Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lost in Time...

Don't have to worry over anything. Don't have to worry on what is happening around you. Politics? I could not digest it anymore. Most have lose their head over something trivial. They don't learn their lessons. They don't do their homework. They just say what they like to say. They are the one who should have lost in time. Not me. If ever we found a group of individuals floating on the seven seas, hope it is them.

The problem of economy and price hike can leave many families traumatized. For some they have lost track of day and night. And some have lost track of where about their family members. They count their money no more lest they found themselves living in the medieval time. Last time I don't care so much about blogging, but what the hack, at least with the blog I know I am out of this world looking into some body's world at another time. If I am in my world, I don't know what time it is. And to all the blogger, let us be friends and not enemies. Friends mean living on the same plane of time. Enemies would distraught your time period.

So if it is true you are lost in time, don't make an effort to find your way back. Hope life after time is indeed beautiful. Returning home means returning to a disciplined time in movement and thinking. There is no tomorrow, or rather tomorrow is today. Future is now.

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