and tomorrow is first of January 2009. Looking back all those years, life has been kind to me despite the uncertainties of path to be taken in the beginning. Syukur saya kepada Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengetahui akan segala Rahsia kejadianNya.
Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I am at Desaru today..
Sudah tiga kali aku ke sini atas tiga sebab yang memenuhi kehendak kekeluargaan. Tidak perlu aku terang sebabnya kerana tujuan aku menulis ini kerana hendak komen sikit pasal hotel ini. Tak tahu kenapa, potensi hotel ini aku categorikan kepuasan keseluruhannya adalah 4 dari 10. Masih ada perkara yang mana potensi tidak disedari sepenuhnya. Masalah besar yang selalunya dihadapi oleh perniagaan hotel adalah pembiayaan. Saya dapat rasakan hotel ini sedang mengalami masalah kewangan. Kalau ditengok fizikal bilik saya diami, nombor 111, ianya sangat mendukacitakan sekali. Tak hendaklah cerita apa, tapi sudah pasti ianya tidak menepati piawaian a 5-star hotel. Bidang pemasaran memandang berat pasal kepuasan pengguna. Daripada dua atau tiga sudut memanglah memuaskan, tapi masih banyak lagi perkara yang perlu disedari dan diperbaiki.
Till next time, happy holiday!
Till next time, happy holiday!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tidak ku miliki...
Di sebalik bukit yang gersang dan air yang mengalir dengan penuh kelesuan, ternampak dia keseorangan meraba raba sedang mencari tongkat.
Walaupun hingar bingar kota metropolitan kedengaran nun jauh sayup di bawah, sayang sekali itu semua bukan miliknya lagi.Apa yang terpampang adalah wajah wajah yang masih hidup dan juga yang sudah bertemu Illahi, ada yang mengukir senyum yang sangat indah tapi ramai lagi yang bermasam muka sebabnya diselubungi misteri dan teka teki.Kedengaran juga laungan keramat pusaka bangsa dan tidak terkecuali suara sumbang hendak membela, bermadah berjela jela, mengetepikan tangisan dari saudara sepupu sebangsa.Lantas datang malapetaka menimpa diri dalam bentuk tsunami dan runtuhnya pangsapuri, adalah cerminan diri angkara lupa apabila sudah menjadi kaya dan bergelar pula hasil memberi..Bila jatuh papa, ditimpa tangga pula, ditanya mengapa, maka jawapan yang diberi adalah sama belaka, `aku difitnah dan aku dikhianati,' menuding jari kesana kemari. `Aku banyak memberi tetapi aku dianak tirikan.'Baik tidak bertempat, jahat dinobat, kaki rayau merempit bingit kapal terbang pusing dunia, hanya ternampak bila `robohnya kota Melaka.'Tapi segalanya sudah terlambat, kesemua itu tidak dimiliki lagi. Sokong membawa rebah, tongkat digunakan kerana bebanan wajah yang tidak berbin dan berbapa.Sayang, seribu kali sayang, dibuang pahit ditelan sayang, lantas hidup bertongkat dihantui bayang-bayang.
Walaupun hingar bingar kota metropolitan kedengaran nun jauh sayup di bawah, sayang sekali itu semua bukan miliknya lagi.Apa yang terpampang adalah wajah wajah yang masih hidup dan juga yang sudah bertemu Illahi, ada yang mengukir senyum yang sangat indah tapi ramai lagi yang bermasam muka sebabnya diselubungi misteri dan teka teki.Kedengaran juga laungan keramat pusaka bangsa dan tidak terkecuali suara sumbang hendak membela, bermadah berjela jela, mengetepikan tangisan dari saudara sepupu sebangsa.Lantas datang malapetaka menimpa diri dalam bentuk tsunami dan runtuhnya pangsapuri, adalah cerminan diri angkara lupa apabila sudah menjadi kaya dan bergelar pula hasil memberi..Bila jatuh papa, ditimpa tangga pula, ditanya mengapa, maka jawapan yang diberi adalah sama belaka, `aku difitnah dan aku dikhianati,' menuding jari kesana kemari. `Aku banyak memberi tetapi aku dianak tirikan.'Baik tidak bertempat, jahat dinobat, kaki rayau merempit bingit kapal terbang pusing dunia, hanya ternampak bila `robohnya kota Melaka.'Tapi segalanya sudah terlambat, kesemua itu tidak dimiliki lagi. Sokong membawa rebah, tongkat digunakan kerana bebanan wajah yang tidak berbin dan berbapa.Sayang, seribu kali sayang, dibuang pahit ditelan sayang, lantas hidup bertongkat dihantui bayang-bayang.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Rahsia tersingkap di seblik tabir hari...
Ada orang hanya menunggu hari berlalu. Bila hari berlalu maka dapatlah apa yang dipuja. Kalau kereta baru yang di idamkan, maka penantian merupakan satu penyeksaan kepadanya. Ini kerana dalam penantian itu, segala pengetahuan lain yang harus dan patut dipetik dan dimiliki telah diketepikan begitu sahaja kerana keghirahan yang menggila. Kalaulah kereta itu kereta yang ada nama (berjenama), maka dalam penenatian tadi timbul perkara perkara yang ada kaitan dengan perangai seorang `periak' (riak dan takabur).
