Thursday, December 31, 2009

Measurement of a year...after 2009 is 2010

It could mean anything to anybody. It all depends on the manner they have been touching the ground on earth. Some are just lost for words when celebrating the new year. Others finding themselves in a no man's time, land, and space just continuing with what they have been doing. They are just a nobody when comes to the measurement of time. So many artificiality surrounding a celebration. So many gaps being created. Do I have to celebrate?
Allah Yang Maha Besar Lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Hanya Kepada Allah Saya Berserah.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Life is jigsaw puzzle...

At first it is only bits and pieces. When pieced together there comes the meaning.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Can we find the truth about this world? It is a wild wild world you know. Each movement and sight creates a different sound and image to someone. Bayangkan, tak hujan, tak panas, tapi berpayung..I have reached a very big playing field, so to speak. No rules, no procedures, no guidelines, nothing, but you just have to toe the official line, meaning don't have to be personal and emotional. Don't look back. And don't follow those who are still behind you. They are playing on a very small field with lots of rules and not of their own. They are no truth-seeker. They are just a follower to what eventually would tie them to the tree. Image and sound. Be a truth-seeker for the perfect sound and a perfect image.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Having a fun day at Tambun..

The monkey says....
I started the joke but the joke was on me..

To the tiger, life is no joke. It is all about survival..



Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Macam mana boleh hilang...?

KUALA LUMPUR: Bukan satu tetapi dua enjin pesawat tempur, F-5E, milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang hilang, masing-masing berharga RM50 juta, apabila sebuah lagi ...

If you are in doubt then follow your heart..

Kita tidak sentiasa dibekalkan dengan pengetahuan yang boleh membuat kita betul menuju sasaran. Adakala kita akan jadi tidak tentu arah dan besar kemungkinan kita tidak memiliki kuasa menjangka apa yang akan terjadi. Mungkin kita belum matang atau tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang khusus berkaitan dengan masalah yang sedang dihadapi. Jadi apa patut kita buat? Ini nasihat yang saya terdengar dari TV...iF you are in doubt, then follow your heart.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The All Powerful..Yang Maha Berkuasa..

Tidak ada kuasa yang boleh melebihi Kekuasaan Allah. Fitrah hambanya tidak akan merasai kekuasaan yang diberi walaupun sedikit kerana kekuasaan manusia sepatutnya telah berpindah kembali kepada Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengasihani. Jika ada orang yang mengatakan dia itu berkuasa dan merasa dirinya berkuasa, ini bererti hubungan dia dengan Allah amat rapuh sekali. Manusia mudah lupa dan sentiasa dalam keadaan riak bila mereka melebihi orang lain dengan sesuatu yang bernilai walhal kesemua itu merupakan kepunyaan Allah dan diamanahkan kepada sesiapa yang Dia kehendaki.

Banyak perkara yang berlaku semacam memporakperandakan hubungan manusia dengan kekuasaan Allah ini. Dan dalam keadaan kelam kabut beginilah ada yang telah mengambil kesempatan, baik politik, sosial, budaya, mahupun ekonomi, dengan mengatakan yang betul itu salah. Dan yang salah itu diperdiamkan sahaja. Manusia hidup dengan penuh kepuraan demi menjaga kepentingan kelompok mereka dan diri sendiri sahaja.

Walaupun begitu, ada yang tidak pernah merasai dirinya lebih dari orang lain walaupun hakikatnya tidak begitu. Ini menyebabkan hubungan mereka ini sesama manusia diperlekeh, dan disalah tafsir kehadiran mereka baik perkataan mahupun perbuatan. Mereka lupa orang yang sebegini, wadah tafsiran mereka adalah luas, halus, dan mencakup semua masa dan semua perkara. Juga mencakup soal hidup dan soal mati.

Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengasihani dan Berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Just love to say hello to everyone..

Hi, hello. Today is Sunday. It is a raining Sunday. And it gets worse in the evening. I have to cancel my plan of playing golf. Just relax and write this in my blog. Words are easy to come by when I start writing something. And with the widget linkwithin I feel what I write is worth reading. Ok till next time.

Closer and tighter..

