Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pada saat itu..

Pada saat dan ketika itu ianya merupakan peristiwa besar yang menguasai diri ini siang dan malam. Bila dijengok kembali peristiwa itu, memang dirasai begitu dan seterusnya membawa kepada peristiwa peristiwa kecil besar penuh makna dan tidak  hinggalah kepada kehidupan hari ini. Adakah lagi akan terjumpa peristiwa yang dapat menguasai diri ini siang dan malam seperti dahulu? Wallahualam. KepadaNYA kita berserah dan berdoa segala kebaikan dan keberkatan bagi segala peristiwa kehidupan ini.  Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Tertanya dan ditanya...

Ditanya siapa aku dan mengapa aku. Adakah jawapannya pada yang sudah ternampak, terdengar, terfikir? Baik dalam realiti mahupun dalam mimpi atau dalam khayalan. Mungkin terongkai sudah secebis jawapan tidak keseluruhan. Tetapi adakah ianya merupakan penanda arah? Wallahualam. Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk, hidayah. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sepanjang usia, secepat masa...

Memungkinkan sebilangan kecil semuanya ada, tercapainya cita-cita hajat, dan  hasrat. Dan sejumlah besar tidak teradakan semua. Ada terrtinggal, tercicir, terhalang, terlewat, tidak terjumpa, hanya sekadar impian semata-mata. Wallahualam. Hanya kepadaNYA kita berserah. KepadaNYA dipohon Perlindungan, Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Sepanjang jalan sesingkat hidup...

Sepanjang jalan.. 
Ada yang bersuara kuat dalam menyampaikan sesuatu. Ada yang tidak bersuara langsung. Dunia, kehidupan, dan liku yang berbucu dan yang tidak. Ada yang penuh ketawa dan berjenaka dalam manangani usikan dan ujian. Ada yang mendiamkan diri seribu bahasa, seribu rasa. Walauapapun, dunia mempamerkan kekuatan yg luar biasa. Adakah ianya seiring dgn kekuatan yang ada? Wallahualam. Kepada Allah dipohon taufik hidayah, pohon pertolongan perlindungan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, December 25, 2015

pointless and unnecessary..

Then why still  they are doing it? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

How would you prefer to see life?

More of individuals? More of groups? More of nobody? More  of yourself? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

trying hard,very hard..

When watching TV on dramas and movies, pity the actors, the actresses, the director, they are trying so hard to make acting a perfect profession. Is it a profession of true love or just a mockery of what they can really be in real life? Wallahualam. Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Terdengar, mendengar, membuat, terbuat, terfikir, tertulis..

We are far from being successful and far from being perfect. If today has been the measurement, nobody and nothing is truly under control. If it does then why do we still in need of today and wanting to see tomorrow? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Sempurna. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 21, 2015

sense of direction...

Wonder why? Wonder what? Wonder where? I wait for no one. And nobody waits for me. So what's the hurry? It is just a sense. Allah creates a sense in us so that we all are with directions. So that we would be somewhere. And so what is next? Surely everybody has one. Who doesn't? Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

the unnecessary traditions and tensions...

Between this and that, the power lies in between. The energy stays thin, thick and quick to hit and strike back at any unnecessary tensions, be it between the closest of family members, what more others.Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

that eerie feeling..

Does it hold the secret to one's strength? The might in a person is God-given. But have we try to understand it? It could just be dismissed in so many tones in so words, actions and decisions. Maha suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, December 18, 2015


Thought-switching, an abundance of it, quality and cheap. When comes to being physical somewhere, not that cheap and the quality is doubted. Then switch to thought-switching. It might bring the happiness you are looking for. Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

don't know what is the big next...

How could I know? All the big next are behind you. Then, can there be another big next in front of me? How could I tell? What you have written can be seen as the big next. Is that all? Right time wrong place. Wrong time right place. Does that can be regarded as `the big next'? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

of family relationship and friends...

If we are to measure in terms of mind, heart, and soul, a family member would trigger more emotional feeling than the thought of close friends. But taking the two as a bottom line as to what I felt now, both creates no differences when comes to feeling and concern. Am I out of my mind or out of my heart, or out of my body? Wallahualam. KepadaNYA diphon Petunjuk, Hidayah. Allahuakbar.
Abang Wahab dimasukkan wad Hospital Temerloh

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

what do you say?

Many have asked  are they in the wrong place but right time, or at the wrong time but at the right place? What kind of questions I am asking? It does not matter right or wrong, so long I don't commit any mistakes. Or don't do anything wrong.What? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Thick, thin, heavy, light, those dimensions are part of my life. Such a thin line that separates from now and then, rich and poor, success and failure, happiness and sadness, here and there, life and death, healthy and sickness, she and he, they and them, it comes heavy, it comes very light, it comes flying, it comes dancing, up into the thin air and here I am. Just me. Siapa saya? Seemingly trivial. Seems hard and serious. Seems nothing. Seems something. Segala terjadi adalah rahsia Allah. Hanya  Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.                                                                                                                                                                        

Sunday, December 13, 2015

do we know?

If my life is a ruler of one foot, still wondering, at my age how many more inches do I have? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

tercari, terjumpa, tercari..

Siang mencari, malam terjumpa. Apa yang dicari, apa yang terjumpa..? Ada seseorang ini yang belum berkahwin memberi tahu saya dia tidak boleh tidur malam. Saya tanya mengapa? Banyak ingatan ingatan lama yang menganggu. Juga memikirkan duit katanya. Lantas saya menjawab, jangan bawa kenangan dan ingatan ke bilik tidur. Kalau hendak tidur kena bawa isteri ke bilik tidur. Maka segala ingatan dan kenangan yang bukan bukan akan terhapus dengan sendirinya. Dia ketawa dengan jawapan yang diberi. Dan lagi pasal duit. Jangan banyak fikir tentangnya. Fikir kerja dan buat kerja dan duit akan datang dengan sendirinya. Tak tahulah sama ada apa yang katakan merupakan jawapan yang menepati masalahnya. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar..

Friday, December 11, 2015

Gate of truth..

Seemingly it is all lies.Nothing is truthful. Avoid the splintering of worthless effects. But it can be very influential. Wallahualam. Hanya\Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

money walks or money talks..

Money whispers...Sesungguhnya bila ada duit maka adalah bisikan yang menyuruh kita berbelanja. Bila duit dibelanjakan, maka terdengarlah 1001 macam cerita berkaitan dengan nya. Ada yang baik. Ada yang Tidak. Walauapapun, berbelanja melebihi had itu dianggap satu pembaziran. Dan ianya ada kaitan dengan bisikan syaitan yang akan membawa malapetaka kepada diri dan negara. Wallahualam. Kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

All about winning and losing..

Lose something win something. You might be seen as losing, but in the long run, you would be winning. Win-win situation. Win some lose some. Win-lose situation. And the winner is..The winner takes all. Winning. Would we always be winning? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

apa yang ada ditengah-tengah...

Perbezaan ada persamaan dan sempadannya. Begitu juga dengan persamaaan pun mesti ada perbezaan dan sempadannya. Apa yang patut ada ditengah-tengah? Ditengah-tengah adalah penyatuan perbezaan dan persamaan bagi kemanfaatan dan kebahagiaan semua. Wallahualam. Allahuakabr. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

ingat kah?

