Sunday, June 21, 2009

On equal terms..term cash...

Everybody is created equal in terms of everything and on all physical and non-physical dimensions. The equality in everything is always in cash terms. At no time credit card can be used. It is here, now, or it can be only tomorrow. It has been always like this before. It has always be there and it waits for no one. It is always in cash terms. The good, the bad, the evil, the healthy, the weak, the beauty, and the beast, spells the result of their behavioural mode in terms of paying his service sincerely to others, or on benefits he truly gets. He is being paid on things he does efficiently and effectively. So are you. Terms is cash. But others don't see that. Owing someone is his behavioural mode of interaction. And it is getting worse by the day. In order to stay healthy, remember the service is not free. Terms cash. The smile should be here and now. Not tomorrow. Term cash.

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