Tuesday, April 30, 2013

a dimension...a strange twist of event..?

I don't see the roads. I don't see the lights. But now I see it all. Feel it all. Fear it all? Do not erase it because how could you erase something that sooner or later it would still be there. It pops up every now and then. It does bother you sometimes but it would not be there for ever. What actually do I see? A grown up sons and only yesterday I saw them running and playing as children on the field nearby our house. What actually do I do? It was only yesterday I reported myself for work. And now an entirely new horizons of doing, feeling and thinking. An entirely a new dimension. I am here.  Have I been there? Allahuakbar.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Segala Pujian...

Segala Pujian bagi Alllah. Allah Yang Maha Besar, Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui, Segala Kententuan adalah dari Allah. Allahuakbar. Tidak tertembusnya masa jika Allah tidak mengizinkannya. Dan dengan apa tertembusnya masa itu? Segala pernafasan, pergerakan fizikal dan mental adalah KetentuanNya. Terhentinya nafas adalah KetentuanNya. Jika dan terlakunya sesuatu adalah kerana Nya. Sesungguhnya manusia mempamerkan kezalimann dengan menidakkkan Kebesaran Allah. Setiap langkah boleh terhenti dengan serta merta. Penembusan masa akan terhenti. Adakah Kekuasaan Mu Ya Allah dipamerkan dengan gaya langkah seseorang menembusi ruang masa dan tempat? Allahuakbar.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


The benchmark is in the sense of protection everywhere and every time, for us and for everybody. If we don't feel that then we are not quite right yet. But being so protective is bad for the brain and the mind. But heart and soul says otherwise. It is not they who would give  the protection, but the strength acquired in the consciousness of Allah is Great is the true determinant. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

place, numbers, statistics...it is an alienation..is it?

Experiencing another alienantion dimension?
It is a situation where you can do nothing, but just succumb to the fact that it is the numbers that control a decision. In business we call it divide and rule. In specific term, it is called as marketing. Nobody belongs to what, anybody anymore. It is just a situation  we are just nobody. It is just the need and it is just the want. Neither it is yours nor it is mine. That is the day and that is the age. And that is the group, and that is the segment. So what? And that is the event and that is the activity. That is the buying, and that is the selling. That is the consumption. And that is economy. When the time comes, the control is just in the power of place, numbers, and statistics. Is it? Allahuakbar.

Friday, April 26, 2013

sensing the niche...

There is a niche alright. And it has been there all the time. The sensing of its existence has been somewhat late. Why? Reason being in the understanding of why a niche does exist. It banks on the word conveniences. Just like my style of writing and expression, to an extent it does attract. Great books are everywhere. But going big is not so convenient as going small in terms of specific needs of conveniences.Thus it leads to a small reading of magazines, newspapers, books, blogs and facebook.

As in shopping and buying, there exist a need of a small buy and a small step, or no step at all. Not everybody can afford  a big chance, big car, big buy, big money, and big choices. Thus an outlet for the small steps are created everywhere in terms of time and place. And stars in various forms and dimensions are being giving birth to. A small one. A niche. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

stillness and the furore..

That could set two persons apart. One, despite success, old age, sickness, and everything, still inhibits the old ways of making accusation and condemnation. In contrast, upon reaching a certain age, despite the stillness but displaying vigor and vigilante on matters that can allow the encroaching  of the furore and the turbulent of the worldly affairs. In its true form, it is just state of mind very well modulated with the right frequency ready for any eventualities including death. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Maha Penyayang. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

sentuhan dan tindak balas...

Bila berlaku sentuhan, maka bergemalah dunia ini dengan cetusan hati yang tidak pernah di rasa sebelum ini. Berkokoknya ayam di pagi hari amat menyentuh hati, jiwa, dan perasaan.  Sentuhan datangnya dalam berbagai bentuk, cara dan ragam. Penulisan saya merupakan satu sentuhan. Perbelanjaan terhadap sesuatu merupakan sentuhan. Dengan hanya sekadar memerhati dan merenung, ianya merupakan satu sentuhan. Tidak bersentuh jika kita hanya berdiam diri dan tidak bertindak terhadap sesuatu.  Benarkah? Bersentuh, di sentuh, justeru tindak balas di atas dan ke atasnya adalah merupakan sesuatu di luar kawalan seseorang. Hasilnya, yang terbentang dan yang terjadi adalah Sentuhan Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Ke atas Semua dan Segala Sentuhan Yang Berlaku. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It was not like before. When all is in the steady stream of rewards and punishment, status and role, power and coercion, love and romance, a word and a chance of meeting someone is likened to a meeting with an `enemy combatant'. Not any more. Everything is just like an underwear, despite it looks good and of quality, but it carries a different meaning of purpose and intention altogether. It is an encounter of a different kind. What matters is that it gives an inner peace of mind.They might not understand it but I do. Allahuakbar.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Mengenal Allah.....