Tidak terkira dimensi diri ini berada dalam konteks mental fikir, perasaan dan gerak fizikal pada setiap hari yang telah dilalui sejak kecil lagi. Adakah kita mengingati aspek fizikal dan mental semasa berada di riba ibu yang menyusukan kita? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


flashes every now and is all about the pasts. The past has made promises and the presence is honoring it. What about the future? When talk about future it is closely related to either death or good fortune. Death here means when one died not generally the time. Before enjoying one's wealth Allah has taken away one's life. Life would look clumsy when death comes along before one has anything. As for me what I can say, Wallahualam. Allah the Al-Mighty Knows All. Allahuakbar

Friday, December 4, 2015


Dalam ingatan, saya tidaklah mempunyai ramai kawan. Sebenarnya jika pun kawan ada, dia hanya menepati dimensi kehidupan yang dilalui dari satu masa ke satu masa yang lain. Sebagai contoh, kawan semasa sekolah rendah tidak semestinya kawan yang berpanjangan sehingga ke hari ini. Wujudnya kawan apabila termasuk seseorang itu dalam dimensi dimensi kehidupan yang berbeza. Wallahualam.  Sesungguhnya hanya Allah Yang Mengetahui Rahsia Kehidupan dan Ketentuan kawan yang yang dimaksudkan tadi. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

are they?

A game that is hard to play. But if well played, the results can be all performing, confirming, and conforming. Yang tersirat dan yang tersurat. Yang tersirat adalah lebih definite dan sangat difahami. Yang tersurat dirasakan tidak sangat ikhlas. Penuh kepuraan. Tetapi nampaknya itulah kepuasan. Are they? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

who told you to stop?

It appears what seem to be good is not good after all. Why? This is because you have done a lot of listening. Listening can be an illusion or false so to speak. Listening has many dimensions. The summing up of what you see, hear, feel, and thinking for that matter can cause the mind to listen. But picking and identifying the right line of actions and decisions are quite a task. Hanya kepada Allah di pohon Kebenaran. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Conforming, in-line, adjusted, half-way, or just round the corner....That is what a genuine sense should be.  Neither half-way nor along the way could be just nearby. I have to explore further on this line of thinking. For sure the line has become shorter. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Monday, November 30, 2015

has life been wonderful..?

Why I am so obsessed with what life is? Is it the differences or the similarities? Could be both. We are similar, but the differences are just unbelievable. Are we born just to be different? Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Words helps...

Words help to explore the depth of our thought. How far deep are our thought? The answer is simple but complicated. We simply don't know. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

pemburuan yang berkaitan dengan hak...

Apa yang diburu hari ini?
Apa yang sebenarnya diburu? Dalam banyak keadaan kita melupai apa sepatutnya perlu diburu. Ada yang bertanya, apa dia? Jawapannya adalah pemburuan terhadap potensi yang ada pada diri sendiri dengan menembak jatuh segala halangan. Wallahualam. Kepada Allah dipohon Perlindungan. Kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Menipu dan ditipu...

Hidup merupakan satu perjalanan yang panjang. Ada sesorang ini telah bertanya sama ada saya pernah ditipu oleh seseorang yang meminjam duit yang banyak tetapi sehingga hari ini tidak membayar balik hutangnya. Jawab saya telus dan mengatakan `ada'. Lantas dia bertanya mengapa saya tidak berusaha mendapatkan wang itu kembali? Saya mengatakan, pada mulanya memang ada. Tetapi sekarang tidak lagi. Mungkin ada iktibar di sebalik hutang yang tidak berbayar itu.Walaupun jumlah hutang yang dia berhutang itu banyak, tetapi jika dibandingkan dengan hutang saya pada diri sendiri lagi banyak. Allah telah menjadikan CiptaanNYA dengan potensi yang perlu difahami. Jika saya benar benar mempercayai kebolehan yang ada pada diri saya, sudah tentu saya telah memiliki harta dan wang yang banyak dan memungkinkan saya menjadi seorang dermawan dan tidak perlu gusar dengan hutang yang tidak berbayar. Sesungguhnya Penentuan kepada segala-galanya adalah Kekuasaan Allah. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Characteristic of knowledge..

Ada sasar, benar, betul, tepat, dekat. Barulah ada kelangsungan kan? Haha..betulke saya ni? Wallahualam. Semoga di beri Taufik, Hidayah dari Allah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

without reason, serves no purpose..

A stage of all appreciating and no more associating either with reason or purpose. Should I be there? Thinking it over, the feel is that it was just about nothing. I think I have passed that stage of wanting to be associated....Or has it been all reasons and all purposes? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

acceptance and submission...

Making an effort to have a compromise with what I cannot own. Feel it is just me despite the overgrown of thoughts, thinking, and discoveries. Allahuakbar.

Monday, November 23, 2015


Kiri kanan. Depan belakang. Atas bawah. Sudah sampai masanya aku mesti meneliti kelangsungan sesuatu. Tapi persoalannya adakah aku sudah hilang fokus? Bukan hilang fokus, mungkin merasakan kelangsungan untuk melihat sesuatu hingga tercapai sesuatu tidak lagi merupakan satu getaran. Dirasakan aku pun sudah berada di alam di mana ikatan hanya apa yang dirasakan betul, benar, dekat. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

somewhat `strange'...

At the end of it all, it just turns out perfect. But what a strange manner it has been perfected. Don't really planned for it. But the thoughts are. But the thoughts are the blend of what I have been thinking all along, physically, aesthetically. It suits well with what I wish for. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

the right recipe...

What I am talking about is about life right recipe. Do I have to cry on something that is supposed to be an ingredient to my life? We sometimes just forget that life is a blend of many ingredients. And what matters, after undergoing it, life, is indeed beautiful. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, November 20, 2015

getting sick..

the body does not cheat. If I have a fever, the symptoms and the causes are the same  everywhere and could be everytime. How one's feel when having a fever can be universal. When the body fails to carry out its function, the breakdown could be in a fever and sad to say could be death. Allah the All-Powerful has given mankind the solution to making a pain manageable. But for how long? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

so easy...

and I am very much at ease with what I write. Topics come easy. But why I am being such a man? I do say to myself about the `anugerah'. Just think about something and there goes the writing. Ya Allah penuh kesyukuran kepada Mu, Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ordinarily extraordinary...

Could it just be an ordinary day...? Today could just be ordinarily ordinary. It can also be ordinarily extraordinary. Meaning it can be just a repetition of yesterday or see no repetition of what has happened. Everyday is literally a new day for the majority.  But when comes to age, a shift to another day can be regarded as ordinarily extraordinary. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

imperfect no versus of perfection..

Allah's perfection is of no match as to what we are trying to do. We are not managing perfection, but it is very much imperfection that we are dealing with. Have we been successful? The answer is in the smile. But do you smile often? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Monday, November 16, 2015

pengertian doa ..

juga membawa erti bahawa kita sebagai manusia tidak ada kawalan terhadap apa jua dan siapa jua. Juga dan jika pada hakikatnya kita ada kuasa, tak kiralah samaada sebagai suami ke, isteri ke, sebagai ayah ke, atau sebagai perdana menteri sekalipun, aspek kawalan terhadap siapa, apa , tidak lah sepenuhnya. Di sinilah kita menadah kepada Allah berdoa agar segalanya selamat, sejahtera, bahagia. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


In the beginning, everything seems to be clumsy. But when it is done it turns out to be perfect. Penuh kesyukuran. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


I should have known better. Should I? There are things  do and done yet it has not been understood even till now. Or you will when the time comes. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, November 13, 2015

broad behavioral pattern..

It has become my stories, not theirs. All along I give more than what I received. Despite that, I am the victim Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I just couldn't imagine...

if I were to go ahead with the decision to go to Kuala Lumpur today, and a plan to come back in the late evening, I might be caught in a disaster in a land slide at the 53 km Karak Highway. Wallahualam. But a decision not to go surprises me very  much. Seldom I turned back on a decision before. Penuh Kesyukuran di atas PerlindunganMU Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Don't really know the starting point and how it starts. I guess it has been in me since small. I was quiet in all sorts of time and events. So the substitute is just write me out, write me in, write me down, and write me up. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Syukur kerana dengan peluang peluang pendidikan, pelajaran, dan pengalaman yang diberi, saya telah menambahkan keupayaan, bukan sahaja menulis tapi juga berbicara secara lisan sama ada dengan satu orang tapi juga dengan khalayak ramai. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

anyway you see it...

