Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am okay now..

Don't have to be philosophic anymore in order to feel the grill and the drill of life. I don't have to feel guilty on anything. All thanks and gratefulness. Yes I do feel angry sometimes, but things get okay when sensing the slope to nowhere but somewhere. I am what I am just walking through life without crutches of any kind. I fall and I rise. They just look, no pride and no surprise. It is alright. No big deal. I am just myself. I am okay now...


HambaMaya said...

reading your entries recently, seems that you feel so greatful nowdays.. gud 4 u...

Hamdan said...


Mungkin ada benarnya dalam pengamatan yang dibuat oleh tuan hamba itu...Apa ilmu yang tuan hamba guna?

Hamdan said...


Ada hamba dengar tuan hamba sedang bertapa di Gua Sekilau yang terkenal dengan ilmu yang berbagai bagai itu. Ada hajat rasa nak ke sana. Bimbang pula hamba kerana hamba dengar ada yang sedang bertapa di situ belum bernikah..

HambaMaya said...

hohohoho... yang belum bernikah tu pasal ada masalah songsang dalam ilmu yang dituntut... hohoho...