Setiap saat dan ketika, Allah sentiasa  difikirkan. Bila aku memperkatakan hal ekonomi, politik, sosial, budaya, dan apa sahaja, aku mengingati Allah. Bila membicarakan hal lama,  lampau, dan lepas, sekarang, baru dan masa depan, aku ingat Allah. Setiap orang memiliki sesuatu tetapi tidak tahu sama ada dekat atau jauh sesuatu itu dengan Allah. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai ke atas Segala-Galanya. Penuh kesyukuran kerana kesihatan yang diberi. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa kesihatan adalah erti nikmat hidup yang sebenarnya. Ingat Allah maka teringatlah kekuatan dalam konteks kesihatan. Dalam pada itu, usaha mengenal Allah tidak pernah terhenti. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Ya Allah, Ku Pohon Taufik dan Hidayah dalam usaha mengingati dan mengenal Mu Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

If it does not come naturally...

Jika semua didatangi secara semula jadi dan fitrah, tidak ada kesusahan dalam kehidupan ini. Tetapi manusia mengambil jalan susah dan sukar. Lantas hidup ini menampakkan perbezaan yang amat ketara antara kelompok manusia dengan kelompok manusia yang lain. Jika saya menulis sesuatu mengikut jalan dan laluan mudah fikir saya, saya dapat mencetuskan bermacam macam idea yang diperlukan oleh manusia dan kehidupan. Kelangsongan hidup terhenti dengan `naturalist thought' yang di sengajakan. Hasad, dengki, dendam merupakan seringan dan saingan hidup manusia yang lumrah. Lantas ramai yang terkubur sebelum dikuburkan. Pohonlah kepada Allah supaya laluan hidup kita lurus  mengikut acuan kebesaran Allah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, April 19, 2013

ready for anything now..

The signals are everywhere. I should be ready for anything now. Gone are the days  of coward and cowardice. Gone are the days of bowing to someone and some event that only create nonsense and mental chaos. Gone are the days where fear for the words and fear for mistakes can make me look clumsy. The phrases are mine. So are the words and the sentences. Don't get so easily weakened by an analysis that seem to make me helpless and looks like the paths are uncharted and heading to nowhere. Pohonlah taufik dan hidayah dari Allah dalam menggerak gerikan iman. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

mengapa sekarang bermula..?

The visions and the missions pull and push me to a place called youth and young. In fact I feel I am much above them in terms of anger and angry, can and cannot, come and go, love and loving. So weird that makes me feel I am on the path to a place called visionaries of all types, kinds, and categories. Well, suddenly I come to my senses. It is not me but the initiatives I should be proud of. It sets the tone  and the theme. Most fear where and what to begin. It is not about me but it is about them. And yesterday I stumble onto someone that seem to say just that. Despite the age and the old, he is still with energy and anger in exploring the secrets of Islam. Weird, wired and awkward, he is the mirror to the question and issues of `mengapa sekarang bermula'. Kepada Allah saya berserah dan menyerah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

mengapa pencemaran masih berlaku...

Islam mengajar kita supaya tepat dan lurus. Kita juga diajar supaya halus dalam membicarakan sesuatu. Menghalusi sesuatu adalah juga dituntut supaya tidak ada yang terfitnah. Malangnya ramai yang suka mengkasari sesuatu kerana penghalusan sesuatu memerlukan ilmu yang mendalam. Lantas pohonlah dari Allah akan kebenaran dengan harapan terhindarlah kita dari mengutarakan sesuatu yang mungkin berbelit dan mengelirukan. Dengan menghalusi sesuatu, yang susah nampak mudah dan senang dimengertiAgak malang kerana orang Melayu kita menyifatkan yang berbelit dan tidak lurus itu indah dan penuh kesenian. 

