Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sets out to conquer....

Today's life is full of excuses. The technology has come to a level and situation where meeting someone is no longer an urge that should be fulfilled urgently. There is always the hand phone and the sms's that can reach the other side within seconds and tell the reason why we cannot come. The urge to read a newspaper in the morning is no longer there...with the Internet and e-browse we can always do it the moment we are back at home. The habits of postponing has become an acceptable norm these days because everything is within reach. There is always tomorrow or next year. It is uncommon to hear a remark from ladies that man cannot be trusted anymore. This is in contrast with societies (especially with less technology) that don't give a damn of not wanting to get married or postponing. We no longer concern with whereabouts our friends are or sons (and daughters) for that matter and we don't send them to airport anymore knowing he or she is within reach wherever they are on this earth. Coming late to class has become a norm to students knowing the choice in life is abundant and plenty. The spirit of `sets out to conquer' is no longer there. The substitute of everything in life ranging from human and non-human matter has distance man from possessing the true spirit of existence. Those days when there were no or less technology, cherished and charitable are noble values that spell a success and togetherness of a community. We cherished our friends getting someone to be his life partner and help him or her all out to a point where the whole kampong folk display the spirit of charitibility just to see his or her wedding a success and this event is not easily forgotten. But alas, with easy access (roads, airports and IT) to everything and everywhere, even our closest neighbour would give excuses of not attending our daughter's wedding or `menyambut menantu.' As for the conqueror of yesteryears, each day is a day he fights for his and group's survival. Everybody is part of the plan in order to make good the winning of a competition whatever the competition might be. The competition could be finding someone to be married to or just mere going fishing. And the biggest of all competition is conquering another country which pose an endless threat to them. It is alright for the the glut in technology we are experiencing today, but the spirit of a conqueror of yesteryear's must always be maintained and upheld. Lest our world and life would be broken to pieces. When that happen, then only the dawn of a true spirit of living the day successfully for tomorrow might never come. We thus cherished the winning and at the same time be charitable in thoughts and kinds thus preparing ourselves for the life hereafter.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.

Cik Lin said...

hello sir..

its more fun dis way.. perhaps we share different intrepretation of 'fun'? *smile*

mata tu jendela ke hati.. kan?