Sunday, May 2, 2010

why not eye in the brain..?

If that is going to be, life can be upside down. You might love to have yourself washed in the rain or in the river instead of in the bathroom. A young lady would come to you and say words of this effect,`are you crazy' ? If not for the eye, it can be `mind in the brain.' Mind is the present thoughts and thinking. Cakap Melayu nya `mengikut adat.' Meaning we are a conformist to the present trend and thoughts. But mind can be in many numbers. It resides in the brain. But once brain takes control of the mind, you will see things in the `odds', double or triple. Or you can be with many sights at your command or you are in the category, what they called it as crazy or cakap Melayu nya `orang gila.' or `orang tak betul.' haha.Does that answer the question, `why not eye in the brain?.
Nota: Terima kasih kepada Laila (link) pelajar saya yang telah menghasilkan lukisan `gadis berambut panjang.'

1 comment:

Laila said...

Glad u like the drawing. If u want to see other drawings, check out this link: