Politic is basically an art, so to speak. It can turn out into anything depending on the creator's wish and thinking. After some time, it can be a wish comes true. The examples are time depth and place depth. You can just name it. Hitler and his war wish. Fidel Castro and his wish of a revolution. Not to mention countries that are socialist based in its policies. And now we have Gaddafi and Chavez and their hatred of USA and Security council imperialism. USA is no exception with dreams of global democracy The moment the wish and the thinking is no longer in tune with the time, it perishes itself.
What about Malaysia and its politics? No single individual can influence the flow of events once a thought has been put in place. After that group actions and decisions tend to dictate what is going to happen. Are we basically elitist in our approach to politics? It appears to be just that. The present events are indications of group thought that are elitist in its substance. That is what I observe and that is my analysis for now.
Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Woman..John Lennon remembers Yoko Ono.
Woman. What they have in common? When you are of no use to them, you shall be dumped into an infinity of all moods. But when you are positively attached to them in all variable ways, the knot is unbreakable until all the ghosts roam the town. Woman. Even Osama bin Laden can lose his virginity and his extremism. Woman are more extremist and of only two destinations. It is either far away left or far away right. There is no middle ground. And that is woman.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I am the captain of the ship..
Captain Kirk of USSR Enterprise says it, and everybody seems to have some kind of an attachment to the manner it is being said. Why? No straightforward answer is forthcoming. Life has often being seen and said as political, social, cultural, and economical. As for me there is one word that sums it all. Life is biological. And when we are not in control of something, we will cease to live. Life should and must be functional. If we are in control of social aspect of life, or political for that matter, our legs, arms and hands are extended to the fullest. In other words an indication of active functionality of life and spirit. So life is not only biological, it is also spiritual. If all goes well biologically, then it is appropriate to say, `I am the captain of the ship'!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Survival and the fittest...
Synonym with the word life is survival. Synonym with the word survival is the fittest. Question is, do we have to be fit in order to bear the onslaught and cruelties of those who are the fittest? Survival of the fittest is very much in the spirit of yesterday. Its relevancy to today's world is very much an open question. In the context of classroom and educational challenge, the fittest survive is acceptable. But the moment he sets foot to the established perceptual world of everything, entrenched with all the falsehoods of mass and miscommunication, survival has become a different ball game. Here I am, surviving the day not with the mighty sword but with the mighty pen, so to speak. But am I the fittest? Or you are?
Friday, September 25, 2009
It is a day..
Yes. It is a day of many many days. Morning, afternoon, evening, and approaching night. Not my usual self. Quiet by the day and quiet by the night. Thoughtful? Or just plain thoughtful as the birds flown by. Feel to write something. Here I am writing my thought and I am finding myself still okay. But the zest is somewhat different. Despite that, everything is still there. All of them have left and heading home. By now, approaching the stillness of the night, I guess they are already home. Things seems so quiet now. I am here entertaining the somewhat sombre mood of a man that is me. What I think and what I touch gracefully turns into a philosophy that defines the day but not the night. Any way. It is a day! It is a real day.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Over engaging or under engaging? Neither, just engaging. A day full of heart and soul or a day with feel of the sombre mood in the engaging process? Visiting friends and relatives yes I did, and the feel, is it over and above or the down and under? Could not really tell but just walk through the day with healthy anticipation of what is going to come. And today? Here I come in anticipation of a lovely tomorrow..meaning still engaging!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Mengawasi sempadan dengan..
Diri sendiri pun ada sempadan. Apa yang hendak dikata dan dibuat akan dirasai oleh perasaan bersalah dan perasaan tidak patut. Sebenarnya kita sendiri adalah pengawal utama kepada diri kita sendiri. In the true sense of the word we are responsible for the attention that we get from other people. Tapi kaedah yang kita guna adalah menggariskan perlakuan yang telah di bina sejak kecil lagi dan di tokoh tambah oleh pengetahuan yang di dapati secara formal dan tidak formal. Lantas kita sentiasa berdepan dengan ungkapan `rambut sama hitam hati lain-lain.'
