Saturday, December 12, 2009

short memory..

This is what our life is all about. Decisions are being made under a very closed corridor of circumstances. Thus nothing seem to be in line with the big plan of tomorrow's happiness for all. Once I was waved by an old friend who was just being kicked out from his post. I waved back. Question is why now I am being waved at after he has lost his position and everything and not before? Why not he waved at me and talk to me when we first met when he has just being appointed in that chief executive's position? It seems he has a short memory and tend to forget the pain he has caused to others when holding a good post. Belittling others, subtle or blunt has become the trademark of those with ill-gotten money and power. He just forget he is not going anywhere with it and by an unexpected twist of events, soon he would be facing the true music of real life where death keeps watching and is ready to execute the job...

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