Things can be intense and miserably wild if you are being pushed to the brink. When it gets closer, it is supposed to be a loose game. But generally it works the other way round. The closer you are the tighter would be the grip and then hell broke loose. When that happens no one is to be blamed but yourself.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Song of Lost Love...

humble beginning...

climate change

Pertama, segal-galanya baru bermula walaupun sudah menjangkau setengah abad.
Kedua, segala-galanya sudah berakhir walaupun baru menjangkau beberapa tahun. Lantas konflik akan tidak berkesudahan. Anda di kategori yang mana?
Dan ketiga, segala-galanya belum lagi bermula...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Ma'al Hijrah...Meniti perubahan..

Kata orang hidup beradat, mati berkubur. Adat pula sungguh banyak pecahannya dari perkara sekecil-kecilnya di peringkat individu, kepada adat yang sebesar-sebesarnya di peringkat perpaduan negara.

Kita bercakap pasal Ma'al Hijrah dan penghijrahan yang sepatutnya dilkakukan. Tetapi setengah adat bukan senang hendak dihapuskan. Itulah sebabnya saya menggunakan perkataan meniti. Inya menggambarkan ketelitian dan penelitian sebelum sesuatu itu hendak diubah.

Saya sudah banyak berubah. Jika diingat-ingatkan perubahan yang berlaku, semangat perubahan itu bermacam-macam. Ada yang dirancang, ada yang tidak, dan ada yang terpaksa.

Dalam konteks Islam, perubahan yang macam mana yang patut dilakukan? Sudah pasti perkara perkara yang ada kaitan dengan kebaikan diri dan kesejahteraan ummah. Juga kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan diakhirat.

Sesungguhnya hanya Allah Sahaja Yang Mengetahui Segala Rahsia KejadianNya.

Bersama-samalah kita menghayati Ma'al Hijarah.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Membahagiakan diri...

dengan cara yang tersendiri. Ada ke shopping mall. Ada ke laut yang dalam. Dan ada yang hanya duduk di rumah tak keluar keluar. Saya pulak bagaimana? Bahagia is a very relative word you know. Bergantung kepada perkara perkara yang mana kita sendiri tidak menduga akan berada dalam keadaan perasaan yang sangat membahagiakan atau sebaliknya. Apa ye? Hari ini contohnya, dalam suasana yang agak tegang, saya ke sana kemari, bercakap ini dan bercakap itu seolah saya tidak gembira. Benarkah? Susah hendak ditafsirkan. Luaran nampaknya tidak ada masalah langsung. Tapi kalau anda berkebolehan melihat apa yang ada di dalam, tentu anda terperanjat? Mengapa? You might be seeing things you have never seen before. Happy now?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thoughts do the walking...

Just a thought this morning..woke up from bed and the word is playing in the drain and then into the brain. When a word starts playing with me, the whole wide world starts brandishing their swords and guns either to go along or a downright rejection of what I shall be saying. Don't really know about it but need to know more despite the lack in understanding. I need an answer.

The manner we feel about movement has long been the subject of research to a lot of people in this world. The topic ranging from nothing to something. Do I feel it too? The answer is above physical and beyond physical, so to speak. Several factors that can link me to that long time question of my movement.

Much of the things that we do are very much energized by the faculty of sensationalizing. If it is all physical, like a small boy, we are surely to complain of the movement we do everyday. It is the thoughts that walks through life and not the physical part of it. Physically we are very much in the same place and in the same spot everyday. It is the thought that do the walking. And our thought can never visit a place twice. It is always a different thought of the same place. If it still does with the same thought, then life can be very boring.

How bored are you? The answer is in the word `thought sensationalizing.' It is either you have it or you don't. The older you are the chances you have more of it is greater. If you don't then it is about time you have to check into yourself and try to identify the probable cause to the stagnant mind. Bacalah.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Terjumpa dengan diriku...

Berdialog dengan diri sendiri merupakan perkara biasa bagi saya. Tanpa disedari selepas bertubi-tubi melemparkan hujah, akhirnya saya terjumpa apa yang selama ini tercari-cari rupa rupanya ada di sisi. All the thoughts that has been troubling me for the past few weeks are actually solved overnight.