Orang muda (tidak terkecuali juga orang tua) selalunya terjebak dengan riak peristiwa yang palsu. Penantian dan mainan mereka amat banyak sekali sehingga ramai diantara mereka lupa bumi yang kita pijak ini keras dan tidak punya pandu arah. Bumi yang dipijak tidak menjanjikan kestabilan berpanjangan dan berterusan dan berkemungkinan retak itu memang ada dan akan berlaku bila bila. Ini terbukti dengan terjadinya peristiwa runtuhan tanah di bukit antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur.
Rahsia tersingkap di sebalik tabir hari. Di sebalik tabir hari tidak menjanjikan senyuman seseorang akan berterusan hingga kehari esok. Bagi mereka yang berfikir, melihat gelagat manusia yang beranika rupa dan perangai, mereka optimis, pelajaran tidak hanya dibangku sekolah, tetapi berlanjutan dimana jua kita akan berada.
Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengasihani, terselit di setiap peristiwa adalah berupa pengajaran yang akhirnya mendedahkan rahsia sebenar di sebalik tabir hari..
Orang muda (tidak terkecuali juga orang tua) selalunya terjebak dengan riak peristiwa yang palsu. Penantian dan mainan mereka amat banyak sekali sehingga ramai diantara mereka lupa bumi yang kita pijak ini keras dan tidak punya pandu arah. Bumi yang dipijak tidak menjanjikan kestabilan berpanjangan dan berterusan dan berkemungkinan retak itu memang ada dan akan berlaku bila bila. Ini terbukti dengan terjadinya peristiwa runtuhan tanah di bukit antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur.
Rahsia tersingkap di sebalik tabir hari. Di sebalik tabir hari tidak menjanjikan senyuman seseorang akan berterusan hingga kehari esok. Bagi mereka yang berfikir, melihat gelagat manusia yang beranika rupa dan perangai, mereka optimis, pelajaran tidak hanya dibangku sekolah, tetapi berlanjutan dimana jua kita akan berada.
Allah Yang Maha Besar lagi Mengasihani, terselit di setiap peristiwa adalah berupa pengajaran yang akhirnya mendedahkan rahsia sebenar di sebalik tabir hari..
Friday, December 26, 2008
Kehidupan dan Persepsi...No way out...
Katakan apa sahaja seperti:
Kita telah dibohongi,
Kita tersalah tanggap,
I suka sangat kat dia..
Ingatkan begitu, rupanya begini..
Indah khabar dari rupa,
I am not how I look,
You look like a crook,
Muka garang tapi hati baik,
dan lagi, dan lagi, dan lagi
dari hujung dunia ke hujung dunia yang lain,
ada sahaja yang hendak dikomen..yang pastinya kita mungkin tertipu atau diri kita menipu diri kita sendiri.
Whatever that is perception at its best...macam mana nak keluar dari kepompong persepsi ini? Kalau hendak keluar secara mendadak mana boleh? Tapi itulah kehidupan, semuanya bergerak secara perlahan...tapi yang penting ialah kita sentiasa sedar akan peranan persepsi ini.
Dalam ilmu pemasaran banyak dikupas pasal persepsi ini. Ini kerana ianya ada kaitan dengan penerimaaan jenama sesuatu barang atau perkhidmatan. Yang sebenarnya barang tak pernah menipu, tetapi pemikiran kita sebenarnya menipu. Ini kerana kita memiliki ciri kekyusukan yang melampau sampai lupa siapa diri kita yang sebenarnya.
Itulah persepsi. Itulah kehidupan. Memang ada jalan keluar...tapi tak semudah itu.. kata orang cinta itu buta. Kata P.Ramlee, apabila sudah suka, serba serbi indah belaka..haha
Till next time ye..?
Kita telah dibohongi,
Kita tersalah tanggap,
I suka sangat kat dia..
Ingatkan begitu, rupanya begini..
Indah khabar dari rupa,
I am not how I look,
You look like a crook,
Muka garang tapi hati baik,
dan lagi, dan lagi, dan lagi
dari hujung dunia ke hujung dunia yang lain,
ada sahaja yang hendak dikomen..yang pastinya kita mungkin tertipu atau diri kita menipu diri kita sendiri.
Whatever that is perception at its best...macam mana nak keluar dari kepompong persepsi ini? Kalau hendak keluar secara mendadak mana boleh? Tapi itulah kehidupan, semuanya bergerak secara perlahan...tapi yang penting ialah kita sentiasa sedar akan peranan persepsi ini.
Dalam ilmu pemasaran banyak dikupas pasal persepsi ini. Ini kerana ianya ada kaitan dengan penerimaaan jenama sesuatu barang atau perkhidmatan. Yang sebenarnya barang tak pernah menipu, tetapi pemikiran kita sebenarnya menipu. Ini kerana kita memiliki ciri kekyusukan yang melampau sampai lupa siapa diri kita yang sebenarnya.