Kita sedang menghampiri PRU13. Usaha dan terus berusaha menghalusi sesuatu supaya difahami sepatutnya menjadi teras kepada setiap majlis berjumpa dengan rakyat. Agak malang jika kita masih bermadah, berpantun, dan berseloka dalam menyampaikan sesuatu. Sudah tiba masanya dengan sebulat tekad dan nekad kita gempur supaya terus mara. Mengapa kita masih lagi membenarkan sesuatu itu diseliputi pencemaran yang memudaratkan mata, telinga, dan fikiran. Kepada Allah kita memohon perlindungan dan pertolongan. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

the days...

The days are somewhat different now. Gone are the days of big spending, making a daring and  big move.  I must be cautious and careful in the decisions made day to day. But this does not mean I should be thinking small. Just throwing the idea of planning on things I do and would not do. Even I have to plan on thoughts and thinking. Big thoughts, yes I should but first think of small step before making a giant step. And yesterday, I dream of snakes of rarely seen colors but striking and beautiful slipping through a soft and small grasp of a hand palm. Does it symbolize beauty despite the danger and the poison? And  as from  now I must let things slip through slowly before it can be considered as over. Is that what that dream is all about? Kepada Allah saya menyerah dan berserah. Allahuakbar.

Monday, April 15, 2013

hanya terdengar suara dari hati sendiri...

Angka angka tertentu adalah petunjuk bahawa saya selama ini adalah disebabkan oleh tontonan hati, jiwa, rasa, dan perasaan sendiri dan ada yang masih tidak menentu. Ada kala ianya menampakkan kebijaksanaan, dan adakala menampakkan kebodohan, dan kejahilan.Walaupun ianya tidak didengari, sudah cukup membuat saya sebegini riang dan sebegitu pedih dan sedih. Tetapi ada yang terdengar merupakan  mainan hati, perasaan, cetusan dari jiwa yang tulus dan ikhlas dan agak malang kerana ianya disalah tafsir kerana tahap mereka yang mendengar adalah terdiri dari mereka memiliki tahap ilmu yang pelbagai. Ada yang banyak ilmu dan ramai yang masih miskin diri, miskin ilmu dan masih dilanda perasaan rendah diri, malu, dan tidak kurang dilanda  kesombongan dan keangkuhan.  

Ada terdengar suara hati yang berkata bahawa latarbelakang mereka merupakan penyebab kepada pelbagai cetusan. Memungkin dan penyebab kepada cetusan analisis yang baik dan yang tidak. Ada yang tepat dan ada yang sangat lari dari gambaran awal yang terdengar. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui.  Kepada Allah saya berserah dan menyerah di atas yang terdengar dan yang tidak. Rasa penuh syukur kerana ada yang terdengar merupakan suara ilmu yang membawa kepada peningkatan taraf hidup dan darjat diri. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

1776 and 1976

Just a coincidence when comparing year 1776 and year 1976. Lots of similarities when look at the numbers. Both have number 1,6, and 7. When putting the 6 upside down, it becomes number 9. Then what are the differences? The differences are in the events that happen in both the years. 1776 was the year USA gain its independence. 1976 is the year when I took a job at UiTM as a lecturer. It is also somewhat a year of independence for me. 1976 is a year that sees me charted a different path of life altogether. And now it is year 2013. It is a year I would be leaving UiTM. Wonder what would be in store for me after this. Hanya kepada Allah saya berserah dan menyerah. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

another day is always another adventure...

Another day is another mind adventure. Another day is physical adventure. Mind and physical  are always together. But mind dictates it all. Thus life can be all mind and little physical. Before you know it, mind has already been there. Physical is small in number. Mind is infinite and can turn the physical upside down. But physical is definite. So when come to any definition, it is always a balancing act what mind and physical can do and cannot do. And remember, money is always attached to the physical. A marketing definition teaches me that. A dream can become a reality so long you have the means to do it. Another day is another mind adventure of expression and writing. Penuh rasa kesyukuran di atas anugerah Allah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Actual parts and whole...