Ada kajian yang mengatakan bahawa orang yang berjaya itu adalah orang yang suka memberontak dan sangat membenci keadaan yang menampakkan tak suka berubah atau status quo. Rambut pada mereka ini tidak sama hitam. Dan hati pula tidak jauh bezanya antara seseorang itu. Lantaran pemikiran yang sedemikian, segala usaha yang dibuat orang lain akan di analisa dari sudut `syok sendiri' dan tidak menampakkan talian kepada semua orang tetapi hanya kepada kelompok mereka sendiri. Masyarakat adalah terdiri dari kelompok kelompok kecil ini yang berlegar di sekitar kelompok mereka sendiri. Dan kalaulah dibiarkan perkara begini berterusan, sesuatu organisasi atau individu itu tidak akan bergerak maju.
Rumusan dari apa yang saya katakan ini adalah, persempadanan diri sememangnya telah ada, tetapi dengan memahami persempadanan orang lain, kita akan dapat mengesan tempat tempat yang boleh dibolosi. Senang kata, rambut mereka tidak sama hitam tetapi kehendak dan kemahuan hati adalah akan akan sama. Jadi awasilah sempadan diri kamu sendiri supaya tidak senang dibolosi. Macam mana dan bagaimana? Hanya dengan peningkatan pengetahuan kamu boleh menembusi dan membolosi sempada orang lain...
Ada kajian yang mengatakan bahawa orang yang berjaya itu adalah orang yang suka memberontak dan sangat membenci keadaan yang menampakkan tak suka berubah atau status quo. Rambut pada mereka ini tidak sama hitam. Dan hati pula tidak jauh bezanya antara seseorang itu. Lantaran pemikiran yang sedemikian, segala usaha yang dibuat orang lain akan di analisa dari sudut `syok sendiri' dan tidak menampakkan talian kepada semua orang tetapi hanya kepada kelompok mereka sendiri. Masyarakat adalah terdiri dari kelompok kelompok kecil ini yang berlegar di sekitar kelompok mereka sendiri. Dan kalaulah dibiarkan perkara begini berterusan, sesuatu organisasi atau individu itu tidak akan bergerak maju.
Rumusan dari apa yang saya katakan ini adalah, persempadanan diri sememangnya telah ada, tetapi dengan memahami persempadanan orang lain, kita akan dapat mengesan tempat tempat yang boleh dibolosi. Senang kata, rambut mereka tidak sama hitam tetapi kehendak dan kemahuan hati adalah akan akan sama. Jadi awasilah sempadan diri kamu sendiri supaya tidak senang dibolosi. Macam mana dan bagaimana? Hanya dengan peningkatan pengetahuan kamu boleh menembusi dan membolosi sempada orang lain...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
keakhraban batiniah sesama insan..
Tidak lagi seperti dulu. Komuniti yang kecil mengenal satu dengan yang lain adalah satu kemestian kepada setiap individu itu. Itu dulu. Tidak lagi hari ini. Keakhraban batiniah sangat bergantung kepada teknologi. Batin menderita kerana kita tidak memiliki teknologi yang sepatutnya berjalan seiring dengan kehidupan ahli kepada masyarakat tersebut. Batin bukan lagi soal hati tetapi soal ICT.Ibu bapa terseksa kerana anak yang tinggal jauh tidak menelipon atau mengSMS ayah dan ibu. Di hari raya ini, menghadirkan diri secara fizikal di setiap tempat adalah mustahil. Tapi phenomena dunia adalah phenomena ICT dan teknologi yang ada kaitan dengan penguasaan maklumat alam maya. Walaupun jauh, perhubungan melalui maya di jadikan lebih mudah dan begitu cepat sekali. Itulah Kebesaran Allah Subahanawataala yang menguasai ke atas segala-galanya. Allah Yang Maha Besar.
Tengok cermin..
Hari ini, pagi ini, pagi raya, aku akan tengok cermin dan cuba memahami diri aku ini sama ada jauhnya perjalanan aku di muka bumi ini telah membawa kebaikan kepada diri dan juga orang lain.
Mungkin aku belum lagi mengenal semapadan kepada sesuatu perkara itu. Atau ada yang berlaku pada diri aku yang boleh dijadikan teladan. Sama sama lah kita tengok cermin.
Mungkin aku belum lagi mengenal semapadan kepada sesuatu perkara itu. Atau ada yang berlaku pada diri aku yang boleh dijadikan teladan. Sama sama lah kita tengok cermin.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Terima kasih saya tidak terhingga kepada mereka yang telah menjengok dan membaca blog saya dan juga kepada mereka yang telah memberi komen. Perkongsian pandangan merupakan wadah kehidupan yang perlu demi kemajuan. Bersatu kita maju dan kehidupan yang tidak bersatu akan membawa kepada kelesuan.
Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin.
Semoga Allah memberkati apa yang diusahakan dan sama sama kita berdoa supaya ianya akan membawa kebahagiaan yang berterusan.
Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin.
Semoga Allah memberkati apa yang diusahakan dan sama sama kita berdoa supaya ianya akan membawa kebahagiaan yang berterusan.
Friday, September 18, 2009
menyerang dan diserang..
Hari ini bercerita pasal pemasaran sikit. Kata buku marketing, setiap hari kita diserang dengan berbagai pesanan ringkas dan yang tidak ringkas dari berbagai medium dan sumber. Tak kiralah sifat penyerang itu macam mana. Politik ke, sosial ke, atau dari orang berniaga ke, atau godaan dari seorang perempuan ke? Haha. Secara halus ke atau secara direct dan kasar ke? Tak kisahlah dengan penyerang. Bagaimana pulak kita ini sebagai sasaran mereka? Ada yang ternampak, ada yang nampak, dan ada tidak diperhati langsung. Begitu juga dengan pendengaran kita, ada yang dengar dalam tidak dengar, dan ada yang tak tahu pun.. Kata orang juga kalau kita diserang kita mesti menyerang pulak. Tapi tidak. Kita jatuh di medan perang bazar ramadan. Terbeli apa yang patut tidak dibeli. Serangan mereka telah mengena.
Sebenarnya hidup ini sifatnya mesti berlawanan. Jangan asyik kita diserang je. Be a man and fight for your life or fight for anythingt that can make you a happy person. Nak harapkan orang lain? Ada kala kita sendiri kena juga hidupkan semangat kita sebagai penyerang dan pejuang. Tapi jangan pula jadi penyerang yang tidak sabar. Kalau hendak tengok hasilnya bukan sekarang tapi satu hari nanti. Pokoknya kita memiliki semangat hendak maju dan kita kena lawan segala bentuk serangan dari luar dan dalam yang cuba hendak mematahkan serangan kita. Tapi serangan dengan senjata tumpul mana boleh menang. Jadi mesejnya di sini carilah ilmu bagi menajamkan senjata kamu itu. Hanya pemikiran yang tajam akan dapat mengesan musuh dalam selimut. Haha. Lantas apa lagi? Berilmulah kamu sebelum kamu diilmukan...
Pagi ini aku ke TM Point membayar bil. Dengan penuh kerelaan aku membayar bil tersebut. Ini bermakna TM Point berjaya menyerang dan menguasai diri aku. Sepatutnya kecik kecik dahulu aku menguasai ilmu komunikasi alam maya ini dulu. Barulah aku boleh menguasai orang yang memerlukan perkhdimatan tersebut..haha dalam hal ini dah terlambat melainkan aku tidak menggunakan perkhdimatan mereka. Boleh tak?
Sebenarnya hidup ini sifatnya mesti berlawanan. Jangan asyik kita diserang je. Be a man and fight for your life or fight for anythingt that can make you a happy person. Nak harapkan orang lain? Ada kala kita sendiri kena juga hidupkan semangat kita sebagai penyerang dan pejuang. Tapi jangan pula jadi penyerang yang tidak sabar. Kalau hendak tengok hasilnya bukan sekarang tapi satu hari nanti. Pokoknya kita memiliki semangat hendak maju dan kita kena lawan segala bentuk serangan dari luar dan dalam yang cuba hendak mematahkan serangan kita. Tapi serangan dengan senjata tumpul mana boleh menang. Jadi mesejnya di sini carilah ilmu bagi menajamkan senjata kamu itu. Hanya pemikiran yang tajam akan dapat mengesan musuh dalam selimut. Haha. Lantas apa lagi? Berilmulah kamu sebelum kamu diilmukan...
Pagi ini aku ke TM Point membayar bil. Dengan penuh kerelaan aku membayar bil tersebut. Ini bermakna TM Point berjaya menyerang dan menguasai diri aku. Sepatutnya kecik kecik dahulu aku menguasai ilmu komunikasi alam maya ini dulu. Barulah aku boleh menguasai orang yang memerlukan perkhdimatan tersebut..haha dalam hal ini dah terlambat melainkan aku tidak menggunakan perkhdimatan mereka. Boleh tak?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
don't add anything...the Kingdom of the Ghost..
