Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lost In the wilderness..

Lost as in lost? Yes. I am asking you that question. Are you lost? Well, I have been walking for quite sometime now and I am not really sure whether I have reached my destination or not. Day and night, it changes everyday, and I have seen a lot of things in the days and in the nights. Good things, bad things, and the devils. I have been to somewhere and everywhere. But what actually do I see? Today, and today I look around and find that everybody seems to be just like me. They too are walking to somewhere. Is it somewhere or anywhere? Some stop upon seeing each other and exchange occurs in the form of just talking or just concentrating on the so-called games they played with each other. Back home I do some kind of a watching at others on what they called as TV screen. It depicts life that seem to be so dramatic in their seeking of what they called happiness. Am I experiencing the same kind of drama in seeking happiness? Happiness is a continuity in things we experience everyday. What makes happiness continues to the next day, next year and thus the next chapter is the principles we hold tenanciuously and would not have it traded for anything. Not for a million bucks, so to speak. But in the process of walking, we are so easily tired and thus we can easily be cheated with a scenario of promised land of happiness. Principles are principles. It is a bridge to the next episode of happy life. But unfortunately many do not realized that a short term pleasure is an act of burning the bridge to the next shore of happiness. Losing the next shore meaning putting oneself in the wilderness of time and place that promised nothing but torture and torment. I am asking you. Are you tired? Me tired? Not me. What about you?

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