We are being compartmentalized into parts they called it areas of specialization. But unfortunately, very often the whole is mistaken for parts and the part is mistaken for whole. The whole diagram of economic activities seem to be clear and whole. But when those in the downstream is very much in the midst of economic activities, none from the so called `lords and warlords' pay a visit and give a pat in the back for economic effort well done. Life is thus a confusion. Am I only a part or I am very much the whole? As such a culture of nobody cares and who cares becomes the legacy of doing and undoing. The same applies to students study and seeking knowledge in an academic institution. They never really know what is a part and what is a whole. Life is indeed a regiment of own self order and own self consciousness of mistaken parts and mistaken whole. Is it? As a lecturer, I don't feel I am part to the true behavior of seeking knowledge. A regret, the whole has been formed before knowing the parts to the whole. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Besar dan Segala Rahsia kejadian adalah MilikNya. Allahuaklbar.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Factors that put everybody far apart...

What are the factors that can put a buyer far apart from what he or she needs? Is it not the product itself? A product is physical in all its making and displaying. But what do the buyer really want? In essence, he or she are in need of what is inside of a package and not the outside. But that outside thing can make the buyer very much far apart from the product. The barriers could be the promotion, the retailer itself, the display, the product, the salesmanship, and above all can be the pricing and not the price. If anything of these factors are not being well managed, then the product is forever being a physical product in a shop without an owner. Allahuakbar. Allah is Great. Mohonlah taufik dan hidayah bagi penyelesaian kepada sebarang masalah yang tertangguh. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

stay philosophical...?

Life is indeed a philosophy of vision, mission and moderation. We accept the word buying in replacement of naked wants and naked needs. We accept the word pricing in replacement of exchanging of heart with heart. We create offer and acceptance in replacement of giving and taking. We create the economy instead of just having to live a day at a time. The world of politics has been created so as to justify cruel means and cruel ends.We can turn everything upside down if we want to, but the so-called intellectual mind puts it back to a proper worldly order of wrongs and rights. But the true saviour has been the teaching of Islam and Al-Quran and puts all forms of life and death in its true perspective of true path from finite to infinity. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

aku tidak begitu...

Adakah itu merupakan penyebab kepada apa yang berlaku kepada diri ku? Kata orang aku suka bercerita. Aku rasa aku tidak begitu. Ini kerana cerita yang aku ceritakan datangnya dari hati yang tulus ikhlas lantas tidak tersedar aku telah menceritakan sesuatu. Orang kata aku pandai berkata kata. Betul ke? Ini kerana aku juga banyak menulis akan apa yang dirasakan. Jika di jengok dari apa yang telah aku lakukan, di rasakan aku tidak begitu. Tetapi itulah yang berlaku. Kepada Allah aku memohon keampunan, pertolongan dan perlindungan. Allahakabr.

Monday, April 8, 2013

how far and how near...

If it is a diagram, then I would know how far and how near point A to point B.  The relationships of everything can easily be discussed in the context of whole and part. But life is far from being a diagram that can be easily drawn on paper. Whole and part can be very elusive and it is not that easy to relate and comprehend. Visiting a sick person is thus a good exercise for mind to visualize one's journey from point A to point B. It can just put us, and anybody for that matter into a powerless position no matter who we are. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

memberi, membuang...menerima..

Menjengok sekolah lama. Adakah apa yang perlu dikesali?

Dr Sulaiman (dua dari kanan) merupakan bekas pelajar ABS pengasas rantaian Kelinik Sulaiman seluruh Pahang.
Mereka mereka yang dianugerah Datuk...
Kawan yang tidak pernah jadi lawan...
Ada yang tidak dikenali..
Fun to be back...
Sekolah yang banyak memberi kenangan....redha dengan Ketentuan Allah. Allahuakbar..

Saturday, April 6, 2013

in place...

