Saturday, April 2, 2011

punishment, reward, and being loved...

Three dimensions of what awaits us everyday, punishment, reward, and love.  Within those life framework creates circles and waves of hatred, revenge, and sacrifices. It could be as simple as failing an exam or as cruel life can be as being shot to death. But above all those, what await us most is reward. It is the least understood among the dimensions mentioned. Reward  could not be absolute in any way. It moves trying to find an unknown level at an unknown place. And it can tie or untie love and punishment. It can go for broke and it knows not what is mercy and gratefulness. We are not animals who can be absolute with their reward. We can be relentless.What we want are the unthinkable that can lead us to just nowhere except pain and hunger. And that too can create another circles and waves of destruction and lost love. Allah is Great whose circle of love is endless and so is punishment. Hanya kepada Allah saya memohon keampunan.

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