Sunday, May 31, 2015


Rasa terlerai segala yang terbuku selama ini. Tidak ada apa yang kekal. Saat yang indah adakah pemikiran yang indah atau kehidupan yang indah? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.
YB Dato Sharkar di Majlis Bukit Kemuning

Saturday, May 30, 2015

bila keterbukaan di salah erti...

Watak yang berpaksikan keterbukaan, rupa rupanya di salah erti. Dalam banyak keadaan yang memberi saya peluang telah dirompak di hari siang oleh mereka yang hidup berpaksikan keduniaan yang tidak terbuka malah tertutup rapat. Bila satu cahaya kecil mencelah ianya merupakan peluang tidak boleh dilepaskan begitu sahaja oleh mereka yang sangat berkepentingan ini. MasyaAllah. Adakah ciri keterbukaan menyebabkan saya senang di dekati, senang dijadikan mangsa untuk tujuan yang ada kaitan dengan kepentingan mereka? Keterbukaan di sini bleh diertikan sering terdengar kata kata baik, kata kata positif yang mengiringi apa apa pandangan orang lain termasuk permohonan dan permintaan dari orang lain. MasyaAllah. Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Segala Kekuasaan ada pada MU Ya Allah. Hamba memohon Kekuatan, Perlindungan, Pertolongan Kekayaan dalam menghadapi Kebenaran Mu, Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, May 29, 2015

am I wrong....?

Wonder sometimes the degree of guilt is more on me than them. Their guilt has been so strong a wind that could overcome my goodness and innocence. Why I have I not noticed it? And now you know it. Should you still listen? Be strong and fight back the guilt wind that has been blowing on you. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Kekuatan, Kekuasaan, Pertolongan dan Perlindungan. Allahuakbar. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

a person I am..

Appears boastful? Just bursting with anger and a kind of a regret of what has happened. A laugh, a giggle, and again a burst of anger. Am I angry? Yes it appears to be. But I am not in that kind of situation for long. Back to my cocoon where i took a rest and back deep into my creativity trying to make a sense of what has happened. And thus this writing. Maha suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

not long time ago...

I am just a small boy and were seen as just an ordinary boy. I did not speak much. Not at all a scholarly in the sense of good grade and excellent writing. But that day changed everything. I am a changed person. I am not that stupid as I was seen by many of my school friends. I went to USA for my degree bachelor and masters. I have been perceived as a person with potentials. In health and in mind, it seems I am a person who are unstoppable. Who am I? Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I was a lecturer..have I?

Does it really matter who am I? But I have been a lecturer before. If you ask me what do I get from being a lecturer? I am a person who hate to walk backwards. I don't really talk on who I was before. My concern is what I am now. Then someone has been asking what do you do for a living? A question asked but the answer is a miserable one. Why? Don't really know why. I am just happy being what I am now. Then can I ask something? Go ahead. Surprisingly, no question asked. And naturally there will be no answer from me. or I have all the answers but no questions asked. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, May 25, 2015

automatic mechanism...

Knowledge is infinity. It enters the brain through thought and experience. Naturally we need reading and experience of varied kind and nature. Surprisingly, it takes an outside movement and sound that triggers the voice and speech. Given all those connections that form the structure, it is no surprise we do what we do, and we talk what we talk. And in my case too, I write what I have written. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar,

Sunday, May 24, 2015

ada tertutup dan tidak segala-galanya terbuka..

Dan ada yang mengatakan, biar terbuka dan tidak segala-galanya tertutup...ada yang menjadikannya pedoman supaya kita tidak mejadi pelampau terhadap sesuatu. Saya tertanya di mana kedudukannya dalam Islam? Islam dan wassatiahnya dan tema nya mengutamakan yang dekat dan memudahkan. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The past speaks for the present

That was what I wrote yesterday that depicts a picture of me along with other staff that runs the Twin Island Motel at Cherating Kuantan. Theme of my life has change for the better and the past do speak for what I am now. Can it never be better without themes of the past? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, May 22, 2015


The past speaks for the present?
Terjatuhnya sesuatu ada hikmahnya. Rupanya ada perkara baik yang menunggu. Jika sudah diketahui siang-siang satu perkara itu akan berlaku, maka ianya tidaklah merupakan satu hikmah. Walaupun nampak 'tak patut' pada awalnya, tetapi selepas beberapa tahun, kebaikan jua yang diahadapi, dinikmati, dirasai. Adakah tidak ia merupakan hikmah? Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allah Yang Maha Pemurah. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

What if..?

If life has been too much of ''what if', then I might be planning something. What if you are not doing any planning? Then it can be either I am regretting something, or I am dreaming of something. Can It be all the three's? Sesungguhnya hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas apa jua KetentuanNya. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allah Yang Maha Pemurah. Hanya kepadaNya di pohon kebaikan dan Kebenaran. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

the movement of the hand is everything...