When everything is being put to where it belongs, it is time to climb further up and see more of what life is all about. I have yet to see life the manner it has not been seen and felt before. Somewhat awkward in the beginning, but that is what it seems to be. My actions and decisions seem to have a new structural  base where heart and soul seem central and very much on the go. Leaving behind past stories and events that seem to happen just a while ago, and now find myself entering a new phase of a new episode, event, and stories. Seem to have it all and have I had enough? And now it is a new turn. A new stage has been set for them and for me.They have to play their worldly role and the worldly game. I have a new role to play. Kepada Allah saya memohon kekuatan, pertolongan dan perlindungan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Menganalisa sesuatu dan dirasakan ada kesyahduan dalam segala apa yang berlaku dan yang tidak. Adakah itu yang dicari dan dipinta? Merasakan ada kesyahduan pada peristiwa dan ada kala ianya amat menakutkan. Allahuakbar. Ianya dirasakan menutup dan membuka. Juga pada mulanya tertutup dan akhirnya terbuka. Dirasakan semuanya adalah Ketentuan Allah dan memberi rasa kesyukuran dan keinsafan yang amat mendalam. Allahuakbar.Yang mana satu? Pantas ianya membuat saya  tertanya tanya akan hakikat dan hakikinya. Dalam sedikit dan dalam banyak. Dalam tiada dan dalam ada. Dan masih lagi bertanya dan tertanya. Mengapa begitu? Mengapa sedemikian? Sesungguhnya  hanya Allah Yang Maha berkuasa keatas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Di hari pembubaran DUN Pahang dan Parlimen, YB Syed Mohamed tetap dengan kunjungan berjumpa pengundi DUN Temerloh..
Akhirnya, rakyat Malaysia amnya dan penduduk Temerloh akan menghadapi pilihanraya umum sekali lagi. Ianya pilihanraya yang ke -13 sejak ianyanya diadakan pada tahun 1956. Saya masih lagi ingat masa dan ketika pilihanraya umum yang pertama di adakan. Tarikh yang saya ingat adalah pada 27 Julai. Saya juga mengingati kereta yang membawa Tun Abdul Razak, berhenti di depan rumah bagi mengambil ayah saya untuk ke Buntut Pulau bagi tujuan  pembuangan undi. Radio Malaya pada ketika itu tidak berhenti henti mendendangkan lagu pilihanraya mengajak rakyat membuang undi.

Sejak dua penggal, dewan undangan Semantan, Temerloh di pegang oleh parti PAS. ADUNnya ialah YB Syed Mohamed. Adakah beliau akan bertanding dan sekali lagi akan mememanagi DUN Semantan ini? Sayang sekali, dalam usaha untuk merampas kembali kerusi ini ke pangkuan BN,  tokoh BN tidak sejelas seperti tokoh PAS yang sentiasa kelihatan di sana sini.

Sesungguhnya kehidupan ini adalah dalam Ketentuan Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Susah nak menjangka sesuatu peristiwa yang berlaku. Ianya sangat berkait rapat dengan pengertian kehidupan dan pengertian kematian keseluruhannya, bukan sedunia tetapi secakrawala. Ianya juga berkait rapat dengan apa yang berlaku hari ini dan akan berlaku pada esok harinya. Apakah dapat dijangka, kesihatan diri dan mental hari ini dengan kesihatan 30 tahun akan datang? 

Di segi kehidupan, susah nak mengjangka hala tuju sesuatu perbuatan dan perlakuan itu. Ianya sangat berkait rapat dengan Ketentuan Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNya. Nampak remeh dan sukar hendak dimengerti mengapa ianya terjadi. Tetapi ianya sudah terjadi dan sudah bermula dan berada di depan mata. Mungkin dapat difahami pengertianya dalam konteks ilmu kontemporari, jangka pendek, sektika dalam ingatan dan penglihatan. Apakah rahsia nya pula dalam konteks 40 tahun dari sekarang? Ianya sukar dijangka oleh mata kasar dan pemikiran yang tidak seberapa. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segala-GalaNya. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Not that many...

I don't really have that many sides to many things now. The days are getting brighter by the minute. It moves faster than usual. The steps are getting shorter and I can't afford to stop at places  I want to. The time are getting shorter by the length. I must say it  because chances of saying it might just not be there anymore. Even the words are getting shorter and crisp to the meaning. No more double in its contents and context. The double has turned to one now. They might hate it but I love it. The sight, memory, and thoughts are so much focused to the scope that needs to be covered. Life is no longer a mess. Have been tidied and cleaned up? Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Monday, April 1, 2013

One and the only reason...

And what is that one and only reason? I am already 65 years of age. Is that one reason not good enough for any excuses? Allah is Great. Those of young in age would shudder at the thought of even turning 30's, 40's and 50's. What more in reaching the age of 65? And some won't dare to venture into that age as yet because if they are now in their 40s, they would be asking can they make it to that age and still remain healthy? Allahuakbar. Allah is Great. Bersyukur saya kerana masih memiliki kesihatan yang baik dan masih bebas dari pencemaran yang selalu melanda mereka di lingkungan umur ini. Saya masih lagi bertenaga, masih lagi ke padang golf dan menghabiskan pukulan bola hingga ke lubang penamat iaitu lubang 18. Saya masih lagi ada daya ingat, daya berfikir, dan daya menulis. Allahuakbar.