Apa yang sebenarnya berlaku menyebabkan terselesainya masalah tersebut? Adakala kita bagai kan nak gila memikirkan sesuatu untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara yang mana pada zahirnya susah dan sukar. Tetapi kita lupa bahawa dengan tersujudnya di tikar sembahyang menghadapi Allah Yang Maha Besar, segala lorong penyelesaian terbentang luas di hadapan. Terasa hampir dengan Allah dapat membendung segala kekusutan disebabkan terlalu mengharap kepada manusia lain untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang dihadapi. Saya terlupa mereka juga tidak terkecuali dari memiliki ciri kelemahan yang merupakan fitrah dan juga membuat kesilapan. Manusia itu juga lemah dan sedang tercari cari wadah yang betul bagi mendekatkan diri dengan Allah Subahanawataalla.

Hanya kepada Allah Kita Bermohon dan Berdoa. Allah Yang Maha Besar.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Great Life...

Adakala kita tidak perlu terlalu kritis terhadap perkara perkara yang ada kaitan dengan kehidupan keseluruhannya. Kita mungkin kritis di peringkat peringkat atau tahap yang tertentu sahaja. Life in itself is great. No argument about it. And the less understood we are towards it, the greater would be the effort to realise the higher level of great life.

Kehidupan ada tahap hidup hidupnya. Ada tahap hidup yang mana kita perlu fikirkan apa orang lain fikir terhadap kita. Rasanya hendak masuk dalam badan mereka dan menengok kita dari kaca mata mereka. Ada tahap hidup yang mana ianya tidak perlu kerana perkara itu tidak hidup lagi untuk dipertikaikan.

Saya berada di tahap kehidupan yang agak berlainan sekarang. Just live my own life and minimised to the tray apa yang difikirkan atau pandangan orang lain yang masih lagi berperang untuk sampai ke tahap kehidupan rasa yang lebih tinggi.

Walaupun begitu, saya tidaklah angkuh dengan pandangan dan sikap yang menampakkan kejahilan atau ketidak matangan sesorang. Ada golongan yang cuba merendahkan orang yang kedudukan orang itu sudah tinggi dan tidak boleh diturunkan lagi kerana sebab-sebab tertentu. Malah orang yang merendahkannya itu masih berada di tahap rendah buat masa ini. Tetapi oleh kerana kejahilan dan ketidakmatangan, individu ini dengan tidak secara langsung membuka pekong di dadanya sendiri.

For once I feel I am truly independent in writing all these. Is it for myself to digest or for others? Don't really care right? Just live the feel you have been feeling all this while just because you are just experiencing a a feel of great life. Allah Yang Maha Besar dan Maha Mengetahui akan Segala Rahsia Kejadian.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Which side are you? Oooops...I forget I am on the other side. Don't have to take anything personal. Bygone be bygone..has been flushed into the drain. So why should I care? To know and to be informed is okay. But if your heart is at stake, then you must look again which side you are...Ooops. I might be dreaming...!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

short memory..

This is what our life is all about. Decisions are being made under a very closed corridor of circumstances. Thus nothing seem to be in line with the big plan of tomorrow's happiness for all. Once I was waved by an old friend who was just being kicked out from his post. I waved back. Question is why now I am being waved at after he has lost his position and everything and not before? Why not he waved at me and talk to me when we first met when he has just being appointed in that chief executive's position? It seems he has a short memory and tend to forget the pain he has caused to others when holding a good post. Belittling others, subtle or blunt has become the trademark of those with ill-gotten money and power. He just forget he is not going anywhere with it and by an unexpected twist of events, soon he would be facing the true music of real life where death keeps watching and is ready to execute the job...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Get connected and shine...

Get connected? There must be a reason for the connection. But it is always a bad connection. You are being given with something and no one has the opportunity to have just what you got. Anger erupts in many forms and some are ugly and devil-like. Should you surrender you are the loser. Nobody wants to be a born-loser. Thrives on something bad like this would make you stronger as ever. Nothing is clean anymore. So get connected with all the ugly aspect of human existence and fight yourself to the finishing line and say to yourself I am the winner..

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Being touched with new life...

