Wednesday, August 14, 2013

walk with the pharoahs...

They are all dead. But the stories were being told a million times. Why? Just to drive home the message and the point that everybody can be a Pharaoh and everybody can be a king. How? Behind that soft skin in everybody, can be a person of good heart, bad, or evil. Can be the heart that belongs to a pharaoh. Can be a heart that belongs to a good king. Can be a heart of anybody. Can be good. Can be anything. But each of the those hearts are trying to overthrow one another. And nobody is an exception. Nobody is an exception? Hanya kepada Allah kita memohon taufik dan hidayah. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.

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