Thursday, January 27, 2011

Far and near..

The farthest of anything, the theoretical life can and should be. And what is immediate and near is the thing we must be very careful about. A lot of stories about what is near is no match to the bigger picture of what is very far. From afar everything seems to be very beautiful. In contrary as what it actually appear when it is near.

As a society, we can't afford to take life that near. But as an individual we must impressed upon ourself in the words of `take care' and `ingat sebelum kena.' And all referring to both a near and far effect. But many find life is not a long term plan but a short and immediate one. A mission is not a vision. It is only a walk and not a journey. Kepada Allah saya memohon perlindungan dari perkara yang boleh membuat saya melupai jalan yang lurus.

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