Thursday, March 25, 2010

a safe haven..

The spelling is haven and not heaven. A haven is a place where you find shelter for example a port where ships find shelter from the cruel rough seas. And heaven is `syorga' a place where we want to go after death. I once pursued my Marketing degree at the University of New Haven, Connecticut. The well known Yale University is also located in New Haven. New haven carries the meaning of a new port for ships that roam the Atlantic ocean and want to find shelter from the rough seas and the pirates. Fear for their life they sail to a safe haven docking their ship for a week or two.

In marketing a haven is being understood physically as well as psychologically. A product purchased by some one might be seen as a haven to one's big ego of wanting to `rule and conquer'. But the acceptable meaning to me and in its `logical' form it should be regarded as a safe haven to everything that include the family and the community at large. Are you then being regarded as a `safe haven' to others?

1 comment:

HambaMaya said...

pergh, hensem gila prof dulu... hohohoho...