Thursday, June 25, 2009

Who wants to know..?

I want to treat that statement as mystique. Who wants to know? From nowhere and from nothing, he,she, and they are trying to get to know you. Literally nobody gives a damn look at other person. What you are, who you are, who cares? The more we are outside our territory, the knowledge on any other person seems to fade away like the morning mist. We might get poorer by the miles. It is all basic then, meaning it is all physical knowledge. The knowledge becomes bare and naked. But when you are home, everything seems to be a turnaround from a physical knowledge to a soul knowledge. Allah is Great.

1 comment:

m.mohaj said...

yes, absolutely agree with you...when we alone we feel too small. at that time God is too great creating this world with full of mysterious things...when we investigate this mystery, more mysteries are discover. that is the mysterious of life created by Allah..