Saturday, December 20, 2008

Diskaun cinta..Ghosts roam the town..

KUALA LUMPUR: “Saya menempuh penceraian ini bagai menjalani hukuman mati. Apa yang berlaku adalah ketentuan Allah dan sudah tertulis dalam qada serta qadar-Nya. DERITA NORMAN

Can't help writing on Norman and Abby. They are created not equal. Too young and too `miang' to understand life. They perceive love on a wrong foot. Thus love to them is not 100%. It depreciates by the day. It has become a commodity that is given with a discount. Haha. Wonder, all the years together, they don't feel the wind blows, and the river flows and the music playing the songs of the heart. Love to them is just hugging and kissing and with lust let the body system works wonder when the bodies need to be one. Then comes the three children. The hugs should continue not with one but with four bodies but with a different, it is now with the heart and soul. But alas! Love of children remains, a heart-felt love, no substitute, no switching. But the love for the wife can be discounted and discarded. Because out there there is another cinta with another attractive discount.

Diskaun cinta...diskaun cinta..anybody?

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