Sudah mula terasa terasing diri dan perpindahan masa. Baik sosial kerja, sosial jiran, sosial saudara, sosial masyarakat, sosial adat, budaya umum, budaya kecil, eknomi diri dan pandangan lumrah politik dan ekonomi, malah apa jua yang ada ciri dan sifat bersandar tidak terkecuali rumah, keluarga, siaran TV, surat khabar, kawan, dan kereta, sudah mulai hendak disedarkan pengasingannya kerana perjalanan yang satu ini. Walaupun jutaan manusia akan ternampak secara fizikal, sudah pasti rasa pengasingan dan perpindahan masa yang maha sangat akan berlaku di mana batin akan mengambil tempat dua mata yang memandang. Hanya yang tersedar adalah batang tubuh yang satu ini sedang bergerak ke arah kiblat yang selama ini hanya terhitung mengikut perkiraan otak dan minda sahaja. Hanya apa yang boleh diungkapkan adalah Allah Yang Maha Besar Menguasai Segala-Galanya.
Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A template of...
Operational function has been a template of precision and fixation. Whereas marketing is a template of here, now, and anytime, anybody, and any amount. It can be just input with no output. Or just output with no input. Or can be both. But both functions are in need of each other. My character is of both and multiple. Can be very me and at times I am just being carried away by what I feel that can make me motionless, helpless, and staring at something and somebody for no reason. And that is my second me that can be placed in the marketing function. But as for agricultural marketing it is more of an unbalanced template of...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
soal hati...So what's the fear?
Sekecil benda kita beri, kalau hati seorang itu penyayang, maka bertambah sayanglah yang menerimanya. Berbanding dengan seseorang yang mana hatinya telah rosak atau telah dirosak, walaupun berapa banyak yang diberi hatiny akan terus rosak dan tidak menyukuri apa yang diberi. Dan bagi mereka hati yang telah rosak, jika kita berhenti memberi kita akan dianggap lawan dan hilanglah segala kebaikan selama ini yang diberi. Turut sama ialah hilang ingatan. Hanya perkara yang buruk buruk sahaja yang diingat. Inilah dinamakan soal hati...Memakan diri.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Kesederhanaan dan perkongsian...
Yang mana satu? Keterlampauan dan kepapaan atau kesederanaan dan perkongsian? Boleh dijadikan falsafah hidup. Boleh dijadikan prinsip tindakan dan keputusan harian. Boleh juga dijadikan teori untuk menganalisa sesuatu. Ini bukan soal tepuk dada tanya selera. Nampaknya itulah yang terjadi. Lumrah. Banyak sangat bukti yang menjurus ke arah `keterlampauan dan kepapaan.' Jengok sahaja sejarah. Dan buktinya di mana mana. Keterlampauan dasar perang membawa jahanamnya sebuah negara. Keterlampauan dasar ekonomi membuat sesebuah negara tunduk kepada yang tidak mengamalkan dasar kesederhanaan. Dan baru baru ini kita digemparkan dengan keterlampauan ingin menjadi kaya maka berlakulah tindak tanduk yang melampaui garis nilai yang norma. Pada dasarnya, pada prinsipnya, saya lebih ke arah kesederhanaan dan perkongsian. Bagaimana dengan anda?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Di segi kemahuan dan keperluan sudah menampakkan keterlampauan. Apa lagi yang membuat bagai pucuk di cita ulam mendatang maka terus dipenuhi untuk mereka yang mahu dan mereka yang perlu. Kita hidup atas dasar perlu dan mahu tetapi ada batasannya. Yang membuat pun fikirlah dalam dalam sebelum membuat sesuatu jangan fikir untung semata-mata. Si pembuat akan mengatakan bahawa mereka di sana yang perlu makan dan mahu yang paling mahal maka berlakulah permintaan dan penawaran yang sah. Tapi adakah itu satu perbuatan yang dihalalkan? Entahlah. Saya asyik menulis je. Tapi ada permintaan ke? Bukankah saya hanya melakukan penawaran sahaja. Di sudut ekonomi orang akan mengatakan pergi jahanam dengan penawaran tersebut!! Tetapi nun jauh di lubuk hati saya merasakan satu kepuasan yang mana datangnya dari lubuk ilham entah dari mana. Hanya apa yang boleh saya ungkapkan Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengetahui. Dirasakan kalau semua orang memikirkan penawaran dan menepikan permintaan, adakah dunia akan menjadi lebih aman?