Itulah persepsi. Itulah kehidupan. Memang ada jalan keluar...tapi tak semudah itu.. kata orang cinta itu buta. Kata P.Ramlee, apabila sudah suka, serba serbi indah belaka..haha
Till next time ye..?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Pengetahuan baru dapat juga difahami dari ungkapan kata `dakap.' Banyak lagu yang meggunakan istilah `dakap' seperti `dakapan senja.' Dakap membawa erti satu pegangan atau pelukan yang tidak bersifat aggresif tetapi penuh dengan emosi kasih sayang, tidak keras tetapi penuh dengan kelembutan. Ibu mendakap anaknya yang baru lahir dengan lenangan air mata kerana kasih ibu yang tidak berbelah bagi terhadap anaknya.
Dakap juga mebawa unsur terselamat dari marabahaya. Pabila dakapan begitu mesra dirasakan `dunia ini ana yang punya.'
Walaupun ungkapan dakap sentiasa diperkatakan, dalam perniagaan ianya merupakan indah khabar dari rupa. Ini kerana akitiviti pemasaran yang tidak ada atau tidak menampakkan substantif kemanusiaan dan kelahiran manusia yang tulen. Penuh dengan pura pura, so to speak. Indah iklan dari apa sebenar yang dijual. Ketampanan jurujual hanya untuk memikat dan apabila barang sudah dibeli barang adalah `hampas' yakni barang koman atau tidak menepati piawaian kata modennya.
Apa yang mendakap saya ketika ini saya sendiri tidak tahu. Tetapi dapat dirasakan didakap oleh perasaan yang halus dan dapat meluahkan ini semua.
Allah yang Maha Besar lagi mengetahui. Berusahalah supaya akhirnya kita dapat merasai dakapan dari Yang kekal dan Abadi, Yang Maha Esa dan Berkuasa terhadap Segala-galnaya tidak terkecuali Segala Rasa dan Perasaan.
Dakap juga mebawa unsur terselamat dari marabahaya. Pabila dakapan begitu mesra dirasakan `dunia ini ana yang punya.'
Walaupun ungkapan dakap sentiasa diperkatakan, dalam perniagaan ianya merupakan indah khabar dari rupa. Ini kerana akitiviti pemasaran yang tidak ada atau tidak menampakkan substantif kemanusiaan dan kelahiran manusia yang tulen. Penuh dengan pura pura, so to speak. Indah iklan dari apa sebenar yang dijual. Ketampanan jurujual hanya untuk memikat dan apabila barang sudah dibeli barang adalah `hampas' yakni barang koman atau tidak menepati piawaian kata modennya.
Apa yang mendakap saya ketika ini saya sendiri tidak tahu. Tetapi dapat dirasakan didakap oleh perasaan yang halus dan dapat meluahkan ini semua.
Allah yang Maha Besar lagi mengetahui. Berusahalah supaya akhirnya kita dapat merasai dakapan dari Yang kekal dan Abadi, Yang Maha Esa dan Berkuasa terhadap Segala-galnaya tidak terkecuali Segala Rasa dan Perasaan.
Sentuhan hati dan perasaan..
Di dalam satu satu peristiwa terselit satu perkara yang boleh menyayat hati dan menyentuh perasaan. Tak kiralah peristiwa itu besar atau remeh. Tak kiralah peristiwa itu ada kaitan dengan manusia atau bukan manusia. Sebagai seorang manusia yang memerlukan satu sama lain untuk segala keperluan, kita mesti pandai mengesan benda benda yang terselit dalam satu peristiwa dan di olah mengikut apa apa kepentingan tetapi hendaklah menepati rukun hidup yang aman dan damai. Jika kita antara golongan yang beriman kepada Allah, sentuhan hati dan perasaan adalah juga sentuhan yang boleh mendekat kan kita dengan Pencipta Yang Maha Agong ia itu Allah Subhanawataalla.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Asking questions or being dependent?
Psychologically I am without an answer. It just occur to me of category of individuals when comes to attitude in asking questions. Some are just without words despite having not seeing each other for so long. Don't care type or to him or her life is full of secrets. Or just heartless to anything. Life is just nothing. Life is only himself, not even wife, husband, or children.
Then comes the romantic type or the caring type, very dependent for something they already knew. For a friend who needs to occupy time, it is okay. A home can be a very happy home with this individual.
Then comes a person who ask for information as well asking questions for things he or she doesn't know. This category of individual is a person who wants to go forward and hate to be in a static position. To him or her it is either move or being removed.
Depending on individual needs, all those categories of individual are welcomed in life. But the one I am somewhat wary of is once the fear is eliminated after getting an answer, the one who has given him all the help he wants is forgotten for ever till....
I am a lecturer, and I have experienced life with all those category of students. But life without making mistakes is not experiencing life the proper way.
To err is human, to forgive is superhuman!
Then comes the romantic type or the caring type, very dependent for something they already knew. For a friend who needs to occupy time, it is okay. A home can be a very happy home with this individual.
Then comes a person who ask for information as well asking questions for things he or she doesn't know. This category of individual is a person who wants to go forward and hate to be in a static position. To him or her it is either move or being removed.
Depending on individual needs, all those categories of individual are welcomed in life. But the one I am somewhat wary of is once the fear is eliminated after getting an answer, the one who has given him all the help he wants is forgotten for ever till....
I am a lecturer, and I have experienced life with all those category of students. But life without making mistakes is not experiencing life the proper way.
