Monday, November 30, 2009

a perfect stranger..

that is the title of the movie at ASTRO...Thinking about it, am I a perfect stranger to myself? Searching, looking, and pondering at myself for so long, and yet I am still a perfect stranger to myself what more to others.. It is no more a physical world, all at the tips of the mind now. And mind knows not what is young and what is old or rather who is old and who is young. Everybody can be anybody and everywhere. Just keep on searching...and it is a world of mind and all the illusions of one kind or another. They speak love and they make love but are they really in love? Haha. A perfect world and a perfect stranger. It is all in everybody. Each and everyone of us has something to is our world and everybody owns a perfect piece of something and not everything. Thus we are no friends in any way. We are just a perfect stranger to one another. And I am a perfect me, a perfect stranger in my own perfect ways...

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