Life is no accident. Purposely being made that way.Purposely being made that way for a person and for that particular person. In the darkest of night man still can see. So were in the darkest of days man can still eat and have a family. But man are no fool. Purposely being made strong so as to thwart the oncoming of evils in various forms that can turn the world upside down. Man being made strong under all sorts of conditions, weather, mind and mental where ever they are. I am made that way. And so are the others. The difference is in their physical and mental strength living under the conditions they are in. Some died an untimely death and giving way to the much stronger generation to carry on. The weak shall perished with the terrain, wind, and the seas. But some are stronger then the rest and their generation continues despite in the wake of things they are not leaders in the political and social sense of the word. They survived. Life is no accident. Purposely being made that way for a reason. Allah is Great.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Days are running fast...

..and no time to wait. Even no time to ponder and think. Just make a dash through on everything. Just a minute or two and then bulldozed into the days that are full of darkness. Don't think of sincerity. And if ever we are divided it is because honesty is not the best policy. It is a principle you carry in your wallet and when it has to be tossed away by all means spend it.

Days are running fast. Before you have the chance of catching up with everything, they are already dead. So have to run because days are running fast...

Tiap-tiap hari yang penuh debaran..

Hidup tanpa kesunyian kalau itu yang kita pinta maka itulah yang kita dapat. Kalau kita minta `perjuangan' maka hari hari adalah merupakan hari memperjuangkan sesuatu tak kiralah untuk diri sendiri atau untuk orang lain. Dan hari ini berlakulah perkara perkara yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai ganjil juga. Apa dia? Tidak perlu aku ceritakan apa, tapi sudah cukup aku katakan apa yang telah berlaku hari ini adalah perkara yang membuat aku berdebar-debar...dan malamnya aku kembali tenang...

That was yesterday...

avoid walking on the same path as more looking back.

finding a new platform for action and decision..

The old platform seems old and no longer functional. So on the look out for a new platform. It should well be based on the dilution of passion and direction of today's world. The eco-system must be integrated into the making of the platform. People seem restless and they too should be on the look out for a new platform. But traditions die hard. We are open but closed on a lot of conflicting things. The platform is based on the element of personal risk which can make them lose everything. So why bother to change now?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Besarnya gegaran penulisan...

Hari ini dibangkitakan satu kesedaran penulisan yang mana pengertian bercabang-cabang dan cabangnya hanya mengikut cabang selera individu itu sendiri. The basis sepatutnya sunnah dan Al-Quran, tetapi ada keadaan cabang hati dan selera merupakan rujukan utama kepada apa yang dilakukan dan sedikit sekali mengikut ajaran Al-Quran dan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W). Adakah mereka sebenarnya hidup bergelomang dengan darah dari hati yang busuk kerana suka menyakitkan hati manusia lain? Terdapat apa yang ditulis merupakan cetusan hati yang jahat itu. Walaupun begitu ada juga yang terbaca adalah perkara yang ada kaitan dengan hati nurani manusia. Tidak kurang juga yang tercetus adalah perkara perkara yang mengawatkan lagi kehidupan yang sememangnya sudah gawat ini. Tanpa memahami sebenarnya intipati sunnah dan Al-Quran, selagi itu perbuatan mereka adalah didasarkan oleh piagam hati yang mana besar nafsunya dan tidak bertepi pula. Persoalannya, adakah mereka membacanya?

Get used to it...

No rush and no hurry. Just play your game of what is good for today is also good for tomorrow. I am no bandit and no crook. I am a man with principles both legal and personal. Stay cool at all times. A good man can become as notorious as one can imagine and a bad man can become a person that no one can imagine who he was before. So cling to something that can make you closer to Allah and Allah is Great, the Almighty and the Powerful.

Monday, December 7, 2009

creepy, spooky...

Alone with myself and nobody is around. My blog speaks the heart of the lost soul roaming from one word to another.Does not make any sense, just a plain expression of me and the lost me. I am with nobody. Never be around somebody for so long. Ghastly wind blowing and the door is wide open inviting another lonely soul whose home was found burned somewhere in the 18th century. I did once invite a lost soul from the 17th century. All are born losers speaking the brain of a thrashed half-baked mind. And night comes, all silence, heart-gripped, creepy, spooky.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Much better now..

