Tuesday, August 13, 2013

being a new man...

As of now I have to be a new man and of different person that roams the world. I am in the process of loosening all that has been holding me back for reasons being too close a proximity making me a person who bows to the blind, the powerlessness, and the self greed. So little of kindness and so little of gratefulness, everywhere here and there. I am going to play a different game. Not to be part and play to the agenda of hate and selfishness. But only a game of truth and nothing but the truth. InsyaAllah. Just want to be myself that spells freedom and independence. Berdoa kepada Allah supaya diberi kekuatan, di bawa ke jalan yang benar, sentiasa dalam PerlindunganNya. Allahuakbar.

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