Sunday, February 8, 2009

I can't help it...

It has been like this all along, be it in life or in anything or in everybody. Everybody says something to somebody. But do they listen? Yes they do listen but they are listening to what they like to hear. Do they listen to you? Yes and no. When comes to tell a tale that concerns them, they listen with all the spirit that they are meant to be. No, they don't listen because at that very moment they are listening to their heart. When heart conquers the day, then who cares?What can you do? Nothing, but there is something I can do. Life is long but not lasting. I do care but I have my own way of caring them and caring myself. Just like what you see now. I am flirting with my love for expressing and sing a song of sixth pence. Ha ha. I drag myself further down deep into an unknown land of mystic and a world whether you want to believe it or not. The choice is yours. I can't help it. I have been to a place where they call it a land of no man's land. Nobody owns anything over that place. Life is free and so is love. Want to know what I do? I seek the highest mountain and climb to the very top and say this word. No I do not say anything but bow my head remembering the Greatest of Allah that has created me for reasons I have yet to understand. Well, ladies and gentlemen, that is my piece for the day and hope you are always in comfort of what you are doing right now. Good Day!

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