Saturday, April 30, 2011

sense of border and time...

Tornadoes in America, Royal wedding in UK, sumpah laknat di Malaysia

Despite living in borderless, timeless, and democratic world, the individual  sense on time and border and on about almost everything controls the minute of the day. Only knowledge, age, and `hidayat' from Allah we could live that transcends all the dimensions physical and non-physical. Watching Buletin TV3 at 8 pm yesterday, I wonder the sense upheld by a person who make a `sumpah laknat' on a friend who were once his best friend. A friend is always  a friend unless you befriend someone with ulterior motive.

Sejenak di beri, ditayang, and the next minute it is all gone, back to the fitrah and fury of individual and self of the soul, heart, mind, and body. Tidak ada satu pun, sekecil dan sebesar mana akan kekal menduduki muka bumi ini. Rasanya baru semalam aku menonton wedding Prince Charles dan Lady Diana, dan semalam aku dipertontonkan pulak wedding Prince William dan Catherine Middleton. Apa dah terjadi pada Lady Di....?

Friday, April 29, 2011

being laid out..

Cherished to the idea that it has been set to suit the very thing life is meant for you. Allah is Great. Even the smallest, the biggest, and the longest of things and events has direction and meaning to the whole life. Nothing is at stake. It is just meant to be.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

mengalir dalam badan...

Bukan bercakap pasal biologi tetapi soal kebolehan diri. Ada dua perkara yang membawa kepada mengalirnya satu satu kebolehan diri kita, disedar atau tidak. Pertama kita di jadikan dengan aliran yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah Yang Maha Besar. Lantas kita hanya sedar akan apa yang selalu mengalir dalam perjalanan hidup kita disebabkan kita adalah anak kandong ibu bapa kita. Lagi satu adalah peranan sekitaran yang selalu menjengok kita dan lantas kita juga di anggap anak kandong sekitaran dan terdapat pengaliran itu disebabkan oleh kendongan sekitaran yang mana kita tidak dapat lari. Jadi sedarilah diri anda dan buang pengaruh yang merosakkan. Berdoalah kepada Allah untuk tujuan dan hasrat itu...Kita dan masyarakat hanya merancang dan Allah adalah Penentu Mutlak kepada segala-galanya.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Menunaikan Haji rukun Islam yang ke-5..the shortest and the sweetest...

Those 46 days of performing the hajj is the most sweetest and shortest of memory ever. So sweet and shortest makes me wonder `have I been there?' Yes, I have been performing the hajj activities that deem to purify oneself from the dirt gathered through the years of existence. And in this case it is my existence. And now each morning I am awakened by the azan that would put me once more to the sound that resembles the sweetest and the shortest of memory and yearns to be back. Allah is All Powerful, Knows All, Creates All.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

smile and being alive...

I don't smile a lot but I smile easily. Some smile a lot but on most occasions he or she smile because of him or herself. I smile only to reach out to others. I don't smile to myself. There are a lot about oneself I don't know. Only a little smile would do even that when I find a small discovery of what I was not aware before. So smile when there is an opportunity. It keeps you alive and healthy. Only Allah knows all.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Looks complex...

The bottomline is you. How do you feel about yourself when you are alone with yourself? Is it that complex? Take things one by one and it boils down to only you and Allah. It is a straightforward connection. Of course if you allow other and other things in the connection, then it can be very complex. It can be another interpretation per se. Let Allah be the Prime Connection to everything and to everybody.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

until something comes along...

Have you heard of the expression `before that he is just a good man. But the presence of something in his life, things start to change. We are just nothing until some kind of an idea or some kind of an event or some kind of a person, and some kind of a  product, then his whole `everything' are uprooted to the core of either, good, bad, or evil. But Allah is Great. Only with the sought after and the presence of Allah, life can then be `full to the brim'. Or else it is a just a grin of a loner who wants to be recognized. When no eyes greet instantaneously for the things we have, we can be a `kara' sick and yearn for a shift. This might result the picking of habit either spell destruction or construction. Kepada Allah saya memohon dampingan erat bagi kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Gelombang manusia jalan menuju ke Abeer Garden Hotel Mekah...