It reflects loneliness. It reflects anything that can be good, can be be bad, can be evil. The secret in a waving of hand is varied and many. And yesterday I even could not lift my hand. I have a bad fall. A severe effect on my nerve. And my right hand can't move. Ya Allah hanya kepada Mu saya berserah, memohon Pertolongan dan Perlindungan.. Dan tangan kanan saya kembali bergerak. Penuh Kesyukuran. Allahukbar.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

life is a story...a memory..

Whatever the grandiose and fanfare, from whom and by whom, near and far, it all eventually boils down to only memories. It could be a sad one, it could be all happiness. Can that be? It could be a regret, and it could be a blessing. Life is a story of memories. Not a minute another person is greater and bigger than the other person. It is all in the memories. And is that what happiness is all about no matter who and how and if only you knew it? Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar.

Monday, May 18, 2015

When a face does not tell anything..

But you know your face does. Why? This is because your face has its root in your heart. As for others, their faces are their faces. It connects with their heart, but can you feel it, can you touch it? Walaupun kita bukan dia, hanya dengan ilmu kita dapat merasainya. Wallahualam. Semoga  segala gerak anggota yang bergerak adalah merupakan gerak ilmu yang datangnya dari MU, ya Allah. Berikanlah hamba MU ii Taufik dan Hidayah. Allahuakabrb.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I fell and then the switch...

I am not even real. Am I? Who does. Hanya doa yang menjadi penghubung kepada dunia yang saya duduki ini. Dan dunia ini adalah merupakan yang begitu indah sebelum  meninggalkanya untuk dunia yang kekal buat selama-lamanya. Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lgi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

kerapuhan hati...

Kerapuhan hati memang sentiasa di rasai hendaknya bila kita dalam keadaan bersuka. Tetapi kuatnya datang kembali apabila suka disentak oleh keadaan duka dan terluka. Mengapakah begitu? Wallahualam. Hanya kepada Allah kita berserah memohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan, Kekayaan, Kekuasaan, dan  semoga ianya adalah dalam Keberkatan Mu, Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, May 15, 2015


But I see it as being blessed by Allah that set a refrain from unnecessary thoughts, thinking, and actions. There is no necessity to rush things. Soon everything would turned out to be good. InsyaALLAH. When comes to the question of any questions, big and small, do you have to worry unnecessarily? Hope and pray to Allah that it would come out fine as you have wished - all in the name of goodness and Keberkatan. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

strange or new..?

Somewhat strange. At first it is something new. But it is no more strange to me. Strange things does happen. All the way back, I am not what I am now. But strange things happen and I have been transformed into what I am now. Writing?  I have been with this for so long. In fact I am with this ability since small and only when I entered a university in USA, the ability was confirmed. When I realized it, it is not something new. But what is most strange is that I write everyday and the topics varied with days, experiences, and circumstances. Hanya kepada Allah saya mengucapkan kesyukuran. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

tidak serupa dulu..

Ramai yang telah menunaikan fardhu Haji akan memberitahu diri sendiri bahawa dia tidak akan berkelakuan dan berperangai buruk seperti dulu. Mengubah diri dari perangai lama tidak semudah sebagai yang di pinta. Tetapi ianya tidaklah mustahil. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Walaupun ada keraguan sebesar gunung, pohonlah dariNYA kepada perubahan diri yang baik apa lagi apabila kita berada di Masjiddil Haram dalam usaha mendapatkan Haji Yang Mabrur. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fear in the performance of Hajj...

Performing Hajj this year?

You have a lot of things to think about. If this is your first, then it is not so much a question of that trip. First you might be well preoccupied with that one emotion that strikes on everybody when they are going for Hajj for the first time. That emotion is fear. Fear of what? fear for what? Just look down into your self. Fear seems to be running like blood flowing in your vein. So knowing that or be conscious of that, slowly the feel of fear unravelled it self. So whatever fear you have, face it for without that the sweet in performing Hajj could not be comprehended. That is one facet of why the journey should takes place. Can I say the starting point is fear? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, May 11, 2015

life with comfort...

Everybody wants it. And you don't have it. But you are being denied from having one. Only you your self has become the source of all problems. Could we run the problem one by one? Let us begin with money?

1. Everybody wants money. Everybody wants lots of it. But can they get what they want? Yes, why not? Just work for it. Work for it? How? Well I would write about it tomorrow. Do you know how to wait? Any way just wait. Instead of waiting for tomorrow why not I just write what I know about money.

A good start is to know how I got around with getting money, spending money, and saving money. Do I do all that? Do I really work hard for the money that I had?