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Discipline of actions...
What a phrase!! Looking at where we are in terms of many standards, we are still very much an undisciplined lot. A word said is just a sound that does not find itself on the ground. Well you would find commitment here and there but too small that does has gone unnoticed. The bad is greater than the good. So what the hack! Despite that I am still positive with a lot of things. On that note I still maintain that discipline of actions. What about you?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Marginal and efficiency...
Seakan-akan mendapat pengertian baru kepada dua istilah ini. Marginal dan efficiency. Dirasakan ruang lingkup hidup dan fikir terbuka dalam erti kata sebenarnya. Tak tahulah. Itulah saya dengan penulisan dan topik yang terilham. Asas kepada segala-gala adalah berdasarkan istilah marginal ini. Kita hidup tidak boleh lebih dari sepatutnya. Tapi kalau berlebih kenalah bersedekah. Perbezaan antara lima puluh sen dan seringgit tidaklah banyak mana. Tapi hanya pengurusan yang cekap (dan memahami marginal effort) sahaja dapat menentukan kos lima puluh sen itu kekal buat seketika dan begitu juga dengan kos seringgit. Mungkin kita efficient dalam menanam pokok, tapi mungkin pokok itu tidak berbuah-buah. Di mana silapnya? Jawapannya mungkin dalam pengertian marginal, efficiency, dan efektif. Kita menghayati istilah-istilah tersebut, tetapi adakah kita juga memahami dalam konteks perbuatan dan amalan?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A step for myself..
The marketing definition applies to each and everyone of us, without exception. Each step counts. So are the surah and the hadis, all are meant for each and everyone of us, without exception. All carries a destination. A lonely world? It can be a lonely effort. But each step has its source and the power of the Al-Quran. So we have no reason to fear life in its lonely nature and lonely form, because the guidance for each step and breadth is crystal clear.
Friday, September 17, 2010
mind perfect..?
When busy in front, the tendency is that we forget what is happening at the back of our own town. Does that indicate we can easily being confused? Mind is perfect in a very mysterious way. Once it looks up it can never see what is happening down there. And you must be wondering what the hell I am talking about? Actually I am very much bothered by what has happened at Banting where the murder of Sosilawati and three others took place. It is a piece of `mind perfect.' What has been happening at the backyard of Banting has become nobody business, so to speak. The gruesome killings have gone unnoticed for quite sometime. It keeps me wondering are there boys or girls in Banting who are adventurous enough to roam the rivers,village, the hills and the jungles just for the sake of curiosity? Surely if the population is adventurous enough they might stumble on this gruesome killing. Since nobody is curious enough to know what has happened at the back, there rise the`king of the jungle' who is in control of the river and the trees. His word is the law. This is all because we are very much busy in front...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
a reason...
Reasons. The overt behaviour is not consistent with verbal reasons. Reasons could be simply as just wanted to have money and more money. Reason is just want to have an acquaintance or a friend. Reason just to feel and want to know what the taste is like. Reason is just to see me, or just to see you. Then what is a motive? A motive has a bigger framework of various reasons, hidden and stated, psychological or logical, conscious or unconscious, a dream or a reality. Can it be the secrets of our future? Any reason for writing this? Or is it more to it than that simple reason? Can you see more than the eyes can see? A reason can be that simple of having somebody by my side. But who wants to know? Nobody wants to understand. So I have to do it alone.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
luluh dan luruh...
it was Autumn. The leaves begin to experience a natural fall from almost all trees. Am I experiencing `autumn' in some of my natural way? It has become a one-way fall. And I it is not within my power to prevent it from falling. Despite all the worldly equation of everything, I am no part to it. The natural process of falling is being observed as schedule. It is `luluh and luruh' time. Whatever.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The light...
