Monday, January 5, 2009

Rise oneself from partisan thinking...

I just love to use the word partisan in my description on the direction we are heading in life. My idea of partisan's thinking transcends on everything from loyalty in social and society, politics and culture, habits and behaviour, community and service, products, brand and loyalty. The extreme fanaticism in something is also regarded as partisanship of a cruel kind to one's liberty and independence.
If we aspire to become a truly global person, partisanship should be exercised at the action and doing level of the locality, but not in thoughts and thinking. When comes to thoughts and thinking it should at all times global thus avoiding the stigma of fanaticism that can destroy the world in just a second.

The cause to all these dimensions of partisanship is none other the immediate reward one can get by being an associated member of the `group.' And the reward can be either tangible or intangible (seeking for a false sanctuary of one's dream and thought).

So try to make oneself rise above and over the thought of partisanship and taste the true reward of being independence not here and now but somewhere in the years of tomorrow and tomorrow.

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