Or the way you look at it, nothing and nobody can make it perceived differently. It is our world. It is our universe. Or world well laid out in precise terms on anything. Does that include all aspects and dimensions of human and human life? Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Majlis perkahwinan 5 pasangan..

chasing a dream..?

A dream has never been straightforward. Thus is it worth to have a dream? Unlocked the prosperity of today by discarding a dream that has been too long to materialise. Just go for anything that seems a greater possibility to succeed than a failure. Janganlah menyakiti diri sendiri dan orang lain hanya kerana impian yang tidak boleh tercapai. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Mohon Pertolongan. Mohon Perlindungan. Mohon Keberkatan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

life has been that kinder...

Have I been missing anything in life? Today, an incident that seems not normal but being perceptively viewed in a different solitary way but divinely linked. Allah Yang Maha berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya. Berdepan dengan satu peristiwa yang membuat aku tersentak kerana dirasakan ada petunjuk akan sesuatu. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

what should be written..

Knowing is just I don't know till something is written. Sensing the world in a very awkward point of view and that is what I am going to write on this morning. But what is the topic? Nothing just nothing. I am writing something, but it is just about nothing. What is going to happen when the world is just nothing? Everybody wants something. Do I get one? Don't really know. It has been just about nothing and something. Really? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Looking up and smile..

The foundation is well hung from the sky, up deeper, stronger into the infinity of the universe...but how come we are not firmly rooted and soon perished from the earth?  Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

does that explain who I am..

Don't feel like debating on it. With parameters too large, I don't dare to make a conclusion on what he is trying to say. I just say what I see and what I hear. Thus, it is such a matured action on my part to put a stop by saying `don't feel like debating on it'. Sesungguhnya, hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Monday, November 2, 2015

much little, winning losing...

Uphill, downhill..should I be so obsessed with either much or little? All the winning and no losing? That is what life is all about. Win some, lose some. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

we all are...

What is happening today might fool us. Even the elements in the environment might make us a fool. Ever really sit down and  figure out who are we strongly connected to? If not Allah then who and what? Since being conceived in the mother's womb, Allah is there making us seeing the world. Allah the Know-All have a very strong relationship more than our relatives. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Memberi Pertolongan, Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Greatness in Allah...

Allah creates two places for each and every one of us to think about. One, this world, and another is the another world that is the world after life. Despite the life given, both worlds remain in large part still a mystery as to the purpose of life and death. Keep wondering the manner by which we are being touched by the Greatness in Allah. Should there a definite understanding of the actual touch in all those life situations? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 30, 2015

what would be my day like?

Started out with the thought of oneself and slowly going out in the thought of many. Inevitably, knowledge is at best to cultivate oneself for the sake of many. Would there be choices? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

how is my money..?

Talking about money? Not so much of my favourite topic to write. But calculating how my money has been very much my activity daily. Syukur Alhamdullilah I am on the safe side  when comes to adding of my money and to the spending of my money. Leaving aside initiatives in multiplying the money, Allah has been instrumental in the determinant of how much money I should have for a moment. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

still wondering...

There shall be today. And there shall be tomorrow. In  the short term, today is not far away from tomorrow. But look at yesterday. Also comprised of today and tomorrow. What can you make up from those `todays' and `tomorrows'? What a life! Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Has the flow always been two-way? If it is not then it is neither from point A to B nor from point B to A.What has been upgraded has been downgraded. Downgraded might not be long before it too can be upgraded. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 26, 2015


Sedikit masa diberi untuk meneliti  mengapa satu satu perkara atau usaha itu boleh berjaya atau sebaliknya. Dalam banyak keadaan tidak dinafikan kita mengharapkan Pertolongan, Perlindungan Allah tetapi adakah kita akur dengan apa yang terjadi dan terdapat? Tidak kah kita pernah meneliti sesuatu dengan mencari kekuatan dalam semangat `walaupun'? Sebagai contoh, `walaupun sudah tidak memiliki apa apa, dia tetap tersenyum dalam menghadapi hari esok'. Lantas Allah telah memperkenan hajatnya untuk menjadi dia seorang yang berjaya selepas itu. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

a creativity?

Have I have long been like this? My brain, my mind, my thought, my thinking, my creativity, way back when I was still in the cradle? I have never been tough in talking and behaving till I have been grabbed by an unknown entity that sees me as a true friend. Haha. Just exercising my creativity. Is it? Wallahualam. Maha suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-galanya. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Generally and to a large extent, in whatever groups formed and if void of Islamic spirit, they are of no true friendship. Too many worldly possessions of individuals contribute to the divisiveness in the society. The seemingly cohesiveness only last for that moment and not to the next second, so to speak. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

In the things we think, we say, we write, we do...Allahuakbar...

What about in the things I think, I do, I say, I write...?
Likewise, what about sights and sounds? By virtue of our endless knowledge of interpretation, nothing can ever be static. But are we in control? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-galanya. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Say nothing, hear nothing, write nothing...

Don't really know what I am saying. But I know what I am writing about? What about what you are thinking about?  Are you thinking about yourself or about others? Don't really know what.  I am just the role of somebody I don't not know whom. But the 'whom' seems to be a very happy person. Why? I am playing roles of dead person who wants so much to be alive. And the opportunities are in me. Don't really feel  I am for that actions and decisions. But I did. And I am back to what I was before. I am just playing roles of others. Am I? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Family Mat Said

just a natural process of change?

Could be a strategy. Could be tactical. Could just be a trick. But in the name of a natural process, a change could be just from about anything. Socially, culturally, politically could all be the agent of change. And can I ask something? Why do you have to change? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 19, 2015

a different man...

I did not prevent anything from saying what this man has to say. Despite it is me, but when comes to just saying things I am no longer the same person. Life seems what I should not do what I have done. It is me alright. Or I am just another person in another person's body. Wallahualam. Sesungguh Segala Rahsia Ciptaan adalah rahsia Allah. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lebih global...

Perlindungan dan Pertolongan yang lebih bersifat global yang mencakup soal pahala dan dosa, neraka dan syorga, dan dalam erti kata umum, baik dan jahat. Ianya bersifat global kerana ianya mencakup yang diketahui dan yang tidak, yang lepas, silam dengan yang sekarang terkini. Kemanfaatan bukan untuk diri sendiri, tapi membawa soal negara dan keluarga. Lantas kesannya tidak  kepada yang logik juga mecakup juga soal Kun Fayakun...kesemuanya adalah Milik Allah, Kekuasaan Allah. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

An empty space of silence?

Life begins as a universal self. But distorted by cultural norms and values creating another world of our own resulting in a perceptual self  that satisfies all sorts of odd situations and circumstances. Do we have other choices? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 16, 2015

the new script...

A man, despite the knowledge, still groping in the dark in certain areas of life dimensions. Can't be really be a person I need be. Seems a smile is not a real smile that comes from the heart. Just love to open a window and witnessing life has just begun promising nothing and we keep on hoping. Out there is all emptiness physically. Wonder, where life has been, despite news on humans fight humans. Outside is just an empty space. Despite that, the conflicts are continuing. Where has the empty space gone to? Nowhere. It has always been in you. And the 'you' is the script of your life. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

bila mana taqwa...