To err is human, to forgive is superhuman!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Diskaun cinta..Ghosts roam the town..
KUALA LUMPUR: “Saya menempuh penceraian ini bagai menjalani hukuman mati. Apa yang berlaku adalah ketentuan Allah dan sudah tertulis dalam qada serta qadar-Nya. DERITA NORMAN
Can't help writing on Norman and Abby. They are created not equal. Too young and too `miang' to understand life. They perceive love on a wrong foot. Thus love to them is not 100%. It depreciates by the day. It has become a commodity that is given with a discount. Haha. Wonder, all the years together, they don't feel the wind blows, and the river flows and the music playing the songs of the heart. Love to them is just hugging and kissing and with lust let the body system works wonder when the bodies need to be one. Then comes the three children. The hugs should continue not with one but with four bodies but with a different, it is now with the heart and soul. But alas! Love of children remains, a heart-felt love, no substitute, no switching. But the love for the wife can be discounted and discarded. Because out there there is another cinta with another attractive discount.
Diskaun cinta...diskaun cinta..anybody?
Can't help writing on Norman and Abby. They are created not equal. Too young and too `miang' to understand life. They perceive love on a wrong foot. Thus love to them is not 100%. It depreciates by the day. It has become a commodity that is given with a discount. Haha. Wonder, all the years together, they don't feel the wind blows, and the river flows and the music playing the songs of the heart. Love to them is just hugging and kissing and with lust let the body system works wonder when the bodies need to be one. Then comes the three children. The hugs should continue not with one but with four bodies but with a different, it is now with the heart and soul. But alas! Love of children remains, a heart-felt love, no substitute, no switching. But the love for the wife can be discounted and discarded. Because out there there is another cinta with another attractive discount.
Diskaun cinta...diskaun cinta..anybody?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Fear rules the day..It unites, it divides.
Neighbours. Friends. Even your closest loved ones. In Stalin's Russia, everyone was an informer. And as a chilling new book reveals, one word from a resentful child was enough to send you to the firing squad.
Have you ever being presented with a list of characteristics possessed by a successful person? Being a follower of those list, you might go all out to buy a book that explains the characteristics own by known personalities. What is more interesting is that sometimes we forget our true self and thus the worshipping of those characteristics forgetting our qualities are being created equal. President-elect Barack Obama has been reading a lot on Abraham Lincoln who believes in diversity in opinion when comes to a discussion. This is reflected by the diverse background of his cabinet team. He even nominated Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the post of State Secretary despite the `clashes of titans' in the campaign before that.
Have you ever experienced sitting besides the so-called successful persons but fail to feel they are truly great? They are just there warming up the seat and dare not to venture into something that is more than just a smile. Judging from what the media says and written about them, the same individuals who sat beside you are hailed as truly great from characteristic A-Z. But why the silence and not even asking questions that portrays the characteristics in the mentioned list? Do they have the sense of curiousity?
For quite sometime, I have been bothered by the obvious discrepancies of books and realities. Not anymore. What I noted is that a person who is truly great rises himself beyond partisan of all sorts and of all kinds. He can become a man of the hour anytime he chooses to be one. He is nothing but a true, brave,and kind person at heart.
As for the individuals who sat besides me, they appear successful not because they possess all the characteristics required, but they have cunningly displaying the short-term behaviour of partisans at best. If they feel you are nobody, they just ignore you and only focusing on someone they are familiar or someone who has position socially.
The one and only characteristic that manifest in the pretender is fear. Fear is a characteristics that originates million of years ago. The gene of fear is real and can contribute to being good, being bad, or being evil. In other words our actions can be construed as primitive and barbaric, or modern. In each and everyone of us resides the gene of fear and what is feared it can become dominant and it rules the day. It also locks a person into a characteristic that does not allow us to be lighter and free as a bird. Instead it hardens by the day till something tragic happens and shall put the gene of fear away for ever. Till then, fear shall rule the day.
Students, by and large, exhibit the gene of fear which can make their life miserable.Their movements are being dictated by fear resulting in partisan of all sorts and kinds. Their movements are slow and dragging and appear lacks of direction. The university has laid out both academic and non-academic program in order to tap their potentials. Do they really care? We complain about inconsistencies display by the student failing to see what is reality and fantasies. We might be wrong in passing the judgement. They are indeed consistent in displaying their behaviour. Their likes and dislikes, love and hate, etc., etc., all centered around the word `fear.' They study hard for fear of failure, they run away from university because they fear of losing their boyfriend or girlfriend, and they are sick because they fear of not being able to manage things as expected of them.
What about those students studying at Harvard, Yale, and Oxford? Are they a different breed of people that defies the rule that has commonly associated with students in universities that have no ranking? And this also applies to leaders that comes from univeristies of lower ranking. Do they display the true spirit of leading the society they are entrusted with responsibilities? Or they too are just great pretenders?
Till I found out more on this topic, by and large, `fear still rules the day.'
For quite sometime, I have been bothered by the obvious discrepancies of books and realities. Not anymore. What I noted is that a person who is truly great rises himself beyond partisan of all sorts and of all kinds. He can become a man of the hour anytime he chooses to be one. He is nothing but a true, brave,and kind person at heart.