Saw it in their blues. Plain stupid self. Their own doing. Majestic? Did it in his free roaming mind. Just for the pleasure of it. Not because of others. Just because of him and himself. Fear for the dead or fear being dead? Fell sick. The moment he was being laid to die, that terrible feeling seems to haunt him. No choice but being brought to the kingdom of the ghosts. He saw no teaching, no guidance. What more words from the wise. The most terrible moment. No peace but a restless body and mind. What was out there? Who would be there? How would I be? Mind can't do the answers. It was all questions and no answers. Laid to rest. He and himself and came the moment waiting for, grabbed by the unknown.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Being a leader..
He can't afford to see only one aspect of the problem. His agenda is the whole nation, one nation,so to speak. But can't afford not to ignore the voice of the minority group. One group too many despite it is not a big party. Being a supreme leader, his agenda is for all regardless being liked or being hated. He has a job to do. His main job is to unite the nation. That is his agenda. That is his priority.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Being away and back..
Ponder down deep and the thought of being away struck the very bottom of one's own thinking pit. Where have I been for the past two days? Despite of the initial thought of nothingness when it first happen, the moment you put yourself into one piece again, strangely felt that you are there as though what has gone into the past has its own reason for being so and doing what has done and cannot be undone. It has nothing to do with others and it has nothing to do with you either but it is all for a reason(?). The smallest of event seems to be a path to somewhere and it is all for a reason.
Monday, September 14, 2009
selama ini...
selama ini hidupku ditenggelami oleh perasaan baik terhadap segala-galanya. Selama ini aku asyik mendendangkan lagu yang ada kaitan dengan tangisan orang lain. Aku dihidangkan dengan cerita yang tidak konsisten tema dan tajuknya dan banyak yang berkesudahan aku dimain dan dipermainkan. Baiknya aku tidak bertunjang kepada apa-apa yang menampakkan kepentingan diri sendiri. Aku tidak meminta malah banyak memberi. Tidak didengari malah banyak mendengar. Memerhati walaupun tidak diperhati. Walaupun demikian, adalah disedari agenda aku bukan untuk diri aku sendiri. Aku berpandangan untuk semua tubuh badan dan menginginkan keharmonian dalam segala-galanya. Tapi selama ini ada tempat yang sangat tersembunyi motifnya. Baik ke atau menyimpan niat lain disebaliknya? Tuba yang mana selama ini diingat cuka. Walaupun buat seketika aku sakit meronta, dalam bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini, aku memohon kepada Allah Yang maha Esa agar menyedarkan aku dari terus terlena supaya dapat aku berbakti dan berterusan menyedarkan mereka yang lupa.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Najib sees all..
Do not see all..
Nobody sees all. Some sees nothing. And another only sees himself. Despite being a minister for 30 years, Samy Vellu does not see all either. Today he criticizes Mahathir for doing nothing to the Indian community. In another words despite being in the government for so long, he still fail to see all of Mahathir. What a pity. Everybody does not see everybody anymore. Does not really mind if he or she sees a little of another person. But if someone said he or she does not see all...then we have to doubt on his agenda...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The sender and the receiver...
Whoever you are, can you be both, a sender and a receiver? Or both a giver and a taker?Why not? Just say something to me and we both play the role of both. That is not what I mean. We are at best with one role at a time. That sounds very academic. But that is not what I am going to talk about. What I want to say is something that has to do with the society or the people at large. The society where the citizens creates most is a society that shall see economic progress. Meaning they are more of a sender than a receiver or more of a giver than a taker. And thus a society where the citizens are always on the receiving end would see less progress, economically. But in this world of ours, many countries or people are in the category of a receiver. When such a situation occurs, we still have a lot of things to learn and be conscious of more knowledge in both its varieties, dimensions, and purpose. Are we? Take this small test with this question, how many times in a month you write as compared to what you read? To read is okay provided you read in order to create and be a sender later on. But are you?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The universality of self...
