Tuesday, November 22, 2011


A concept is supposed to be a whole thing. It rounds up the small and the big things that are manageable. But don't  look upon the concept as a very serious thing that can makes a life miserable. A concept is supposedly to be treated as a way of life  that is manageable and at the same time it is a fun thing. Even God has a way with the creations. Allah telah menjadikan siang dan malam untuk difahami. Has not night being the opposite of daylight? But if it is all daylight and no night life then life can be miserable. Allah menjadikan unsur unusr tertentu untuk dinikmati. Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengetahui segala rahsia kejadian baik yang di anggap serius atau sebaliknya. Bacalah.

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