As for the individuals who sat besides me, they appear successful not because they possess all the characteristics required, but they have cunningly displaying the short-term behaviour of partisans at best. If they feel you are nobody, they just ignore you and only focusing on someone they are familiar or someone who has position socially.
The one and only characteristic that manifest in the pretender is fear. Fear is a characteristics that originates million of years ago. The gene of fear is real and can contribute to being good, being bad, or being evil. In other words our actions can be construed as primitive and barbaric, or modern. In each and everyone of us resides the gene of fear and what is feared it can become dominant and it rules the day. It also locks a person into a characteristic that does not allow us to be lighter and free as a bird. Instead it hardens by the day till something tragic happens and shall put the gene of fear away for ever. Till then, fear shall rule the day.
Students, by and large, exhibit the gene of fear which can make their life miserable.Their movements are being dictated by fear resulting in partisan of all sorts and kinds. Their movements are slow and dragging and appear lacks of direction. The university has laid out both academic and non-academic program in order to tap their potentials. Do they really care? We complain about inconsistencies display by the student failing to see what is reality and fantasies. We might be wrong in passing the judgement. They are indeed consistent in displaying their behaviour. Their likes and dislikes, love and hate, etc., etc., all centered around the word `fear.' They study hard for fear of failure, they run away from university because they fear of losing their boyfriend or girlfriend, and they are sick because they fear of not being able to manage things as expected of them.
What about those students studying at Harvard, Yale, and Oxford? Are they a different breed of people that defies the rule that has commonly associated with students in universities that have no ranking? And this also applies to leaders that comes from univeristies of lower ranking. Do they display the true spirit of leading the society they are entrusted with responsibilities? Or they too are just great pretenders?
Till I found out more on this topic, by and large, `fear still rules the day.'
Thursday, December 18, 2008
once upon a time million of years ago...
...and they have to live in fear ever after. That is when fear originates. It is normal if the fear is to discipline life the way it should be. We talk so much on other positive human characteristics but lacks the knowledge of its true tangible role of unity and unification. It still boils down to an unanswered questions of why, what, when, where of something indicating the yet to be discovered solutions to problems beset mankind and humanity.
to be continued...
to be continued...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Walla, it works...Congratulations..!
It is an art or it is a science? Is it based on the correct code or is it based on chance? I don't have the answer to your question. Well, I am sorry today is not your day. Congratulations, you have make it! Good luck, you have been chosen. I am, why? You have succeeded and with flying colours! Well, what did he say? He says yes! Oh my, I am sure he would not favour with what I am doing..What? You love me?
Those are expressions of life! Everybody have experienced it at some point in their life. But it all depends on what, when, how, and who. What about you? Has anyone ever said that to you? Could be all this time you have been pressing the wrong buttons. Change it!
To those who have been successful, congratulations!
Those are expressions of life! Everybody have experienced it at some point in their life. But it all depends on what, when, how, and who. What about you? Has anyone ever said that to you? Could be all this time you have been pressing the wrong buttons. Change it!
To those who have been successful, congratulations!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Urban heroes v.s Desert Heroes
Which life is easy? We still have that jungle fear in us despite living in a very much urban atmosphere. Haha. We are now and should be very much urban in everything and in knowledge, but still harbouring and displaying the jungle sentiments in strategies and tactics.
Far from a joke, many in the Mideast saw the act by an Iraqi journalist as heroic, expressing the deep, personal contempt many feel for the American leader (George Bush) they blame for years of bloodshed, chaos and the suffering of civilians.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Surging forward...splashing through
I am leaving behind a thought stigma that has long been sticking like leeches, surging forward and after splashing through mud and murky water. A sigh of relieve and higher sense of freedom erupts through my blood vein the moment daylight breaks after experiencing a long silence of walking in the daylight of darkness...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Natural Habitat and Remote Sensing..
The world is a vast area of land and seas. That is a common knowledge and can be remotely sensed by any human beings with the proper upbringing. The infinity and distances of the vast kingdom of what is beyond, and the mind and heart cannot see, are still miraculously explained by the common people and remotely sensed by technology. We can categorise it as knowledge of the `higher ground.' What about knowledge in the category of `lower ground?'
Despite the`vastness' of creations, surprisingly we have yet to deal and try to understand man in its common ground and common form, the intricacies of their relationship that does not explain the obvious sharing of elements in their natural habitat of needing water, electricity and the oxygenated air. They seem to have a remote understanding of the ties that can mutually bind human and humanity together. We remotely understand each other. A very sad situation indeed despite the so-called success in the field of science and technology.
And today I shall be attending an event that shall be attended by Minister, the Adun's, and other respected community leaders from the district. Since we are so used and confident in a remote control in controlling our TV program channel, but when dealing with real situation of interacting with other human beings in its natural habitat, my innate remote control seems to sense the event is still by and large control by knowledge in the category of `lower ground' so to speak. In other words, the `higher' rules of politics and politicians, the rules of local and culture inclinations , must be upheld at best, thus defying all the things I have said earlier. On occasion of this nature, do we still have to depend on remote control to go round? Ideally, no more technology, it is now left to the mind to take over and control the occasion. The distance does not require remote sensing anymore..but instead mind and mental sensing.. and that explains the true power in the natural habitat..and yet to be understood..!