Now, if you have problems with money, it is just because you think so much about it. Take it from me, money flows with the thoughts. Just like blood flowing in you. Never a moment you would think yourself without any money. It is not a question of working so hard in order to get money in order to support someone. That thought could be an instant disaster to one's health. It might makes you stop breathing. Like blood, just let it flow in you. And the money would always be there. Strange. But it is true. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Saya menerima hakikat bahawa saya sentiasa sendiri dalam mengejar apa dan mengapa. Pengalaman yang benar benar membuat rasa demikian apabila saya `tercampak' ke bumi Wisconsin USA pada tahun 1980, bersendirian tanpa isteri dan anak yang terpaksa di tinggalkan di Malaysia buat semantara dan saya kembali dalam keadaan sendiri melakukan perkara sendirian seperti menguruskan rumah sewa dan aktiviti berkaitan diri, makanan dan kesihatan. Dalam masa yang sama perlu menguruskan soal sosial dengan pelajar pelajar lain, dan menguruskan diri dalam usaha mendapat gred yang baik bagi kursus yang di ikuti. Aneh tetapi itulah hakikatnya. Terasa mati hidup semula selepas 10 tahun meninggalkan alam kolej dengan keputusan peperiksaan yang tidak segah mana, dan kerja kerja yang tak menentu hala tuju selepas itu. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari Disyirikkan. Jika satu perkara hendak berlaku tidak ada apa yang dapat menghalangnya. Kesemuanya adalah dalam KekuasaanNYA. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

greater and prepare to know yourself while performing Hajj..

Panduan kepada bakal jemaah Haji agar berkurangan konflik ketika berada di sana..

Despite the obvious differentiation and segmentation, in the deeper sense am I much better and greater? Itulah yang sepatutunya ditanyakan kepada diri sendiri dalam pengerjaan Haji. Tentu anda berdepan dengan konflik yang mengatakan bahawa `the obvious says otherwise. Sometimes I feel being discriminated.' Am I? Are you? Or just being wise makes you greater and better? Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allahuakbar. Sesungguhnya Hanya Allah Yang Sebenar-benarnya Memberi. Mohonlah dan doalah dengan sebenarnya apa yang dihajatkan apabila berada di tanah suci Mekah dalam usaha mengerjakan Haji agar semakin dekat diri kita dengan Allah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, May 8, 2015

PRK: Rompin...Datuk Hassan Ariffin from BN won. Permatang Pauh..Datin Dr Wan Azizah from PKR won..

Voters’ turnout was hoped to be at 80%, however it was only recorded at 73.71% (52,983 voters), lower than the 88.2% (62,660 voters) recorded in the last general election.

Reduced majority in Rompin a bad omen for BN?


When the word money is mentioned, what comes to mind are the small places, and the small people with not so much of money. Say the word money, and instantly a person can be alone in this world. No immediate help and no immediate rescue. That is what money is all about. But it could also be comforting. Anyway, has life is all about money? Wallahualam. Maha Suci Allah dari Disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

jeritan batin..

adakala terasa suara ini merupakan satu jeritan yang sangat berbeza dengan jeritan jeritan yang lain. Walauapapun boleh kah ianya dikategorikan sebagai jeritan batin? Jika ianya tidak kedengaran maka ianya adalah merupakan jeritan batin. Jika ianya kedengaran  dan perkataan setiap ulas didengari, maka ianya bukanlah jeritan batin. Jika ianya buka jeritan batin apa jeritan yang hendak dinamakan pada jeritan tersebut? Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Is it not my shadow..?

I say all the good things. And they just laugh at me. I am trying to put things in order. But they think I am crazy. I travel up and down a few hundred miles to set things right. But what they know is only their first step which is just a few feet away. Why can't they see me? Or if they can't why do they see my shadow?  I cry. But I have been seen as an old man waiting for that moment. Sesungguhnya hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. DaripadaMU Ya Alllah saya memohon kekuasaan, kekayaan, perlindungan, pertolongan bagi memastikan kemanfaatan kepada ummah. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

why those feel...?

Losing? Hate that feeling. But I feel I am being surrounded by an unkind, unseen, unsung, and `unheroic' memories. I am asking. I know fully well what the answers would be. I have been cheated. But why the feel of just being taken over spiritually? So easy? Then why I am still asking? I am doing the calculation. But it adds to the same figures. Am I losing something? Or am I gaining a lot of things? Still can't figure out what. Allah is Great. Great things would come. And evil would disappear. Faith in Allah. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Jangan dibiarkan...

Jangan dibiarkan bila hati mula menampakkan rasa berjauhan dan ditinggalkan. Jangan biarkan bila hati merajuk kepada Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Sesungguhnya Kekuatan dan Kekuasaan diri merupakan cetusan hati yang sentiasa berdoa akan segala kebaikan didunia dan di akhirat. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Each word, each sound, each request, all seems to be spooky...I am all alone in this world. Yes. I can feel it. Not a good one. I sense nothing except me. My mother is here. Has she has something to say? Well I am all alone, well separated from everybody except myself. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Don't like the idea of being made a fool. In a small way, the feeling of yours speaks the truth of what has happened. And I have been left alone when something has been extracted and taken from my territory. The idea of being related has make me even smaller and lead to an unconditional and generous surrender. Wallahualam. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Perlindungan dan Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, May 1, 2015

terdetik kegembiraan dalam kekecewaan..

Secara tiba-tiba terdetik rasa kekecewaan terhadap apa yang sepatutnya berlaku tetapi tidak berlaku. Adakah ianya satu lintasan di mana Allah telah menyampaikan sesuatu ilmu kepada ciptaaaNYA? Sesungguhnya ilmu itu indah, ilmu itu cantik, ilmu itu manis walaupun dalam kepahitan kita menyedarinya. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.