Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the black hole...

The term `black hole' is a term in astronomy. It describe bad things. Being sucked into the black hole would bring us to another time and place. That is what I have learnt before. It is suppposed to be only a theory. Now I am using it to describe the kind of situations I have and might be in again - I called it a black hole situation. An individual would notice something about you in terms of a black hole. As such avoid the situation at all cost. But do you know when it is coming? Not once, not twice, but that black hole situations has been a familiar phenomenal in my life. Being good to others, eventually you are sucked in into a situation of no return in terms of emotions and feelings. Allah is Great. Take it this way - di sebalik sesuatu event itu tentu ada hikmahnya. Bersyukur dan meminta keampunan dari Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allahuakbar.

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