The characteristic of self is universal. Care to elaborate? Despite the bad things others do to you, not a moment you are downgraded by such actions. Their actions spring from self that are imprisoned by deep seated of dislike and hatred. Could reduce oneself to an obsession of destruction. Any minute it can erupt into an explosion that can tear the person apart. Be a man of million years who would roam this world alone and not a moment he is at odd with the self-destruct behaviour of others. He stands tall with daily construction of progressive ideas of change for change is an essential characteristic of truly one universe which begins with the universality of self.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Against All Odds...
Does not like the word `odd.' Nothing odd about life and about anything for that matter. Come thus far, a time traveller, another day is another time. World is inhibited by all kinds of people with different and unique mental, spiritual, and physical background. Even the landscape that dotted their movement is unique in the sense `i am what my landscape is.' So anything wrong with that? No. No sir. You are the king and I am also a king of where I come from. Haha. You are the king of the jungle. I am the king of the mountain. And he is the king of the oceans. So talk like a jungle, smile like a mountain, and making love like the oceans. So what? No, nothing sir. You are still the king. Yes. But I am king of kings. And I know not what odds are..
Monday, September 7, 2009
Mind Test and the understanding of yesterday...
To understand the spiritual level of your existence, mind needs to be understood. Going to school and universities, the test is all physical toughness and mental acquisition of knowledge. But what about the spiritual part of development? It is the least part of oneself being explored and understood. ON and no off, mind is always in the testing position. Life is all plain and simple. No bottleneck in anything. It comes and it goes. It connects easily and unleashes easily because it is that plain and simple of anything and everything that connects the goodness and flushes out the trivial and the insignificance. That is you and the definition of you. Thus far I have been a traveller, and thus far I have seen the results of my test, mind and spiritual. And my CGPA is....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Day..
Everything has been reduced to the day. No such thing as the tomorrow or the yesterday. I am the man and I am the person who would see not what others see. It is my day. It is the day. And I am the man. I am the person. It is a day of reckoning. The time has come and everything should be judged accordingly. The work and the money that goes with the work are fraudulently manipulated and managed. Things kinda got out of hands and it is the day that the punishment should be meted out. It is the day of no persuasion. It is the D-Day.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hanya dengar benda yang kecil...
dan nampak benda yang besar. Maka berlakulah ketidakadilan dalam kehidupan. Itulah lumrah perlakuan manusia umum, `maitaining the status quo' kata orang putih. Sepatutnya semua benda yang nampak adalah kecil, dan biarlah perkara yang dengar itu besar,hebat dan perlu dihalusi. Barulah kita boleh menjadi insan yang memahami perkara perkara yang ghaib dan telinga sahaja berperanan memahaminya. Dan dari telinga terus pergi ke minda pemikiran yang sentiasa menerima dan menghadam apa yang didengar. Justeru selepas seketika ternampaklah segala galanya bukan dengan mata tetapi dengan hati. Itulah yang dikata orang sebagai mata hati. Dan dengan mata hatilah seseorang itu akan dapat menghalusi yang selama ini merupakan ilusi dan persepsi mata yang memandang dan lantas kita tidak mudah terperangkap atau terjerat dengan pergolakan yang tidak berfaedah...Bacalah dengan nama Allah. Tetapi adakah orang yang mendengar itu memahaminya?
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Defining moment...
Take stocks of what has happened to oneself is an indication of one's natural ability to take an about turn on something or some principles that has gone ashtray. Tested with events and experiences, you can be very definite about something and thus the uncompromising attitude. A defining moment indeed. All of a sudden you can feel both the sense of humbleness and strength flushing out all the sins of yesterday. The senses are well coordinated and synchronized uplifted the spirit to a greater height. It is a moment of defining oneself and it is the moment of truth.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A thought on what I say today...
Today's lecture centered around decision-making in management. Students seem to be very attentive as to what I say to them. But I am very doubtful of their understanding. This is because they don't respond to questions I throw at them. That's the challenge in teaching. To make them speak their mind in front of others is not easy. Not that they cannot express their opinion, it is just because they are in class and expressing in the presence of others can cause their life upside down. But that is their life as a student. Developing confidence is one of their mission while they are here. Sooner or later they would realised that confidence is the result of having a lot of knowledge. Even a lot of money does not guarantee one's development of confidence. I have come across a rich man but having an inferiority complex just because of his low level of education. So seek knowledge and let it be the priority and the rest would fall in place by itself.haha.
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