Peringkat taqwa akan membawa kepada pencucian diri yang lebih cuci dari cucian yang terdahulu. Lantas tidak ada persamaan dulu dan sekarang. Hari ini dan hari esok. Mengapa kerap mengulang bisikan yang meminta dari orang lain yang bukan bukan. Adakah kehadiran mereka menyucikan? Begitu juga bila melihat, mendengar, membau, memikir, melakukan sesuatu, adakah ianya sama dengan hari semalam? Hari ini merupakan puncak kepada tangga yang kita pijak pada hari semalam. Dan hari ini merupakan tangga kepada puncak hari esok. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

if it comes naturally, and short individually...

then what actually do we try to manage? Looking far at times when everything seems so remote, one wonder how do we reach this time of our existence? By chance? By accident? Coincidental? Questions asked but what about the answers? Allah is Great. Allah the Al-Mighty Allah Knows-All. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

take it short...

Then  it could be a very much a sharing life. Life is short. How could you want to take so many in one time? You know the turmoil and turbulence in this world is very much caused by an outlook that drags vey much into the future. And what makes it worse the roots of the problems runs way back into the past. Despite we know that a longer view is good, but it must make short by the action of sharing in the solution. Just see 'A and B' and forget about 'C and D" for it might belong to other people and individuals. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Kekal dengan prinsip asas dan prinsip asal...

Allah sentiasa menolong walaupun ada situasi dan keadaan agak nampak tidak logik dilihat secara umum.Wallahualam. Bermula dengan kerja yang mana gaji yang rendah dan mendiami sebuah bilik yang tidak ada apa-apa. Hanya berlantaikan tikar usang dibentang diatas simen, dan dinding dipenuhi dengqan tulisan positif yang menceritakan sesuatu yang hanya berlaku berpuluh puluh tahun kemudian. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Permohonan saya bagi memilikki apartment 3 bilik yang mana dua di sewa dan satu untuk saya sendiri telah mendapat kelulusan LKNP. Tapi saya tetap saya sehinggalah hari ini. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-GalaNYA. Saya berpeluang menlanjutkan pelajaran ke seberang laut yang mana selepas itu segala-gala terbuka dan masih lagi dalam proses keterbukaan. Allahuakbar. Penuh Kesyukuran. Dalam pada itu prinsip asal dan asas  masih kuat tertanam dalam diri. Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar

Sunday, October 11, 2015

pride and prejudice..

The pride is in the change that collaborated well with the wish that I have had for that before. Just a matter of heart  and pride, it seems to be what I wish for. It does not sound at all prejudice. Great things come with the great heart and great wish. Why still the fear? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

indahnya hidup..

Adakah hidup itu indah apabila bersendirian? Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segal-Galanya. Di selitkan bayangan kepada sesuatu itu bila bersendirian. Apakah fungsi bayangan yang ternampak itu? Masih tidak terungkai Segala rahsia. An initial sense of setback. But it was not. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Don't tell them..

Never give an opinion on somebody's decision that they are wrong. Just hope he or she is making a right decision. Semoga Allah bersama nya dalam keputusan tersebut. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


it seems a day is everyday now. It can be Sunday. It can be Tuesday. Can be any day. Not as before when yesterday, today carries a different meaning in terms of objectives. But life is full of subjectivities. Wallahulam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


That feeling of yesteryears and having the ability to expess in the tone of multiple dimensions and emotions makes me feel life is immortal. There seems to be not definte end of what I have been undergoing. Hanya kepada Allah saya menyembah dan berserah. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

share and ownership...

Allah's has absolute ownership on everything that happens. Wallahualam.That is why we need to `berzikir' on what, when, it needs be. Allah is Great. Allah the Al-Mighty.  Allah is the Creator of ALL. Allahuakbar.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Kagum dan mengkagumkan...
Would there be an exact repetition of what smells good, tastes good, and feels good? Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Kententuan Allah adalah sangat mengkagumkan. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

sudah lama bertanya..

Apa yang ditanya? Kelembutan hati dan reaksi yang seakan akan semula jadi yang ada pada diri, dari mana ye? Brain, mind, heart, or soul? After overcoming the fight in the physical realm and domain, and the winner would move on to battle grounds of brain, mind, heart,and lastly the soul. And today I was whispered the answer to what and why my actions and decisions. It is the soul that makes me react to life dimensions as natural as it has and can be. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

enteng, remeh, gah, sombong....

Enteng dan remeh, gah dan sombong, adalah di luar kekuasaan kita dalam menentukan apa yang akan berlaku. Hanya Allah yang Maha mengetahui. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Friday, October 2, 2015

so vast yet so tiny..

A universe so vast in terms of physical and time and so the puzzle when asking where, when, why, who are we? Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Kekuasaan Allah melewati Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Are we just a tiny species called human living in a tiny time on this tiny planet? But why our anger has not been equitable with that tininess? Wallahualam.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

orang muda menghadap permulaan..

Orang tua belajar buat hari penghabisan...pengakhiran..orang muda belajar bagaimana nak mula melakukan sesuatu. Orang tua belajar bagaimana nak menghakhirinya..youthfulness good in beginning of things..old people  are good in the ending of things...Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Islam mengajar kita bila perlu menutup sesuatu tetapi perlunya juga ada keterbukaan dalam banyak perkara. Bukan kah dunia dan alam semeste terbuka luas untuk kita menerokainya. Tetapi persoalan yang selalu menjadi persoalan adakah kita membuka hati dan minda untuk penerokaaan tersebut? Jelas keterbukaan yang ada pada manusia sangat terbatas. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Kepada Allah dipohon Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

what has got into you...?

What has got into me has been thrown out for good. Don't really know between food and poison? Kind words seem to be not holistic to others. The devil in them create a house from fire...Kepada Allah dipohon Kemapunan. Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

the last person on earth...

Dia merupakan orang yang terakhir yang akan menduduki muka bumi ini. Adakah hidup dia setiap ketika sebelum kematian akan bermunajat kepada Allah dan bermohon banyak Pertolongan, banyak Perlindungan? Itulah yang drasakan oleh setiap hamba Allah dimuka bumi ini yang sentiasa mengaharapkan Pertolongan Allah, Perlindungan Allah walaupun terjelas dia termilik segala-galanya di dunia ini. Mengapa begitu? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

the hidden strength...

You have open the flood gates that stored a well hid strength that have been elusive and delusive. Have I been given the opportunity to capture it? You will be seeing a future well set on background of odds and surprises. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Mahah Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, September 25, 2015

kebaikan, kesejahteraan, kebahagiaan...

Baik, tapi tidak sejahtera, tidak bahagia.
Dapat kerja itu baik. Tetapi terdapat yang tidak kena pada tugas yang telah diarahkan. Lantas dirasakan tidak bahagia bekerja di situ.

Baik, sejahtera, tapi tidak ada kebahagiaan.
Memungkinkah kebahagiaan aku tergugat dalam jangka masa panjang?

Baik, sejahtera,bahagia.. 
Mungkin disebabkan faktor umur dan telah dilalui pengalaman yang banyak memberi iktibar, maka keredhaan hidup telah dirasakan. Adakah itu yang dihajatkan oleh diri dan ummah seluruhnya. Wallahualam.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

market positioning - mencelah, tercelah, dicelah..

A successful business can be anything. Think of ways you are to position the service and the products. Well it is simple. Small but can just look humble and friendly. How? Children knows best as what they really want as boys and girls. It started from them. Then come the mothers and the fathers who would do the control. What about other customers? They would come when the call is really urgent. And a situation of urgency knows no time table. From Allah I seek help in trying to understand that would make my life a happier one. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

See not, hear not..