Despite the`vastness' of creations, surprisingly we have yet to deal and try to understand man in its common ground and common form, the intricacies of their relationship that does not explain the obvious sharing of elements in their natural habitat of needing water, electricity and the oxygenated air. They seem to have a remote understanding of the ties that can mutually bind human and humanity together. We remotely understand each other. A very sad situation indeed despite the so-called success in the field of science and technology.
And today I shall be attending an event that shall be attended by Minister, the Adun's, and other respected community leaders from the district. Since we are so used and confident in a remote control in controlling our TV program channel, but when dealing with real situation of interacting with other human beings in its natural habitat, my innate remote control seems to sense the event is still by and large control by knowledge in the category of `lower ground' so to speak. In other words, the `higher' rules of politics and politicians, the rules of local and culture inclinations , must be upheld at best, thus defying all the things I have said earlier. On occasion of this nature, do we still have to depend on remote control to go round? Ideally, no more technology, it is now left to the mind to take over and control the occasion. The distance does not require remote sensing anymore..but instead mind and mental sensing.. and that explains the true power in the natural habitat..and yet to be understood..!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Miracle land...
As a Muslim, we must not believe in magic. As a Muslim, we must not say `it is a miracle.' Allah is Great. If Allah wants it to happen nothing can stop it from happening. That is considered the basic teaching of all Muslim's belief. But when `miracle' does happen, everything about belief in Allah seems to disintegrate. And then comes the uncalled for knowledge and theories of all sorts regarding this miracle and happenings. Checking into all sorts of books, shall unfold the stories of man's wrongful thinking and doing are the causes of their downfall and destruction, right from the greatest of king and kingdom, to the humblest of man in a hut. We just have to toe the line, Allah is Great and at all times seeking Allah's blessing when facing a `magic' and a `miracle.' Allahuakbar.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Time Tunnel of Focus and Taste..
Literally it changes everyday. Despite a long journey to nowhere but somewhere, we still have reasons to live and move on. Just love recalling the focus given when I was a small boy. What makes my day were the intense desire to wake up and cycle to school, the food at the school canteen, and after school, going out with friends to nearby river swimming till sunset! What a life! With all the experiences of the day, I would experience a good night sleep without any interruption in between. But I have another obsession of tuning to speech of political leaders in the radio. The speech was usually aired at night, and lots of time I have to give in to my father's `obsession' of news in the `warta berita.' If you want to call it a listening taste of that era, looking back, the elements that surround it were easy to explain. But how come life is so dragging at that time of my life? Anyway, that explains the tunnel and the time I live in, and there is no turning back. Now, here, I am picking up another obsession, another focus, writing something early morning. Wonder. Would there be new focus and new taste tomorrow..?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Cuti-cuti menulis...Jom..
Jom mari menulis. Buat apa tahan tahan kalau nak menulis. Tulis je apa nak tulis. Kalau nak menulis, jangan sangat fikir masa, hari dan keadaan. Nak tunggu apa. Tulis je. Dirasakan aku nie dijadikan otak bercakap. Apa yang terdengar dari otak aku, maka terjadilah satu penulisan. Yang tertulis bukan benda yang koman koman, semua bes bes belaka. Maknanya apa yang ditulis tu ada kualiti belaka. Cuti-cuti ini lagi banyak benda yang terdengar. Hendak hendak kalau dah terbaca blog orang lain. Macam-macam cerita. Macam-macam pose gambar. Gambar beginilah, gambar begitulah. Haha..Kalau nak ditulis semua yang terdengar,terpandang, terasa, dan terbaca, menulis hingga ke malam pun tak akan selesai.
Aku masih kurang faham dengan istilah `writer's block.' Aku faham secara literal ia itu ada masa otak kita blank maka tak ada ilhamlah, jadi tak ada apa nak ditulis. Tidak pula aku berasa begitu. Kalau dibiarkan jejari aku sentuh keyboard ini, maka dengan tersendirinya lah tulisan terjadi. Aku bukan berpandu kepada `writer's block' tapi berpandu kepada `keyboard block.' Haha. Kat ini saja..
Aku masih kurang faham dengan istilah `writer's block.' Aku faham secara literal ia itu ada masa otak kita blank maka tak ada ilhamlah, jadi tak ada apa nak ditulis. Tidak pula aku berasa begitu. Kalau dibiarkan jejari aku sentuh keyboard ini, maka dengan tersendirinya lah tulisan terjadi. Aku bukan berpandu kepada `writer's block' tapi berpandu kepada `keyboard block.' Haha. Kat ini saja..
Pandang keliling...tengok semua..baca semua...rasa semua..
