Thursday, November 26, 2009

How serious are you...

Serious as in doing something...should we or should we not be that serious lest the fun is gone. Or must there be no fun at all or it is all fun? Tangible versus intangible. We cannot see the degree of seriousness on what we are doing. We sometimes make a blunder of the things that we do and the unfortunate happens. People get sick just by being so serious in their job. Politicians, they talk so much and in the end they are the one who suffers. To others, they are so serious in the relationship and when one of them dies, the partner just cannot being perfect anymore and life after that is hell. So how serious are you with what you say or don't say? Should we just let mistakes go by without really thinking of correcting it? I don't know. If I am not serious about it then why should I care? Do you?


a.r.n.a.b said...

xsume org serius dlm mlkukn ssua2 prkra..knp??tp adkla kta xleh serius sgt..tgk keadaan..btl x, prof??
wlupn sy xbpe fhm dgn post2 dlm prof nie tp sy yakin disebaliknya ad mksd yg tersirat n tersurat..serta pernuh mkna..thanks beri saya tunjuk ajar slama nie..

Anonymous said...

tu maknanya prof serius dlm melakukan sesutu sbb tu lah prof kesah. for me,i'm serious what i'm do.sometimes we must serious what we do, so we can achieve what we want,right prof?.cam test 1 mgt, sy tak study pun and then result test 1 sgt teruk.pas tu sy serius bljr mgt dan sy rasa sy dah buat yang terbaik utk test 2 wlpn sy tak taw sy dpt bape...dan utk final exam sy dh pun cuba utk dpt yg terbaik.pape pun terima kasih prof coz bg sy semangat utk subjek MGT ni.

Hamdan said...

a.r.n.a.b. dan gadis,

X tahulah bila kita perlu kena serious.Bergantung kepada persepsi sesorang. Nampak main main mungkin tidak. Nampak ketawa tetapi menangis di dalam.

Awak berdua memang serious dgn apa yang awak buat dan lakukan. Awak juga mesti serious dengan apa yang awak tak tahu, tak nampak, dan kepada pelajaran yang awak tak suka. Mungkin dalam proses belajar nanti awak akan menyukainya. Anyway thanks. Komen yang sebegini dapat menolong saya memahami pelajar. TQ .