Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good thoughts and good behaviour...

A wishful thinking? Far and near, today and yesterday, friends and foe, students and lecturers, employer and employees, the government and the people, good thoughts are tossed around but what remains and hard to change are bad behaviours and bad personal thoughts and taste. Why can't we be good in thinking and at the same time good in behaviour? The answer is plain simple. Behaviour is the reality of one's life whereas good thinking is always part to what we often say as dreams and fantasy and it needs concerted group action in order to achieve that. Lecturers are full of fantasies and dreams when teaching a class . And so are students, they are with fantasies and dreams too when registering themselves for a new semester.

Good thoughts in everybody are effectively pervasive. It contributes to a positive and happy atmosphere to a place of work or a home for that matter. But it is not so easily felt in a place or in a person. It is just not there. Why? Bad behaviour and bad thoughts are like devils lurking in the dark and thus lead to prolong unhappiness for that particular group of people and individual. But despite all that, the evil force in anything and everything and in everybody would surrender itself to the earth eventually. Just wait for the right time and have patience. If you have that sense of goodness in you and has been persistent with good thoughts, decisions, and actions, you are not fighting a losing battle. Finally it dawns upon everything and everybody good thoughts and good behaviour and good life. Allah Yang Maha Besar dan Berkuasa ke atas Segala-galanya.


HambaMaya said...

Currently i'm doing some research about "the law of attraction" since i think it might be good to manifest good results whether in life and business. any comments on that topic prof?

m.mohaj said...

prof, actually everybody is full of fantacies but fantacy without goood thought is just fantacy. However, fantacy is necessary for the better. Without fantacy we are not good planner and without good thought we also can't achieve our fantacy.

Hamdan said...


Law of attraction? Darwin called it as Law of natural selection.


Corporate people called it mission and vision. Ordinary people called it dreams and fantasies. What differs the two is that one is moving forward and the other is moving in cycle. Macam cerita Labu dan Labi..

HambaMaya said...

nonetheless, its still needs effort in order to change the fantasy into reality..