Tentu tak boleh kan? Maka apa yang kita pandang, itulah kita. Apa yang kita suka baca, itulah kita. Begitu jugak dengan rasa dan tulis. Apa yang kita buat selalu tu, maka itulah kita. Orang putih mengteorikan benda nie sebagai `perception.' Di juruskan dari `selective awareness,' ` distortion,' dan kepada `selective attention' kita sebagai individu. Sebab itu ada orang tak boleh ditegur. Saya pun ada benda yang tak boleh ditegur. Benda tu dah sebati dengan diri kita, jadi apa nak buat. Ganjil kan? Tidak ada benda yang hendak diganjilkan. Dari setinggi tinggi orang ke serendah rendah orang, kesemua mereka adalah mangsa teori yang berunsurkan `selective' ini. Baru semalam saya terbaca kisah Presiden George Bush apabila di interview pasal penalokan Iraq, dia hendak berdiam diri je. Tak nak komen apa apa. Mengape ye..? Dan ada dia mengatakan bahawa separuh peristiwa yang berlaku didunia ini adalah misteri belaka. Dia seorang presiden dan dia juga tidak terkecuali dari menjadi mangsa pembentukan persepsinya. Jadi apa nak gadohkan kalau dia suka dia, dia suka itu, dan dia hendak itu. Orang lain orang lain. Maka diandaikan ada dua orang yang serupa, macam mana..?Ada dengar `theory of natural selection?'...kena berhenti kat sini dulu.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Is life a hidden wound..?
It would be easy if it is an open wound. Apart from the open and big side of cultural life, it is anybody's guess of the private and dark side. Much of it is due to the `wound' that is still being nursed to this day. It is a hidden wound indeed and despite of a happy social life with family, friends, and society, he or she still suffers alienation of one kind or another. It is indeed a closed book with a strange title. And nobody knows about the existence of the book till `something' happen. It could be marriage, riches, positions, or a disaster as in a massive landslide.
Citing the tragedy of Bukit Antarabangsa, it is very much a story of an open book. But there are still `secrecy' surrounding the tragic events. Why? Well, the issue of the lurking danger is an open issue, but a closed life and aggravated by the dark side of human existence could be the main contributor to the sad and tragic event! To say it in Malay, the cause is not because of `pergerakan tanah' but very much because of `pergerakan hati dan nafsu.' haha.
Citing the tragedy of Bukit Antarabangsa, it is very much a story of an open book. But there are still `secrecy' surrounding the tragic events. Why? Well, the issue of the lurking danger is an open issue, but a closed life and aggravated by the dark side of human existence could be the main contributor to the sad and tragic event! To say it in Malay, the cause is not because of `pergerakan tanah' but very much because of `pergerakan hati dan nafsu.' haha.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Big Heart. Big Sacrifices..Big Success.
That is what korban is all about...big sacrifices. In order to be successful, the sacrifices must be seen as big. The steps taken must be seen as literally seen as crossing another continent. In marketing for example, an ordinary product is being seen as undertaking a big sacrifice in showing itself in TV day and night. In the ordinary sense of the word, we are just buying an ordinary product. Where are the differences? It is all in the word `sacrifices.' With big money in doing the campaign the product is seen as doing extra work in order to be popular.
In terms of personal success, the stories go the same way. The effort must be seen as a big effort in order to be accepted as a truly successful person. A river feared because of the big flood it causes. So are the mountains that can be erupted into a volcano, is also revered and feared. In marketing we buy anything that has the element of big sacrifices. The customer wants to be seen as something in their buying effort.
Have you heard of community college? It symbolises small actions and small effort and thus it is not well remembered by the local people. Remember, we don't buy products, we buy sacrifices!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.
In terms of personal success, the stories go the same way. The effort must be seen as a big effort in order to be accepted as a truly successful person. A river feared because of the big flood it causes. So are the mountains that can be erupted into a volcano, is also revered and feared. In marketing we buy anything that has the element of big sacrifices. The customer wants to be seen as something in their buying effort.
Have you heard of community college? It symbolises small actions and small effort and thus it is not well remembered by the local people. Remember, we don't buy products, we buy sacrifices!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha...
To all Muslims, I wish them Selamat Hari raya Aidiladha , some called it Hari Raya Haji or Hari Raya Korban. Fear of death and fear of losing one's wealth has not being taken lightly by most people. The fear is real. But without the sacrifices, how could we find happiness. Not that many are being bestowed with this quality of sacrificing. But the teaching of Islam nurtures that value in the Muslim for without that we can't be one.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Big House but Think Small...
It is alright. We are not an expert in everything. In life we might be trying to reach for the sky, but unfortunately there are times we are not behaving rationally when trying to touch the ground. Thus the mystery is not in the sky but it is the ground that is full of mysteries!
Rescue workers at the massive landslide in Bukit Antarabangsa this morning. Four people have been killed and seven are still missing. Police will evacuate an estimated 5,000 residents from the area which has been cut off from the main road.
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 6 — Four people, including a mother, her two-month-old baby and maid, have been confirmed dead in a massive landslide early today that has trapped hundreds of residents in Bukit Antarabangsa. Police also said seven others are missing and 15 injured in the 4am landslide that swept and buried 14 houses in Jalan Bukit Mewah and Jalan Mewah Utama.
Being big and think small, being small and reach for the sky..
The thought is elusive. Nobody actually knows what goes inside us. If we don't tell (words and actions), we are just nothing to anybody. Marketing has the answer for this. They call it branding, packaging and promotion. The product can be a wonder. But if it is not being projected in a way that it should be projected, the product is just enjoying a life of an exclusive and seclusive self.
Therefore, it does not matter whether we are being small and think big, or being big and think small because in both situations a step should be taken at a time.
