Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Old version and an upgraded self

Every now and then I have been updated on the the old versions of relation and interactions. It has been upgraded. Despite that the old versions of doing things still haunt me in one way or more ways. Psychologically, it is not easy to have the old self erased. It is the basic structural premise without it the rest would crumble. Hearing or listening to someone would make me realise that I am a very much an upgraded self. Damn it yet I am still prone to go into a situation and eventually found myself being cheated! On that premise I can see my strength and weaknesses. Funny. I am still with some of my old weaknesses. Why don't I realise or conscious of it before? Well the update process takes a while. That is why I have been cheated despite the upgraded self. In some areas the update to override the old version has not being completed yet. Till then, you are still an old version in terms of a particular event of transaction, relation, and interaction. Despite that, in principle you are already an upgraded self.

1 comment:

HambaMaya said...

Even the computer system need regular update to avoid infection.. inikan pulak manusia yang sering terpengaruh dengan external factor.. normal lah prof..