Friday, April 8, 2011

doubting oneself...

It is okay to have a slightest doubt on ourself. But when it becomes too phobic in nature then we have to do something about it. I have been teaching, I have been talking, I have been giving a speech to a big audience, I have been creating stories and cracking jokes, I have been writing, I remember, sometimes I called it my analysis, now do I still  have doubt on myself? Well, plain honest answer I do. Allah is Great, there are times things understood and remembered will celar all doubts. In other words we must have knowledge. Knowledge has many dimensions. But dimension can set you apart from somebody else. It makes you different and unique. Does  that erase doubts from your mind? That is only a small example. There are more examples and stories much bigger in scope compared to the ones I have said...What is it? Well being a creation of Allah I still have doubt on many things. My knowledge is still not absolute. I have to explore and find the answers. Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful. Kepada Allah saya memohon pertolongan dan keampunan.

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