Does eyes really see? Or does ears really hear? It is a mind wonder that could see and hear 1001 different things instead. A person could see a world instead of just trees, mountains, seas, rivers and groups of people. And ears could hear the sound of heaven and silenced the devil and the evil. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Why is everything? Why me? Why fearing to say when others don't have the capability of saying it? They seem to pose a stumbling block but do they really blocking you? Only in the mind. By why mind seems not to say and see the truth? When eye see one thing or something, a tree for that matter, the mind would see 1000 different things. I might see the world. Or I might see the universe. So are hearing. I might be hearing the sound of heaven. Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Adakah hikmah dan hikmat dua istilah ini membawa pengertian yang sama? Sesungguhnya kita adalah ciptaan Allah dengan tujuan yang tertentu dan tersendiri. Rupa rupanya ianya satu hikmah apabila `rasanya dengan tidak sengaja' terlupa untuk menghadir satu satu undangan. Pada mulanya buat seketika diraskan kerisauan dan kegelisahan. Tidak adakah lupa yang serupa telah berlaku pada masa lepas dan hikmahnya telah terbuka laluan yang terbina hidup yang lebih bahagia selepas itu? Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Ketentuan Allah bagi apa yang berlaku tidak ada yang tahu dengan tepatnya melainkan Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke Atas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

time and again...

It has been proven, happiness is not about money alone. Much have been said about a combination in gratefulness and helping others. But if greed comes in the way, everything about life seems to be harmful. It is just like a lightning. Wrongly touched or understood, it can be fatal. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke Atas Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

seem to walk backwards...

It has to be corrected. But still sees the old pictures that seem to have that old mockery faces of friends to friends. Seems like. But most have changed with times. But why still that old senses of perception? So as not to keep me lonely? Could be. But I am alone except for that few personalities in the famly, close friends and close relatives. What a world. It adds. It minuses. Does it divides? Wallahualam. Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Feel short..?

Feel long and longer or feel short and shorter? It ain't nice just to depend on the sheer paint pictures. Has it? But that could  be the answer to once a true mystery of talking to oneself or `somebody' has been whispering `something'. Need not fear if it is  from the Greatest. All thus shall be protected. It is All in the protection plan Allah has on what has bee created. Allah the Knows-All. Allah the Al-Mighty. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Do I have a plan?

It seems I am without one. Just a passer by? Without any plan whatsoever? But I make it through. And now I am asking myself again. Who am I? Still believing you are a passer by? Wallahualam. Tidak dijadikan sesuatu dalam konteks kekosongan. Allah Yang Maha Menguasai Segala-GalaNYA. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

my concern is real, but are they real?

At one point in one's life time we can never be real. We are not true to what we wish for, to what we want from, and to what why we need to. It is all being dumped in the word dream. We just love dreaming and hope there will be no day is not a dream. But life has it sign in being yellow and being green. We must be wary of sign that says stop and be ready. But it can also be a sign of green which says nothing is going to stop you from pursuing what you wish for. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon segala kebaikan. Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 14, 2015

could there be a day..

Could there be a day when you are just nobody? Don't think so. Allah has created us for purposes that can benefit lives as a whole. are we playing just a small role or a big one? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Runtuh nya kren di masjidil Haram musim haji 1436

video ribut pasir di mekah pada hari runtuhnya kren

kelabu dan kabur...

Jelas ianya kelabu dan kabur. Tetapi mengapa kita masih mengharap supaya ianya terang, jelas, dan membawa kepada kebaikan jika diikuti dan dituruti. Kedegilan seseorang pada dan terhadap sesuatu sememangnya fenomena dan legenderi. Tetapi mengapa kita tidak terus mencuba? Hanya dengan mencuba sahaja kita akan mendapat kepastian sama ada ianya kelabu, kabur, atau sangat terang dan jelas. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Manha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Look up in the big sky, but also look down for the small steps...

You can look up to the big sky for the Creator, but do look down for the answer in the small steps of human beings where it all begins and it all ends. Allah is Great. Mohonlah dari Allah akan Kekayaan, Kekuatan, kekuasaan untuk diri dan secara lansung dan tidak memberi kebaikan pula kepada ummah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, September 11, 2015

rahsia pada rasa perasaan seseorang...

Perasaan seseorang sangat berbeza dengan orang lain. Walaupun di luar sana nampaknya mereka seakan-akan mempamerkan pergerakan fizikal tidak jauh bezanya, tetapi jika diteliti sehalusnya, perasaan seseorang dengan orang lain adalah berbeza seperti langit dengan bumi. Malah perasaaan seseorang adalah lahirnya, hidupnya, kawannya,  makananya, minumnya, cara hidupnya dipagi hari tengahhari, malam hari, cara tidurnya, cara dia berhubung dengan manusia lain. Dapat ditafsirkan juga adakah ia juga menggambarkan cara dan bagaimana dia berhubung dan berkomunikasi dengan Allah seterusnya cara dia mati? Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Calm day and calm thoughts..

What a day! A stumble onto a thought in writing can keep oneself from flurries of confusion and restlessness There will be a moment when things seem to separate the truth and the fallacies, the full and the fools. Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari diSyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

no day is free from a shocking event if it is so to happen..

Under an ordinary consciousness and circumstances, anything can happen that can changed oneself physically and mentally. It can also change the world physically and in all field of endeavors if it so to be. Allah is Great.Wish it all for goodness and greatness. Allah the Knows All. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

under a very ordinary consciousness and circumstances...

It is a clear day. Calm. Nothing seems to point out something great shall happen. And it does happen under a very ordinary consciousness and circumstances.Are all those a sign of wish comes true? It feels just like any other day. So-called a big man, once very much in the news, and that day I have it all hit many things with just few words. Just don't believe it. My prayer has been answered. Wallahualam. Allah is Great. Allah the Al-Mighty. Allah the Knows-All. Allahuakbar.

Monday, September 7, 2015

just say it and nothing amiss for what you have missed..

That day out of `spontaneity', I said it, and you know what? The world spins back to the past to where I am to become somebody but did not. It does not materialize because of my immaturity. That is what I think. I did not get what I want. But that day, just few days ago, I say it again and all of a sudden I feel I am in a time tunnel and experiencing what I want but only in few seconds and now back to what I am. Life has been too short to be sorry of what has happened. And in an instant, I am a cured man. Why? Because, witnessed by many, I directed my desire direct to the man himself who is supposed to give me that job and thus making me somebody. And that individual I am directed my regret, smile and seem to say in silent he has been making a mistake. What a relieve. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-galanya dan mempertemukan dengan penawar kepada rasa penyesalan saya selama ini. Di rasakan satu perasaan bebas telah berlaku. Sesungguhnya Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui akan apa yang terjadi dan akan terjadi. Alahuakbar.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fallacy of Strength..?

Sunday..fallacy of strength..?
Hectic mingling among friends and all friends laughing and reminiscing, portraying strength of togetherness. But the true strength is in oneself when being alone reminiscing of life in words said and in deeds and misdeeds. Wallahualam. Kepada Allah dipohon keampunan. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

bertanya dan terus bertanya...

Tidak menyukai dengan perkataan bertanya. Jika diletakkan dalam keadaaan tertentu, ianya menggambarkan keresahan dan kegelisahan. Apa kata kalau kita tidak bertanya? Bukankah hidup ini makin tetenteram dan lebih nyaman? Jika ianya dilihat dari jauh, dunia dan alam semesta, sememangnya nyaman. Tetapi diperhalusi tiap perkara satu persatu, ada sahaja pergolakkan yang sedang berlaku dan perlu di selesaikan. Yang muda tidak ingin melihat diri nya dalam konteks tua. Yang tua cuba merasionalkan apa yang sudah berlaku dan akan berlaku. Di mana titik tengah yang memberi haruman kepada segala-galanya? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

p.s. mengapa setiap orang memikirkan dirinya titik tengah? Atau sememangnya begitu yang membuat kehidupan itu satu kehidupan.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Entrance and do you enter the day today? Spiritually,  it is through solat that opens the world full of riches. Physically it is through a door that opens to a healthy life. Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

don't take that are not yours...

