Saturday, May 29, 2010


Heterogeneous. What is that? Have you come across the word `homogeneous'? If you want to interact with somebody, whom do you want to interact with? Surely the answer is in the word `homogeneous'. Meaning another person who is of your kind. Just like in the kingdom of animals, a monkey would go to another monkey. A rabbit understands another rabbit. What about you? Despite you know whom I am, would you come and visit me? Definitely not. Why? Because everything about me is `heterogeneous' to you. Are my head is that of a tiger. Haha..maybe yes! And my legs are that of a deer? I am just kidding! You know what? I might be perceived as very different to you. Am I? But not to my wife. Right? Haha. More of a homogeneous than heterogeneous!

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