Musim Haji 1431 -2010 dan saya antara jutaan manusia yang membanjiri kota Mekah

Friday, April 22, 2011

in search of a bridge...

Strictly mine. I have to reach the bridge so as to put me at ease with myself. Yesterday I am still not myself. Not yesterday but almost everyday and everytime before this. Even when this was written I am bothered by time that does not belong to me. Why not for once see this activity as strictly yours and sharing has never become the intention in the first place. Have they be so concerned about you? Only concerned on the game they are playing with. And I am just a player that happen to be on their path. Worst still, I can become just a path mark.You might be a reader to things I write. It just happen I write something and by chance they see it and read it. I write and I do things and in search of a safe haven. And it is on the other side of the bridge. Yes, that is the bridge I have been searching. Have I found it? Allah is Great.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bila kaki sudah menjejak bumi Mekah...

Tak dapat tidak kita telah menjadi kepunyaan dan milik alam semesta. Tingkah laku, adat resam, dan apa jua berkaitan dengan `hendak hidup' telah terkawal dengan sendirinya oleh elemen-elemen yang tidak mengenal erti jatuh tetapi menghendaki kita terus bangun dan bergerak sehinggalah kaki kita tidak lagi boleh menjejak bumi ini. Allah Yang Maha Besar telah memberi panduan ke arah jalan yang lurus itu di mana peraturan kejadian bumi dan alam semesta sentiasa berada di pihak yang benar. Pesoalannya, adakah kita menyimpang dari jalan yang lurus itu? Fitrah pada permulaan, fitrah pada perjalanan, dan fitrah kepada kematian. Fitrah mencakup serba serbi wlaupun ada yang cuba lari dari jalan yang lurus itu. Allah adalah Pencipta kepada Segala-galanya.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

broad daylight and in broad terms..?

But not so to many. Most live and hide in secret camps and hideouts, so to speak. Thus they speak sluggishly on topics that are supposed to be very clear and heart felt. Day after day the same loaded remarks from mysterious being of a night kind has invaded the cleanest of a `whitewater' everywhere. And here they are, wild beings living in a wild thoughts that soon to explode and crushed the world apart.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Light is no exaggeration..of different life?

That occupation of space, physical and time, and still on the move and still adding and doing the occupying. It is no joke. Others seems reluctance. Others might not be as lucky as I am. Their movement are somewhat restricted. Forgiven if he is too old. But what about the young? Restricted just because o f their own wrong doing. Or of the wrong make? Or just an entertainment of possession that are associated with youthful vigour without taking into consideration the occupation the years to come. Kepada Allah saya bersyukur dan memohon keampunan dan perlindungan.

Monday, April 18, 2011

remembering my father...HASSAN OMAR.

being honoured by Sultan Abu Bakar of Pahang..My father died on the 8 of March 2011 at the age of 89..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

BN won.BN55, DAP12, PKR3 and Independent 1.

Ada yang jealous ke...?
 Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud was sworn in as the Sarawak Chief Minister shortly after Barisan Nasional secured a two-thirds majority win in the 10th Sarawak State Election. The final tally of seats saw Barisan winning 55 of the 71 seats contested. DAP won 12, PKR 3 and Independent 1.

                     Contested       Won                         Contested     Won

PBB                  35               35      SUPP                19                 6
PRS                     9                8       SPDP                 8                 6
DAP                   15              12        PKR                49                 3
PAS                      5               0       PCM                   6                 0
SNAP                 26               0        IND                   41                1

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Barisan Nasional's victory in the Sarawak State Election was very meaningful and showed that the people's confidence in Barisan was still high

cepat terputus...

Masa berjalan begitu pantas. Sedar sedar aku berada di time zone yang berbeza. Cepat terputus dengan peristiwa baru sekejap berlalu. Dirasakan tidak sempat aku mengungkapkan sepatah dua kata menyimpulkan perasaan hati yang sering bertubi tubi terjahnya.Tidak sempat. Masa membawa aku ke zone yang lain. Rasa baru semalam segala-galanya berlaku. Walhal ia adalah peristiwa `100 tahun yang lampau'. Aku entah dimana. Mereka yang terserempak dan terjumpa hanya sempat melakar senyuman sedikit sekali berkata kata. Itulah sahaja kenangan dan ingatan yang ada. Kepada Allah aku menyembah fitrah memohon kekuatan dalam menghadapi masa yang silam berdepan dengan apa yang mendatang.

Friday, April 15, 2011

the finishing line...

Where are you from? And where are you going? Questions asked. Questions answered. But a common theme surfaced. The portrayal can be fantastic. From the very old to the very young, from the biggest and richest country to the poorest and smallest, many are being influenced. But the reality is that we are are just human and similar in many ways,  in anger and in fear, in smiles and in happiness. Allah is Great. We tend to play the wrong game. The poor plays one game, the rich and the famous play another game. And so are the big time politicians, the businessman and the industrialist, and the the so-called chosen group. Have you not been thinking of the finishing line that shall be the same for all regardless of who?  Big and huge disasters have a  weird taste. Allah is Great. It is all in the fairness and divine justice. It knows not the differences. It touches all. Unfortunately the phenomenal of varied existence has catches many off-guard till they reach the same finishing line...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Given everything, is it a game of either life and death..?

I have been thinking. All this while, it has been their game..time to put a stop to it.. For a start, eveything is being measured in minutes..If the piece of action takes more than the required minutes..then it might mean sufferings..Agreed? Then sign on the dotted lines....hehe..It starts here and now..You shall begin.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Saya suka dengan istilah mencari. Ia merupakan istilah `arahan' atau `command'. Dan ianya terlalu fokus sifatnya. Sebut sahaja `aku sedang mencari sesuatu', lantas arahan kepada `semua' digerakkan maka sekarang kita menunggu hasilnya sama ada dapat atau tidak benda yang dicari itu. InsyaAllah dengan berkat kesabaran yang tinggi, ilmu yang mendalam, dan perasaan kasih sayang berfitrah dan berarah kita akan berjumpa juga dengan apa yang dicari.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Where do you come from..?

Pengertian terhadap sesuatu adalah ditentukan  dari mana seseorang itu datang, datang dari tempat banyaknya interaksi fizikal atau interaksi mental, banyaknya `beras' atau banyaknya duit, banyaknya kawan atau hidup bersendirian? Hidup saya yang terdahulu adalah didasarkan kepada 70 peratus pergisiran dan perjuangan dengan mental. Lantas hari ini saya sentiasa berpijak di alam mental dan tidak sangat merasai alam fizikal. Adakah itu sebabnya mengapa profesyen saya adalah seorang pensyarah? Justeru itu juga terdapat ramai yang mana hidup mereka terdahulu penuh dengan mata mereka hanya banyak memandang, telinga banyak mendengar, dan sedikit sekali otak berfikir. Lantas nilai nilai budaya pergaulan terbitnya dari senario yang terhad dan terkawal. Where do I come from? Dari tempat di mana terdapat hanya fikiran yang banyak berfikir. Adakah ini merupakan dimensi kejadian menyebabkan negara sentiasa  bermusuhan antara satu sama lain? Hanya Allah Sahaja Yang Maha Mengetahui Akan Segala Rahsia Kejadian.

Friday, April 8, 2011

doubting oneself...