At a personal level, we must be a thinking self. A thinking self would attract another thinking self. If both are thinking small it is okay, because by virtue of two individuals with thinking self, they are by nature and organization are bigger than one thinking self.
In conclusion, success depends on three things. The three are thinking big or small, nature, and organization. Thus by being in the right place and at the right time, it can spell success for all the individuals and mankind.
Therefore, it does not matter whether we are being small and think big, or being big and think small because in both situations a step should be taken at a time.
At a personal level, we must be a thinking self. A thinking self would attract another thinking self. If both are thinking small it is okay, because by virtue of two individuals with thinking self, they are by nature and organization are bigger than one thinking self.
In conclusion, success depends on three things. The three are thinking big or small, nature, and organization. Thus by being in the right place and at the right time, it can spell success for all the individuals and mankind.
Friday, December 5, 2008
The smiles that reflect loneliness..
I smile. Everybody smiles. But not animals. Any thought on what it stands for? Have you ever heard of body language? Smiles represent a body language. But what language does it speak? It speaks only one language, that is language of loneliness. When somebody smiles, it does not last long, only for a while. What about the rest of the time? It is none other one and with one lonely self, whoever we are. Smile is a projection of the vast land we have been but without inhabitants except the lonely self. The sight of others give us a big relieve and thus the smile. I smile at what I have written. Why? After being so long on the road, at last I found the answer to a very lonely question. Why do we smile?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Life is a reflection...
It is a very broad statement indeed. But it could be magnified to a greater detail depending what is to reflect what. I for one would always wonder of the irregularities and discrepancies of life and even the whole world itself as to how and why things happen. One is heard as saying, `the shadow of life' which is somewhat similar to `life is a reflection.' Why not substitute it as `the shadow of our thoughts' which might explain what I am going say and write next.
I have been quite restless when comes to thinking that has the element of why and how. I am not going to sit still till I see a light that can thrust me into the so-called area that resides the answer to my restless thought. What we think and do and the outcome we might experienced are very much a reflection of those cognitive (thought) process, act and action.
I have been quite restless when comes to thinking that has the element of why and how. I am not going to sit still till I see a light that can thrust me into the so-called area that resides the answer to my restless thought. What we think and do and the outcome we might experienced are very much a reflection of those cognitive (thought) process, act and action.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Marketing and unchartered zone..
It has come to my notice, events do happen, but the differences are in what, when, why, and how. If you talk about the thrill in `makan,' I think the thrill is no longer there, unless `makan dalam kapal terbang' atau `makan sambil terbang', haha. Atau makan selepas kena di denda.
Sebenarnya apa yang nak saya cakapkan ada kaitan dengan bidang pemasaran dan juga ada kaitan dengan perjalanan hidup seseorang.Pasal pemasaran dulu ye..
Bidang pemasaran sebenarnya penuh dengan cerita lama tetapi lain masa, lain hari, lain waktu, lain tempat, dan lain duit menyebabkan baru itu jadi baru atau jadi lama. Cuba bayangkan keperluan seribu orang, dan mengambil kira apa yang saya sebutkan tadi, pasaran untuk barangan dan perkhidmatan amat terbuka dan luas sekali.
Bagi sesuatu kehidupan pula, seseorang itu sentiasa menginginkan perjalanan atau pengalaman yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai `unchartered zone' atau tempat yang tak pernah diteroka dan sudah tentu dinanti nanti jika ada peluang untuk mengalaminya buat pertama kali. Penerokaan ini tidak hanya berkaitan dengan kehadiran fizikal seseorang tetapi juga mencakup pengalaman keseluruhan deria kita.
Lantas menyedari hakikat tersebut, pengeluar akan berusaha mempelbagaikan perkhidmatan pengeluaran mereka kerana dimensi keperluan dan pemilikan tidak ada penghujungnya.
Itulah pemasaran dan itulah kehidupan. Always on the look out for something `new.'
Sebenarnya apa yang nak saya cakapkan ada kaitan dengan bidang pemasaran dan juga ada kaitan dengan perjalanan hidup seseorang.Pasal pemasaran dulu ye..
Bidang pemasaran sebenarnya penuh dengan cerita lama tetapi lain masa, lain hari, lain waktu, lain tempat, dan lain duit menyebabkan baru itu jadi baru atau jadi lama. Cuba bayangkan keperluan seribu orang, dan mengambil kira apa yang saya sebutkan tadi, pasaran untuk barangan dan perkhidmatan amat terbuka dan luas sekali.
Bagi sesuatu kehidupan pula, seseorang itu sentiasa menginginkan perjalanan atau pengalaman yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai `unchartered zone' atau tempat yang tak pernah diteroka dan sudah tentu dinanti nanti jika ada peluang untuk mengalaminya buat pertama kali. Penerokaan ini tidak hanya berkaitan dengan kehadiran fizikal seseorang tetapi juga mencakup pengalaman keseluruhan deria kita.
Lantas menyedari hakikat tersebut, pengeluar akan berusaha mempelbagaikan perkhidmatan pengeluaran mereka kerana dimensi keperluan dan pemilikan tidak ada penghujungnya.
Itulah pemasaran dan itulah kehidupan. Always on the look out for something `new.'
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