Don't take all but some. Don't take some but few. Don't take few but one or two. Don't take one or two but just anything that befitted the need of the moment. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan. Hanya kepada Allah kita berserah. Semoga di beri Taufik dan Hidayah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Don't let something undesirable intrudes into my thoughts unnecessarily. Then what should be dropped out from my mind? Anything that can be construed as burdensome considering my age and my freedom. Don't take all, but some. Don't take take some but just few. Soon just take one or two. Take just what just is good and fitted the day and the moment. Wallahualam. Kepada Allah di pohon Pertolongan. Kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Maha Suci Allah dari di syirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ingatkan panas hingga ke petang..

Pernahkah kita berhadapn dengan jangkaan panas hingga ke petang, rupa rupanya hujan di tengah hari. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Walaupun dibekalkan dengan keupayaan Kepautan jangkaan terhadap sesuatu, manusia masih lagi tidak berupaya membuat penentuan yang tepat. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Monday, August 31, 2015


Adakah ketaksuban itu kejahilan? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Politic is about people. Politic is about leaders and followers. If you don't like people that have life, then you have to forget about politics. And today I am to separate myself from politics. I am just posting a picture and with no real act of actions. It is just a picture with no emotions.Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

true strength..

the junction of heart, soul, mind and my physical well-being....Nothing to do with norms and values. It is alright t be late. It is alright not to be punctual. Am I wrong in reminding my own son of his wrong-doing? When comes to true strength in principles, what shall I do? Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, August 28, 2015

the next and the previous...

My previous life compared as to what my life now, truly world's apart. But the anchor thought that could make things clearer are age, knowledge, and image. It seems it has been my responsibility and task to make a search on to what I think I am. Sesungguhnya Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kebesaran Allah..

Well chosen for the right function.And nothing is unworkable and can be unavoidable.Words say and heart is pounding. Acted on and being   physical and life suits the action despite doubts in the beginning. Wallahualam. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

dead man's hand..?

Wonder what would it be like if the touch is from a dead man's hand. Many would  say that a dead man's hand is cold. This is because a dead man is already dead? Yes. What about if the dead man's hand is very much alive? Alive? What I am trying to mean? Would there be someone who is among us who is already dead but very much alive? Sesungguhnya Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

that same question...

would i be left just like this? This question is a repetition of life many many years ago. Even despite of me unconscious of that, the question has been there. Just as a matter of the sequence of events, I found myself in a very different situation. And now back to my future, has it been dictated by my past? I am saying it. Only Allah Knows All. Allahuakbar.

Monday, August 24, 2015

being free...

How could I feel free if I still have that sense of being bothered. Wonder why that feel is still strong in me, whereas I am no part in the creation. Have I? Separation has to be done in order to lessen the feel of anger especially some thing of the past unintentionally being retrieved that spills my act of foolishness where it is not supposed to be. Am I? Wallahualam. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

the inequality.....the dark side..

To the boy, his father is always is his hero. But when this boy turns into a young man, he might think differently about his old father. There are sons or daughters who would prefer to see their father as good as dead. That is what the dark side of life is all about. Even as a big brother, the presence of older brother to the younger siblings can be seen as a nuisance. That is what inequality in life is all about. Back to one self. Don't feel alone but if given the tidal wave it would knock you out from this planet. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. KepadaNYA dipohon segala pertolongan. KepadaNYA dipohon segala Perlindungan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


The world has been passing through ancient times long before we see a modern world. Wonder what life is like then? In order to shake off what bothers, we must approach life in an ancient manner instead. Can we? Why not have a try. Let everything seems to be ancient. Down the line could the sickness one's suffer, the answer is in adopting ancient principles and practice? Ancient approach can be workable. It might heal. Let the modern times being submerged by times too ancient for us to understand. Let anything that is ancient separates today's world and yesterday. Can then we be free? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.

Friday, August 21, 2015

it seems...

It seems yesterday were where all the correct answers have been answered correctly. But it seems we have all the wrong answers today despite the questions are neither new nor old. It is just a question. Have we been out of our mind where everything seems to be misplaced and displaced? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

so long as you see it differently,,,,

anything can make you a millionaire...just see your effort differently..
anything can make you beautiful...just see it differently..
anything can make you happy today...just pay your debts..
anything can make you richer than yesterday..just be different..
Sesungguhnya Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Element of drama,,,

Finding the elements of drama in my life. Suspense and it turns out you are not what you originally meant to be. Is that the drama you have to live with? It has brought you to a far away places just to add more drama to what they have failed to see who you really are. And now another drama to be unfolded. Soon they will get the surprises of their life. Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

how could I forget...

I am part of life just like everybody else. No difference in terms of heart, feel, and feeling. What about soul? I think when talking about soul then we are not the same. That is where I feel I am not part of life outside there. No. Are you trying to kid everyone regarding who you are? Well, sometimes the writing of mine says a lot things about me being different. Why I am always with words when writing all these? Has this be the reason why the feel in me that I forget that I am part of life? Wallahualam. Tentu sudah lama terfikir bahwa Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Monday, August 17, 2015

checking into my thrills...

Time, place, people, and agenda has drained the zest in me. The thrills are no longer there. The whole country and the whole event whatever they are doing has no longer attracts my interest and my attention. That 'caring' has no slot in me anymore. Should I give another shot? I am not going to force myself onto doing anything. Let it flies, let it flows, as what time has dictated of me. Sesunguhnya Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui akan Hikmah Sesuatu Ciptaan itu. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

everybody has his or her concerned..why the differences?

What actually has been my concern? Figures tell. Think of anything done by others that has directly affects me. Could be just one but it means a lot when talking about concerns. So are with lots of time and it takes years instead of just a day. Could that explain a person's concern on either good, bad or something else? Wallahualam. Hanya kepada Allah di pohon Perlindungan. Hanya kepadaNYA di pohon Pertolongan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

it does not matter. Mengecapi dan menikmati kehidupan diri dan rezeki di saat ini...

Adakah ianya merupakan rahsia kekuatan diri?
Whether you are here. Be it in South Korea. Be it in Gold Coast, Australia, would you be a different person? Whether you are with thousand ringgit or a million ringgit, you would not be a change person. Allah is Great. Hanya Kepada Allah saya menyerah dan mengucapkan penuh kesyukuranm melebihi jutaan kali hingga tak terkira dan kepada NYA juga akhirnya saya akan dikembalikan. Allahuakbar.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa...

I might not have a lot of money. But I have some money.
I might not have a lot of time. But I have time.
I might not have all the power to change things. But Allah Is the Most Gracious. Allah, the Al-Mighty, the Most Powerful. Hanya kepadaNYA saya berserah. Semoga sentiasa dalam PerlindunganNYA. Semoga sentiasa dalam PertolonganNYA. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

winning end...

Trust in Allah. Despite the 'effort' to make me on the losing end, with Allah's Greatness, the winning end seems to be on my side. Maha Suci Allah dari disyirikkan. Hanya Allah Yang Menentukan Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fallen on one meaning...

Two persons would say differently on something. In another words there is only one meaning to a person. What a cruel world if that is so. Why? I might be understood differently by many people for life. I am just one. But I might be  thousands. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fikir kematian..

Fikir kematian. Ia merupakan penawar kepada segala penyakit. Ia merupakan penawar kepada diri yang resah dan gelisah. Ia merupakan penawar kepada segala ketagihan dunia. Ia merupakan perbezaan mutlak bagi mereka yang beringinkan kemajuan dalam kehidupan. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Unnecessarily with all the worries...