It is okay to have a slightest doubt on ourself. But when it becomes too phobic in nature then we have to do something about it. I have been teaching, I have been talking, I have been giving a speech to a big audience, I have been creating stories and cracking jokes, I have been writing, I remember, sometimes I called it my analysis, now do I still  have doubt on myself? Well, plain honest answer I do. Allah is Great, there are times things understood and remembered will celar all doubts. In other words we must have knowledge. Knowledge has many dimensions. But dimension can set you apart from somebody else. It makes you different and unique. Does  that erase doubts from your mind? That is only a small example. There are more examples and stories much bigger in scope compared to the ones I have said...What is it? Well being a creation of Allah I still have doubt on many things. My knowledge is still not absolute. I have to explore and find the answers. Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful. Kepada Allah saya memohon pertolongan dan keampunan.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jambatan Nur...

Berselang seli, berteka teki, dan berbelang beleh, itu merupakan wajah ramai manusia. Lumrahnya tidak terkira. Sebabnya, jambatan nur tidak diturunkan untuk melihat kebenaran. Maka terjadilah simpang siur perbuatan apa lagi perasaan dan hati. Penuh dengan hasad, dengki, dan cemburuan yang tidak terkawal. Lantas tergugat ketelusan maka berlakulah ketirisan.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Boleh ke kita membantah..?

dan bantahan Allah ada sebabnya. Janganlah minta benda yang bukan-bukan. Apa lagi kalau perkara itu dalam jangkaan fikiran berlampau dan berlumpur. Maksudnya di luar fikiran yang biasa dibuat dan difikirkan. Tetapi lain pula ceritanya sekiranya apa yang dikehendaki itu adalah dalam jangkaan dan diperkuatkan oleh kerana kita berkebolehan, berilmu, berduit, bermnat, bermasa, dan bertenaga, dan sedikit bernafsu. Dan yang paling utama, ianya boleh didapati secara mesra yang penuh kelangsongan tidak berhalang dan tidak berbatas. Dan itulah dikatakan harga dan maruah diri. Lantas ada sesiapa yang membantah..?

Monday, April 4, 2011

I am not free...

Words so often said when one holds a high postion. I am not free. It sounds too worldly and unfriendly. Allah creates us a free man.  Is  it a blessing or that is one of the principle of Allah's creation? Plants and animals are not created free. They can never change their way of living and dying in their known time of existence. But man are created free because they are bestowed with thinking faculty that can makes them free and with that the world is changed. Allah is Great. Our life has to be created with the basic freedom of choices for that could determine the good, the bad, and the evil. Let them forget who they are and the world are being created for them. Let them feel free with what they have been doing and accept the consequences of being good, bad, and evil. But Allah is Great and the Most Powerful. In the last act of those freedom, Allah shall always remain in control.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

sunday inspiration..have something to fall back..can never be someone else..

Life can be no reason to be helpless. Just have a glance at these pictures. Are we not being inspired..?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

punishment, reward, and being loved...

Three dimensions of what awaits us everyday, punishment, reward, and love.  Within those life framework creates circles and waves of hatred, revenge, and sacrifices. It could be as simple as failing an exam or as cruel life can be as being shot to death. But above all those, what await us most is reward. It is the least understood among the dimensions mentioned. Reward  could not be absolute in any way. It moves trying to find an unknown level at an unknown place. And it can tie or untie love and punishment. It can go for broke and it knows not what is mercy and gratefulness. We are not animals who can be absolute with their reward. We can be relentless.What we want are the unthinkable that can lead us to just nowhere except pain and hunger. And that too can create another circles and waves of destruction and lost love. Allah is Great whose circle of love is endless and so is punishment. Hanya kepada Allah saya memohon keampunan.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Low or high..?

An helicopter is hovering low. What about an airbus? It is about distance. If it is a high knowledge, despite the clarity, you are always in control. The hierarchy is fair. But when it is knowledge of lower level, like an helicopter, then be careful, you might knock on to some higher knowledge or divine knowledge. Lest the helicopter might be blown to pieces.