Thursday, June 26, 2008

Battling Onself...

felt ripped apart

Battling oneself and with wrong strategy and tactics would make one's life more miserable. This is a battle where peace is only for a short while and then war broke out again with whatever (reality or fantasy). Thus the battle must be tactically planned and implemented lest we would be the loser. And in most instances the winner takes all. Everybody at one point of his or her life, would find themselves fighting some major battles and countless of minor ones. For discussion sake, examples of major conflict one has to face is like getting married, furthering studies masters or PhD's, pursuing a career, quitting a highly-paid job for entrepreneurship, and to another culture could be decision of having children, migrate to another country, and much much more. Those are some of the examples and of course it varies with different culture and time period, and thus different decision areas. But still when comes to battling oneself even a minor decision could be regarded as a major one depending on the profile of that person in question. For example a small boy, unconsciously, would regard waking up and go to school as a major decision.

So, are you at this particular point in time battling with yourself for something? Many fear the battling situation because of the possible outcome can be anything: negative or positive, good or bad, rich or poor, happiness or sorrow.

I have seen some of my friends, having to battle a lot of battles in terms of self conflict with life's direction, in the end is the happy and success story of all of them. Most says, Syukur Alhamdullilah, being a strong believer in the eventual success, with good heart, good words, and good deeds, InsyaAllah, the outcome shall be very rewarding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mr tualang..

best kan lagu tu? *grins*
tengkiu sbb rajin datang bg komen yg menaikkan semangat mim.