Friday, September 20, 2013


Somebody is trying to be in command. I have been side-lined in many things, in many ways. Enough is enough. As of today, bestowed upon me the total responsibility of managing what my late father entrusted upon me. It appears that I have been told to take everything within the realm and gambits of that true and legal responsibility. In terms of several dimensions, I have to manage my brothers and my sisters. They have rights. But I must also try to understand them in the context of their partial rights. I have to see that the real command is in me. As of now never be side-lined of what supposedly are my responsibilities. Kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Kepada Allah di pohon Kekuatan. Kepada Allah di pohon Taufik dan Hidayah. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

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