dalam mencari, kekayaan, kekuatan dan keberkatan. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
mengapa mudah...?
Kehidupan di dunia sebenarnya tidak menguat dalam soal memberi tetapi lebih banyak tumpuan kepada hanya menerima dan bersyarat jika memberi. Bagi mereka tidak ada yang percuma. Tidak ada kejujuran dan keikhlasan dalam segala tindak tanduk mereka. Tidak terkecuali mereka yang mengharap sesuatu balasan jika melemparkan sebuah senyuman. Banyak terma dan syarat berjual beli yang berat sebelah.
Lantas ramai yang kesempitan dan terseksa kerana sangat mengharap. Tetapi hidup ini memerlukan senyuman dan pemberian yang ikhlas. Jangan sangat mengharap kepada suasana yang serba kekurangan. Allah Yang Maha dalam Segala-Gala. Pohonlah dari Allah akan penambahan kekurangan dan kesempurnaan, dan peningkatan kebaikan kepada yang ada. Allah Yang Maha Kaya. Allah Yang Maha Sempurna. Ya Allah, saya memohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.
Monday, August 5, 2013
pertembungan yang menggusarkan..
Bagi menjaga hati kecil yang tidak kecil ini, elakkan dan jauhkan diri dari perkara yang menggusarkan.
Tergusar hati disebabkan oleh mata memandang sesuatu di luar norma kemampuan.
Tergusar hati disebabkan telinga mendengar sesuatu di luar batasan ketenangan.
Tergusar hati disebabkan fikiran memikirkan sesuatu di luar batasan hak menentu dan ketentuan.
Sudah sampai masanya saya perlu selektif terhadap apa yang hendak dilakukan dan difikirkan. Dengan situasi yang terkini dan begini, dirasa membolehkan saya berbuat demikian. Sesungguhnya, kegusaran yang sangat ketara apabila membelakangkan Perintah Allah. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Mohon supaya apa yang dilakukan menerima keredaanNya. Allahuakbar.
Tergusar hati disebabkan oleh mata memandang sesuatu di luar norma kemampuan.
Tergusar hati disebabkan telinga mendengar sesuatu di luar batasan ketenangan.
Tergusar hati disebabkan fikiran memikirkan sesuatu di luar batasan hak menentu dan ketentuan.
Sudah sampai masanya saya perlu selektif terhadap apa yang hendak dilakukan dan difikirkan. Dengan situasi yang terkini dan begini, dirasa membolehkan saya berbuat demikian. Sesungguhnya, kegusaran yang sangat ketara apabila membelakangkan Perintah Allah. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Mohon supaya apa yang dilakukan menerima keredaanNya. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Kecil dan tidak hilang punca..
Generally speaking, if it is small, then we can be close to reality. We think we can still manage it. We can still explain the situation and the decision. But in many situations that is not the case. Without appropriate knowledge, however small things are, however small the business is, we can still make a blunder. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Ke atas Segala-GalaNya. Berilah hamba Mu ini Taufik dan Hidayah dalam apa jua pengurusan yang dilalui. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
it spins but why the losses...?
Why never being struck by that consciousness before till I am out from the organization? Ironically, I have been a part to those losses. Am I? Small, little, and it seems insignificance, but actually one small step of something can become a giant step for the organization. Insya Allah. Sama sama kita mendoakan kebaikan bagi segala-galanya. Allahuaakbar.
Friday, August 2, 2013
the thrill is short and sweet...
The thrill is short and sweet. The pain is long in depth, in width and breadth. That is what being called as sufferings. The thrill is not so well remembered. But the pain is painful, hateful, venomous, that can lead to vengeance and hatred and can hold one's life and others in ransom.
Can it being seen differently?
The pain, despite its long time in duration, it is still seen as short and sweet. The thrill and joy and despite is short time duration in experiencing it, still being described as happiness. The pain is not so well remembered. But the thrill and the joy could lead to gratefulness, open heart and a good heart. Kepada Allah kita memohon Taufik dan Hidayah supaya dapat memberi cahaya kepada kegelapan. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Can it being seen differently?
The pain, despite its long time in duration, it is still seen as short and sweet. The thrill and joy and despite is short time duration in experiencing it, still being described as happiness. The pain is not so well remembered. But the thrill and the joy could lead to gratefulness, open heart and a good heart. Kepada Allah kita memohon Taufik dan Hidayah supaya dapat memberi cahaya kepada kegelapan. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
What rules..?
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