Much better than before. Anybody out there who thinks life has been unfair to them? Just watch my word, you are much much better than before. Want to bet?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jangan takut...

Hanya mengingatkan diri sendiri supaya tidak mudah tunduk kepada kepalsuan pemikiran pemikiran di luar sana yang belum tentu lagi mengandungi setitikpun kebenarannya. Allah sentiasa menguji manusia dengan peristiwa peristiwa supaya terpisahnya kebenaran dan kepalsuan. Kita akan menjadi lebih tenang apabila ternyata di rasakan kebenarannya sesuatu itu. Tak semestinya yang terlihat dan terdengar itu merupakan faktor mutlak yang akan menentukan kebenaran dan kesahihan sesuatu itu. Tidak didengar dan tidak dilihatpun mungkin merupakan faktor kebenaran lebih dari yang nampak dan didengar. Mungkin apa yang dirasa merupakan penentu mutlak kepada ujian kepada kebenaran tadi.

Nah, nasi, lauk, pauk sudah terhidang kemas di atas meja. Di dengar dan sememangnya terlihat sedap. Tetapi belum dirasa. Dalam keadaan begini jangan melatah dan terus memuji akan masakan tersebut. Kehidupan penuh dengan faktor hanya lihat dan dengar sahaja. Terdengar kisah orang kaya. Terlihat orang miskin. Ternampak rumah besar. Terdengar cerita hebatnya seseorang itu. Dan banyak lagi ungkapan contoh lihat dan dengar ini. Mungkin ada benarnya dan mungkin tidak. Masih ada lagi keterlibatan diri secara langsung yang akan dapat menyimpulkan kebenaran sesuatu itu. Allah jua yang Maha Mengetahui akan Segala-galanya.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Supporting system..

Just watch. Just watch anything and anybody. It is easy to watch if something is not moving. But it is much easier to deal with something if it has no system that supports it. Know what I mean? A rich man talks with confidence and he or she fumbles if he or she is poor. Again the word poor and rich is relative to something. No matter how much money you have but with no wisdom in doing something, he might feel being left out on some occasions. Have you see someone driving a big car and presumably he is all powerful when he is on the road. The moment he is out of the car, the all powerful feeling dissipates with the natural environment. In the city area we might feel strong but what about when you find yourself in the jungle? A lot of things I want to say on this supporting system. It breeds ides and thoughts and give me new horizons of thinking. Later.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sensing the past...

Know what I mean? Just walking through where we have been in the past, feel it, smell it. Many would say that the past is hard to remember. If you were to use the word remember then the past is difficult to recall in vivid terms as the way it has happened. It put stress to the brain if we were to remember something. These few days I am experimenting with the term sensing the past and surprisingly I could recall the five senses that was attached to the event that I have gone through in the past like it just happen yesterday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The meaning..

Everything and everybody has meaning to their existence. Just have to think about it. The house that they live in, the car that they drive, the friends they befriend with, all spell meaning to their very life. If you are a movie maniac, the personal meaning behind the story gives you the most satisfaction. And I am sure my writing contribute to some kind of a meaning to somebody out there who has been searching for the answers to their problems. A scientist might come out with an idea by just watching the sun sets, and so are writers, a cat can trigger ideas to a box-office horror movie. So beware of what you read. You might find yourself somewhere, a place with direction that says no meaning and no return....

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Setinggi ingatan sedalam perasaan..

Setinggi ingatan, sedalam perasaan, the depth of knowledge is yours to feel. Jangan takut dengan apa yang kedengaran dan dengan apa yang terlihat. Berani dan tabah dengan apa yang dirasa. Tidak ada orang dijadikan sama. Malah hari mati tidak ditentukan sama ada dia lebih muda atau lebih tua. Noktah hidup tidak akan berada di titik yang sama. Semua orang memerlukan kekuatan. Persoalannya adakah kamu telah berada di tahap ingatan yang tinggi, memiliki perasaan yang mendalam, didasari pengetahuan yang memahami? Walauapapun bersyukurlah kepada Allah yang Maha Besar lagi Mengetahui.