What? Yes? That has make me an unnecessarily a worried person. Are life worth living with or without worries?  And I am trying to tackle the worries one at a time. Some must go. But some could just be part of me moving forward. But knowing what and why shall be the criteria of the choices. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Reasons taken over..

As you grow older, reasons are no longer being taken to task. Whatever reasons that are pushed on you to today, has become a force that could not set a new time and a new day. Has it ?  Wallahualam. Principles are well ingrained in the mind , heart and soul. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

smaller and bigger..?

Some woke up to making the world looks smaller. Some woke up to make it bigger. Some woke up to make another person looks unimportant and void in purposefulness. It is indeed then a lost world. Are we? Then how should we should be waking up to? As an old man? As a young man? Or as a businessman? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Friday, August 7, 2015

it has been a day...

Yes , it has been a day. I got what I wish for. And what is that? What else? Money. I got the amount of money that I wish for. Not much but enough to pay for what I am owing. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Japan marked the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima

HIROSHIMA, Japan — Japan marked the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Thursday, renewing calls for global leaders to step up efforts to rid the world of nuclear weapons.

Serpihan adalah dari MH370. Debris on La Reunion is from MH370: PM Read More :

Kronologi tragedi MH370 8 Mac 2014 - MH370 membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 kru berlepas dari KLIA ke Beijing pada jam 12.41 tengah malam. 
8 Mac 2014 - MH370 yang sepatutnya tiba di Beijing pada jam 6.30 pagi hari sama hilang dari radar sejam selepas berlepas ketika merentas Laut China Selatan.
 9 Mac 2014 - Radar Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) menunjukkan kemungkinan sebuah pesawat yang tidak dikenal pasti berpatah balik. 11 Mac 2014 - Operasi SAR dilancarkan di Selat Melaka. 
12 Mac 2014 - Operasi SAR diperluas ke selatan Thailand dan Laut Andaman. 14 Mac 2014 - Operasi SAR diperluaskan ke Lautan Hindi. 
15 Mac 2014 - Perdana Menteri mengesahkan pesawat yang dikesan berpatah balik oleh radar TUDM pada malam kejadian ialah MH370. 
15 Mac 2014 - Operasi SAR fokus di koridor utara dari sempadan Kazakhstan dan Turkmenistan ke utara Thailand serta koridor selatan dari Indonesia ke selatan Lautan Hindi manakala SAR di Laut China Selatan ditamatkan.
 16 Mac 2014 - Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, menjuruskan siasatan kepada empat bidang iaitu kemungkinan rampasan, sabotaj, keadaan psikologi penumpang dan anak kapal serta masalah peribadi mereka. 
17 Mac 2014 - Operasi besar-besaran SAR membabitkan 26 negara meliputi kawasan seluas 2.24 juta batu nautika dilancarkan. 
 24 Mac 2014 - Perdana Menteri mengumumkan penerbangan MH370 berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi. 
 25 Mac 2014 - Operasi SAR ditumpukan di selatan Lautan Hindi berikutan petunjuk terbaharu dan pencarian di koridor utara dihentikan.       
 1 Mei 2014 - Kementerian Pengangkutan Malaysia mengeluarkan laporan awal kehilangan MH370, termasuk senarai kargo dan rakaman audio antara kokpit dengan ATC Kuala Lumpur.  
29 Januari 2015 - Kerajaan Malaysia mengisytiharkan semua penumpang pesawat MH370 terkorban.
 18 Jun 2015 - Pencarian MH370 di Lautan Hindi diperluaskan ke zon tambahan meliputi 60,000 kilometer persegi. 
29 Julai 2015 - Komponen sayap dipercayai flaperon ditemui di pesisir pantai Pulau Reunion di Lautan Hindi, dikaitkan dengan MH370 oleh sekumpulan penyelidik ekologi. 
31 Julai 2015 - Timbalan Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi mengesahkan flaperon yang ditemui antara komponen pesawat Boeing 777. 

Selanjutnya di :

still wondering why life as the way it is...

Still trying to figure out the day and I am still alive and wonder when I am not. There must a moment when I am a man of all man. Am I? Don't really understand but one way and another I must have understood of what has never been understood before. Would I?  Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.                  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

melangkah pergi..

Allah sentiasa memerhati. Sangat dirasakan bila kita hendak melangkah pergi meninggalkan satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain yang tidak diketahui. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

what can makes me happy?

That is the last thing I am asking about myself. This is supposed to be an appropriate answer. It should not be part, it should not be fraction, then it should be what? It should be whole life, inclusive that should make one a happy person. Wallahualam. Allahuakabar.

Monday, August 3, 2015

hidup kena jalan..satu perjalanan

Hidup ini satu perjalanan. Given a person, bukan semua orang boleh berjalan. It includes from brain to pockets and money and down to feet and toes. That is why life can never be perfect. The very physical and non-physical about each and everyone of us are being created differently that suits something, somebody but and not everything and everybody. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday and then what?

To many life could just be a series of glances.The answers could be just in looking, in seeing, and in smiling. Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Kepada NYA dipohon Pertolongan, Perlindungan, kekuatan, Kekayaan, Kekuasaan, Kebahagiaan. KepadaNYA di pohon Pengampunan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

serial ignorance...

Ignorance is a thing after another. For some human communities, it becomes norms and values. It becomes a culture. People died because of this serial ignorance. Are we not one of them? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Semoga kita diberi Taufik dan Hidayah. Allahuakbar.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Oddly influenced..?

It seems odd. But it is justifiably even and equal.  In the final analysis the whole that matters despite what appears fractionally cruel. Has that mental framework been the hall mark for one's relentless search for the Al-Mighty? Wallahualam. Kepada Allah di pohon keampunan. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih. Allah Yang Penyayang. Allah Yang Maha Pemurah. Sesungguh Allah Yang Maha Mendengar. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

After 515 days..Debris from MH370...? Better be...

perfect dose of medicine...

Yes. It has been a perfect dose of medicine. It gives me a tremendous relief from all kinds of stigma. Feel I have my painful tooth extracted. And everything seems to be just a flow of events. And it is all being under control and being tuned to my happiness. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

TPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin di gugurkan.

Boleh percaya ke najib nie?
Aku TPM? Ia ke ini?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Just a simple word. But it creates wonder. What a day. It transforms my little heart into a big heart worth a world into another world. What can I say. Allah is Great.

Monday, July 27, 2015

by itself, in itself..sharing?

By itself, in itself. That is what individuals are all about. Have you been cheated before? Have anybody done bad things to you? If they have, then it has to do with their bad intentions. But Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

tidak kesunyian...

Adakah saya melupai bahawa saya sentiasa merasa `keramaian' di rumah saya walaupun saya hanya tinggal berdua dengan isteri? Perasaan `keramaian' inilah yang mebuat saya sentiasa rasa damai mengharungi masa dan hari. Adakah ini satu anugerah Allah Yang Maha Pemurah, Yang Maha Pengampun, Yang Maha Mengasihani. Terfikir apakah yang saya sudah buat menyebabkan saya berada dalam keadaan begini? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Menuju ke tanah Suci Mekah menunaikan haji..?

Mengapa masih lagi tertutup dengan soalan..?

Kita memiliki minda bertanya dan minda yang menjawabnya. Mekah adalah merupakan syorga bagi segala jawapan yang selama ini dicari cari. Mengapa kita tidak melakukan ibadah sebanyak mungkin kalau ia nya merupakan syorga segala jawapan dan soalan hanya menunggu ditepian? Apa yang berlaku mungkin sebaliknya. Ada yang kelu berkata kata dan kaku untuk bergerak seolah olah yang dicari bukan jawapan tetapi hanya di himpit soalan. Lantas apabila habis menunaikan haji dan pulang ke Malaysia barulah terasa kekurangan kekurangan yang sepatutnya telah ditambah dan bertambah apabila berada di tanah suci. Justeru kepada bakal jemaah haji yang akan ke Mekah tahun ini, semoga berjumpa apa yang dicari selama ini. InsyaAllah. Allahuakbar.


Kecendrungan tidak dapat di paksa kepada seseorang. Lihat sahaja, apa yang cenderung di tulis, lihat sahaja gambar yang suka di ambil, lihat sahaja langkah yang hendak dituju. Ianya tidak pernah menipu. Has it speaks the truth of someone? Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, July 24, 2015

surrounded by answers..

But why there must be questions? Our senses are more tune to answers than questions. Thus life is all abourt answers and little of questions. A brighter day brightened up by answers. Questions make it darker. Be positive and live the bright day before night showers with more questions. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

mental rooftops versus metal rooftops...

Now I can see better myself  in respect to time period of life I have undergone. The secret is in the word `roof'. The mental roof of that time has it not because of my opportunity, I would just be nobody in a land of nowhere. But the opportunity is mine. But it has been created by all sorts of mental rooftops from here in me to everywhere in others. With the right mental rooftops, I would just be fine. Hanya kepada Allah dipohon Kekuatan , Pertolongan, Kekayaan dan Keredaan kehidupan yang penuh dgn ujian MU , Ya Allah. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

menunaikan haji tahun ini?

Sekadar berkongsi.

Jaga kesihatan,
jaga adab tolong menolong...

Anda mungkin terjumpa dengan jemaah yang sakit dan sangat memerlukan jemaaah lain menolongnya. Anda mungkin dalam dilema. Ada kala ianya merupakan pertolongan yang dapat menambahkan pahala. Tapi sebaiknya beri tahu suami dan memberi tahu nya perihal pertolongan yang hendak diberi. Mungkin suami lebih arif tentang hal tolong menolong ini. Ada yang ditolong tidak merngharagai yang menolong. Biarlah kedua dua pihak nampak keikhlasannya supaya mengelakkan dari mengeluarkan kata kata tak baik selepas selesai mengerjakan haji. Malang sekali sekiranya yang ditolong tidak meninggalkan nombor handfone untuk berhubungan  apabila berada di Malaysia kelak. Yang menolong mungkin ingin tahu akan perkembangan kesihatan nya.

finding my true self in terms of my own mental roof top..

There are some areas where we can share things. But when it has to do with my share that could not be shared, then I must be decisive. I have my own mental roof top to protect that could explained my life and my death. Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Segala Ketentuan adalah datang nya dari Allah. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Kerana sangat berjimat, yang ada mungkin jadi tiada. Berkemungkinan juga yang tiada akan menjadi ada. Walauapapun, kita bergerak di atas apa yang ada. Allah itu Ada. Bermohon dan memintalah segala kebaikan dan kebahagiaan untuk diri, keluarga, dan ummah. Allahuakbar.

Monday, July 20, 2015

little, small, and short..

If ever there is one, it is you and in you the almost in total from A to Z. All what is outside can be perceived a bit of small bits. In most from A to Z, it does not represent the truth. Not even a half-truth. Mere toying and could be destroying. So now you know before it don't. Hanya kepada Allah saya berserah mencari keredaan dan kebenaran. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

dianggap kecil dan remeh..

Tetapi jika ianya dibiarkan berlaku buat pertama kali, tidak ada peluang buat yang kedua. Yang pastinya ianya sudah terbuarai. Adakah lagi ianya boleh di selamakan dalam nada dan keadaan yang lalu dan seperti dahulu? Wallahualam. Sesungguyhnya hanya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa Ke atas Segal-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Gelak dan ketawa berderai..

Adakah hidup aku di sisa?  Tidak terasa lagi gembira dan sukanya. Gelak ketawa di sana sini, terang benderang menyelubungi sunyi, walaupun tidak di rasa gelisah dan sangsara,  di manakah pergi cahaya yang meriah dan hati yang suka? Atau hanya aku hanya mengada adakan semua. Allah Yang Esa. Allah yang Berkuasa. Dan bergeraknya ke hari ini dengan kesihatan yang boleh merasa dan merindu. Adakah tahap rasa dan rindu juga berubah rupa mengikut tahap deria yang bertepatan dengan masa? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Friday, July 17, 2015

When human fail to act as a leader,,,.has Idilfitri has well been observed?

Despite the equality in being human, the inequality in leadership has not been felt. If the thoughts ran rampant and runs rampage on everybody, then then the structural in leadership has failed to take place. Sesungguhnya ya Allah hanya Kamu yang Maha berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

thought characterizing...

Some are mere scheming. A very small number could just be inventing. Many are just imitating. Quite a number are doing the analyzing. As for me, it is all thinking, analyzing, and wonder why less in scheming what more lies and cheats. Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allahuakbar.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

kehidupan sebenarnya tidak ada bau kebencian..yang ada hanya..

Hidup sebenarnya tidak ada bau kebencian. Yang ada hanya rasa sayang dan kasih. Tetapi ramai yang membenci, mengapa? Mereka tidak benci tapi hanya tidak suka dengan keadaan dan situasi yang mereka hadapi. Bukankah rasa `benci' yang sebegitu tidak sampai menghapuskan. Kalau betul ianya ada pada diri seseorang maka ianya merupakan perasaan yang ada kaitan dengan syaitan dan iblis.  Benci yang biasa adalah kerana ianya menutup perasaan kasih sayang yang tidak ada penghujungnya. Akhirnya kebencian hilang dan rasa kasih sayang bertaut. Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

tergaris, terguris...

Ada pengalaman yang merupakan iktibar maka tergaris dgn jitunya peristiwa yang telah di lalui. Dalam pada itu ada perkara yang mengguris juga mencetuskan keinsafan membuka mimbar baru bagi menyerah diri kepada Allah Yang Maha Besar. Allahuakbar.

Monday, July 13, 2015

mencari jawapan..

Setiap detik jantung berdetup, akan ku tanya siapa aku dan mengapa aku. Mengapa aku? Kalau hendak di jawab mengapa aku, terlebih dahulu hendak di tanya di mana aku? Kamu akan terlepas dari soalan soalan tersebut jika peranan aku tidak diperlukan lagi. Walaupun di lihat dari segi kehidupan, hanya manusia sahaja akan melupakan engkau saat kamu tidak diperlukan lagi. Tetapi bagi Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa, dalam apa jua keadaan, CiptaanNYA memainkan peranan yang mana ramai tidak menyedarinya. Mungkin aku terbawa dengan ketidakpedulian manusia terhadap peranan saya yang sebenarnya? Wallahualam. Hanya Allah yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Menguasai Segala-Galanya. Allahuakbar.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

after giving a lot...

Have you ever felt yourself to be alone? Literally you are alone, but you are not, right? Sesungguhnya Hanya Allah Yang Maha mengetahui. Kebesaran Allah adalah dalam semua keadaan dan situasi. Maha Suci Allah dari Di Syirikkan. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

feeling very good , well, and fine...

After so many days, that is how I feel today. Good, well, and fine. I am just my real self. Or I am not my real self? Remember, it is the month of Ramadan. Everyday you are faced with problems that are no problems at all. Doing things on an empty stomach. Is that so much of a problem? Not at all. Right? 7.30pm  is not that long from 5.30 am. Then the problem is not with you. But it could be with others. Not only here but throughout the world. That is it. That is why Ramadan has been a month to observe by all Muslims. Know yourself by knowing others. Have you? Wallahualam. Allahuakbar.