Sunday, May 9, 2010

the day has to be won...

Relatively speaking, one's winning the day is different from what I see as a day to be won. Obsession in a thought and reflected in action is good enough to explain one's level of concern. Even babies are concern with their next step in their discovery of walking. And I am not going to fall for it. No more a physical step. I have mine. Could be something that concerns my next heart and my next soul. My next transit. As for Najib, our Prime Minister, his next soul is winning the Sibu's by election. It is his top agenda and his top concern. And to my students, today is filled in with thought of examination that concern a very broad personal spectrum of success and failure. It spells the kind of concern they are going through as a young teenager fighting a personal battle in order to win a personal war. Personally, I am not part of their concern. But to them I am just a step away as to what they have been defining their life today. Am I? I am not. But I am very much part of their nightmare. At least for a while. Personally, I have my own concern of what is next. Much higher up than the eye can see see and the heart can feel. Strictly personal. And that is what winning the day is all about...

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