Friday, September 17, 2010

mind perfect..?

When busy in front, the tendency is that we forget what is happening at the back of our own town. Does that indicate we can easily being confused? Mind is perfect in a very mysterious way. Once it looks up it can never see what is happening down there. And you must be wondering what the hell I am talking about? Actually I am very much bothered by what has happened at Banting where the murder of Sosilawati and three others took place. It is a piece of `mind perfect.' What has been happening at the backyard of Banting has become nobody business, so to speak. The gruesome killings have gone unnoticed for quite sometime. It keeps me wondering are there boys or girls in Banting who are adventurous enough to roam the rivers,village, the hills and the jungles just for the sake of curiosity? Surely if the population is adventurous enough they might stumble on this gruesome killing. Since nobody is curious enough to know what has happened at the back, there rise the`king of the jungle' who is in control of the river and the trees. His word is the law. This is all because we are very much busy in front...

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