That darkest hours made us a thinker in our own right and light. The confidence created should be an end to the trauma faced when the darkest hour set to unveil from corner to corner. It was a nerve splitting moment. It sets a tone of a million pieces of music that sings the songs of `I am alone in this world'. Allah is Great. One's darkest hour won't last forever. Others too might experience the same setting and the configuration of the darkest hour. Would it made to last? But it could be so dark where not even a small tiny light can peep in. Allah is Great. The dark soon settles for a day where everywhere is showered with light. Despite that from somewhere the darkest hour still singing its darkest song for someone..Allah is Great.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Mencari ikatan..
Ku terasa ikatan yang satu itu lagi kukuh dan boleh membawa kepada kedamaian yang hakiki. `Ikatan- ikatan' yang lain hanya sementara selagi usia masih ada. Sedarilah wahai insan yang sangat mengharap kepada ikatan yang berbaur dengan dosa hanya akan putus apabila baunya yang busuk merobek ikatan itu maka terlerai, terburai, dan terputuslah ia. Hanya ikatan Yang Satu, Yang Suci, akan membawa seseorang itu ke damai kehidupan. Berdoalah dan memohonlah kepada Yang Satu Lagi Mengetahui Rahsia Segala Kejadian.
Friday, September 10, 2010
dalam keterpaan hidup...
Pemikiran yang penuh dengan persoalan. Ada dah terjawab dan ada dalam proses keterjawaban. Hanya masa dan ketika apabila cahaya akan menerpa memberi kelongsong yang berisi. Yang pasti ada yang masih kosong. Allah Yang Maha Kaya lagi Mengetahui. Pasti menjadi dan ianya akan terjadi..
Thursday, September 9, 2010
One billion and one possibilities. A razor blade away from being struck by lightning. Me and in human form. The probabilities strike again. All in its filled form. Can be an empty one. Made to see, think, and believe. Could be outright slash and burn. Could be the beauty and the beautiful. Could be humble and kind. Could be a subject and the king. Outright cruelties and outright gracious , kindness, and tenderness. And it can be anything. A billion of possibilities. In fact much much more than a mind can imagine. Allah is Great.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Just for the thought...
Don't make fun of good thoughts. But what is good and what is not? Good thoughts allow opportunities to grow on trees. Others just come and do the picking. Bad thoughts do not want to see something standing on his way what more if that thought can crushed him to pieces. Simply, anything unites are good thoughts, and anything that has the element of destruction are bad thoughts.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
image breaker...
Hard to break or destroy an image that has previously held strongly by others on me. But it is good to know that there are individuals who still hold the image that has previously meant for me. It is not of my choice but the image is very much alive and some till today still in its `killer' and dominating form. And some upon contact, has been `instinctive' that throws me back to the years in the past. Those images are hard to break. However, it is innocently created that defines the previous life of mine. Upon realising it, breaks itself into pieces. Sort of an image breaker....
Monday, September 6, 2010
as with everything...
anywhere in this world, we are subjected to rules and regulations. There are written rules and there are rules only meant for the ruler and the kings. And there are rules for the masses like me and you. But there are only rules that are meant only for me. Neither you nor me wanted it in the first place. The rules are only for the taking. It is mine. Some with awe and fear when the rules are being mentioned. But when comes to my rules I must accept it with the most sense of obedience. Allahuakbar!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
nothing of substance...
Trying to figure out a lot of things in life. Yesterday things seem to be so dry and plain simple. Almost a halt to nothing. Despite the talk and the walk, could not really figure out what things really meant to be. Just another day. Nothing of substance.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Drama in every footsteps...
All footsteps are a reality. Since it is down there, less is known on where one has been. The physical aspect of our life is in the footsteps. On many occasions we are near to disaster but the mind says, sees, and set things differently. The mind is the story of our dream. From foot to brain, and later from brain to foot. Little do we realised the true impact of life is in the physical distance from one person to another. As for the true conveniences of saying it, life is all drama, the mind and the foot. What about the stomach?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Been several days I have not wrote anything. Impressions, feeling, and perceptions. Just got that feeling of an outsider when I stepped into that place. Don't know what their impression of me anymore. Everything has been perceptual. The only reality is me and and what I actually feel about myself. Am I okay? Fasting month has been a true challenge in getting myself in one piece, mental and physical. An outsider? Not anymore...
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